- Create a Twitter Account from your University email address (e.g. [email protected]). For more details, please visit
Note: Creating the developer account using a normal email (e.g. [email protected]) will take huge amount of time for verification of the emails.
Please verify your account by doing the first tweet from your account. Please share your message on joining University and use hashtag
Now it's a time for creating a twitter developer account. Please sign in to your twitter account and go to step 4
Go to then see on the top right and click on Create an app and it will say you 'Please apply for a Twitter developer account', please click on Apply.
Now it will ask you "What is your primary reason for using Twitter developer tools?". Please choose "Student" option.
It will ask you to verify your self by saying "This is you, right?" and please add a valid phone number. It will ask you a few other questions as well such as What country do you live in? What would you like us to call you?. Please fill this all and click next.
On the next page it will ask you "How will you use the Twitter API or Twitter data?" There will be several questions and each question has a word limit, so please try to answer correctly that you are going to use this app for doing sentiment analysis project during 1st year of your bachelor's degree.
My answers as follows:
- In your words: In English, please describe how you plan to use Twitter data and/or APIs. For students and teachers, please include the name of the school, the name of the instructor and the course number (if available). The more detailed the response, the easier it is to review and approve.
My answer: I am an student at the University of Mumbai (K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering & Information Technology)and studying in the department of computer science. I am going to use this data to implement Twitter Sentiment Analysis using machine learning.
Are you planning to analyze Twitter data? My answer:
Please describe how you will analyze Twitter data including any analysis of Tweets or Twitter users. My answer:
I am going to use machine learning and natural language processing in Python to analyse real-time tweets.
Will your app use Tweet, Retweet, like, follow, or Direct Message functionality?
My answer: Yes
- Please describe your planned use of these features.
My answer: I am going to implement Machine Learning and NLP and if needed in my project I will also analyse the tweet and retweet.
- Do you plan to display Tweets or aggregate data about Twitter content outside of Twitter?
My answer: Yes
- Please describe how and where Tweets and/or data about Twitter content will be displayed outside of Twitter.
My answer: Yes, I am going to use data aggregated data and summary in my project report with my group and we will use the number in the project presentation.
- Will your product, service or analysis make Twitter content or derived information available to a government entity?
My answer: No
Please, press next and click on "Looks good" button on the right bottom of the screen.
Please accept the agreement and submit the application.
Please wait for an email and once received please verify your account.
Now after verification, it will display a message "#Welcome to the Twitter Developer Platform". Now, please choose a name for your app and generate the key.
Now you can close your web page and you can visit back anytime "". To get your keys, please follow the instructions:
- On the right top click on "Developer Portal"
- Now on the middle of the web page you will find your app name and a key symbol, please check on the key symbol.
- Now you can generate your "API Key & Secret" and "Access Token & Secret"
- Please keep them safe and secure. These fours keys are important for us in doing sentiment analysis.