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ICFP 2022 Artifact

Name: Verified Symbolic Execution with Kripke Specification Monads (and no Meta-Programming)

Artifact Instructions

The artifact mainly consists of Katamaran, our mechanized separation logic verifier for the Sail language, the MinimalCaps case study and the summaxlen/linked-list toy examples presented in the paper. The papers aims to provide a generic methodology for the construction of mechanized verifiers, which we extracted from Katamaran, but Katamaran contains extensions, optimizations and makes other design choices which are orthogonal to the story of the paper.

Some of the bigger differences include:

  • Katamaran only implements a shallow and symbolic executor for separation logic (Section 4), not for predicate logic based program logics such as Section 2 and 3 suggest.
  • The code is parameterized by user-defined enum, record and union types and also contains support for more types than discussed in the paper, e.g. tuples and bit-vectors.
  • The syntax of programs is stratified in to statements and expressions.
  • The complete codebase uses an intrinsically-typed representation for all pieces of data such as input programs, variable stores, heaps, substitutions, valuations etc.
  • The pre- and postconditions in contracts are written in a deeply-embedded assertion language represented (Inductive Assertion) that was omitted in the paper for space reasons.

Nevertheless, our implementation provides evidence for the main claims of the paper and we tried to make the presentation in the code and in the paper consistent. We documented differences when necessary either as part of this readme or as comments in the code.


To compile our code and verify our claims, we assume that reviewers either have Coq installed on their own system or are using the provided Debian QEMU image, which is derived from the base image. The code has the following dependencies with the specified lower bounds:

coq            >= 8.14
coq-equations  >= 1.3
coq-iris       >= 3.5
coq-stdpp      >= 1.6

but also works with the most recent releases, i.e. Coq 8.15.1 and Iris 3.6. For benchmarking the running time, you will need the ts command of the moreutils package that is available as part of most Linux distributions. For the QEMU image, generic install and run instructions are provided at the end of this file. To check our claims, we require you to run make commands, inspect the output and also read the statements of key definitions and lemmas. All of the commands in this file should be run from the main katamaran folder, which is /home/artifact/katamaran in the VM image.

Claimed badges

For our artifact we claim the available, functional and reusable badges. We lay our how we support the claim of each badge in its own section.

Available badge

We will make the artifact available in a long-term, publicly accessible archive upon acceptance of the paper for which we will use Zenodo as recommended by the evaluation guidelines. Furthermore, we will also cut out a release on GitHub and submit it to Coq's opam archive.

Functional badge

To verify our functional claims, we ask you to browse the code and compare it to the definitions of the paper, and to check that our proofs are assumption free, i.e. they don't use any axioms or rely on unproven facts. For browsing the code and finding referenced definitions, we recommend that you open the files in a code editor on your machine outside of the QEMU VM.

The assumptions of a definition can be printed with the Coq command Print Assumptions. The expected output of this command is Closed under the global context for assumption free definitions. We have already added these commands to the code for key lemmas and will point you to the location in the code, and how to see the result of that command in the compilation output.

You can compile the codebase using make in the main folder. Furthermore, there are certain make targets which will selectively force recompilation of some of the files. We recommend that you run these once and redirect the output to a text file

make summaxlen > summaxlen.txt
make linkedlist > linkedlist.txt
make minimalcaps > minimalcaps.txt

that you can browse later, e.g. via less summaxlen.txt.

Functional Claim 1: Shallow verification condition generation

As demonstrated in Section 2, shallow VCGs can be defined by implementing monadic interpreters in shallow specification monads. Most of the definition can be found in the theories/Shallow/Executor.v file. Of interest are the following definitions:

  • The pure predicate transformer monad CPureSpecM corresponds to the definition 𝑊pure from Section 2.
  • The symbolic heap and store predicate transformer monad CHeapSpecM corresponds to 𝑊heap from Section 4.
  • The names of the definitions in Executor.v for the primitives from Fig 2. are angelic, demonic, angelic_binary, demonic_binary, assert_formula and assume_formula which are defined for both CPureSpecM and CHeapSpecM.
  • The propositional implementation of control flow from Fig 3. are the angelic_match_* and demonic_match_* functions.
  • The main interpreter function that recurses over program statements is implemented in exec and exec_aux.
  • The main verification condition generation is implemented exec_contract, vcgen and ValidContract.

