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Application Configuration

The section covers how to configure a new application in this repository to deploy to various environments. We use kustomize for templating/patching manifests in this repo.

It is important to follow below discussed naming convention, file and folder names should match application helm release name

Note: You need to install yq for these scripts


All the applications owned by a team are deployed to a single namespace (usually team name, e.g. probate).

Create a namespace manifest

  • Run with your namespace and team build notices slack channel.
     ./bin/v2/ <your namespace> <team slack channel> <team AD Group ID>

Add namespace kustomization to an environment

  • Run with namespace, environment.
     ./bin/v2/ <your namespace> <environment>

Managed Identity

We use Managed Identity to access keyvaults secrets in application. This should be created after namespace is created above.

Create a managed identity base

   ./bin/v2/ <your namespace> <team short name>
   ./bin/v2/ divorce div

Add managed identity to an environment

  • Please note Preview applications use AAT key vaults and thus AAT managed identities, you can reuse identity created for AAT by adding it to preview kustomization.

  • Run with your namespace, Team short name, MI name, environment

   ./bin/v2/ <your namespace> <team short name> <mi name> <environment>
   ./bin/v2/ divorce div div aat


All application deployments are managed with HelmRelease.

Add a new application

  • Standard naming convention for your application (<application-name>) is <product>-<component>.
  • Add a HelmRelease manifest in apps/<your-namespace>/<application-name>/<application-name>.yaml. See example
  • Run with your namespace, product,component and registry. Registry argument is optional which defaults to hmctspublic.
   ./bin/v2/ <your namespace> <product> <component> <registry>
   ./bin/v2/ divorce div frontend 
  • Add a comment next to image section in HelmRelease with ImagePolicy name as shown below.
    kind: HelmRelease
      name: <component-name>
      releaseName: <component-name>
          image:<product>/<component>:<latest prod tag>   #{"$imagepolicy": "flux-system:<component-name>"}
          #Example below
          #image:   #{"$imagepolicy": "flux-system:draft-store-service"}

Add application to all environments

Below adds Application to all the environments you have added your namespace kustomization. If you want to add a new app only to a one environment, see Add application to only one environment

  • Add - ../<application-name>/<application-name>.yaml to resources: list in /apps/<your-namespace>/base/kustomization.yaml

Add application to only one environment

  • Add - ../../<application-name>/<application-name>.yaml to resources: list in namespace env overlay in corresponding environment /apps/<your-namespace>/<env>/base/kustomization.yaml.

Override Environment specific config

  • If you want to override environment specific config, you need to create patch <env>.yaml in /apps/<your-namespace>/<application-name>/ directory by specifying only the values you want to override. Example prod patch
  • Add this patch - ../../<application-name>/<env>.yaml to patchesStrategicMerge list in team specific overlay in corresponding environment /apps/<your-namespace>/<env>/base/kustomization.yaml.

Deploy non prod image to an environment

  • The default setup is configured to set all environments with image automation enabled with prod-* tag.
  • It is highly recommended to follow trunk based development, use prod image on all environments using feature toggling.
  • It is not allowed to break prod image automation on aat and prod.
  • If you wish to override this default behaviour in a specific environment, create a environment patch as described in the previous section and override image automation comment like below:
kind: HelmRelease
  name: <component-name>
      image:<product>/<component>:<latest pr-123-tag>   #{"$imagepolicy": "flux-system:<env>-<component-name>"}
      #Example below
      #image:   #{"$imagepolicy": "flux-system:demo-draft-store-service"}
  • Create an image policy like below (or update an existing environment image policy) with your pr number (pr-332 taken as example) along side your HelmRelease file.
kind: ImagePolicy
  name: <env>-<component-name>
  annotations: disabled
    pattern: '^pr-332-[a-f0-9]+-(?P<ts>[0-9]+)'
    extract: '$ts'
      order: asc
    name: <component-name>
  • Add - ../<component-name>/<env>-image-policy.yaml to resources in automation kustomization apps/<your-namespace>/automation/kustomization.yaml

Remove a non prod image deployment from an environment

  • If an environment using a non prod image requires changing to use the prod image, update the HelmRelease patch to change the image policy marker to the default as in the example below
image:   #{"$imagepolicy": "flux-system:demo-draft-store-service"}

image:   #{"$imagepolicy": "flux-system:draft-store-service"}
  • Alternatively, delete the HelmRelease patch if it does not contain any required patches and
    • Delete the existing environment image policy file <component-name>/<env>-image-policy.yaml
    • Delete the entry - ../<component-name>/<env>-image-policy.yaml from resources in automation kustomization apps/<your-namespace>/automation/kustomization.yaml

Deploying an app to single cluster

  • It is recommended to add all applications to both clusters as one of the cluster can be removed from operation at any point.
  • If you still have a use case, it has to be dealt exceptionally with help of platops

Testing in Local

If you want to find the effective yaml that will get applied to an environment for your namespace, you can install kustomize and run build commands.

  • To generate the effective yaml generated by your namespace in an env, you can run

    Note : This won't include platform defaults and env substitutions)

    kustomize build --load_restrictor none apps/<namespace>/<env>/base
    #version 4.x
    kustomize build --load_restrictor none apps/<namespace>/<env>/base