Hookify is a serious opinionated alternative to Logify. Like Logify, Hookify ouputs a hooked version of each method contained in a header file provided by classdump utility but with the following differences :
- Hookify works with a custom logs method :
[LogTool logDataFromNSString]
This method allows you to take the control over your logged data. You can choose either to log your data into a file, in the console and/or simply change the log format.
- Hookify logs data at the begining of the hooked method AND also just before it returns.
Hookify logs >>>> [ClassName MethodName paramValue1 paramValue2...]
when a hooked method is called and <<<< [ClassName MethodName] return value (if any)
before it returns. This format is especially helpfull when you need to understand an app workflow.
The option -d (or --dir)
allows you to hook an entire directory of dumped headers. Because huge apps can contains more than 20K header files, hookify works with pattern matching as follow:
Using pre-made pattern:
You can use a pre-made regex option -p (or --pattern)
to filter classes responsible of either Encryption or Networking (and more to come) using -p crypto
OR -p network
python hookify.py -d ../mydirpath -p network
# OR
python hookify.py -d ../mydirpath -p crypto
Using a custom regex pattern:
-r (or --regex)
option allows you to filter classes using your own custom pattern.
python hookify.py -d ../mydirpath -r "([a-z_0-4]*)"
The -f (or --file)
option allows you to give a single file path to hookify.
python hookify.py -f ../myfilepath
In order to get a similar result as the output above, you'll have to copy past the following snippet in your tweak file (let's say your_tweak.xm
This is a small interface which allows your tweak to log each call with the right indentation at the begining and the end of each logified methods.
@interface LogTool: NSObject
@property int numberOfTabs;
+ (LogTool *)sharedInstance;
+ (void)logDataFromNSString: (NSString *)logContent;
+ (NSString *)prepend: (int)count string: (NSString*)toPrepend toString: (NSString *)originalString;
@implementation LogTool
+(LogTool *)sharedInstance {
static LogTool *sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedInstance = [[LogTool alloc] init];
// Do any other initialisation stuff here
sharedInstance.numberOfTabs = -1;
return sharedInstance;
+ (NSString *)prepend: (int)count string: (NSString*)toPrepend toString: (NSString *)originalString {
NSString *newString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@", originalString];
while (count > 0) {
newString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", toPrepend, newString];
return newString;
+ (void)logDataFromNSString: (NSString *)logContent
LogTool *logTool = [LogTool sharedInstance];
BOOL isBegin = [logContent containsString:@">>>> -"];
BOOL isEnd = [logContent containsString:@"<<<< -"];
NSString *toPrint = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@", logContent];
if (isBegin) {
logTool.numberOfTabs = logTool.numberOfTabs + 1;
toPrint = [LogTool prepend: logTool.numberOfTabs string: @">>>> " toString: logContent];
} else if (isEnd) {
toPrint = [LogTool prepend: logTool.numberOfTabs string: @"<<<< " toString: logContent];
logTool.numberOfTabs = logTool.numberOfTabs - 1;
} else {
toPrint = [LogTool prepend: logTool.numberOfTabs string: @"---- " toString: logContent];
NSLog(@"%@", toPrint);
Once it's done you can use hookify to generate hooked methods.
python hookify.py ./path_to_your_header_generated_with_classdump.h >> your_tweak.xm
Sample output in your_tweak.xm
+ (void)logMediaDownloadEventWithRequest:(id)arg1 response:(id)arg2 parameters:(id)arg3 {[logTool logDataFromNSString:@">>>> BEGIN - [SCAPIClient logMediaDownloadEventWithRequest]"];%orig;[logTool logDataFromNSString:@"<<<< END - [SCAPIClient logMediaDownloadEventWithRequest]"]; }
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(id)arg1 ofObject:(id)arg2 change:(id)arg3 context:(void *)arg4 {[logTool logDataFromNSString:@">>>> BEGIN - [SCAPIClient observeValueForKeyPath]"];%orig;[logTool logDataFromNSString:@"<<<< END - [SCAPIClient observeValueForKeyPath]"]; }
- (void)enqueueHTTPRequestOperation:(id)arg1 {[logTool logDataFromNSString:@">>>> BEGIN - [SCAPIClient enqueueHTTPRequestOperation]"];%orig;[logTool logDataFromNSString:@"<<<< END - [SCAPIClient enqueueHTTPRequestOperation]"]; }
You're all set! Now, go on XCode > Devices > [yourdevice] > Open Console
and all your logs will appear there.
Sometime we prefer to output logs into a file. Here is an example of interface which outputs logs directly in a file located at /tmp/filelog.txt
Note : this interface will not handle indentation but you can mix both examples for that ;)
// your_tweak.xm
@interface LogTool: NSObject
+ (void)logDataFromNSString: (NSString *)logContent;
@implementation LogTool
+ (void)logDataFromNSString: (NSString *)logContent
NSFileHandle *file;
NSData *data;
file = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath: @"/tmp/filelog.txt"];
[file seekToEndOfFile];
logContent = [logContent stringByAppendingString:@"\n------------\n"];
data = [logContent dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[file writeData: data];
[file closeFile];