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Below is a breakdown of the Router object which is essentially a mini-app that allows your application to be modular. A single Router can be used with multiple Server instances as routers simply hold route information which is then used with the use() method.

Modularity With Routers

Routers allow you to group specific routes under their own branch which you can then assign onto a master branch. The example below shows how all routes for an api version can be bound to a single router and then that router can be bound to the webserver to automatically bind all sub-routes.

const api_v1_router = new HyperExpress.Router();

// Create routes directly on the Router'/register', async (request, response) => {
    // Destructure request body and register an account asynchronously
    const { email, password, captcha } = await request.json();
    const id = await register_account(email, password, captcha);

    // Respond with the user's account id
    return response.json({

// Assume webserver is a HyperExpress.Server instance
// This will cause all routes in the api_v1_router to listen on '/api/v1'
// This means the example route above would listen on '/api/v1/register'
webserver.use('/api/v1', api_v1_router);

Router Instance Properties

Property Type Description
routes Array Routes contained in this router.
middlewares Array Middlewares contained in this router in proper execution order.
handlers Object Router specific handlers for current instance

Router Instance Methods

  • route(String: pattern): Returns a chainable Router instance which can be used to chain calls for the same route.
    • Example: Router.route('/api/v1').get(getApiV1Handler).post(postApiV1Handler)
  • set_error_handler(Function: handler): Binds a catch-all error handler that will attempt to catch mostsynchronous/asynchronous errors on routes defined on this router.
    • Handler Parameters: (Request: request, Response: response, Error: error) => {}.
  • use(...2 Overloads): Binds middlewares and mounts Router instances on the optionally specified pattern hierarchy.
    • Overload Types:
      • use(Function | Router: ...handler): Binds the specified functions as middlewares and mounts the Router instances on the / pattern.
      • use(String: pattern, Function | Router: ...handler): Binds the specified functions as middlewares and mounts the Router instances on the specified pattern hierarchy.
    • Middlewares
      • Callback Example: (Request: request, Response: response, Function: next) => {}.
      • Promise Example: (Request: request, Response: response) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* Call resolve() in here */ }).
      • Note you must ensure that each middleware iterates by executing the next callback or resolving the returned Promise.
      • Note calling next(new Error(...)) or resolving/rejecting with an Error will call the global error handler.
      • Note you must NOT call next() while also resovling the async promise of a middleware to prevent double iterations.
    • Note pattern is treated as a wildcard match by default and does not support */:param prefixes.
      • Example: A GET /users/:id route from a Router used with use('/api/v1', router) call will be created as GET /api/v1/users/:id.
      • Example: A middleware assigned directly to a Router used with use('/api', router) will execute for all routes that begin with /api.
  • any(...4 Overloads): Creates an HTTP route on the specified pattern. Alias methods are listed below for all available HTTP methods.
    • Alias Methods: all(), get(), post(), put() , delete(), head(), options(), patch(), trace(), connect(), upgrade().
    • Overload Types:
      • any(String: pattern, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified handler.
      • any(String: pattern, Object: options, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified route options and handler.
      • any(String: pattern, Function | Function[]: ...middleware, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified route-specific middleware(s) and handler.
      • any(String: pattern, Object: options, Function | Function[]: ...middleware, Function: handler): Creates an any method HTTP route with the specified route-specific middleware(s), options and handler.
        • Route Handler Example: (Request: request, Response: response) => {}.
    • options[Object]: Route options can be utiliized to override and specify options specific to a route.
      • max_body_length[Number]: Overrides the global Server.max_body_length parameter used to enforce a maximum body size limit for this route.
      • middlewares[Array]: Can be used to provide route specific middlewares.
        • Note! Route specific middlewares NOT supported with any method routes.
        • Note! Middlewares are executed in the order provided in the Array provided.
        • Note! Global/Router middlewares will be executed before route specific middlewares are executed.
      • streaming[Object]: Specifies global constructor options for internal readable and writable streams.
        • readable[stream.ReadableOptions]: Constructor options for Request body readable streams.
        • writable[stream.WritableOptions]: Constructor options for Response body writable streams.
    • Note pattern is treated as a strict match and trailing-slashes will be treated as different paths.
    • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous route handler functions.
    • Supports path parameters with :param prefix.
      • Example: /api/v1/users/:action/:id will populate Request.path_parameters with id value from path.
  • ws(String: pattern, Object: options, Function: handler): Creates a websocket listening route allowing for websocket connections.
    • Example Handler: (Websocket: ws) => { /* A websocket connection has opened */ }
    • Parameter options[Object]: This parameter is optional thus you can simply provide a pattern and handler for simpler code.
      • idle_timeout[Number]: Number of seconds after which a websocket connection will be disconnected after inactivity.
        • Default: 32
        • Note this number must be a factor of 4 meaning idle_timeout % 4 == 0 due to a uWebsockets requirement.
      • message_type[String]: Data type in which to process and emit messages from connections.
        • Default: String
        • Must be one of String, Buffer, ArrayBuffer
        • Note ArrayBuffer is directly passed from uWebsockets handler thus it is only memory allocated for a synchronous operation.
      • compression[Number]: Defines the type of per message deflate compression to use.
        • Default: HyperExpress.compressors.DISABLED
        • Please provide one of the constants from require('hyper-express').compressors.
      • max_backpressure[Number]: Maximum length of allowed backpressure per connection when publishing or sending messages.
        • Default: 1024 * 1024 > 1,048,576
        • Note slow receivers with too high backpressure will be skipped and timeout until they catch up.
      • max_payload_length[Number]: Maximum length of allowed incoming messages per connection.
        • Default: 32 * 1024 > 32,768
        • Note any connection that sends a message larger than this number will be immediately closed.
    • See > [Websocket] for usage documentation on this method and working with websockets.