Functional Claim 2: Shallow VCG soundness

The proof of the soundness of the shallow VCG can be found in the file theories/Shallow/Soundness.v. Lemma 2.1 of the paper is verified by Lemma exec_aux_sound and Lemma exec_sound in the code, with the statement given by Definition SoundExec. Corollary 2.2 of the paper corresponds to Lemma vcgen_sound and Lemma shallow_vcgen_soundness.

The definition of the underlying program logic, and what a valid contract corresponds to in terms of the program logic, can be found in theories/Sep/Hoare.v.

Printing the assumptions of shallow_vcgen_soundness in theories/Shallow/Soundness.v would print all the module parameters as assumptions, which are considered user inputs by the code. Instead we added a Print Assumptions shallow_vcgen_soundness command to test/SumMaxLen.v where the modules are instantiated for one of the toy examples. Search for shallow_vcgen_soundness at the end of summaxlen.txt.

Functional Claim 3: Symbolic verification condition generation

Section 3 discusses the generation of symbolic VCs via symbolic specification monads. Symbolic propositions 𝕊 are defined by Inductive SymProp in file theories/Symbolic/Propositions.v. The definition of the worlds (Record World) and accessibility (Inductive Acc) of the Kripke frame reside in theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v. This file also defines the notation used for Kripke-indexed types and basic constructions like the box operator Definition Box, the S4 axioms, and a type class for persistent types Class Persistent and some of its instances.

The symbolic specification monads come again in two flavours: SPureSpecM for 𝑆pure from Section 3 and SHeapSpecM for 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑝 from Section 4 of the paper. You will find the symbolic definition of a demonic pattern match on sum types in Definition demonic_match_sum'. The executor function exec and exec_aux are the symbolic equivalents to the shallow one you already encountered, and the overall VCG is defined by Definition vcgen which is wrapped and combined with the postprocessing phase in Definition ValidContract.

Functional Claim 4: Symbolic VCG soundness

The reduction of the soundness of the symbolic VCG to soundness of the shallow VCG is implemented in file theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v. The definition of the logical relation from Fig. 18 of the paper is implemented as Class Refine and its instances. The file contains an explanation why it's implemented using typeclasses. The example relatedness proof of the paper is implemented in Lemma refine_demonic for which we provide the goal state after key steps in comments.

The key relatedness lemmas in the file are the ones for symbolically executing program statements Lemma refine_exec_aux and Lemma refine_exec, and the one for the complete verification condition generator Lemma refine_vcgen from which the main soundness lemma Lemma symbolic_vcgen_soundness is derived. This implements the proof of Lemma 5.1 from the paper. You can again find the output of the Print Assumption command for symbolic_vcgen_soundness at the end of summaxlen.txt

Functional Claim 5: Evaluation of the implementation

This claim concerns the evaluation of Katamaran in Section 6 with the summaxlen and linked-lists toy examples, which you can find in test/SumMaxLen.v and test/LinkedList.v, and the MinimalCaps case study which is located in the case_study/MinimalCaps folder. You will find that the source files randomly open goals that are aborted. Their purpose is to print information on the command line, so that you do not have to step through the file yourself.

For summaxlen you will find the definition of the function body Definition fun_summaxlen and of the contract Definition sep_contract_summaxlen and the proof of the verification condition Lemma valid_contract_summaxlen. This is a non-trivial verification condition that is solved by a small proof script. In the output file summaxlen.txt you can find the generated shallow and symbolic verification conditions which correspond to the ones given in Section 3 of the paper. Furthermore, there is an alternative definition of summaxlen with a debug ghost statement for which you can also find an output of the complete verification condition in summaxlen.txt, and an output that only shows the second debug node. This reflects the case that is discussed at the end of Section 3.7 in the paper. The adequacy statement of Section 6.1 for summaxlen is the Corollary summaxlen_adequacy.

