This hook can be invoked to provide additional commands to Bee. It should reside
in a bee
command file ( which should be placed in a
custom/contrib module, or in the .bee
folder in the user's HOME directory.
Implementations of this hook should return an associative array of command descriptors, where the keys are unique command names and the values are associative arrays, containing:
- description: The translated description of the command.
- callback: The name of the function that runs the command. Should be of the
. - arguments: (optional) An array of required arguments for the command, where the keys are argument names and the values are translated argument descriptions.
- multiple_argument: (optional) The argument name that accepts multiple values. Note the singular form of this key - only a single argument can have multiple values.
- optional_arguments: (optional) Generally, arguments are required parameters and options are optional ones, but on the rare occasion that optional argument(s) are needed, an array of argument names can be specified here.
- options: (optional) An array of options for the command, where the keys
are option names (these will be prepended with '--' when displayed to the
user) and the values are associative arrays containing:
- description: The translated option description.
- value: (optional) A translated word describing the value a user needs to provide for this option. This will be displayed to the user in uppercase after the option name.
- aliases: (optional) An array of alternate command names.
- bootstrap: (optional) The bootstrap level required to run this command. See includes/ for possible values.
- examples: (optional) An array of example use-cases for the command, where
the keys are command strings (including
, options, arguments, etc.) and the values are translated explanations of the command string.
function poetry_bee_command() {
return array(
'poem' => array(
'description' => bt('Displays a customised poem.'),
'callback' => 'poem_bee_callback',
'arguments' => array(
'name' => bt('The name to use in the poem.'),
'options' => array(
'roses' => array(
'description' => bt('Make roses a different colour.'),
'value' => bt('Colour'),
'short' => array(
'description' => bt('Display a shorter poem.'),
'aliases' => array('p'),
'examples' => array(
'bee poem HAL' => bt('Display a poem about HAL.'),
'bee poem --roses=Yellow Sarah' => bt('Display a poem about Sarah with yellow roses.'),
'bee poem --short Bob' => bt('Display a short poem about Bob.'),
This function is called when the user runs the given command (see
). It is highly recommended to adhere to the suggested
format to avoid collisions with other Backdrop function
This callback function will receive two parameters:
- $arguments: An associative array where the keys are argument names and the values are user-provided values for those arguments. In the case where an argument is allowed multiple values, an array of user-provided values is passed.
- $options: An associative array where the keys are option names (not aliases) and the values are user-provided values for those options.
The function can optionally return an array of elements to render as output. An element is an associative array, containing:
- type: A string that determines which render function to call for formatting and displaying the element. It should be one of: 'text', 'table'.
- variables: An array of variables to pass to the specific render function.
See the individual
functions in includes/ for details about their individual parameters. - newline: (optional) A boolean that determines whether or not to add a
newline character (
) to the end of the output. Defaults to TRUE.
function poem_bee_callback($arguments, $options) {
// Get variables.
$name = $arguments['name'];
$colour = !empty($options['roses']) ? strtolower($options['roses']) : 'red';
$short = isset($options['short']);
// Generate poem.
if (!$short) {
$poem = bt("Roses are !colour\nViolets are blue\nMy name is !name\nHow about you?\n", array(
'!colour' => $colour,
'!name' => $name,
else {
$poem = bt("!name is my name and poetry's my game!\n", array(
'!name' => $name,
// Return render array.
return array(
'type' => 'text',
'variables' => array(
'value' => $poem,
'newline' => TRUE,
There are a number of helper functions that can be called to assist in performing various tasks. Read the documentation for them in their respective files.
Any time a message needs to be shown to the user, this function should be used. It collects all messages and then displays them to the user at the appropriate time. A message, as opposed to regular text, has a type; being one of: status, success, warning, error or log. Note that 'log' messages are only displayed to the user when 'debug' mode is enabled. -
All text that can be translated into other languages should be run through this function. This is the Backdrop Console equivalent of thet()
function. -
If a temporary directory is needed (e.g. for downloading files, etc. before moving them to a more permanent location), this function will provide the path to the temporary directory. -
This helper function will delete a file or directory from the filesystem. If a directory is specified, everything in that directory will be deleted in addition to the directory itself. -
This helper function will copy a file or directory from one location to another. If a directory is specified as the source to be copied, everything in that directory will be copied as well. -
If regular text (i.e. not a message) needs to be shown to the user, this function will allow it to be formatted and displayed. Note that any text displayed by calling this function directly will be shown before any messages, and before the final command output. As such, it is preferable to display text to the user using the regular command output instead (where appropriate). -
This helper function assists in formatting text; such as using different colours and making the text bold. It can be used to format text that will be displayed later (for example, in the command output). -
If a table of information (e.g. columns or tabular data) needs to be shown to the user, this function will allow it to be formatted and displayed. Note that any information displayed by calling this function directly will be shown before any messages, and before the final command output. As such, it is preferable to display information to the user using the regular command output instead (where appropriate). -
This helper function will prompt the user to answer a yes/no question. This is useful, for example, when a command needs confirmation before performing certain, irreversible actions. If 'yes' mode is enabled, the affirmative option will be automatically chosen for the user. -
This helper function will prompt the user to select an option from a list of choices. Since the selection of an appropriate answer cannot be automated during the execution of the command, it is recommended that commands provide an option that the user can specify when running the command initially. -
This helper function will prompt the user to enter a string of data. This is useful, for example, when the command needs information from the user that cannot be expressed as a yes/no question, or as a selection from a finite list of choices - e.g. the user's name or email address. Since the collection of this information cannot be automated during the execution of the command, it is recommended that commands provide an option that the user can specify when running the command initially.