This workflow takes a BAM/CRAM file, runs VerifyBamID, then runs Sentieon Haplotyper and CollectVCMetrics.
The input BAM/CRAM file can either be a BQSR-recalibrated file or a pre-recalibration file with an accompanying recalibration table provided in the recal_table input.
This pipeline was made possible thanks to significant software and support contributions from Sentieon. For more information on our collaborators, check out their website:
- Sentieon:
- Sentieon:
gvcf: The germline variants calls in VCF format gvcf_calling_metrics: Detail and summary metrics about the gVCF verifybamid_output: If not provided by the user, the workflow will output verifybamid's selfSM file
- For contamination input, either populate the
field or provide the three contamination files:contamination_sites_bed
, andcontamination_sites_ud
. Failure to provide one of these groups will result in a failed run. - Suggested reference inputs (available from the Broad Resource Bundle):
- contamination_sites_bed: Homo_sapiens_assembly38.contam.bed
- contamination_sites_mu:
- contamination_sites_ud: Homo_sapiens_assembly38.contam.UD
- dbsnp_vcf: Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.vcf
- reference_tar: Homo_sapiens_assembly38.tgz
- wgs_calling_interval_list: wgs_coverage_regions.hg38.interval_list
- wgs_evaluation_interval_list: wgs_evaluation_regions.hg38.interval_list
- The input for the reference_tar must be a tar file containing the reference
fasta along with its indexes. The required indexes are
and are generated by bwa, picard, and samtools. Additionally, an.64.alt
index is recommended. - If you are making your own bwa indexes make sure to use the
flag to obtain the.64
version of the indexes. Indexes that do not match this naming schema will cause a failure in certain runner ecosystems. - Should you decide to create your own reference indexes and omit the ALT index file from the reference, or if its naming structure mismatches the other indexes, then your alignments will be equivalent to the results you would obtain if you run BWA-MEM with the -j option.