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File metadata and controls

143 lines (114 loc) · 8.41 KB


In this assignment you will practice using BRAMs by creating two different modules that instance a BRAM.

Synchronous FIFO

Create a module that implements a simple synchronous FIFO for ASCII bytes (this will be used with the UART). The ports of this module should be as follows:

Port Name Direction Width Function
clk Input 1 Clock
rst Input 1 Synchronous Reset
we Input 1 Write enable
re Input 1 Read enable
din Input 8 Data In
dout Output 8 Data Out
full Output 1 Indicates FIFO is full
empty Output 1 Indicates FIFO is empty

Your FIFO should be created by as follows:

  • Create a "write address" counter and a "read address" counter that indicate which address to write to and read from, respectively.
    • Every time a byte is written to the FIFO (i.e., when 'we' is asserted), the write address should increment by one. The address should roll over if you reach the limit.
    • You should read from the memory every clock cycle. Increment this address every time the re signal is asserted.
  • Perform a write to the memory when the we signal is asserted.
  • Create an 'empty' signal that is asserted when the read address is equal to the write address.
  • Create a 'full' signal that is asserted when the write address is one less than the read address.
  • You should ignore reads when the fifo is empty and you should ignore writes when the fifo is full.
  • Instance a RAMB36E1 primitive into your design using an 8-bit data bus. You will need to carefully read the details about this primitive in the 7 Series Memory Resources (UG473) (see page 25).
    • Make sure all inputs are wired up. Many inputs are not needed but every input should have a constant if it is not used.
    • Use the 'A' port for writing to the BRAM and the 'B' port for reading from the BRAM.
    • To configure each of the ports to 8 bits, set the READ_WIDTH_B parameter to 9 and the WRITE_WIDTH_A to 9.
    • Set the WRITE_MODE_A parameter to "READ_FIRST"
    • Connect the following ports appropriately. Make sure you connect all the bits of each of the port (see the datasheet for details):
      • DIADI and DOBDO (32-bit data ports)
      • ADDRARDADDR and ADDRBWRADDR (16 bits) It is tricky to hook up the address ports appropriately. Read the data sheet carefully to understand how to connect this port.
      • WEA (4 bit write enable).
      • ENARDEN

BRAM FIFO Testbench

Create a simple testbench that demonstrates writing a few bytes, reading/writing a few bytes, and the full/empty signals working properly. Use a SystemVerilog 'queue' to store the values of the FIFO so you can check that the order you write is the order that you read. Print a message each time an element is written to or read from the FIFO.

To simulate the RAMB36E1 primitive you will need to include the 'unisim' library in your simulation. This precompiled library contains all the simulation models of the Xilinx primitives. Follow these steps to include this library in your simulation environment:

  • Add the following line to your modelsim.ini file: unisim = /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2024.1/data/questa/unisim. Note that the path for this library is based on the computers in the digital lab. You may need to adjust this path if you are using a different computer.
  • Add the flag -L unisim to your vsim command in your simulation script. Create a makefile rule named sim_bram_fifo that runs this simulation from the command line.

BRAM FIFO Synthesis

After verifying that your FIFO works properly, create a makefile rule named synth_bram_fifo that synthesizes your FIFO design in the out of context synthesis mode (see the instructions on how to do this). Resolve any synthesis errors or warnings before proceeding with the next module. Make sure the synthesis log shows that one RAMB36E1 was allocated for your module. If you made any changes to your modules to resolve synthesis errors, rerun the testbench to make sure the module operates correctly.


Create a second module that implements a "ROM" that stores a set of ASCII characters that can be read out one character at a time. This module will be used to store a message sent over the UART. The ports of this module should be as follows:

Port Name Direction Width Function
clk Input 1 Clock
rst Input 1 Synchronous Reset
init Input 1 Return pointer to zero
re Input 1 Read enable
dout Output 8 Data Out
rom_end Output 1 Indicates the buffer is empty
Parameter Type Function
FILENAME string File name of the ASCII file to read

Design your module to operate as follows:

  • Create an "inferred" memory that is 8 bits x 4096 (i.e., don't instance the BRAM primitive but use the inferred memory in your HDL).
  • Provide a parameter that contains a file name that contains the data to be stored in the ROM. Create an initial block that performs this initialization.
  • Create a read pointer that indicates which address to read from
  • Increment this pointer every time re is asserted
  • Reset the pointer when init is asserted
  • Assert the 'end' signal when the value of the memory output is zero

BRAM ROM Testbench

Create a testbench that demonstrates the ability to read all the contents of the ROM until the end signal is asserted. Provide a couple of clock cycles between each read.

You will need to populate your ROM with a text message. Two text messages have been provided for you: fight_song.txt and declaration_of_independence.txt. These text files cannot be directly loaded into the memory using the readmemh command because they are ASCII files. I have created a python script,, that will convert these files into a format that can be read by the readmemh command. The following example demonstrates how to create a memory file that is readable by the readmemh command:

python3 fight_song.txt fight_song.mem -l 4096 -r

Create a memory file for both text files and add a parameter to your testbench to specify the default ROM contents. Configure your testbench to use the fight_song.mem file by default. Create a makefile rule named sim_bram_rom that runs your testbench with the fight_song.mem from the command line. Also, create a makefile rule named sim_bram_rom_declaration that runs your testbench with the declaration_of_independence.mem file.

BRAM ROM Synthesis

After verifying that your FIFO works properly, create a makefile rule for synthesizing your BRAM ROM in the out of context synthesis mode. The makefile rule should be named: synth_bram_rom and should synthesize the ROM with the fight_song file contents. Resolve any synthesis errors or warnings before proceeding with the next module. Make sure the synthesis log shows that one RAMB36E1 was allocated for your module. If you made any changes to your modules to resolve synthesis errors, rerun the testbench to make sure the module operates correctly.


The assignment submission steps are described in the assignment mechanics checklist page. Carefully review these steps as you submit your assignment.

The following assignment specific items should be included in your repository:

  1. Required Makefile rules:
  • sim_bram_fifo
  • sim_bram_rom
  • sim_bram_rom_declaration
  • synth_bram_fifo
  • synth_bram_rom
  1. You need to have at least 4 "Error" commits in your repository
  2. Assignment specific Questions:
    1. Create a table in your report that indicates the total number of primitives for each design based on the synthesis reports. The table listed below is an example of what you should include in your report. You will need to include all cells used in each of the two designs.