Releases: keldaanCommunity/pokemonAutoChess
Releases · keldaanCommunity/pokemonAutoChess
What's Changed
- Update destroyed tooltips + cleanup by @campavao in #950
- Update translations by @Pandeo4 in #949
- Update by @sylvainpolletvillard in #948
- redesign chat messages by @campavao in #956
- Pokemon appearing in the wiki when not implemented yet by @sylvainpolletvillard in #959
- Clean up game.tsx for better perf by @campavao in #954
- round up human heal by @sylvainpolletvillard in #965
- allow player avatar animation in minigames too by @campavao in #967
- separate chat by date + update time display by @campavao in #968
- redesign online avatars by @campavao in #966
- new WHIRLPOOL ability by @keldaan-ag in #969
- fix description by @keldaan-ag in #970
- change grass heal procs to 2 seconds by @sylvainpolletvillard in #971
- fix dps meter when red team by @sylvainpolletvillard in #972
- add keybind for animations/emotes + add keybind modal by @campavao in #973
- buff gligar gliscor by @sylvainpolletvillard in #974
- update pokemon tooltip position off of mouse when hovering by @campavao in #978
- give more counters to dodge by @sylvainpolletvillard in #977
- Bump mongodb and mongoose by @dependabot in #976
- torkoal by @keldaan-ag in #979
- add delibird by @keldaan-ag in #980
- shiny charm rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #981
- add larvesta by @sylvainpolletvillard in #983
- Reconnect to game modal by @sylvainpolletvillard in #982
- Iron Bundle by @keldaan-ag in #985
- show number of titles unlocked by @sylvainpolletvillard in #984
- add bug level 8 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #988
- Balance 03 09 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #987
- Item balance 04 09 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #989
- new matchmaking system by @sylvainpolletvillard in #993
- rework rune protect as cleanse tag by @sylvainpolletvillard in #992
- buff dragon dance by @sylvainpolletvillard in #990
- adjusted steelix and scizor by @sylvainpolletvillard in #991
- New Bot builder & Team Builder by @sylvainpolletvillard in #986
- new wall paper by @keldaan-ag in #994
- fix regression computeSynergies by @sylvainpolletvillard in #997
- fix modals to use full widths + update changelog by @campavao in #998
- fix background attachment by @sylvainpolletvillard in #995
- add notification if unread chat by @campavao in #999
- Team builder improvements by @sylvainpolletvillard in #996
- reduce flora/ice portal symbols count by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1000
- Added Jukebox and player gadgets by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1001
- buff solrock / lunatone by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1003
- Smaller sidebar by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1005
- add fairy 8 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1004
- Fix preparation leave/join bugs by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1006
- i18n fr by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1007
- create common checkbox component by @campavao in #1002
- prevent pushing players in bubble at minigame] by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1010
- Adjusted magmortar stats by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1008
- Reduce overheat bonus damage by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1011
- Aurora veil rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #1009
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.0...4.1
Portal Away !
