Create MVC blog without using any PHP Framework or CMS.
I created this project as a test task for Check24 in 2017. This source code was accepted by Check24 and I received the job proposal. Please use it for education only. I hope that the task would be unique for each developer. This project is interesting since it explains the architecture from scratch -- we use no Framework and no CMS.
- configure MySQL connection in config/application.config.php
- create a virtual host http://blognoframeworkmvc.test and set the default folder /public for it
- if links link /about cannot be found then ensure that /public/.htaccess or configure NGINX similar to /config/nginx.BlogNoFrameworkMVC.conf
- open the URL http://blognoframeworkmvc.test in your browser. If your MySQl is configured properly, then data/schema.mysql.sql should be executed automatically during the first run.
- use namespaces
- Add ORM since I use hardcoded mySQL commands
- Use translations
- Use database Migrations
- use PHP 7 -- this app was created using PHP5 acording to Check24 task requirement.
- What else?
Feel free to develop it and make pull requests on