##Command Line
There are three commands you have to know which can meet all you needs.
Usage: fis-plus <command>
release build and deploy your project
server launch a php-cgi server
lights install install components and demos
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
--no-color disable colored output
###fisp release
fisp release is a very powerful command which can compile and deploy your code. It can meet a variety of front-end development needs with the appropriate parameter. Below is the output from fisp release --help
Usage: release [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-d, --dest <names> release output destination
-m, --md5 [level] md5 release option
-D, --domains add domain name
-l, --lint with lint
-t, --test with unit testing
-o, --optimize with optimizing
-p, --pack with package
-w, --watch monitor the changes of project
-L, --live automatically reload your browser
-c, --clean clean compile cache
-r, --root <path> set project root
-f, --file <filename> set fis-conf file
-u, --unique use unique compile caching
--verbose enable verbose output
###fisp server
fisp server command can start a small built-in server which can monitor your file changes. If you run php/smarty on your pc, make sure you have installed Java version >= 1.6 and php. After install Java and php, we can start the debug server, after the server starts, it automatically checks the environment, and finally tell you that port it is listening on:
$ fisp server start
checking java support : version 1.6.0
checking php-cgi support : version 5.2.11
starting fis-server on port : 8080
below is the output from fisp server --help
Usage: server <command> [options]
start start server
stop shutdown server
restart restart server
info output server info
open open document root directory
clean clean files in document root
install <name> install server framework
init initialize server framework
-h, --help output usage information
-p, --port <int> server listen port
--root <path> document root
--type <php|java|node> process language
--rewrite [script] enable rewrite mode
--repos <url> install repository
--timeout <seconds> start timeout
--php_exec <path> path to php-cgi executable file
--php_exec_args <args> php-cgi arguments
--php_fcgi_children <int> the number of php-cgi processes
--php_fcgi_max_requests <int> the max number of requests
--include <glob> clean include filter
--exclude <glob> clean exclude filter
###lights install
Lights is a front end package management tool which can make it exceedingly simple to find, install and keep packages up-to-date. You can install fis demo, modules and other resources through lights. Below is the output from lights --help
Usage: lights <command>
install install resource from lights
search search resource of lights
adduser add user of lights
publish publish resource to lights
unpublish remove resource to lights
owner change ownership of resource
config set or get config if lights
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number