What's Changed
- Update by @sylvainpolletvillard in #841
- hotfix shop rarity changes by @sylvainpolletvillard in #842
- fix eggs combining bug by @TBehmann in #839
- fix gible in epic by @sylvainpolletvillard in #840
- fix dragon dance by @sylvainpolletvillard in #844
- fix hidden power abilities casting on red team by @sylvainpolletvillard in #846
- fix hidden power Q ability by @sylvainpolletvillard in #845
- rework hidden power W by @sylvainpolletvillard in #849
- fix unown shop bypassing shop lock by @sylvainpolletvillard in #848
- Inlang wip by @keldaan-ag in #850
- Update translations by @Batotsu in #851
- Update translations by @OhThirtyFour in #852
- Update translations by @OhThirtyFour in #853
- Update translations by @Maelmc in #854
- Update translations by @Batotsu in #857
- Update translations by @Maelmc in #856
- Update translations by @OhThirtyFour in #855
- Machine by @keldaan-ag in #858
- inlang: update translations by @OhThirtyFour in #860
- Update translations by @OhThirtyFour in #861
- gligar by @keldaan-ag in #862
- Fixed keywords in FR translation by @sylvainpolletvillard in #863
- use shiny pokemon if user has shiny pokemon avatar by @campavao in #864
- translation typing by @keldaan-ag in #866
- Bulgarian by @keldaan-ag in #867
- show pokemon/item tooltip on hover instead of click by @campavao in #865
- inlang: update translations - titres FR by @sylvainpolletvillard in #870
- I18n keywords by @sylvainpolletvillard in #882
- add shellder/cloyster by @keldaan-ag in #888
- review fr translations wiki by @sylvainpolletvillard in #889
- add options menu in lobby by @sylvainpolletvillard in #890
- Sentret by @keldaan-ag in #891
- include preference option for showing tooltip on hover by @campavao in #893
- open discord and donate button links in new tab by @campavao in #895
- show synergies in game player detail by @campavao in #894
- Sidebar + Responsive Lobby by @campavao in #869
- Various translations improvements by @sylvainpolletvillard in #899
- rename MANA → PP by @sylvainpolletvillard in #901
- tweak sidebar style by @sylvainpolletvillard in #900
- use SFX volume slider for sounds by @sylvainpolletvillard in #902
- i18n corrections by @sylvainpolletvillard in #903
- Portals minigame by @sylvainpolletvillard in #897
- New simulation by @keldaan-ag in #896
- fix emotes in chat by @sylvainpolletvillard in #905
- prevent showing evolutions during minigame by @sylvainpolletvillard in #904
- Dependecy upgrade by @keldaan-ag in #906
- Eternatus rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #907
- Rename rarity categories by @sylvainpolletvillard in #908
- make other players items not interactive by @sylvainpolletvillard in #909
- add ingame sidebar by @sylvainpolletvillard in #910
- fix status tab by @keldaan-ag in #911
- revert react tooltip 5 by @keldaan-ag in #912
- bot notification in staff channel by @keldaan-ag in #913
- fix bot manager init by @sylvainpolletvillard in #915
- use apng for status anims by @sylvainpolletvillard in #914
- add Spectrier by @sylvainpolletvillard in #916
- make sidebar positioning absolute by @campavao in #918
- hide FAQ and How to play videos in game by @campavao in #917
- add basic sprite debug page by @campavao in #919
- use hover preference for items container by @sylvainpolletvillard in #922
- inlang: message without reference by @sylvainpolletvillard in #921
- improve debug sprite page by @sylvainpolletvillard in #920
- move zapdos articuno moltres to legendary by @sylvainpolletvillard in #924
- Preloading game at preparation screen by @sylvainpolletvillard in #923
- Shimmer news on new update + small ui tweaks by @campavao in #925
- buff nidorino / nidorina / cubone line by @sylvainpolletvillard in #927
- change client.auth.uid to client.userData.playerId by @sylvainpolletvillard in #928
- Profile modal by @sylvainpolletvillard in #929
- Revert "change client.auth.uid to client.userData.playerId" by @sylvainpolletvillard in #932
- fix weather effects regression by @sylvainpolletvillard in #933
- Fix emotes anims by @sylvainpolletvillard in #930
- Move Scorplane to unique by @sylvainpolletvillard in #926
- Item descriptions keywords by @sylvainpolletvillard in #931
- fix buying in collection + profile tweaks by @campavao in #934
- new ability pyro ball by @keldaan-ag in #935
