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forked from bbc/peaks.js

JavaScript UI component for interacting with waveforms.


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PEAKS.JS Build Status

A browser based audio waveform visualisation frontend component from BBC R&D

Peaks is a modular frontend component designed for the display of and interaction with audio waveform material in the browser.

Peaks was developed by BBC R&D to allow users to make accurate clippings of audio data over a timeline in browser, using a backend API that serves the waveform data.

Peaks utilizes HTML5 canvas technology to display waveform data at different zoom levels and provides some basic convenience methods for interacting with waveforms and creating time-based visual sections for denoting content to be clipped or for reference, eg: distinguishing music from speech or identifying different music tracks.

See the Project overview here:


Make sure you have node.js with npm installed on your system (I recommend using node version manager).

  • Install bower: npm install -g bower

  • Install grunt-cli: npm install -g grunt-cli

  • Install sass: gem install sass (requires Ruby)

  • Clone the project and cd peaks

  • Install the project dependencies: npm install

  • Install the frontend dependencies: bower install

  • Run a development server: grunt server-dev

  • Run a demo server: grunt server-demo

  • Build the project for production: grunt build && cd build

Using Peaks.js in your own project

  • Build the project: grunt build

  • Include build/css/peaks.min.css and build/css/peaks.min.js in your page.

  • Add a containing element to your page:

<div id="peaks-container"></div>


The available options for configuration of the viewer are as follows:

var options = {
  // Containing element
  container: document.getElementById('peaks-container'),
  // HTML5 Audio element for audio track
  audioElement: document.getElementById('audio'),
  // URI to waveform data file in binary or JSON
  dataUri: '../test_data/sample.dat',

  /** Optional config with defaults **/
  // height of the waveform canvases in pixels
  height: 200,
  // Array of zoom levels in samples per pixel (big >> small)
  zoomLevels: [512, 1024, 2048, 4096],
  // Bind keyboard controls
  keyboard: false,
  // Keyboard nudge increment in seconds (left arrow/right arrow)
  nudgeIncrement: 0.01,
  // Colour for the in marker of segments
  inMarkerColor: '#a0a0a0',
  // Colour for the out marker of segments
  outMarkerColor: '#a0a0a0',
  // Colour for the zoomed in waveform
  zoomWaveformColor: 'rgba(0, 225, 128, 1)',
  // Colour for the overview waveform
  overviewWaveformColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
  // Colour for segments on the waveform
  segmentColor: 'rgba(255, 161, 39, 1)',
  // Random colour per segment (overrides segmentColor)
  randomizeSegmentColor: true,

  // Array of initial segment objects with startTime and
  // endTime in seconds and a boolean for editable
  segments: [{
    startTime: 120,
    endTime: 140,
    editable: true,
    color: "#ff0000",
    labelText: "My label"
    startTime: 220,
    endTime: 240,
    editable: false,
    color: "#00ff00",
    labelText: "My Second label"

Start using require.js

require(['path/to/peaks.min'], function (peaks) {

Start using vanilla JavaScript

// On document ready

Advanced configuration

The marker and label Kinetic.js objects may be overridden to give the segment markers or label your own custom appearance (see main.js / waveform.mixins.js, Kinetic Polygon Example and Kinetic Text Example) :

  segmentInMarker: mixins.defaultInMarker(api.options),
  segmentOutMarker: mixins.defaultOutMarker(api.options),
  segmentLabelDraw: mixins.defaultSegmentLabelDraw(api.options)


The top level peaks object exposes the following API for interaction with the widget:

Method | Description
--- | ---
`peaks.init(options)` | Start a instance of peaks with the assigned options.
`peaks.time.getCurrentTime()` | Returns currently selected time in seconds (convenience method interchangeable with audioElement.currentTime).
`peaks.zoom.zoomIn()` | Zoom in the waveform zoom view by one level.
`peaks.zoom.setZoom(indexInZoomArray)` | Set the zoom level to the element in the `options.zoomLevels` array at index `indexInZoomArray`.
`peaks.zoom.getZoom()` | Return the current zoom level.
`peaks.segments.addSegment(startTime, endTime, editable, labelText)` | Add a segment to the waveform timeline with starting time `startTime` (seconds), ending time `endTime` (seconds) and set whether the segment is user editable with `editable` (boolean, defaults to `false`). Alternatively, provide an array of segment objects as shown above in the config options as the first and only argument to add all those segments at once.
`peaks.segments.getSegments()` | Returns an array of objects representing all displayed segments present on the timeline in the segment format.

Segment Format

Segments provided from peaks.js use the following format:

   // Assigned colour of the segment
  color: "rgba(123, 2, 61, 1)",
   // Editable state of the segment
  editable: true,
   // End time in seconds of the segment
  endTime: 588.986667,
   // Unique ID of the segment
  id: "segment0",
   // Kinetics.js Element group of segment canvas objects for overview waveform
  overview: Kinetic.Group,
   // End time in seconds of the segment
  startTime: 578.986667,
   // Kinetics.js Element group of segment canvas objects for overview waveform
  zoom: Kinetic.Group


  • Run the development server: grunt server-dev

  • Edit files in lib/js/, lib/sass and lib/templates/handlebars as required.

  • The development page will recompile and refresh on save of any file.


grunt test should work for simple one time testing. If you are developing and want to repeatedly run tests in a browser on your machine first launch the test server with grunt karma:unit and then run the tests with grunt karma:unit:run in a separate terminal tab.



This project includes audio from the Wellcome Trust's Tree of Life video, used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales license.


British Broadcasting Corporation


Copyright 2014 British Broadcasting Corporation

The test data sample is distributed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Unported License.


JavaScript UI component for interacting with waveforms.







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