A fast caching mechanism for NodeJS applications
npm install --save cachelee
You can set some options for caching by giving it a setting object with the following possible properties:
Property | Value | Default |
limit | numeric | 1000 |
strategy | LRU/LFU | LFU |
cacheManager.cache(key, value) - add to cache with key and value. Note that the key could be anything (string, object etc.)
cacheManager.get(key) - get cached object by key. returns null of none existing
cacheManager.size() - get current size of the cache
cacheManager.maxSize() - get the max size set for the cache
cacheManager.setStrategy(strategy) - change the caching strategy. In this you have two possibilities: LeastRecentlyUsed (default) or LeastFrequentlyUsed. (see example below)
var cachelee = require('cachelee');
var cacheManager = new cachelee.Cache( { limit: 500,
strategy: cachelee.Strategy.LeastRecentlyUsed
// add to cache by cacheManager.cache(KET, VALUE);
cacheManager.cache('A',{value: 'A'});
cacheManager.cache('B',{value: 'B'});
cacheManager.cache('C',{value: 'C'});
// extract from cache by cacheManager.get(KEY);
var aObj = cacheManager.get('A')
You can also change strategy by: