Adatum Corporation wants to implement custom monitoring of changes to a resource group.
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
Create an Azure logic app
Configure integration of an Azure logic app and an Azure event grid
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
User Name: Student
Password: Pa55w.rd
Exercise 1: Set up the lab environment that consists of an Azure storage account and an Azure logic app
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
Create an Azure storage account
Create an Azure logic app
Create an Azure AD service principal
Assign the Reader role to the Azure AD service principal
Register the Microsoft.EventGrid resource provider
From the lab virtual machine, start Microsoft Edge and browse to the Azure portal at and sign in by using the Microsoft account that has the Owner role in the target Azure subscription.
From Azure Portal, create a new storage account with the following settings:
Subscription: the name of the target Azure subscription
Resource group: a new resource group named az3000701-LabRG
Storage account name: any valid, unique name between 3 and 24 characters consisting of lowercase letters and digits
Location: the name of the Azure region that is available in your subscription and which is closest to the lab location
Performance: Standard
Account kind: Storage (general purpose v1)
Replication: Locally-redundant storage (LRS)
Network connectivity: Public endpoint(All networks)
Secure transfer required: Enabled
Data Lake Storage Gen2: Disabled
Note: Do not wait for the deployment to complete but instead proceed to the next task.
From Azure Portal, create an instance of Logic App with the following settings:
Name: logicapp3000701
Subscription: the name of the target Azure subscription
Resource group: the name of a new resource group az3000702-LabRG
Location: the same Azure region into which you deployed the storage account in the previous task
Log Analytics: Off
Wait until the app is provisioned. This will take about a minute.
In the Azure portal, in the Microsoft Edge window, start a PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell.
If you are presented with the You have no storage mounted message, configure storage using the following settings:
Subsciption: the name of the target Azure subscription
Cloud Shell region: the name of the Azure region that is available in your subscription and which is closest to the lab location
Resource group: the name of a new resource group az3000700-LabRG
Storage account: a name of a new storage account
File share: a name of a new file share
From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to create a new Azure AD application that you will associate with the service principal you create in the subsequent steps of this task:
$password = 'Pa55w.rd1234' $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -Force -AsPlainText -String $password $aadApp30007 = New-AzADApplication -DisplayName 'aadApp30007' -HomePage 'http://aadApp30007' -IdentifierUris 'http://aadApp30007' -Password $securePassword
From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to create a new Azure AD service principal associated with the application you created in the previous step:
New-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $aadApp30007.ApplicationId.Guid
In the output of the New-AzADServicePrincipal command, note the value of the ApplicationId property. You will need this in the next exercise of this lab.
From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to identify the value of the Id property of the current Azure subscription and the value of the TenantId property of the Azure AD tenant associated with that subscription (you will also need them in the next exercise of this lab):
Close the Cloud Shell pane.
In the Azure portal, navigate to the blade displaying properties of your Azure subscription.
On the Azure subscription blade, click Access control (IAM).
Assign the Reader role within the scope of the Azure subscription to the aadApp30007 service principal.
In the Azure portal, in the Microsoft Edge window, reopen the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell.
From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following to register the Microsoft.EventGrid resource provider:
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.EventGrid
Close the Cloud Shell pane.
Result: After you completed this exercise, you have created a storage account, a logic app that you will configure in the next exercise of this lab, and an Azure AD service principal that you will reference during that configuration.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
Add a trigger to the Azure logic app
Add an action to the Azure logic app
Identify the callback URL of the Azure logic app
Configure an event subscription
Test the logic app
In the the Azure portal, navigate to the Logic App Designer blade of the newly provisioned Azure logic app.
Click Blank Logic App. This will create a blank designer workspace and display a list of connectors and triggers to add to the workspace.
Search for Event Grid triggers and, in the list of results, click the When a resource event occurs Azure Event Grid trigger to add it to the designer workspace.
