diff --git a/include/kamping/collectives/bcast.hpp b/include/kamping/collectives/bcast.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..485743add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/kamping/collectives/bcast.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// This file is part of KaMPI.ng.
+// Copyright 2022 The KaMPI.ng Authors
+// KaMPI.ng is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+// version. KaMPI.ng is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+// implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with KaMPI.ng. If not, see
+// .
+#pragma once
+#include "kamping/assertion_levels.hpp"
+#include "kamping/checking_casts.hpp"
+#include "kamping/comm_helper/is_same_on_all_ranks.hpp"
+#include "kamping/communicator.hpp"
+#include "kamping/mpi_datatype.hpp"
+#include "kamping/mpi_function_wrapper_helpers.hpp"
+#include "kamping/named_parameter_selection.hpp"
+#include "kamping/parameter_check.hpp"
+#include "kamping/parameter_factories.hpp"
+#include "kamping/parameter_objects.hpp"
+#include "kamping/parameter_type_definitions.hpp"
+/// @brief Wrapper for \c MPI_Bcast
+/// This wrapper for \c MPI_Bcast sends data from the root to all other ranks.
+/// The following buffer is required:
+/// - \ref kamping::send_recv_buf() containing the data that is sent to the other ranks. Non-root ranks must allocate
+/// and provide this buffer as it's needed for deducing the value type. The container will be resized on non-root ranks
+/// to fit exactly the received data.
+/// The following parameter is optional but causes additional communication if not present.
+/// - \ref kamping::recv_count() specifying how many elements are broadcasted. If not specified, will be
+/// communicated through an additional bcast. If not specified, we broadcast the whole send_recv_buf. If specified,
+/// has to be the same on all ranks (including the root). Has to either be specified or not specified on all ranks. The
+/// following parameter is optional:
+/// - \ref kamping::root() specifying an alternative root. If not present, the default root of the \c
+/// Communicator is used, see root().
+/// @todo Add support for `bcast(..)` style deduction of send_recv_buf's type on non-root ranks.
+/// @todo Add support for unnamed first parameter send_recv_buf.
+/// @tparam Args Automatically deducted template parameters.
+/// @param args All required and any number of the optional buffers described above.
+/// @return Result type wrapping the output buffer if not specified as input parameter.
+auto kamping::Communicator::bcast(Args... args) const {
+ using namespace ::kamping::internal;
+ // Get the root PE
+ auto&& root = select_parameter_type_or_default(std::tuple(this->root()), args...);
+ KASSERT(this->is_valid_rank(root.rank()), "Invalid rank as root.", assert::light);
+ // Get the send_recv_buf; for now, the user *has* to provide a send-receive buffer.
+ auto&& send_recv_buf = internal::select_parameter_type(args...);
+ using value_type = typename std::remove_reference_t::value_type;
+ static_assert(!std::is_const_v, "Const send_recv_buf'fers are not allowed.");
+ auto mpi_value_type = mpi_datatype();
+ /// @todo Uncomment, once the send_recv_buf is optional.
+ // if (this->is_root(root.rank())) {
+ // KASSERT(has_user_provided_send_recv_buf, "The send_recv_buf is mandatory at the root.", assert::light);
+ // }
+ // Get the optional recv_count parameter. If the parameter is not given, allocate a new container.
+ auto&& recv_count_param = internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<
+ ParameterType::recv_count, LibAllocatedSingleElementBuffer>(
+ std::tuple(), args...);
+ constexpr bool recv_count_is_output_parameter = has_to_be_computed;
+ is_same_on_all_ranks(recv_count_is_output_parameter),
+ "recv_count() parameter is an output parameter on some PEs, but not on alle PEs.", assert::light_communication);
+ // If it is not user provided, broadcast the size of send_recv_buf from the root to all ranks.
+ int recv_count = recv_count_param.get_single_element();
+ if constexpr (recv_count_is_output_parameter) {
+ if (this->is_root(root.rank())) {
+ recv_count = asserting_cast(send_recv_buf.size());
+ }
+ // Transfer the recv_count
+ // This error code is unused if KTHROW is removed at compile time.
