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Upgrading from 3.0 to 3.1

Kevin Hill edited this page Jan 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Important Changes


Defining the element ID in which a chart will be rendered, has moved from the view into the controller. Instead of passing the element ID to the redner method, it is defined in the chart options.

The reason for moving this key piece of chart rendering, is many users have asked about rendering multiple charts in a view and it was tedious to create a loop, pull chart types, titles, and elementIDs to pass to the render method.

Since all information is defined ahead of time, and all charts are stored within Lavacharts, rendering multiple charts in a view is as easy as $lava->renderAll();

Old 3.0.x syntax:

// Controller
    $data = $lava->DataTable();
    $lava->LineChart('StockPrices', $data, [
        'title' => 'Github Stock Price'

// View
    $lava->Render('LineChart', 'StockPrices', 'stocks-div');

New 3.1.x syntax:

// Controller
    $data = $lava->DataTable();

    $lava->LineChart('StockPrices', $data, [
        'elementId' => 'stocks-div',
        'title' => 'Github Stock Price'
// View
    $lava->Render('LineChart', 'StockPrices');