diff --git a/@kindspells/astro-shield/e2e/e2e.test.mts b/@kindspells/astro-shield/e2e/e2e.test.mts
index 8c9e138..82084fe 100644
--- a/@kindspells/astro-shield/e2e/e2e.test.mts
+++ b/@kindspells/astro-shield/e2e/e2e.test.mts
@@ -551,4 +551,42 @@ describe('middleware (hybrid 3)', () => {
+ it('does not "validate" sri signatures for cross-origin scripts that are not in the allow list', async () => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/injected/`)
+ const cspHeader = response.headers.get('content-security-policy')
+ assert(cspHeader !== null)
+ assert(cspHeader)
+ const scriptDirective = cspHeader
+ .split(/;\s*/)
+ .filter(directive => directive.startsWith('script-src'))[0]
+ assert(scriptDirective)
+ // This hash belongs to an allowed script that included its integrity
+ // attribute as well (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.slim.min.js).
+ assert(
+ scriptDirective.includes(
+ 'sha256-kmHvs0B+OpCW5GVHUNjv9rOmY0IvSIRcf7zGUDTDQM8=',
+ ),
+ )
+ // This hash belongs to an allowed script that did not include its
+ // integrity attribute (https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.13.2/jquery-ui.min.js).
+ assert(
+ scriptDirective.includes(
+ 'sha256-lSjKY0/srUM9BE3dPm+c4fBo1dky2v27Gdjm2uoZaL0=',
+ ),
+ )
+ // The MOST IMPORTANT assertionf of this test:
+ // This hash belongs to the script that is "injected" in the page
+ // (more precisely, that is not in the allow list)
+ assert(
+ !scriptDirective.includes(
+ 'sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=',
+ ),
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/@kindspells/astro-shield/src/core.mjs b/@kindspells/astro-shield/src/core.mjs
index e9615c0..7490c9e 100644
--- a/@kindspells/astro-shield/src/core.mjs
+++ b/@kindspells/astro-shield/src/core.mjs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export const generateSRIHash = data => {
* @typedef {(
- * hash: string | null,
+ * hash: string,
* attrs: string,
* setCrossorigin: boolean,
* content?: string | undefined,
@@ -57,23 +57,22 @@ export const generateSRIHash = data => {
/** @type {ElemReplacer} */
const scriptReplacer = (hash, attrs, setCrossorigin, content) =>
- ``
/** @type {ElemReplacer} */
const styleReplacer = (hash, attrs, setCrossorigin, content) =>
- ``
/** @type {ElemReplacer} */
const linkStyleReplacer = (hash, attrs, setCrossorigin) =>
- ``
-const srcRegex = /\s+(src|href)\s*=\s*("(?.*?)"|'(?.*?)')/i
const integrityRegex =
const relStylesheetRegex = /\s+rel\s*=\s*('stylesheet'|"stylesheet")/i
@@ -85,6 +84,7 @@ const getRegexProcessors = () => {
t2: 'scripts',