The versioning subpackage provides semver versioning for your APIs. It implements all the suggestions written at api-guidelines and more.
The version comparison is done by the go-version package. It supports matching over patterns like ">= 1.0, < 3"
and etc.
import (
// [...]
- per route version matching, a normal iris handler with "switch" cases via Map for version => handler
- per group versioned routes and deprecation API
- version matching like ">= 1.0, < 2.0" or just "2.0.1" and etc.
- version not found handler (can be customized by simply adding the versioning.NotFound: customNotMatchVersionHandler on the Map)
- version is retrieved from the "Accept" and "Accept-Version" headers (can be customized via middleware)
- respond with "X-API-Version" header, if version found.
- deprecation options with customizable "X-API-Warn", "X-API-Deprecation-Date", "X-API-Deprecation-Info" headers via
Current request version is retrieved by versioning.GetVersion(ctx)
By default the GetVersion
will try to read from:
header, i.eAccept: "application/json; version=1.0"
header, i.eAccept-Version: "1.0"
You can also set a custom version for a handler via a middleware by using the context's store values. For example:
func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.Values().Set(versioning.Key, ctx.URLParamDefault("version", "1.0"))
The versioning.NewMatcher(versioning.Map) iris.Handler
creates a single handler which decides what handler need to be executed based on the requested version.
app := iris.New()
// middleware for all versions.
myMiddleware := func(ctx iris.Context) {
// [...]
myCustomNotVersionFound := func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.Writef("%s version not found", versioning.GetVersion(ctx))
userAPI := app.Party("/api/user")
userAPI.Get("/", myMiddleware, versioning.NewMatcher(versioning.Map{
"1.0": sendHandler(v10Response),
">= 2, < 3": sendHandler(v2Response),
versioning.NotFound: myCustomNotVersionFound,
Using the versioning.Deprecated(handler iris.Handler, options versioning.DeprecationOptions) iris.Handler
function you can mark a specific handler version as deprecated.
v10Handler := versioning.Deprecated(sendHandler(v10Response), versioning.DeprecationOptions{
// if empty defaults to: "WARNING! You are using a deprecated version of this API."
WarnMessage string
DeprecationDate time.Time
DeprecationInfo string
userAPI.Get("/", versioning.NewMatcher(versioning.Map{
"1.0": v10Handler,
// [...]
This will make the handler to send these headers to the client:
"X-API-Warn": options.WarnMessage
"X-API-Deprecation-Date": context.FormatTime(ctx, options.DeprecationDate))
"X-API-Deprecation-Info": options.DeprecationInfo
versioning.DefaultDeprecationOptions can be passed instead if you don't care about Date and Info.
Grouping routes by version is possible as well.
Using the versioning.NewGroup(version string) *versioning.Group
function you can create a group to register your versioned routes. The versioning.RegisterGroups(r iris.Party, versionNotFoundHandler iris.Handler, groups ...*versioning.Group)
must be called in the end in order to register the routes to a specific Party
app := iris.New()
userAPI := app.Party("/api/user")
// [... static serving, middlewares and etc goes here].
userAPIV10 := versioning.NewGroup("1.0")
userAPIV10.Get("/", sendHandler(v10Response))
userAPIV2 := versioning.NewGroup(">= 2, < 3")
userAPIV2.Get("/", sendHandler(v2Response))
userAPIV2.Post("/", sendHandler(v2Response))
userAPIV2.Put("/other", sendHandler(v2Response))
versioning.RegisterGroups(userAPI, versioning.NotFoundHandler, userAPIV10, userAPIV2)
A middleware can be registered to the actual
only, using the methods we learnt above, i.e by using theversioning.Match
in order to detect what code/handler you want to be executed when "x" or no version is requested.
Just call the Deprecated(versioning.DeprecationOptions)
on the group you want to notify your API consumers that this specific version is deprecated.
userAPIV10 := versioning.NewGroup("1.0").Deprecated(versioning.DefaultDeprecationOptions)
// reports if the "version" is matching to the "is".
// the "is" can be a constraint like ">= 1, < 3".
If(version string, is string) bool
// same as `If` but expects a Context to read the requested version.
Match(ctx iris.Context, expectedVersion string) bool
app.Get("/api/user", func(ctx iris.Context) {
if versioning.Match(ctx, ">= 2.2.3") {
// [logic for >= 2.2.3 version of your handler goes here]