run the following command to check unitest
make unitest_tests
check required developing tools on you local host. If something missing, please run 'test/scripts/' to install them
# make -C test checkBin pass 'kubectl' installed: GitVersion:"v1.24.4" pass 'kind' installed: kind version 0.19.0 pass 'helm' installed: Version:"v3.12.0" pass 'docker' installed: Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc
run the e2e
# make e2e
if your run it for the first time, it will download some images, you could set the http proxy
# ADDR= # export https_proxy=http://${ADDR}:7890 http_proxy=http://${ADDR}:7890 # make e2e
run a specified case
# make e2e -e E2E_GINKGO_LABELS="lable1,label2"
you could do it step by step with the follow
if you are in China, it could add
to pull images from china image registry, add-e HTTP_PROXY=http://${ADDR}
to get chartbuild the image
# do some coding $ git add . $ git commit -s -m 'message' # !!! images is built by commit sha, so make sure the commit is submit locally $ make build_local_image
setup the cluster
# setup the kind cluster of dual-stack # !!! images is tested by commit sha, so make sure the commit is submit locally $ make e2e_init
run the e2e test
# run all e2e test on dual-stack cluster $ make e2e_run # run all e2e test on ipv4-only cluster $ make e2e_run -e E2E_IP_FAMILY=ipv4 # run all e2e test on ipv6-only cluster $ make e2e_run -e E2E_IP_FAMILY=ipv6 $ ls e2ereport.json $ make e2e_clean
5.clean make e2e_clean
A pull request will be checked by following workflow, which is required for merging.
When you commit your modification, add -s
in your commit command git commit -s
If this check fails, see the yaml rule.
Once the issue is fixed, it could be verified on your local host by command make lint-yaml
Note: To ignore a yaml rule, you can add it into .github/yamllint-conf.yml
It checks the following items against any updated golang file.
Mod dependency updated, golangci-lint, gofmt updated, go vet, use internal lock pkg
should follow the format:// TODO (AuthorName) ...
, which easy to trace the owner of the remaining job -
Unitest and upload coverage to codecov
Each golang test file should mark ginkgo label
Any golang or shell file should be licensed correctly.
If it fails, see for reasons.
You can test it on your local machine with the command make lint-yaml
You can test it on your local machine with the command make lint_chart_format
Any code spell error of golang files will be checked.
You can check it on your local machine with the command make lint-code-spell
It could be automatically fixed on your local machine with the command make fix-code-spell
If you believe it can be ignored, edit .github/codespell-ignorewords
and make sure all letters are lower-case.
How to automatically generate changelogs:
All PRs should be labeled with "pr/release/***" and can be merged.
When you add the label, the changelog will be created automatically.
The changelog contents include:
New Features: it includes all PRs labeled with "pr/release/feature-new"
Changed Features: it includes all PRs labeled with "pr/release/feature-changed"
Fixes: it includes all PRs labeled with "pr/release/bug"
All historical commits within this version
The changelog will be attached to Github RELEASE and submitted to /changelogs of branch 'github_pages'.