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Keptn Trello Service

⚠️ This service is now deprecated and will no longer receive support / updates.

Author recommends you use the Trello webhook integration (found here [search for "trello"] ) as it is much more flexible

Alternatively, if you are Kubernetes native, use the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit instead.

This Keptn Service integrates Atlassian Trello with Keptn.

This keptn service creates cards on Trello boards when a keptn evaluation (sh.keptn.event.start-evaluation) is performed. The service subscribes to the following keptn events:


trello overview

Gather Trello Information

  1. Go to and make a note of your api-key.
  2. Click on the Token link and follow the wizard. Then make a note of your api-token.

trello keys

  1. Create a board and make a note of the board-id from the URL.

  2. Make a note of the (case sensitive) list name on your board. The keptn evaluation results will appear on this list. eg. ('To Do')

trello board details

Save Trello Details as k8s Secret

Paste your values into the command below (replacing ***) and save the Trello details into a secret called trello-details in the keptn namespace.

kubectl create secret generic trello-details -n keptn --from-literal=api-key='***' --from-literal=api-token='***' --from-literal=board-id='***' --from-literal=list-name='***'

Expected output:

secret/trello-details created

Install Trello Service

Clone this repository and apply the trello-service.yaml and trello-distributor.yaml file to install the service on to keptn.

kubectl apply -f ~/trello-service/trello-distributor.yaml -f ~/trello-service/trello-service.yaml

Expected output:

deployment.apps/trello-service-distributor created
deployment.apps/trello-service created
service/trello-service created

Verification of Installation

kubectl -n keptn get pods | grep trello

Expected output:

trello-service-*-*                   1/1     Running   0   8s
trello-service-distributor-*-*       1/1     Running   0   8s

Now start an evaluation and wait for the ticket to be created. Note: You must have your services tagged with keptn_deployment, keptn_project, keptn_service and keptn_stage.

keptn send event start-evaluation --project=*** --stage=*** --service=*** --timeframe=2m


A debug log is available in the trello-service pod at /var/www/html/logs/trelloService.log

kubectl exec -itn keptn trello-service-*-* cat /var/www/html/logs/trelloService.log

Compatibility Matrix

Keptn Version Trello API Version
0.6.1 v1

Contributions, Enhancements, Issues or Questions

Please raise a GitHub issue or join the Keptn Slack channel.