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68 lines (53 loc) · 2.9 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (53 loc) · 2.9 KB


now without a misleading project name

before the copyright police murder me, this project uses,, and parts of


you will need ffmpeg and imagemagick

first, dump the frames of the video you're going to convert

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=256:192 frame_%d.png

ffmpeg doesn't create a frame_0.png, so remember to put something there (watermark, copy of first frame, etc)

should the audio be out of sync, force the video into 30fps

ffmpeg -i ..\..\frames\input.mp4 -filter:v fps=30 ..\..\frames\frame_%d.png

then scale the frames afterwards

ffmpeg -i ..\..\frames\frame_%d.png -vf scale=256:192 ..\..\frames\frame_%d.png

for most videos (other than something like bad apple), you'll have to use dithering

magick mogrify -format png -colors 2 -type bilevel *.png

to prepare the audio data, run this command

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ac 1 -ar 8192 audio.wav

of course, it's possible to have a different frame speed and bgm frame speed for better audio, but that's an exercise for the reader

a thumbnail.bin can be grabbed from a flipnote by copying 0x600 bytes at 0xA0, but making a 0x600 byte file filled with zeros works too

config.ini stores various metadata for the generated flipnote. here's a commentated example

author=Khang                      ; utf-8 (sorry people who don't speak english) string (11 character limit)
filename=116AE34C2880B000         ; the last 2 parts of a flipnote filename, without the _
fsid=5473EB00A0BC70FA             ; the flipnote studio id that shows in your flipnote studio settings
partial_filename=BC70FA116AE34C28 ; basically just filename
use_bgm=true                      ; i don't think i need to explain this
frame_speed=8                     ; see
bgm_frame_speed=8                 ; ^
timestamp=1550776227              ; current unix timestamp

finally, run the executable on the directory where all of these files are stored

./dsiflipencode /path/to/files

most flipnotes encoded with this program should run fine on a custom flipnote player, such as

getting an encoded flipnote to run on a real dsi/3ds takes a bit more work though

  1. it needs to be signed with the correct private key (this program will not sign flipnotes for you, nor does it have the ability to)
  2. the flipnote will not load if it is too big (the program tries to point this out, but it might still load anyway)

it's also worth noting that flipnotes that won't load from the sd card might load from flipnote hatena

check out Bad Apple!! encoded with this tool!

discord: Khangaroo#5062

twitter: @Khangarood