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A text-based calculator written in Rust.

Numbrs consists of both a library and a binary crate. The library contains all of the functions for processing input and performing calculations. The binary is a command-line application that provides a user interface to the Numbrs library.

Project goal

The goal of Numbrs is twofold:

  1. For me to learn and practice programming in Rust.
  2. To build a calculator which can handle the following features:
    • Arithmetic
    • Bitwise operations
    • Number base conversion
    • Unit/quantity conversion:
      • Define units
      • Create quantities
      • Perform arithmetic on quantities
      • Convert quantities between units
      • (optional) Define custom base quantities (e.g. currency) - [x] GCD and LCM calculations - [ ] Modular arithmetic


Currently, Numbrs must be built from sources. Don't worry, though—it's easy. Cargo is used for this.


Simply clone the Git repository or download a release tarball. Then run cargo build --release to build the program:

$ git clone
$ cd numbrs
$ cargo build --release

Debug mode

Numbrs has a debug mode, in which it prints the token stream generated by the lexer, the AST generated by the parser, and the result of the evaluation. To enable debug mode, compile with the debug feature:

$ cargo build --features debug


Once built, copy target/release/numbrs to a directory in your PATH and make it executable:

# install -m 755 target/release/numbrs /usr/local/bin/numbrs


Numbrs is a text-based calculator. To use it, just type an expression and the result will be printed.


Numbrs supports many operators which are used to perform operations on numbers.


Parentheses, braces, and brackets ((), [], and {}, respectively) are supported for grouping expressions. Example:

$ numbrs
> (1 + 2) * 3 + 4
> (1 + 2) * [3 + 4]
> 1 + 2 * {3 + 4}

Binary operators

Binary operators accept 2 operands using infix notation. Example:

$ numbrs
> 1 + 2
Operator Operation Binding power Associativity
= Assign variable (10, 1)* Right
:= Assign unit (10, 1)* Right
to Convert units** 4 Left
+ Add 3 Left
- Subtract 3 Left
* Multiply 5 Left
/ Divide 5 Left
^ Exponentiate (raise to power) 6 Right

Operators with higher binding power will be executed first. Operator binding power in Numbrs follows standard mathematical order of operations when possible. For example, 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 is equivalent to (1 + (2 * 3)) + 4.

* The assignment operators are special: they have a binding power of 10 on the left side and 1 on the right side. This means a * b = c + d is equivalent to a * (b = (c + d)).

** The to operator is discussed in more detail in the Converting Units section.

Unary (prefix) operators

Unary operators support one operand and are specified in prefix notation. Example:

$ numbrs
> -1
> 2 * -3
Operator Operation Binding power
+ Add 11
- Subtract 11

Both unary additions and subtractions use 0 as the LHS, so -4 is equivalent to 0 - 4.

All prefix operators have higher binding power than all infix operators, so -4 <operator> 2 will always result in (-4) <operator> 2 and not -(4 <operator> 2).

Implicit operations

It is often useful to omit the multiplication symbol between terms to improve readability. This is common in the world of mathematics, and is supported in Numbrs.

For example, to specify a quantity of "3 meters", it's unwieldy to write it as 3 * m. If two numbers or variables are placed next to each other without an operator in between, multiplication is implied. This means you can simply write 3 m to mean "3 meters".

The same applies for two units or variables, so a Newton can be represented as kg m/s^2 rather than kg * m/s^2. The expression 2 3 is also interpreted as 2 * 3, but that is disgusting syntax and should not be used.

The only caveat to this is that some implicit multiplications will be interpreted as function calls. See the Function call syntax problems section below for details.


Values can be stored in variables. Variable names can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. However, a variable name cannot start with a number.

The = assignment operator is used to assign variables. It has lower binding power than all other operators on its right side, and higher than all others on its left. This means that everything to the right of the = symbol will be used as the value, but only one term on the left is used as the identifier name to assign to. This makes assignment right-associative, meaning a = b = c is equivalent to a = (b = c).

To unassign/clear a variable, assign it a value of _ (underscore). See the Special Variables section below for details.

Special Variables

The default Numbrs runtime has some special variables. These variables can be used like normal variables, but they have some special behaviors.

Underscore (_)

The underscore variable has a numerical value of 0, but it can be used to unassign/clear variables. When assigned to an existing variable, that variable will be removed from the environment. Example:

$ numbrs
> foo = 123
> foo
> foo = _
> foo
Error: undefined variable: 'foo'

The underscore cannot be assigned. An error message will be printed if you attempt to:

$ numbrs
> _ = 123
Error: Can't assign special variable `_`

See the Output Formatting/Precision section below.

Output Formatting/Precision

It is possible to specify the precision with which to output numbers using the _prec variable. When _prec is set, results will be printed with _prec decimal places. By default, this variable is set to the value 5.

