To play an official match in the Small Size League, four impartial roles must be filled:
通常、これらの役割は、試合に出場していない2チームによって行われる。1チーム目は主審とgame controller operator を、2チーム目は副審とvision expertを担当する。これらの役割は組織委員会によって割り当てられる。
Usually, these roles are filled by two non-playing teams, with one team providing the referee and the game controller operator and the other team providing the assistant referee and the vision expert. The assignment of the roles is up to the organizing committee.
Every participating team is required to be able to provide enough people who are familiar with these roles.
Each match is controlled by the referee. He has full authority to enforce the rules of the Small Size League in connection with the match to which he has been appointed. The referee is encouraged to use the designated walking area next to the field (see Field Setup).
The referee is assisted by the automatic referee software. The human referee is allowed to override any decision made by the automatic referee software.
The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play are final. The referee may only change a decision on realizing that it is incorrect or, at his discretion, on the
advice of an assistant referee, provided that he has not restarted play.
The rules do not define all circumstance and their consequences in every detail.
The referee is thus advised to judge in an adequate way, if the rules are not explicit.
The usual procedure is to issue a warning on the first occurrence and an Unsporting Behavior on repetition.
The referee is not held liable for any kind of injury suffered by an official or spectator, any damage to property of any kind nor any other loss suffered by an individual, club, company, association, or other body.
The robot handler is the only team member that may talk to the referee.
The referee ensures a safe match for all humans and robots -
The referee ensures a fair match according to the rules of the Small Size League -
The referee ensures that there is no interference by unauthorized persons or team members -
主審か副審はキックオフやペナルティーキック (ディヴィジョンA)もしくは試合の停止(ディヴィジョンB)の時にボールを配置する。その後、主審は試合を再開する。
The referee or assistant referee places the ball for kick-offs and penalties (division A) or after every stoppage (division B). Subsequently, the referee resumes the match -
The referee ensures that the game is started and resumed in time
The assistant referee supports the referee wherever he can. He is encouraged to use the designated walking area next to the field, opposite the referee.
No team members are allowed to talk to the assistant referee.
The assistant referee indicates when misconduct or any other incident has occurred out of the view of the referee -
The assistant referee discusses unclear situations with the referee -
The referee or assistant referee places the ball for kick-offs and penalties (division A) or after every stoppage (division B)
競技中、game controller operatorは主審、オートレフと各チームのソフトウェアの間のインターフェースとなるgame controller softwareを使用する。
During a match, the game controller operator uses the game controller software as an interface between the referee, the automatic referee and the team software.
ハンドラーがロボットの交代をする時を除いて、いかなるチームメンバーもgame controller operatorと会話することは許可されない。
No team members are allowed to talk to the game controller operator, except the robot handler for robot substitution intents.
game controller operatorはgame controllerを試合前に設定する
The game controller operator configures the game controller before the game begins -
game controller operatorは主審からの合図をgame controllerに入力する
The game controller operator enters the signals of the referee into the game controller -
game controller operatorは注意を必要とするあらゆるゲームイベントログ(オートレフによる検出や試合の経過時間など)を監視し、主審に通知する
The game controller operator watches the game event log for any events that need attention, like detections of an automatic referee or elapsed timers and notifies the referee
(訳者注記)日本では一般的に「レフボ」と呼称されることが多い。これは、同様の機能を持った旧世代のソフトウェアである「ssl-refbox」、およびその操作担当である「refbox operator」(2018年の大会をもって廃止)に由来する。 |
競技中、Vision Expertはフィールドの共有Visionシステムを担当する。
During a match, the vision expert is in charge of the shared vision system on the field.
Visionに大きな問題が発生した場合を除いて、チームメンバーは一般的にVision Expertに対して話しかけない事を推奨する。
Team members are generally advised not to talk to the vision expert, unless they experience major vision problems.
Vision expertはVisionのハードウェアをチェックし、あらゆる種類のハードウェアの問題を技術委員会に報告する。
The vision expert checks the vision hardware and reports any kind of hardware problems to the technical committee -
Vision expertは試合中に共有Visionシステムを監視し、あらゆる種類の問題を主審に即座に報告する。
The vision expert monitors the shared vision system during the match and reports any kind of problems to the referee instantly -
主審が必要であると考えた場合には、Vision expertはVision systemを再キャリブレーションする。
The vision expert recalibrates the vision system if the referee deems it necessary
(訳者注記)日本では一般的に「ビジョン」と呼称されることが多い。Visionソフトウェアそのものと混同される懸念があるが、Vision Expertが呼ばれるということはVisionソフトウェアに異常がある場合が大半であり、運用する上で支障があることはあまりない。 |
Before the start of the match, every team has to designate one robot handler. The robot handler represents the team during the match.