For the linked-lists examples the verification condition become trivial after simplification and therefore all the valid_contract_* lemmas are solved by the reflexivity tactic. In the ExampleModel submodule, you can find the verification of the soundness of the foreign functions (mkcons, etc.) and of the lemmas (open_cons etc.) provided to the symbolic executor. These proofs are performed in Iris Proof Mode. As discussed in Section 4.1, an omission of a lemma ghost statement (see Definition fun_appendloop_broken) results in a verification failure for which the linkedlist.txt files contains the generated output.

For the MinimalCaps case study, all verification conditions are solved simultaneously in Lemma valid_contracts in case_study/MinimalCaps/Contracts.v, which also became trivial after simplification.

The branching statistics of Table. 1 can be found in the summaxlen.txt and linkedlist.txt files. The details of counting the nodes can be found in the Module Statistics in both theories/Shallow/Executor.v and theories/Symbolic/Executor.v. For MinimalCaps, computing the nodes of the large combined shallow VC (~96k lines) is intractable in Ltac, therefore an alternative command line-based solution is provided. It prints the entire VC to standard out and counts the number of textual occurrences of the leaf propositions that correspond to finished and pruned execution paths. You can find the results in mininmalcaps.txt.

The running times shown in Table. 1, and of the MinimalCaps case study, can be produced with make timings for which the moreutils packages needs to be installed. It measures, on the command line, the time between outputs just before and after the proof of a verification condition.

For the evaluation of the third party we used the following sources:

  • Bedrock

    The implementation of the framework is available on Github, and more specifically the example code we used for the benchmark can be found in Bedrock/Examples/SinglyLinkedList.v. For timing the individual functions, we redefined the Bedrock module sllM to only contain one of the functions and timed the lemma containing the verification of the specification sllMOk.

    The Lemmas row in Table 1 of the paper contains the time to check the nil_fwd, nil_bwd, cons_fwd, and cons_bwd theorems.

  • Verified Software Toolchain

    The implementation of VST can be found on Github. The Lemma body_append in progs64/verif_append2.v is the verification of the append function that we timed, and the Lemma body_reverse in progs64/verif_reverse2.v the verification of the reverse function.

  • Separation Logic Foundations

    Our benchmarks are based on version 1.1 of the Separation Logic Foundations. The development of linked-list is in the Representation Predicates chapter in Repr.v. We took the timings of the triple_append and triple_mcopy lemmas which are provided and measured the time of our own solution to the triple_mlength exercise:

    Lemma triple_mlength : forall L p,
      triple (mlength p)
        (MList L p)
        (fun r => \[r = val_int (length L)] \* (MList L p)).
    Proof using.
      intros. gen p. induction_wf IH: list_sub L.
      xwp. xapp. xchange MList_if. xif; intros C; case_if; xpull.
      { intros ->. subst. xval. xsimpl*. xchange* <- MList_nil. }
      { intros x q L' ->. xapp. xapp. xapp.
        xchange <- MList_cons. xsimpl*.
        now rewrite length_cons, plus_nat_eq_plus_int, Z.add_comm.

    For the Lemmas row in Table 1 we timed Lemma MList_if.

Reusable badge

We see two reuse scenarios for our development.

  1. In the implementation of similar verifiers for languages other than Sail. We see the contents of our paper as a generic methodology to build such verifiers using Kripke-indexed specification monads, and most of the definitions in the paper and our implementation of it are not specific to any language and can in theory be directly reused.

  2. As a verification tool for security properties of Sail models of instruction sets, which is the indended use case for which Katamaran is being developed. The framework is not tied to the MinimalCaps code nor to the capability safety property. The parameterization over a user-provided pure and spatial background theory, included a user-provided model of memory, makes the tool more widely usable. We are in fact developping a second case study, that proves (for a subset of RISC-V) a security property for its optional Physical Memory Protection feature

As per the guidelines, we tried to make the build process as easy as possible and made sure that it compiles with the up-do-date dependencies. An earlier version of Katamaran was already released in Coq's opam archive to facilitate reuse through packaging and we intend to publish a new release. We tried to make make definitions, notations, meta-variables etc. as consistent as possible to the paper.