The number stored in _prec must be an integer. If a non-integer value is assigned, an error occurs and a message is printed.

The positive value N will round to N places to the right of the decimal point. The negative value -N will round so that N places to the left of the decimal point contain zeros.


Numbrs supports some built-in functions. Functions are called by preceding a group (e.g. parentheses) with the function identifier.


$ numbrs
> sin(0)
> cos(180 degrees)

Currently, the following functions are supported:

Function Idenfifier Number of arguments
Sine sin 1
Cosine cos 1
Absolute value abs 1
Square root sqrt 1
Natural logarithm ln 1
Factorial factorial 1
Combination choose 2
Permutation permute 2

Function call syntax problems

Any group which comes after an identifier which matches the name of a function will be treated as a function call. This means that functions will mask variable names.


$ numbrs
> foo = 5
> ln = 5
> foo(2)
> ln(2)


Numbrs supports processing amounts of physical quantities, commonly known as units. For example, the meter (m) is the standard unit of the physical quantity length.

Base quantities

Units are defined as a number times either another unit or a physical quantity. The physical quantities currently defined in Numbrs are:

  • Length
  • Mass
  • Time
  • Current
  • Temperature
  • Amount of substance
  • Luminous intensity
  • (Digital) Data

Each physical quantity is expressed as "screaming snake case" variable. For example, the physical quantity variable for length is LENGTH and the one for Amount of Substance is AMOUNT_OF_SUBSTANCE.

A physical quantity has no amount; it is just the quantity. However, the base unit for each physical quantity is defined as 1 of the physical quantity variable. For example, 1 LENGTH is functionally equivalent to 1 m. For this reason, the physical quantity variables shouldn't be used except for defining base units.

A quantity is a number times a physical quantity or a unit. A quantity can also be a number times multiple units multiplied together.

For example, 2 meters^3, 2 m * m * m, 2 m^3, and 2 m^5 / 1 m^2 are all different ways of expressing the same quantity.

Any quantity can be a unit. A unit is really just a quantity that is given a name. Under the hood, the newton unit is just defined as 1 kg m s^-2.

Defining units

Defining a unit is similar to assigning a variable, except unit assignments use the := operator.

The following snippet would define a new unit foot based off of the existing unit meter. Then it defines a new unit feet which is equivalent to foot.

$ numbrs
> foot := meter / 3.2808
> feet := foot

Unit prefixes and suffixes

Units are often referred to with prefixes. For example, the "kilogram" is just the "gram" with a prefix of "kilo" meaning 1,000. Numbrs automatically translates prefixes, so they do not need to be defined manually.

Abbreviated prefixes are also supported, e.g. "k" for "kilo" and "M" for "mega". Prefixes (like all identifier names) are case-sensitive. "mg" means "milligrams" whereas "Mg" means "megagrams".

IEC prefixes are also supported, so "kibi" is like "kilo" only it scales the value by 1024 rather than 1000. This means "kB" and "KiB" are different. They represent 1000 bytes and 1024 bytes, respectively.

For example, the following snippet will work even though kg is not explicitly defined:

$ numbrs
> gram := MASS
> g := gram
> 1 kg to gram
1000 gram

Plural suffixes for units are also supported in Numbrs. If a token in an expression ends with an s and is not defined, the s is removed and the resulting token is used. This allows one to specify the quantity "14 meters" as 14 meters even though the unit meters is not explicitly defined.

Converting units

The most useful feature of Numbrs' unit processing is the ability to combine them and convert between them. Units can be converted using the to keyword. It acts like an operator with a binding power in between addition and multiplication. This is because units are often defined as multiple different units multiplied together. Of course, parentheses can always be used to manually specify grouping.

The following example should make this a bit clearer:

$ numbrs
> a = 2 kg
2 kg
> b = 4 m/s^2
4 m s^-2
> c = a * b to newtons
8 newton
> c / 3 to kg m/s^2

This will define a few variables with units, then finds the value of c divided by 3 expressed in the units kg m s^-2. The to operator has a lower binding power than multiplication and division, so it is parsed as (c / 3) to (kg m/s^2). However, to has higher binding power than addition, so c + 1 N to kg m/s^2 is parsed as c + (1 N to (kg m/s^2)).

Only units representing equivalent physical quantities can be converted. You cannot convert, for example, 1 meter to minutes:

$ numbrs
> 1 meter to minutes
Error: Evaluation error: Cannot convert between units that describe different quantities: `meter` and `minute`

Why is it called Numbrs?

Numbrs is inspired by nkanaev's numb program and is written in Rust. The "numb" part of the name comes from the original program and "rs" is the file extension/common abbreviation for Rust. Together, they form "numbrs". Conveniently, it can be pronounced like the word "numbers".


Copyright (C) 2022 Kian Kasad

This file is part of Numbrs.

Numbrs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

Numbrs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Numbrs. If not, see