In the Azure Event Grid tile, click the Connect with Service Principal link, specify the following values, and click Create:
Connection Name: egc30007
Client ID: the ApplicationId property you identified in the previous exercise
Client Secret: Pa55w.rd1234
Tenant: the TenantId property you identified in the previous exercise
In the When a resource event occurs tile, specify the following values:
Subscription: the subscription Id property you identified in the previous exercise
Resource Type: Microsoft.Resources.resourceGroups
Resource Name: az3000701-LabRG
Event Type Item - 1: Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess
Event Type Item - 2: Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess
Click Add new parameter and select Subscription Name
In the Subscription Name text box, type event-subscription-az3000701 and click Save.
In the the Azure portal, on the Logic App Designer blade of the newly provisioned Azure logic app, click + New step.
In the Choose an action pane, in the Search connectors and actions text box, type Outlook.
In the list of results, click
In the list of actions for, click Send an email.
In the pane, click Sign in.
When prompted, authenticate by using the Microsoft Account you are using in this lab.
When prompted for the consent to grant Azure Logic App permissions to access Outlook resources, click Yes.
In the Send an email pane, specify the following settings and click Save:
To: the primary e-mail address of your Microsoft Account
Subject: type Resource updated: and, in the Dynamic Content column to the right of the Send an email pane, click Subject.
Body: type Resource group:, in the Dynamic Content column to the right of the Send an email pane, click Topic, type Event type:, in the Dynamic Content column to the right of the Send an email pane, click Event Type, type Event ID:, in the Dynamic Content column to the right of the Send an email pane, click ID, type Event Time:, and in the Dynamic Content column to the right of the Send an email pane, click Event Time.
In the Azure portal, navigate to the logicapp3000701 blade and, in the Summary section, click See trigger history. Ignore any Forbidden error messages.
On the When_a_resource_event_occurs blade, copy the value of the Callback url [POST] text box.
In the Azure portal, navigate to the az3000701-LabRG resource group and, in the vertical menu, click Events.
On the az3000701-LabRG - Events blade, select Get Started and click Web Hook.
On the Create Event Subscription blade, in the Filter to Event Types drop down list, ensure that only the checkboxes next to the Resource Write Success and Resource Delete Success are selected.
In the Endpoint Type drop down list, ensure that Web Hook is selected and click the Select an endpoint link.
On the Select Web Hook blade, in the Subscriber Endpoint, paste the value of the Callback url [POST] of the Azure logic app you copied in the previous task and click Confirm Selection.
In the Name text box within the EVENT SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS section, type event-subscription-az3000701.
Click Create.
In the Azure portal, navigate to the az3000701-LabRG resource group and, in the vertical menu, click Overview.
In the list of resources, click the Azure storage account you created in the first exercise.
On the storage account blade, in the vertical menu, click Configuration.
On the configuration blade, set the Secure transfer required setting to Disabled and click Save
Navigate to the logicapp3000701 blade, click Refresh, and note that the Runs history includes the entry corresponding to configuration change of the Azure storage account.
Navigate to the inbox of the email account you configured in this exercise and verify that includes an email generated by the logic app.
Result: After you completed this exercise, you have configured an Azure logic app to monitor changes to a resource group.
At the top of the portal, click the Cloud Shell icon to open the Cloud Shell pane.
If needed, switch to the Bash shell session by using the drop down list in the upper left corner of the Cloud Shell pane.
At the Cloud Shell command prompt, type in the following command and press Enter to list all resource groups you created in this lab:
az group list --query "[?starts_with(name,'az30007')]".name --output tsv
Verify that the output contains only the resource groups you created in this lab. These groups will be deleted in the next task.
At the Cloud Shell command prompt, type in the following command and press Enter to delete the resource groups you created in this lab
az group list --query "[?starts_with(name,'az30007')]".name --output tsv | xargs -L1 bash -c 'az group delete --name $0 --no-wait --yes'
Close the Cloud Shell prompt at the bottom of the portal.
Result: In this exercise, you removed the resources used in this lab.