Scaling Risk Analysis with reproducible notebooks (SIRACon 2019 Cincinnati)
What is GRC? Explaining the current landscape
A modern reporting toolchain: RMarkdown with containers (R user group Portland)
Serverless Egress without Cold Start (AWS Portsmouth User Group
Redefining collaboration norms as your company grows (DevOpsDays Boston 2016 Keynote)
Containers in Regulated Environments (Container Days Boston)
Safeguarding Sensitive Data in the Cloud (SPAN Conf London)
Minimizing Misery in Regulated Environments (AutomaCon Hack Day Portland)
Overcoming Regulatory Burden in Startups (DevOpsDays Boston 2015)
Observability, the new incompetence. Part 1: open your eyes (Portland Maine Ruby Meetup 2013)
A Cloud on My Desk: reducing complexity using open source tools (OSEHRA Open Source Summit 2013)