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148 lines (81 loc) · 4.15 KB

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148 lines (81 loc) · 4.15 KB



run the following command to check unitest

make unitest_tests

setup cluster and run test

  1. check required developing tools on you local host. If something missing, please run 'test/scripts/' to install them

     # make -C test  checkBin
      pass   'kubectl' installed:   GitVersion:"v1.24.4"
      pass   'kind' installed:  kind version 0.19.0
      pass   'helm' installed:  Version:"v3.12.0"
      pass   'docker' installed:  Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc
  2. run the e2e

     # make e2e

    if your run it for the first time, it will download some images, you could set the http proxy

     # ADDR=
     # export https_proxy=http://${ADDR}:7890 http_proxy=http://${ADDR}:7890
     # make e2e

    run a specified case

     # make e2e -e E2E_GINKGO_LABELS="lable1,label2"
  3. you could do it step by step with the follow

    if you are in China, it could add -e E2E_CHINA_IMAGE_REGISTRY=true to pull images from china image registry, add -e HTTP_PROXY=http://${ADDR} to get chart

    build the image

     # do some coding
     $ git add .
     $ git commit -s -m 'message'
     # !!! images is built by commit sha, so make sure the commit is submit locally
     $ make build_local_image

    setup the cluster

     # setup the kind cluster of dual-stack
     # !!! images is tested by commit sha, so make sure the commit is submit locally
     $ make e2e_init

    run the e2e test

     # run all e2e test on dual-stack cluster
     $ make e2e_run
     # run all e2e test on ipv4-only cluster
     $ make e2e_run -e E2E_IP_FAMILY=ipv4
     # run all e2e test on ipv6-only cluster
     $ make e2e_run -e E2E_IP_FAMILY=ipv6
     $ ls e2ereport.json
     $ make e2e_clean

5.clean make e2e_clean

Submit Pull Request

A pull request will be checked by following workflow, which is required for merging.

Action: your PR should be signed off

When you commit your modification, add -s in your commit command git commit -s

Action: check yaml files

If this check fails, see the yaml rule.

Once the issue is fixed, it could be verified on your local host by command make lint-yaml.

Note: To ignore a yaml rule, you can add it into .github/yamllint-conf.yml.

Action: check golang source code

It checks the following items against any updated golang file.

  • Mod dependency updated, golangci-lint, gofmt updated, go vet, use internal lock pkg

  • Comment // TODO should follow the format: // TODO (AuthorName) ..., which easy to trace the owner of the remaining job

  • Unitest and upload coverage to codecov

  • Each golang test file should mark ginkgo label

Action: check licenses

Any golang or shell file should be licensed correctly.

Action: check markdown file

Action: lint yaml file

If it fails, see for reasons.

You can test it on your local machine with the command make lint-yaml.

Action: lint chart

You can test it on your local machine with the command make lint_chart_format.

Action: lint openapi.yaml

Action: check code spell

Any code spell error of golang files will be checked.

You can check it on your local machine with the command make lint-code-spell.

It could be automatically fixed on your local machine with the command make fix-code-spell.

If you believe it can be ignored, edit .github/codespell-ignorewords and make sure all letters are lower-case.


How to automatically generate changelogs:

  1. All PRs should be labeled with "pr/release/***" and can be merged.

  2. When you add the label, the changelog will be created automatically.

    The changelog contents include:

    • New Features: it includes all PRs labeled with "pr/release/feature-new"

    • Changed Features: it includes all PRs labeled with "pr/release/feature-changed"

    • Fixes: it includes all PRs labeled with "pr/release/bug"

    • All historical commits within this version

  3. The changelog will be attached to Github RELEASE and submitted to /changelogs of branch 'github_pages'.