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220 lines (163 loc) · 9.24 KB


A fairly stupid proof build environment setup for compiling c extensions using pythons distutils or setuptools.

I created this module because distutils does not do a good job at setting up a Windows build environment. Distutils relies on static paths for the MSVC compiler It does not detect Visual Studio Build tools installations. And the largest problem with it is that it uses the vcvars*.bat files included with the compiler. It runs a subprocess takes a snapshot of the computer's environment then runs vcvarsall and takes another snapshot of the environment. It then compares the before and after and stores the differences between the 2. Now this would be a fantastic approach if Microsoft had made the vcvars*.bat files in a manner that would et up a correct build environment. There have been known issues using these files in the past.

The single largest problem with the vcvars files is NONE of them check to see if any of the components actually exist. We all know how good applications are when they get uninstalled. They do a very thorough job of removing all traces from the registry. NOT. Microsoft is the biggest offender of this.

My system does not use the vcvars* files the information is obtained from the registry. The paths that are obtained are checked to ensure they exist.

Setuptools is an improvement over distutils but still relies on those vcvars* files.

pyMSVC.Environment(strict_visual_c_version=None, minimum_visual_c_version=None)

If both strict_visual_c_version and minimum_visual_c_version are None that the program runs as a free for all and whichever installation it finds first is the winner.

Both parameters accept either None or a float that is the version number fo the MSVC compiler that you want to use.

  • 10.0 Visual Studio 2010
  • 11.0 Visual Studio 2012
  • 12.0 Visual Studio 2013
  • 14.0 Visual Studio 2015
  • 14.1x Visual Studio 2017
  • 14.2x Visual Studio 2019
  • 14.3x Visual Studio 2022

Python recommends that any extensions that are compiled on Windows should be compiled with the same MSVC version that was used to compile Python. This is due to incompatibilities in the common runtime language between the compiler versions. You may or may not experience any issues if you do not use the same compiler version. Your extension would have to use that portion of the CLR in order to have an issue. This is why it is a recommendation.

Python versions 3.9 and 3.10 use MSVC Version 14.2 Python versions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 use any of the MSVC compiler version 14.x Python version 3.4 uses MSVC compiler version 10.0

If you would like to have the above done for you automatically and have the environment set up. You can use environment = pyMSVC.setup_environment(). This will rise an exception if the msvc version that is needed based on the python version is not found. This will set up the environment for you as well without the need for any additional steps.

I added the minimum_visual_c_version parameter which allows you to specify a minimum compiler version to use. You may have code that will compile using MSVC 10.0 but will fail if compiled using MSVC 9.0.

So to sum it up. strict_visual_c_version you will use if only a specific compiler version is to be used to compile. minimum_visual_c_version you will use if compiler versions that are the same or higher as the one specified are ok to use

Here is an example of using pyMSVC to only set up the build environment.

import os
import pyMSVC

environment = pyMSVC.Environment()


You will want to set up the environment before you import distutils or setuptools.

Now onto the goodies. This module provides access to a bucket load of information.

Here are the properties and attributes available

class Environment
  • machine_architecture: Windows architecture x86 or x64
  • platform: x86 or x64, if running Windows x86 this will be x86. if running Windows x64 and Python x86 this will return x86.
  • build_environment: returns a dict of the environment
  • visual_c: instance of VisualCInfo
  • visual_studio: instance of VisualStudioInfo
  • windows_sdk: instance of WindowsSDKInfo
  • dot_net: instance of NETInfo
  • python: instance of PythonInfo
class NETInfo
  • version: .NET version based on the platform architecture
  • version_32: 32bit .NET version
  • version_64: 64bit .NET version
  • directory: directory to .NET based on preffered bitness
  • directory_32: 32bit .NET directory
  • directory_64: 64bit .NET directory
  • preferred_bitness: .NET bitness
  • netfx_sdk_directory: .NET FX SDK path
  • net_fx_tools_directory: .NET FX tools path using preffered bitness
  • net_tools: .NET tools paths
  • executable_path_x64: 64bit executable path
  • executable_path_x86: 32 bit execitable path
  • lib: library paths
class WindowsSDKInfo
  • extension_sdk_directory: Extension SDK path
  • ucrt_version: UCRT version
  • ucrt_sdk_directory: Path to the UCRT libraries
  • bin_path: BIN path
  • lib: paths to the libraries.
  • type_script_path: path to TypeScript
  • include: include paths
  • sdk_lib_path:
  • windows_sdks: Acceptable SDK versions based on compiler version
  • version: SDK version
  • sdk_version: Actual SDK version
  • directory: path to the Windows SDK
class VisualStudioInfo
  • install_directory: installation directory
  • dev_env_directory: directory where devenv.exe is located
  • common_tools: path to tools
  • common_version: example - 2019
  • uncommon_version: example - 16.4.5
  • version: VS major version
class VisualCInfo
  • f_sharp_path: FSharp path
  • ide_install_directory: path to Visual C ide
  • install_directory: path to Visual C
  • version: Visual C version
  • tools_version: Visual C tool version
  • toolset_version: Visual C Toolset Version - v141, v140, v120 etc...
  • msvc_dll_version: MSVC dll version
  • msvc_dll_path: Location of the MSVC dll
  • tools_redist_directory: Visual C redist path
  • tools_install_directory: Visual C tools installation folder
  • msbuild_version: MSBuild version
  • msbuild_path: MSBuild path
  • html_help_path: HTML Help path
  • atlmfc_lib_path: ATLMFC library path
  • lib: Visual C library path
  • atlmfc_path: ATLMFC path
  • atlmfc_include_path: ATLMFC include path
  • include: Visual C include folders
class PythonInfo
  • architecture: x86 or x64
  • version: Python version
  • dependency: library name.. Python27.lib
  • includes: include paths
  • libraries: library paths

Starting with Visual Studio 2017 Microsoft has added a COM interface that I am able to use to collect information about the installed versions of Visual Studio.

In order to collect pyMSVC to be able to use it in your build system you will need to create a pyproject.toml file. In that file you need to have the following lines.

requires=["setuptools", "wheel", "pyMSVC;sys_platform=='win32'"]

This will instruct pip to collect pyMSVC if the OS is Windows. In your file you want this at the top

import sys

if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    import pyMSVC
    environment = pyMSVC.setup_environment()

import setuptools

# rest of setup code here

The code above does everything for you. you do not need to create the environment using os.environ and you do not have to pass any versions. It will locate the compiler needed automatically if it is instaleld.

It's really that easy to use. You really don't have know the inner working of this library in order for it to be able to set up a proper build environment.

New additions

I added in the ability to check and see if Cmake is available as well as Ninja. The reason I added this ability is because you can use Cmake to write the code needed for Ninja to run. So what so important about being able to do that you ask? You are able to compile each source file in parallel. On multicore machines that can really cut down on the compile time. Herte is an example. Sat it take 60 seconds for your project to compile. say you have 32 logical processors in your machine (like me) If you launch ninja with -j32 you will use 100% of the machines processing power to compile your project. so 60 / 32 = 1.875 seconds. It is not going to take exactly 1.875 seconds but it gives you a decent idea. One of the projects I have takes about 1 minute to compile normally and with Ninja it takes about 7 seconds.

Example of use

import subprocess
import sys
import os

if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    import pyMSVC
    environment = pyMSVC.setup_environment()

    if environment.visual_c.has_cmake and environment.visual_c.has_ninja:'cmake -G Ninja')'ninja -j{os.cpu_count()}')

import setuptools

you will not need to use setuptools or distutils to compile. you have to add the compiled files to your library once cmake as finished the compilations.