Detailed mappings

In this section we give detailed links of the definition of the paper to the corresponding definition in the codebase.

Paper File Definition Comment
Fig. 1 exp theories/Syntax/Expression.v Inductive Exp
Fig. 1 binop theories/Syntax/BinOps.v Inductive BinOp
Fig. 1 program theories/Syntax/FunDef.v Parameter FunDef Represented as a mapping from function names to their body.
Fig. 1 pvar theories/Syntax/Variables.v PVar
Fig. 1 val theories/Syntax/TypeDecl.v Fixpoint Val
Fig. 1 store theories/Base.v Notation CStore
Section 2 Wpure theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM
Section 2 Wstore theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM Additionally includes a separation logic heap.
Fig. 2 ret theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM.pure
Fig. 2 angelic theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM.angelic
Fig. 2 demonic theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM.demonic
Fig. 2 ⊕ theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM.angelic_binary
Fig. 2 ⊗ theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM.demonic_binary
Fig. 2 assert theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM.assert_formula
Fig. 2 assume theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CPureSpecM.assume_formula
Fig. 2 push, pop theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM.pushpop Combines push and pop.
Fig. 3 matchbool⊗ theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM.demonic_match_bool
Fig. 3 matchbool⊕ theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM.angelic_match_bool
Fig. 3 matchsum⊗ theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM.demonic_match_sum
Fig. 3+4 exec theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM.exec_aux
Fig. 4 assign theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM.assign
Fig. 5 Val theories/Syntax/Terms.v Inductive Term
Fig. 5 LCtx theories/Base.v Notation LCtx
Fig. 5 Sub theories/Syntax/Terms.v Definition Sub
Fig. 5 Valuation theories/Base.v Notation Valuation
Fig. 6 summaxlen test/SumMaxLen.v Definition fun_summaxlen
Section 2.3 contracts tuple theories/Syntax/Assertions.v Record SepContract
Section 2.3 summaxlen contract test/SumMaxLen.v Definition sep_contract_summaxlen
Fig. 7 exec (call ..) theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition exec_aux + Definition call_contract
Section 2.4 vc theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition vcgen
Fig. 8 rule #1 theories/Sep/Hoare.v rule_stm_if
Fig. 8 rule #2 theories/Sep/Hoare.v rule_stm_call_forwards + Inductive CTriple
Fig. 8 rule #3 theories/Sep/Hoare.v rule_consequence
Fig. 8 rule #4 theories/Sep/Hoare.v rule_exist
Fig. 8 rule #5 theories/Sep/Hoare.v rule_stm_assign_backwards
Lemma 2.1 theories/Shallow/Soundness.v Lemma exec_aux_sound
Corollary 2.2 theories/Shallow/Soundness.v Lemma vcgen_sound
Fig. 9 Formulas 𝔽 theories/Syntax/Formulas.v Inductive Formula
Fig. 9 Pathcond ℂ theories/Syntax/Formulas.v Definition PathCondition
Fig. 9 Symbolic Propositions 𝕊 theories/Symbolic/Propositions.v Inductive SymProp
Section 3.2 entailments ⊢ theories/Syntax/Formulas.v Definition entails + Definition entails_formula
Section 3.2 triangular substitutions theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Inductive Tri
Fig. 10 solver theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Definition Solver + Definition SolverSpec
Fig. 11 World theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Record World This also defines a coercion from World to LCtx.
Fig. 11 accessibility ⊒ theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Inductive Acc
Fig. 11 Valid ⊢ A theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Definition Valid
Fig. 11 Implication A → B theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Definition Impl
Fig. 11 Box □A theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Definition Box
Fig. 11 Axiom T theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Definition T
Fig. 11 Axiom 4 theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Definition four
Fig. 11 Axiom K theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Definition K
Fig. 11 Persistent type theories/Symbolic/Worlds.v Class Persistent
Fig. 12 Spure theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SPureSpecM
Fig. 12 Sstore theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SHeapSpecM Additionally includes a separation logic heap.