+ /// @todo Use bcast_single for this.
+ [[maybe_unused]] int err = MPI_Bcast(
+ &recv_count, // buffer
+ 1, // count
+ mpi_datatype(), // datatype
+ root.rank_signed(), // root
+ this->mpi_communicator() // comm
+ );
+ // Output the recv count via the output_parameter
+ *recv_count_param.data() = recv_count;
+ }
+ if (this->is_root(root.rank())) {
+ asserting_cast(recv_count) == send_recv_buf.size(),
+ "If a recv_count() is provided on the root rank, it has to be equal to the number of elements in the "
+ "send_recv_buf. For partial transfers, use a kamping::Span.");
+ }
+ this->is_same_on_all_ranks(recv_count), "The recv_count must be equal on all ranks.",
+ assert::light_communication);
+ // Resize my send_recv_buf to be able to hold all received data.
+ // Trying to resize a single element buffer to something other than 1 will throw an error.
+ send_recv_buf.resize(asserting_cast(recv_count));
+ // Perform the broadcast. The error code is unused if KTHROW is removed at compile time.
+ [[maybe_unused]] int err = MPI_Bcast(
+ send_recv_buf.data(), // buffer
+ asserting_cast(send_recv_buf.size()), // count
+ mpi_value_type, // datatype
+ root.rank_signed(), // root
+ this->mpi_communicator() // comm
+ );
+ return MPIResult(
+ std::move(send_recv_buf), BufferCategoryNotUsed{}, std::move(recv_count_param), BufferCategoryNotUsed{},
+ BufferCategoryNotUsed{});
+} // namespace kamping::internal
diff --git a/include/kamping/collectives/reduce.hpp b/include/kamping/collectives/reduce.hpp
index 39cc87da8..86b8efc88 100644
--- a/include/kamping/collectives/reduce.hpp
+++ b/include/kamping/collectives/reduce.hpp
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ auto kamping::Communicator::reduce(Args... args) const {
using recv_value_type = typename std::remove_reference_t::value_type;
auto& operation_param = internal::select_parameter_type(args...);
- auto operation = operation_param.template build_operation();
+ // If you want to understand the syntax of the following line, ignore the "template " ;-)
+ auto operation = operation_param.template build_operation();
// Check parameters
diff --git a/include/kamping/communicator.hpp b/include/kamping/communicator.hpp
index 595228764..d1d7c614d 100644
--- a/include/kamping/communicator.hpp
+++ b/include/kamping/communicator.hpp
@@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ class Communicator {
auto gather(Args... args) const;
+ template
+ auto bcast(Args... args) const;
void barrier(Args... args) const;
diff --git a/include/kamping/parameter_objects.hpp b/include/kamping/parameter_objects.hpp
index b1312e33f..205737d24 100644
--- a/include/kamping/parameter_objects.hpp
+++ b/include/kamping/parameter_objects.hpp
@@ -190,7 +190,9 @@ class DataBuffer {
KASSERT(!is_extracted, "Cannot resize a buffer that has already been extracted.", assert::normal);
if constexpr (is_single_element) {
- KASSERT(size == 1u, "Single element buffers must hold exactly one element.");
+ size == 1u, "Cannot resize a single element buffer to hold zero or more than one element. Single "
+ "element buffers always hold exactly one element.");
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v>) {
KASSERT(this->size() >= size, "Span cannot be resized and is smaller than the requested size.");
} else {
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 4f2944457..885fade9f 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ kamping_register_mpi_test(test_mpi_communicator FILES mpi_communicator_test.cpp
kamping_register_mpi_test(test_mpi_datatype FILES mpi_datatype_test.cpp CORES 1)
kamping_register_mpi_test(test_mpi_gather FILES collectives/mpi_gather_test.cpp CORES 1 4)
kamping_register_mpi_test(test_mpi_reduce FILES collectives/mpi_reduce_test.cpp CORES 1 4)
+kamping_register_mpi_test(test_mpi_bcast FILES collectives/mpi_bcast_test.cpp CORES 1 4)
kamping_register_mpi_test(test_mpi_allreduce FILES collectives/mpi_allreduce_test.cpp CORES 1 4)
kamping_register_mpi_test(test_operation_wrapper FILES mpi_operation_wrapper_test.cpp CORES 1)
kamping_register_mpi_test(test_parameter_factories_mpi FILES parameter_factories_mpi_test.cpp CORES 1)
@@ -94,3 +95,4 @@ kamping_register_compilation_failure_test(
LIBRARIES kamping_base
diff --git a/tests/collectives/mpi_bcast_test.cpp b/tests/collectives/mpi_bcast_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e33c66247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/collectives/mpi_bcast_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+// This file is part of KaMPI.ng.
