This repository contains 23 directories that cover different aspects of Java programming language. These directories are arranged in the following order:
- Introduction
- Setup
- First Steps
- Variables, Datatypes, and Operators
- Expressions, Statements, Code Blocks, Methods, and More
- Control Flow Statements
- OOP - Part 1 (Classes, Constructors, and Inheritance)
- OOP - Part 2 (Composition, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism)
- Arrays, Java Inbuilt Lists, Autoboxing, and Unboxing
- Inner and Abstract Classes, Interfaces
- Java Generics
- Naming Convention and Packages, Static and Final Keywords
- Java Collections
- JavaFX
- Basic Input/Output Including java.util
- Concurrency in Java
- Lambda Expressions
- Regular Expressions
- Debugging and Unit Testing
- Databases
- Java 9 Module System
- Java Networking Programming
- Migrating Java Projects to Java 9
Each directory contains code examples, explanations, and exercises to help you learn Java programming language.
To get started with Java programming, you should start with the Introduction directory. This directory will introduce you to Java programming language and explain the benefits of learning Java.
After that, you should move on to the Setup directory, which will guide you on how to set up your development environment for Java programming.
Once you have your environment set up, you can move on to the First Steps directory, which will introduce you to basic concepts such as variables, data types, and operators.
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to suggest an improvement, please create an issue or pull request.
This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.