The demos project is essentially a set of various applications and tests showcasing the various bits of software within the valhalla organization.
What follows are some notable components of the demos project.
This demo allows the testing of point and click routing through a web interface overlayed on a map tiles for easy visualization. The test requires that you are running a tyr
server and communicates with it via OSRM compatibility mode. You will need to do a few things to get a working system up and running to test with:
Install all of the valhalla software by following these README instructions.
Configure your json file to something similar to this sample. Note the locations of the various files and output directory.
Cut some graph tiles so that you can route on them:
wget pbfgraphbuilder -c valhalla.json liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf
And start up a default
server, the requests will be logged to stdout:python -m tyr_simple_server valhalla.json
Fire up the webpage:
firefox demos/routing/index.html
Have fun!