Scenario 1: server's lock is based on AWS key, user's lock uses local key, no EDV
In this scenario, a key for the user's lock is created when the key store is created. That key is encrypted with an AWS key and stored in the server's DB. When a working key is created for the user, it is encrypted with that stored lock key. Before using, user's lock key should be decrypted with an AWS key.
participant User
participant KMS
participant AWS
participant Storage
User->>KMS: create keystore {controller}
KMS->>KMS: create lock key
KMS->>AWS: encrypt lock key
AWS-->>KMS: encrypted lock key
KMS->>Storage: save encrypted lock key
Storage-->>KMS: {key ID}
KMS-->>User: {keystore URL, root ZCAPs}
User->>KMS: create key {key type}
KMS->>KMS: create key
KMS->>Storage: get lock key
Storage-->>KMS: encrypted lock key
KMS->>AWS: decrypt lock key
AWS-->>KMS: decrypted lock key
KMS->>KMS: encrypt key with lock key
KMS->>Storage: save encrypted key
Storage-->>KMS: {key ID}
KMS-->>User: {key URL, public key bytes}
Scenario 2: server's lock is based on local key, user's lock uses Shamir-based key, working keys are stored in EDV
Key for the server's lock is stored in a local file and the path to it is specified in a startup flag or environment variable. When a key store is created, helper recipient and MAC keys for the EDV provider are created as well. They are encrypted with a key from the local file (server's lock) and saved to the server's DB. These keys are associated with a created key store to support EDV operations.
User's lock key is created on a fly using HKDF algorithm that expands the combined secret (from shares using Shamir Secret Sharing) into a symmetric key. That key is used to encrypt/decrypt the user's working keys stored in EDV.
participant User
participant KMS
participant DB
participant EDV
participant Auth as Auth Server
User->>KMS: create keystore {controller, EDV vault URL and ZCAPs}
loop for EDV recipient key, EDV MAC key
KMS->>KMS: create key
KMS->>KMS: encrypt key with server's local (master) key
KMS->>DB: save encrypted key
DB-->>KMS: {key ID}
KMS-->>User: {keystore URL, root ZCAPs}
User->>KMS: create key {key type, secret share}
KMS->>KMS: create key
KMS->>Auth: get secret share
Auth-->>KMS: secret share
KMS->>KMS: create lock key on a fly from secret shares
KMS->>KMS: encrypt key with lock key
loop for EDV recipient key, EDV MAC key
KMS->>DB: get key
KMS->>KMS: decrypt key with server's local (master) key
KMS->>EDV: save encrypted key
EDV-->>KMS: {key ID}
KMS-->>User: {key URL, public key bytes}