- grab correct ID for leaderboard players by @campavao in #938
- Fairy rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #937
- Buff fire burn chance by @sylvainpolletvillard in #936
- nerf wobbuffet by @sylvainpolletvillard in #942
- minor tweaks css and i18n by @sylvainpolletvillard in #940
- Add Total damage/heal in the dps meter by @campavao in #939
- show meta tab even when no data by @sylvainpolletvillard in #943
- fix game player detail synergies not being accurate by @campavao in #941
New Contributors
New Wave
What's Changed
- wynaut by @keldaan-ag in #703
- nerf protect scaling by @sylvainpolletvillard in #701
- lunatone solrock without passive by @keldaan-ag in #709
- poliwrath by @keldaan-ag in #712
- happy hour nerf by @keldaan-ag in #713
- gracidea flower by @keldaan-ag in #714
- A brand new weather system by @sylvainpolletvillard in #715
- cosmic-power by @keldaan-ag in #716
- sound rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #717
- add fairy splash cooldown by @sylvainpolletvillard in #719
- updated news container css by @sylvainpolletvillard in #721
- fix stage levels by @sylvainpolletvillard in #722
- Poison rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #728
- show level in game-player-details by @sylvainpolletvillard in #725
- switch aggro immediately to reduce retarget lag after resurection by @sylvainpolletvillard in #724
- refactor precompute script by @sylvainpolletvillard in #729
- onHit effects classification by @sylvainpolletvillard in #727
- Wurmple by @sylvainpolletvillard in #730
- atk speed fix && stun spore nerf by @keldaan-ag in #731
- electric nerf by @keldaan-ag in #732
- icy wind snorunt by @keldaan-ag in #733
- buff steel by @keldaan-ag in #734
- show average elo on prep screen by @sylvainpolletvillard in #736
- raise poolsize for common & uncommon T5 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #735
- Buff reaper cloth and rework shiny charm by @sylvainpolletvillard in #737
- max clients to limit to 8 players by @keldaan-ag in #738
- add safety checks when joining lobby by @sylvainpolletvillard in #739
- add profanity filter by @sylvainpolletvillard in #740
- fix weather by @keldaan-ag in #741
- prepare news for 3.8 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #723
- More humans by @sylvainpolletvillard in #744
- Player avatars on board during pick and battle phase by @sylvainpolletvillard in #745
- wonderbox should count as 2 for artificial synergy by @sylvainpolletvillard in #749
- add shiny avatars for pve by @sylvainpolletvillard in #748
- keep wide lens effect after illusion by @sylvainpolletvillard in #747
- loading improvements by @sylvainpolletvillard in #746
- new passive volcanion & castform by @sylvainpolletvillard in #752
- Balance 19 06 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #751
- change fairy splash and buff pokemonomicon by @sylvainpolletvillard in #750
- Remove weather FX and some weather passives by @sylvainpolletvillard in #753
- tinkatin/tinkatuff/tinkaton by @keldaan-ag in #754
- adjust ap items by @sylvainpolletvillard in #755
- pokemon ability display rework by @keldaan-ag in #757
- new ability for hoppip by @keldaan-ag in #758
- Paras by @keldaan-ag in #759
- miltank by @keldaan-ag in #760
- mankey by @keldaan-ag in #761
- sunkern/sunflora by @keldaan-ag in #762
- Add Maractus by @sylvainpolletvillard in #763
- show evolutions as main portraits in shop by @sylvainpolletvillard in #764
- nerf triattack by @sylvainpolletvillard in #766
- make draw preserve streak by @sylvainpolletvillard in #765
- Avatar emotes by @sylvainpolletvillard in #767
- buff echo nerf stomp chandelure by @sylvainpolletvillard in #768
- fix shell bell heal sources by @sylvainpolletvillard in #769
- buff-azelf by @keldaan-ag in #770
- Nerf elec 27 06 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #771
- magma storm for heatran by @keldaan-ag in #772
- Slashing claw for sneasel by @keldaan-ag in #773
- eruption for numel by @keldaan-ag in #774
- Dual mythicals & Latios/Latias rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #775
- new ability for mudkip by @keldaan-ag in #777
- mudkip sprites by @keldaan-ag in #778
- Minun and plusle by @sylvainpolletvillard in #779
- Antispam measures by @sylvainpolletvillard in #780
- add emotes anims in split script by @sylvainpolletvillard in #781
