# authenticate securely through your web browser $ rhoas login # create a Kafka instance $ rhoas kafka create my-kafka-cluster # create a service account and save credentials to a JSON file $ rhoas serviceaccount create -o json # connect your Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster to a service $ rhoas cluster connect
rhoas cluster - View and perform operations on your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
rhoas completion - Outputs command completion for the given shell (bash, zsh, or fish)
rhoas decision - Create, view, use, and manage your Decision instances
rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Apache Kafka instances
rhoas login - Log in to RHOAS
rhoas logout - Log out from RHOAS
rhoas serviceaccount - Create, list, describe, delete and update service accounts
rhoas status - View the status of all currently used services
rhoas whoami - Print current username