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2a2cddc · Aug 6, 2024


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File metadata and controls

308 lines (244 loc) · 10.6 KB


Netsuite-sdk-py is a Python SDK. It uses the SOAP client library zeep( for accessing NetSuite resources via the NetSuite SOAP web service SuiteTalk(, but hides the complexity from the SDK user.


$ pip install netsuitesdk 

Get Started

There are two ways to access a NetSuite account via web services:

  • Use token-based auth (TBA) (within each request). This is the mechanism supported by this SDK.
  • Use email, password, role and account id to login and start a session. This is not supported by this SDK

Token-based Auth

First, setup TBA credentials using environment variables.

# TBA credentials
export NS_ACCOUNT=xxxx
export NS_CONSUMER_KEY=xxxx
export NS_TOKEN_KEY=xxxx
export NS_TOKEN_SECRET=xxxx

The following snippet shows how to use TBA to initialize the SDK.

Note: By default the SDK implementation is using the wsdl version '2019_1', if you wish to use other than the default wsdl version, you can pass an optional wsdl_version. The wsdl_version should be in following format: 'year_version' eg. '2023_1' or '2022_2' etc.

import os
import itertools
import json
from netsuitesdk import NetSuiteConnection

def connect_tba():
    NS_ACCOUNT = os.getenv('NS_ACCOUNT')
    NS_TOKEN_KEY = os.getenv('NS_TOKEN_KEY')
    nc = NetSuiteConnection(
        #optional wsdl_version to use version other than '2019_1' 
    return nc

nc = connect_tba()

# Use get_all methods to get all objects of certain types
currencies = nc.currencies.get_all()
locations = nc.locations.get_all()
departments = nc.departments.get_all()
classifications = nc.classifications.get_all()
subsidiaries = nc.subsidiaries.get_all()
expense_categories = nc.expense_categories.get_all()
employees = nc.employees.get_all()
all_accounts = list(itertools.islice(nc.accounts.get_all_generator(), 100))
accounts = [a for a in all_accounts if a['acctType'] == '_expense']
vendor_bills = list(itertools.islice(nc.vendor_bills.get_all_generator(), 10))
vendors = list(itertools.islice(nc.vendors.get_all_generator(), 10))
vendor_payments = nc.vendor_payments.get_all()

data = {
  'accounts': accounts,
  'classifications': classifications,
  'departments': departments,
  'locations': locations,
  'currencies': currencies,
  'vendors': vendors,
  'vendor_bills': vendor_bills,
  'subsidiaries': subsidiaries,
  'expense_categories': expense_categories,
  'employees': employees,
  'vendor_payments': vendor_payments
with open('/tmp/netsuite.json', 'w') as oj:
	oj.write(json.dumps(data, default=str, indent=2))

# There are also generator methods to iterate over potentially large lists
for c in nc.currencies.get_all_generator():

# Get a specific object

# Post operation is only supported on vendor_bills, expense_reports, journal_entries and vendor_payments currently (see tests on how to construct vendor bill, expense report and journal entry)
vb = {...}

er = {...}

je = {...}

vp = {...}

### Upsert Files
file = open('receipt.pdf', 'rb').read()

created_folder =
        "externalId": 'new-folder',
        "name": 'Receipts'

uploaded_file ={
    "externalId": "receipt 1",
    "name": 'receipt.pdf',
    'content': file,
    'fileType': '_PDF',
    "folder": {
                "name": None,
                "internalId": 695,
                "externalId": 'new-folder',
                "type": "folder"

Remarks and possible errors regarding authentication

Note: NetSuite requires two-factor authentication (2FA) for all Administrator and other highly privileged roles in all NetSuite accounts. Instead, you can login with a non-highly privileged role or use token based authentication (TBA) with your requests. For TBA, see below.

If login fails, a NetSuiteLoginError is thrown.

For more information about NetSuite authentication, see: (

Integration Tests

To run integration tests, you will set both login and TBA credentials for an actual Netsuite account with the right permissions.

# TBA credentials
export NS_ACCOUNT=xxxx
export NS_CONSUMER_KEY=xxxx
export NS_TOKEN_KEY=xxxx
export NS_TOKEN_SECRET=xxxx

python -m pytest test/integration

Currently the code coverage is at 90%

To run integration tests on a newly added / modified file

python -m pytest -vv test/integration/; 

Code coverage

To get code coverage report, run this command:

python -m pytest --cov=netsuitesdk

<snipped output>
Name                                                   Stmts   Miss  Cover   
netsuitesdk/                                    4      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                                0      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                                6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/       7      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                                   90      9    90%   
netsuitesdk/api/                         6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                             10      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                    11      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                         17      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                              21      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                             6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                              34      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                      6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                        58      2    97%   
netsuitesdk/api/                                  23      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                                17      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                        41      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                               6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                             6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                                6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                            6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                              6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                               6      0   100%
netsuitesdk/api/                           55      1    98%  
netsuitesdk/api/                        46      1    98%   
netsuitesdk/api/                                21      0   100%
netsuitesdk/                                 68      0   100%
netsuitesdk/internal/                           0      0   100%
netsuitesdk/internal/                           305     79    74%   
netsuitesdk/internal/                          4      0   100%
netsuitesdk/internal/                        16      3    81%   
netsuitesdk/internal/                     2      0   100%
netsuitesdk/internal/                             40      4    90%   
TOTAL                                                    950     99    90%

To get an html report, run this command:

python -m pytest --cov=netsuitesdk --cov-report html:cov_html

We want to maintain code coverage of more than 90% for this project at all times.


Documentation can be found in the docs/_build/html folder (open index.html) and soon in readthedocs. For contributors: to build the documentation (cd to /docs and) run make buildapi as well as make html


We are actively accepting contributions. Please mail [email protected] if you wish to collaborate on this. (Please write test cases for new additions.)