- Merge master in dev by @sylvainpolletvillard in #782
- Fix deleteroom by @sylvainpolletvillard in #783
- stat balance 01-07 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #784
- Maractus ability bugfix by @sylvainpolletvillard in #787
- typo by @sylvainpolletvillard in #786
- Reduce cooldown for torment ability by @sylvainpolletvillard in #785
- adjusted rarity percentages per level by @sylvainpolletvillard in #788
- Log no opponent by @keldaan-ag in #789
- More log error by @keldaan-ag in #790
- Even more logs by @keldaan-ag in #791
- base earthquake on attacker row and col by @sylvainpolletvillard in #792
- Water distribution 06 07 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #794
- change shadow clone by @sylvainpolletvillard in #793
- hotfix dodge by @sylvainpolletvillard in #795
- Water rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #796
- fix damage computation by @sylvainpolletvillard in #798
- Fix damage compute by @sylvainpolletvillard in #799
- Giratina forms by @sylvainpolletvillard in #801
- Dragon rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #800
- change synergies of a few mons by @sylvainpolletvillard in #802
- do not count castform synergies for dominant weather by @sylvainpolletvillard in #803
- ability list in the wiki by @keldaan-ag in
What's Changed
- fix level not synchronizing between clients by @sylvainpolletvillard in #743
- fix ap icon src by @sylvainpolletvillard in #742
- fix night weather crit chance by @sylvainpolletvillard in #756
Full Changelog: 3.8...3.9
What's Changed
- hotfix: forget to reset ap by @sylvainpolletvillard in #692
- do not reset shield & fossil resurect after revive by @sylvainpolletvillard in #693
- nerf psychic surge by @sylvainpolletvillard in #695
- Update by @sylvainpolletvillard in #694
- Fix carousel retention delay t4 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #696
- Hotfix removeinarray by @sylvainpolletvillard in #698
- Hotfix ap scaling by @sylvainpolletvillard in #700
- fix iillusion heal for kecleon by @sylvainpolletvillard in #699
- fix stage 1 duration by @sylvainpolletvillard in #704
- Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4 by @dependabot in #705
- fix sell zone when dragging item by @sylvainpolletvillard in #708
- Remove special from bot builder by @sylvainpolletvillard in #707
- compute streak and round damage before increasing stage level by @sylvainpolletvillard in #706
- fix fire 4 not applying burn in onAttack by @David-Helmerson in #710
- fix item combine on phase update by @sylvainpolletvillard in #711
- fix elo forgotten between 2 games by @sylvainpolletvillard in #720
Full Changelog: 3.7...3.8
What's Changed
- Update by @sylvainpolletvillard in #660
- fix infinite cast under protect by @sylvainpolletvillard in #665
Full Changelog: 3.6...3.7
What's Changed
- Colyseus 0 15 by @keldaan-ag in #602
- fix z-index of toasts by @sylvainpolletvillard in #605
- new overheat animation by @sylvainpolletvillard in #606
- allow left click for minigame by @sylvainpolletvillard in #604
- venocshock rename from poison sting by @keldaan-ag in #609
- alchemist title by @keldaan-ag in #611
- Noctowl by @keldaan-ag in #612
- menu icons by @sylvainpolletvillard in #613
- do not show pokemon propositions when dead by @sylvainpolletvillard in #617
- new tutorial video by @sylvainpolletvillard in #615
- News container by @sylvainpolletvillard in #614
- apply item effects after thief by @sylvainpolletvillard in #618
- minor css tweaks by @sylvainpolletvillard in #620
- count castform for synergy levels by @sylvainpolletvillard in #619
- fix-lobby by @keldaan-ag in #621
- Spectate no max clients by @sylvainpolletvillard in #622
- Dpsmeter overhaul by @sylvainpolletvillard in #624
- fixed patch version number in by @sylvainpolletvillard in #625
- Litwick comeback by @sylvainpolletvillard in #626
- Bonsley and Sudowoodo by @sylvainpolletvillard in #627
- Leech life buff by @sylvainpolletvillard in #628
- Css usermenu by @sylvainpolletvillard in #629
- buff fire gem by @sylvainpolletvillard in #630
- show elo & xp gains only when elligible by @sylvainpolletvillard in #631
- Round damage formula change by @sylvainpolletvillard in #632
- fix(ditto): Prevents ditto from taking a pokemon from the pool by @elias-bina in #635