+// Copyright 2022 The KaMPI.ng Authors
+// KaMPI.ng is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+// version. KaMPI.ng is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+// implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with KaMPI.ng. If not, see
+// .
+#include "../test_assertions.hpp"
+#include "../helpers_for_testing.hpp"
+#include "kamping/collectives/bcast.hpp"
+#include "kamping/communicator.hpp"
+#include "kamping/parameter_factories.hpp"
+using namespace ::kamping;
+using namespace ::testing;
+TEST(BcastTest, single_element) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ // Basic use case, broadcast a single POD.
+ size_t value = comm.rank();
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(value, comm.root());
+ // TODO Using the unnamed first parameter.
+ // value++;
+ // comm.bcast(value);
+ // EXPECT_EQ(value, comm.root() + 1);
+ // Broadcast a single POD to all processes, manually specify the root process.
+ assert(comm.size() > 0);
+ const size_t root = comm.size() - 1;
+ value = comm.rank();
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(value), kamping::root(root));
+ EXPECT_EQ(value, root);
+ // Broadcast a single POD to all processes, use a non-default communicator's root.
+ value = comm.rank();
+ comm.root(root);
+ ASSERT_EQ(root, comm.root());
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(value, root);
+ // Broadcast a single POD to all processes, manually specify the recv_count.
+ value = comm.rank();
+ /// @todo Uncomment, once EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS supports KASSERTs which fail only on some ranks.
+ // EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(value), recv_count(0)), "");
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(value), recv_count(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(value, root);
+ /// @todo Uncomment, once EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS supports KASSERTs which fail only on some ranks.
+ // EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(value), recv_count(2)), "");
+TEST(Bcasttest, vector_partial_transfer) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ std::vector values(5);
+ int num_transferred_values = 3;
+ std::iota(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank() * 10);
+ kamping::Span transfer_view(values.data(), asserting_cast(num_transferred_values));
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(transfer_view));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, ElementsAre(0, 1, 2, comm.rank() * 10 + 3, comm.rank() * 10 + 4));
+ std::iota(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank() * 10);
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(transfer_view), recv_count(num_transferred_values));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 5);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, ElementsAre(0, 1, 2, comm.rank() * 10 + 3, comm.rank() * 10 + 4));
+ std::iota(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank() * 10);
+ num_transferred_values = -1;
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(transfer_view), recv_count_out(num_transferred_values));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_transferred_values, 3);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, ElementsAre(0, 1, 2, comm.rank() * 10 + 3, comm.rank() * 10 + 4));
+TEST(BcastTest, vector_recv_count) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ { // All ranks provide the same recv_count.
+ const size_t num_values = 4;
+ std::vector values(num_values);
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ }
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(num_values));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), num_values);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+ if (comm.size() > 1) {
+ { // Some ranks provide a recv_count, some don't.
+ const size_t num_values = 4;
+ std::vector values(num_values);
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(num_values)), "");
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values)), "");
+ }
+ }
+ { // All ranks provide a recv_count, but they differ.
+ const size_t num_values = 4;
+ [[maybe_unused]] const size_t alternative_num_values = 3;
+ std::vector values(num_values);
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(num_values)), "");
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(alternative_num_values)), "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST(BcastTest, vector_recv_count_not_equal_to_vector_size) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ /// @todo Uncomment, once EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS supports KASSERTs which fail only on some ranks.