Fig. 12 Ret theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SPureSpecM.pure
Fig. 12 >>= theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SPureSpecM.bind
Fig. 12 Assume theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SPureSpecM.assume_formulas
Fig. 12 Demonic theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SPureSpecM.demonic
Section 3.4 Matchsum⊗ theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SPureSpecM.demonic_match_sum'
Section 3.4 VC theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SPureSpecM.demonic_match_sum'
Section 3.6 Postprocessing theories/Symbolic/Propositions.v Module Postprocessing
Section 3.7 summaxlen symbolic VC test/SumMaxLen.v Lemma valid_contract_summaxlen It's the calculated proposition.
Fig. 13 summaxlen shallow VC test/SumMaxLen.v Lemma valid_contract_summaxlen_shallow It's the calculated proposition.
Fig. 14 chunk theories/Syntax/Chunks.v Inductive SCChunk
Fig. 14 Chunk theories/Syntax/Chunks.v Inductive Chunk
Fig. 14 heap theories/Syntax/Chunks.v Inductive SCHeap
Fig. 14 Heap theories/Syntax/Chunks.v Inductive SHeap
Section 4 Wheap theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition CHeapSpecM
Section 4 Sheap theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Definition SHeapSpecM
Fig. 15 producechunk theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition produce_chunk
Fig. 15 consumechunk theories/Shallow/Executor.v Definition produce_chunk
Section 4.1 ptr test/LinkedList.v Notation ptr
Section 4.1 llist test/LinkedList.v Notation llist
Fig. 16 mkcons contract test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_contract_mkcons
Fig. 16 fst contract test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_contract_fst
Fig. 16 setfst contract test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_contract_setfst
Fig. 16 snd contract test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_contract_snd
Fig. 16 setsnd contract test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_contract_setsnd
Section 4.1 mem test/LinkedList.v Definition Memory
Section 4.1 ↦ₚ test/LinkedList.v ptstocons of Inductive Predicate
Section 4.1 ↦ₗ test/LinkedList.v ptstolist of Inductive Predicate
Section 4.1 ↦ₗ def test/LinkedList.v Fixpoint ptstolist_interp This is defined as an Iris proposition.
Fig. 17 open_nil test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_lemma_open_nil
Fig. 17 close_nil test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_lemma_close_nil
Fig. 17 open_cons test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_lemma_open_cons
Fig. 17 close_cons test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_lemma_close_cons
Fig. 18 append test/LinkedList.v Definition fun_append + Definition sep_contract_append
Fig. 18 appendloop test/LinkedList.v Definition fun_appendloop + Definition sep_contract_appendloop
Fig. 18 appendloop test/LinkedList.v Definition sep_lemma_close_cons
Lemma 5.1 theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Lemma symbolic_vcgen_soundness
Section 5 Valuation : World → Type theories/Symbolic/Executor.v Record WValuation The record is unused and the fields are always passed separately in the code.
Fig 19. R≲ theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Class Refine
Fig 19. R≲[Val,val] theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Instance RefineInst
Fig 19. R≲[𝕊,ℙ] theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Instance RefineProp
Fig 19. R≲[□A,a] theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Instance RefineBox
Fig 19. R≲[A→B,a→b] theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Instance RefineImpl
Lemma 5.1 proof VC,vc ∈ R≲ theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Lemma refine_vcgen
Lemma 5.1 proof Exec,exec ∈ R≲ theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Lemma refine_exec_aux
Lemma 5.1 proof >>=,>>= ∈ R≲ theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Lemma refine_bind
Lemma 5.1 proof Assume,assume ∈ R≲ theories/Symbolic/Soundness.v Lemma refine_assume_formula
Section 6.1 step relation theories/Smallstep/Step.v Inductive Step
Lemma 6.1 test/SumMaxLen.v Lemma adequacy_pure
Fig. 21 store function case_study/MinimalCaps/Machine.v Definition fun_exec_sd
Fig. 21 store contract case_study/MinimalCaps/Machine.v Definition sep_contract_exec_sdfun_exec_sd + Definition mach_inv