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Deploy Settings

Kim Oliver Drechsel edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 32 revisions

Deployment configuration file

The deployment configuration file must be placed in the root/base directory of your repository and named one of the following:

  • .doco-cd.yaml
  • .doco-cd.yml


DEPRECATED: These file names are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the new file names above instead.

  • .compose-deploy.yaml
  • .compose-deploy.yml

Deployment Settings

The docker compose deployment can be configured inside the deployment configuration file using the following settings:


Settings without a default value are required.

Key Type Description Default value
name string Name of the deployed stack / project / application.
reference string Git reference to the deployment, e.g. branch refs/heads/main or tag refs/tags/v1.0.0 refs/heads/main
working_dir string The working directory for the deployment. .
compose_files array of strings List of docker-compose and overwrite files to use (in descending order, first file gets read first and following files overwrite previous configs). Unknown/Non-existing files get skipped. [compose.yaml, compose.yml, docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml]
remove_orphans boolean Remove containers for services that are not (or no longer) defined in the Compose file. true
force_recreate boolean Forces the recreation/redeployment of containers even if the configuration has not changed. false
force_image_pull boolean Always pulls the latest version of the image tags you've specified if a newer version is available. false
timeout number The time in seconds to wait for the deployment to finish before timing out. 180

Build settings

The following settings can be used to build docker images before deployment:

Specify all build settings in a nested build_opts object (See example) in the deployment configuration file.

Key Type Description Default value
force_image_pull boolean Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image false
quiet boolean Quiet suppresses the build output false
args map of strings A map of build-time arguments to pass to the build process null
no_cache boolean Disables the use of the cache when building images false

Multiple deployments


since v0.11.0

Multiple deployments can be configured in a single deploy config file by specifying multiple yaml documents (separated by ---).

name: app1
working_dir: app1
name: app2
working_dir: app2
timeout: 600
name: app3
working_dir: app3
  - custom.yml

Further examples can be found in the examples section below.

Multiple deployment targets


since v0.12.0

You can specify multiple deployment target configurations in a mono-repo style setup using the application's dynamic webhook path. This allows you to deploy to different targets/locations from a single repository.

If a webhook payload gets sent to a custom path suffix /v1/webhook/<custom_name>, the application will look for a deployment configuration file with the same pattern in its name .doco-cd.<custom_name>.yaml.

Example settings usage

With default values

When using the default values, most settings can be omitted.

name: some-project

With custom values

name: some-project
reference: refs/heads/other-branch
working_dir: myapp/deployment
  - prod.compose.yml
  - service-overwrite.yml

With build settings

name: some-project
  force_image_pull: true
    BUILD_DATE: 2021-01-01
    VCS_REF: 123456
  no_cache: true

Multiple deployments in same directory

name: gitea
  - gitea.yml
name: paperless-ngx
  - paperless.yml
  - paperless-overwrite.yml

Multiple deployments in sub-directories

name: gitea
working_dir: gitea
name: paperless-ngx
working_dir: paperless-ngx
  - docker-compose.yml
  - docker-compose.overwrite.yml
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