The robot handler helps preparing the match. -
The robot handler asks the referee for timeouts if necessary. -
The robot handler can substitute a robot during game play. -
ハンドラーは次のStop Game時にロボットを交代する許可を主審に要求し、主審が許可した場合はロボットを交代する。
The robot handler asks the referee for the permission to substitute a robot in the next stoppage and, if the referee agrees, substitutes the robot. -
The robot handler voices concerns of the team (for example network issues or vision problems).
All people that fill a role in the match (impartial or team-specific) have to be ready at least 10 minutes before the start of the match to allow the referee to make the following preparations:
The referee obtains a game result sheet from the organizing committee. After the game, the referee fills in the final score, collects the required signatures and submits the sheet to the organizing committee.
The referee asks the robot handlers of the teams about their preferred team color (either blue or yellow). If the teams agree on a color assignment, the colors will be used for the entire match.
However, if both teams prefer the same color, the referee assigns the colors by chance. In this case, the teams switch the colors after the first half of the match as well as after the first half of the overtime if applicable.
主審は両チームのハンドラーにどのロボットをキーパーとして使用するつもりなのか確認し、game controller operatorに情報を連絡する。
The referee asks both robot handlers which robot they will use as the keeper and forwards this information to the game controller operator.
The keeper id can be changed anytime during the game if the ball is either out of play or in the opponent’s field half by:
Game controllerのネットワークインターフェースを利用する
Using the game controller network interface -
game controller operatorに、game controllerで設定されているキーパーのIDを変更するよう依頼する。Game controller operatorは、ボールが適切な位置に来るまでキーパーのIDを変更してはならない。
Asking the game controller operator to change it in the game controller. The game controller operator must not change the keeper id until the ball is at a valid position.
チームは、要件を満たした時にのみ変更を要請する必要がある。Game controller operatorはルールを尊守する必要がある。 Teams should only ask for a change once the requirements are met. The game controller operator is responsible for complying to the rules. |
もしチームがキーパーを使用したくない場合、フィールド上に存在しないロボットのIDを選択すること。 If a team does not want to use a keeper, it may select the id of a robot that is not on the field. |
An official match of the Small Size League consists of the following stages:
Game Stage | 期間/Duration |
前半戦 |
300秒の競技時間 |
ハーフタイム |
300秒の休憩 |
後半戦 |
300秒の競技時間 |
If the match is an elimination match (draw is not a possible outcome) and the score is even after the regular game time, the match goes into overtime and the following game stages are added:
ゲームステージ / Game Stage | 期間 / Duration |
延長戦前の休憩 |
300秒の休憩 |
延長前半戦 |
150秒の競技時間 |
延長戦ハーフタイム |
120秒の休憩 |
延長後半戦 |
競技時間は150秒 |
If the score is even after overtime has been played, the following stages are added:
ゲームステージ / Game Stage | 期間 / Duration |
シュートアウトの準備 |
120秒の休憩 |
無制限 |
The match timer is paused whenever no team is allowed to manipulate the ball. This includes stop, halt and the preparation states of kick-off and penalty kick. Additionally, it is paused during ball placement.
この結果、試合に必要な時間は競技時間よりもはるかに長くなる。 As a result, the time needed for a match is much greater than the playing time. |
The robot handler has to ask the referee for a timeout. Timeouts are handled like breaks, meaning that both teams are allowed to make modifications to their software and hardware (see Autonomy).
Any robot that has been physically interacted with during a timeout must be taken out of the field. It can be brought in again, also during the same timeout, via the area outlined in Robot Substitution.
どちらのチームも競技開始から4回までのタイムアウトが割り当てられている。すべてのタイムアウトの合計は300秒まで許されている。タイムアウトはstop game中のみ取得することができる。時間はgame controller operatorによって監視と記録がされている。
Each team is allocated 4 timeouts at the beginning of the match. A total of 300 seconds is allowed for all timeouts. Timeouts may only be taken during a game
stoppage. The time is monitored and recorded by the game controller operator.
例えば、1チームが60秒間のタイムアウトを3回取得していたら、残りはあと120秒間で1回のタイムアウトしか取得できない。 For example, a team may take 3 timeouts of 60 seconds duration and thereafter have only one timeout of up to 120 seconds duration. |
During overtime, both teams can use 2 timeouts with a total time of 150 seconds. The number of timeouts and the time not used in regular game are not added.
Before the shoot-out stage, when a team manages to shoot 10 goals,
the match is automatically terminated as soon as the goal difference is greater than one and
the team with more goals is declared the winner.
単純化するため、このルールは全ての試合に適用される。 During the group phase, the number of goals scored is used as tie-breaker, so the absolute number of goals matter for overall scoring. The rule applies to all game types for simplicity. |