- Link firebase Distribute
- Contact [email protected] for access to Firebase
Create an appbunlde
- Running the following at the command line:
flutter build apk
- Running the following at the command line:
Go to the Firebase Distribution and and upload your APK file
Download and Check if build is stable.
Update release notes and release to other testers.
Announce new build with release notes in Slack channel.
- Create sit-android branch from develop, any branch that starts with sit-android/. e.g., sit-android/2.3.0, sit-android/2.3.1
- Make sure version is correct. Will use current version in project. Build number will auto-increment based from firebase last build
- Push branch. This will trigger job in CircleCI.
- Wait to be uploaded in Firebase. Will auto add Engineers as testers.
- Check if build is stable.
- Update release notes and release to other testers.
- Announce new build with release notes in Slack channel.
- Link Google Play Console
- Contact [email protected] for access to Google Play Console
You go to the production page of the app on the Google Play Console
- Create an appbunlde
- Running the following at the command line:
flutter build appbunlde
- Running the following at the command line:
- Upload the build to beta testing
- Create release-android branch from develop, any branch that starts with release-android/. e.g., release-android/2.3.0, release-android/2.3.1
- Make sure version is correct. Will use current version in project. Build number will auto-increment based from firebase last build
- Push branch. This will trigger job in CircleCI.
- Wait to be uploaded in Google Play Console.
- Contact [email protected] for access to Developer & Appstore account
- Running the following at the command line for auto signing:
fastlane sync_signing_sit
fastlane sync_signing_prod
- Or you can setup manually
Running the following at the command line to sync your code:
flutter build ios --release --no-codesig
Open Xcode, export your IPA file & upload to Direbase Distribute
Download and Check if build is stable.
Update release notes and release to other testers.
Announce new build with release notes in Slack channel.
- Create sit-ios branch from develop, any branch that starts with sit-ios/. e.g., sit-ios/2.3.0, sit-ios/2.3.1
- Make sure version is correct. Will use current version in project. Build number will auto-increment based from firebase last build
- Push branch. This will trigger job in CircleCI.
- Wait to be uploaded in Firebase. Will auto add iOS Engineers as testers.
- Check if build is stable.
- Update release notes and release to other testers.
- Announce new build with release notes in Slack channel.
Running the following at the command line to sync your code:
flutter build ios --release --no-codesig
Open Xcode, and submit your app to app store
Download and Check if build is stable.
Update release notes and release to other testers.
Announce new build with release notes in Slack channel and wait for tester verify.
- Create release-ios branch from develop, any branch that starts with release-ios/. e.g., release-ios/2.3.0, release-ios/2.3.1
- Make sure version is correct. Will use current version in project. Build number will auto-increment based from firebase last build
- Push branch. This will trigger job in CircleCI.
- Wait to be uploaded
- Check if build is stable.
- Update release notes and release to other testers.
- Announce new build with release notes in Slack channel and wait for tester verify..