Implement authentication by using certificates, forms-based authentication, or tokens Implement multi-factor or Windows authentication by using Azure AD Implement OAuth2 authentication
Review the How to use managed identities for App Service and Azure Functions. Focus on the C# code and how the services are wired up to each other
Know how to secure an App Service with managed identities using Key Vault Implement Managed Service Identity (MSI)/Service Principal authentication
- While having nothing to do really with Azure, you'll need to know how CBAC (claims based access control) is implemented in ASP.NET Core. Focus on the C# code and how a controller is secured.
- Same thing for RBAC for ASP.NET Core
- Quick review Policy-based authorization in ASP.NET Core
- For share access signatures (SAS), see the Develop for Azure storage / Develop solutions that use blob storage section
Know how to add Client Certificate for the .NET Core HttpClient. Focus on the API for the HttpClientHandler. A blob post example is here
Know how to set and retrieve a secret from Azure Key Vault using Azure CLI and .NET
Encrypt and decrypt data at rest and in transit Create, read, update, and delete keys, secrets, and certificates by using the KeyVault API