Sometimes you need to temporarily store data between requests of the same user, such as error or success messages after a form submission. The Iris sessions package supports flash messages.
As we've seen the Sessions chapter, you initialize a session like this:
import ""
sess := sessions.New(sessions.Config{Cookie: "cookieName", ...})
// [app := iris.New...]
app.Get("/path", func(ctx iris.Context) {
session := sess.Start(ctx)
// [...]
The Session
contains the following methods to store, retrieve and remove flash messages.
SetFlash(key string, value interface{})
HasFlash() bool
GetFlashes() map[string]interface{}
PeekFlash(key string) interface{}
GetFlash(key string) interface{}
GetFlashString(key string) string
GetFlashStringDefault(key string, defaultValue string) string
DeleteFlash(key string)
The method names are self-explained. For example, if you need to get a message and remove it at the next request use the GetFlash
. When you only need to retrieve but don't remove then use the PeekFlash
Flash messages are not stored in a database.