Project | Description | Stars | Author |
peterq/pan-light | Baidu network disk unlimited speed client, golang + qt5, cross-platform graphical interface | 10460 | @peterq |
eltaline/wzd | wZD is a powerful storage and database server, designed for big data storage systems with small and large files for mixed use and dramatically reduces count of small files for extend abilities any normal or clustered POSIX compatible file systems | 68 | @eltaline |
eltaline/ctrl | cTRL is a server for remote execution of pending tasks and commands in real time, supporting a queue with continuous thread limiting and throttling | 2 | @eltaline |
mlogclub/bbs-go | Golang-based community system | 527 | @mlogclub |
snowlyg/IrisApiProject | Iris + gorm + JWT + sqlite3 | 359 | @snowlyg |
mohuishou/scuplus-go | WeChat applet Backend API | 62 | @mohuishou |
menghx/levante | BLOG powered by Iris! | 7 | @menghx |
zuoyanart/pizzaCmsApi | RESTful power by Iris | 37 | @zuoyanart |
wx85278161/go-iris-vue | Iris + Vue + Casbin + JWT | 61 | @wx85278161 |
yz124/superstar | Iris + xorm to implement the star library | 105 | @yz124 | | A realtime API monitor written with go | 5 | @neoighodaro |
jebzmos4/Iris-golang | A basic CRUD API in golang with Iris | 8 | @jebzmos4 |
gauravtiwari/go_iris_app | Basic web app built in Iris | 21 | @gauravtiwari |
iris-contrib/Iris-Mini-Social-Network | A mini social-network created with the awesome Iris💖💖 | 49 | @iris-contrib |
iris-contrib/iris-starter-kit | Iris isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules | 38 | @iris-contrib |
TimothyYe/iris-demo | Iris demo project | 2 | @TimothyYe |
ionutvilie/react-ts | Demo project with react using typescript and Iris | 10 | @ionutvilie |
iris-contrib/parrot | Self-hosted Localization Management Platform built with Iris and Angular | 9 | @iris-contrib |
iris-contrib/cloud-native-go | Iris + Docker and Kubernetes | 28 | @iris-contrib | | Quickstart for Iris with Nanobox | 9 | @nanobox-io | | A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with Iris | 9 | @k8s-platform-hub |