- fix(spectate): Allow spectating even when a 2+ stars portrait appears by @elias-bina in #636
- fix(ditto): Prevents loss of object when duplication by @elias-bina in #634
- add bot manager by @keldaan-ag in #637
- discord notification by @keldaan-ag in #639
- fix(dragdrop): Prevents neutral pokes from going on board by @elias-bina in #638
Full Changelog: 3.4...3.6
What's Changed
- fix number of rows/columns of the board by @sylvainpolletvillard in #576
- Copy shiny bugs by @sylvainpolletvillard in #583
- new ability overheat for Moltres by @sylvainpolletvillard in #582
- fix types in Effect.ts by @sylvainpolletvillard in #581
- autotomize → automate by @sylvainpolletvillard in #580
- nerf electric 4 & 6 by @sylvainpolletvillard in #579
- remove kyurem from wiki by @sylvainpolletvillard in #578
- add new level titles and bot builder title by @sylvainpolletvillard in #577
- prevent picking mythical when bench full + additional controls by @sylvainpolletvillard in #585
- buff greninja by @sylvainpolletvillard in #586
- improve synergy detail component by @sylvainpolletvillard in #587
- nerf monster 6 & salamence by @sylvainpolletvillard in #589
- add a fossil 6 tier by @sylvainpolletvillard in #592
- if the host leaves, give host to an other player in the lobby by @sylvainpolletvillard in #591
- Mobile warning on Auth page by @sylvainpolletvillard in #590
- migrate from tracer to loglevel by @sylvainpolletvillard in #593
- apply on-ko effects even when resurecting by @sylvainpolletvillard in #588
- max revive double resurection fix by @sylvainpolletvillard in #594
- fix first player spectated by @sylvainpolletvillard in #596
- fix frogadier & greninja stars by @sylvainpolletvillard in #597
- Handle damage review by @sylvainpolletvillard in #595
- limit games by checking free ram on server by @sylvainpolletvillard in #598
- Harder memory limits by @sylvainpolletvillard in #599
- fix getClosestAvailablePlaceOnBoard by @sylvainpolletvillard in #601
- fix NaN Damage by @sylvainpolletvillard in #600
- revert exp gain changes by @sylvainpolletvillard in #607
- prevent naming bots room leaders by @sylvainpolletvillard in #608
- Dev by @keldaan-ag in #623
Full Changelog: 3.3.3...3.4
What's Changed
- bump node to lts + no bot builder for anonymous by @keldaan-ag in #559
- fix sacred sword damage by @sylvainpolletvillard in #563
- add back xp to just for fun games by @sylvainpolletvillard in #562
- Tutorial videos by @sylvainpolletvillard in #561
- Spectate mode by @sylvainpolletvillard in #560
- fix doubling mythicals by @keldaan-ag in #564
- fix on remove bot error by @keldaan-ag in #565
- Allow to buy booster with 500 shards by @sylvainpolletvillard in #566
- fix mega rayquaza in wiki by @sylvainpolletvillard in #567
- slack off by @keldaan-ag in #568
- dark void by @keldaan-ag in #569
- indicate additional picks in wiki types by @sylvainpolletvillard in #570
- nerf slack off by @sylvainpolletvillard in #572
- changed line effect algorithm and refactor to use X/Y instead of row/cols by @sylvainpolletvillard in #571
- remove pickRandomIn for MapSchema by @sylvainpolletvillard in #573
- change mana generation from incoming damage by @sylvainpolletvillard in #574
- Replace Zoom Lens by Scope lens by @sylvainpolletvillard in #575
Full Changelog: 3.3.2...3.3.3
What's Changed
- abra rework by @sylvainpolletvillard in #543
- fix reconnect room not found by @sylvainpolletvillard in #542
- Add Kecleon and Arceus to bot builder by @sylvainpolletvillard in #546
- nerf virizion by @sylvainpolletvillard in #545
- improvements for bot selector by @sylvainpolletvillard in #544
- bugfix effects in line by @sylvainpolletvillard in #547
- update esbuild phaser & minor deps by @sylvainpolletvillard in #548
- increase reconnection time in game by @sylvainpolletvillard in #549
- Nerf def ribbon by @sylvainpolletvillard in #551
- Xerneas and Yveltal by @sylvainpolletvillard in #550
- migrate server logs to Tracer by @sylvainpolletvillard in #552
- Tracer by @sylvainpolletvillard in #553
- use console for tracer by @sylvainpolletvillard in #554
- Tracer console: add error stacks by @sylvainpolletvillard in #555
- prevent infinite loop with power lens by @sylvainpolletvillard in #557
- nerf relic song by @sylvainpolletvillard in #558
- update faq by @sylvainpolletvillard in #556
Full Changelog: 3.3.1...3.3.2