+ // { // recv count < vector size
+ // const size_t num_values = 4;
+ // const int num_transferred_values = num_values - 1;
+ // std::vector values(num_values);
+ // EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(num_transferred_values)), "");
+ // }
+ /// @todo Uncomment, once EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS supports KASSERTs which fail only on some ranks.
+ // { // recv count > vector size
+ // const size_t num_values = 4;
+ // const int num_transferred_values = num_values + 1;
+ // std::vector values(num_values);
+ // EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(num_transferred_values)), "");
+ // }
+TEST(BcastTest, vector_no_recv_count) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ { // All send_recv_bufs are already large enough.
+ std::vector values(4);
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ }
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 4);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+ { // Some send_recv_bufs need to be resized.
+ std::vector values;
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ values.resize(100);
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ } else {
+ values.resize(0);
+ }
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 100);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+ { // All send_recv_bufs are of different size
+ comm.root(0);
+ std::vector values;
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ values.resize(43);
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ } else {
+ values.resize(comm.rank());
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ }
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 43);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+TEST(BcastTest, vector_recv_count_as_out_parameter) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ { // All send_recv_bufs are already large enough.
+ std::vector values(4);
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ }
+ int num_elements_received = -1;
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count_out(num_elements_received));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_elements_received, values.size());
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+ { // Some send_recv_bufs need to be resized.
+ std::vector values;
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ values.resize(100);
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ } else {
+ values.resize(0);
+ }
+ int num_elements_received = -1;
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count_out(num_elements_received));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 100);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_elements_received, values.size());
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+ { // All send_recv_bufs are of different size.
+ comm.root(0);
+ std::vector values;
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ values.resize(43);
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ } else {
+ values.resize(comm.rank());
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ }
+ int num_elements_received = -1;
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count_out(num_elements_received));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 43);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_elements_received, values.size());
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+ if (comm.size() > 1) {
+ { // Root rank provides recv_count, the other ranks need request as an out parameter.
+ comm.root(0);
+ std::vector values(0);
+ int num_elements = 43;
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ values.resize(asserting_cast(num_elements));
+ EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(num_elements)), "");
+ } else {
+ values.resize(comm.rank());
+ [[maybe_unused]] int num_elements_received = -1;
+ EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count_out(num_elements_received)), "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ { //
+ comm.root(0);
+ std::vector values(0);
+ int num_elements = 43;
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ values.resize(asserting_cast(num_elements));
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ auto result = comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values));
+ EXPECT_EQ(result.extract_recv_count(), num_elements);
+ } else {
+ values.resize(comm.rank());
+ int num_elements_received = -1;
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count_out(num_elements_received));
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_elements, num_elements_received);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_elements_received, values.size());
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), num_elements);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+ }
+TEST(BcastTest, vector_needs_resizing_and_counts_are_given) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ size_t num_values = 10;
+ std::vector values;
+ if (comm.is_root()) {
+ values.resize(num_values);
+ std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), comm.rank());
+ }
+ comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(asserting_cast(num_values)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), num_values);
+ EXPECT_THAT(values, Each(Eq(comm.root())));
+TEST(BcastTest, message_of_size_0) {
+ Communicator comm;
+ std::vector values(0);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 0);
+ values.resize(1);
+ /// @todo Uncomment, once EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS supports KASSERTs which fail only on some ranks.
+ // EXPECT_KASSERT_FAILS(comm.bcast(send_recv_buf(values), recv_count(0)), "");
diff --git a/tests/parameter_objects_test.cpp b/tests/parameter_objects_test.cpp
index a61e13848..063e38429 100644
--- a/tests/parameter_objects_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/parameter_objects_test.cpp
@@ -369,9 +369,14 @@ TEST(SingleElementModifiableBufferTest, get_basics) {
EXPECT_EQ(int_buffer.size(), 1);
- EXPECT_DEATH(int_buffer.resize(0), "Single element buffers must hold exactly one element.");
- EXPECT_DEATH(int_buffer.resize(2), "Single element buffers must hold exactly one element.");
+ int_buffer.resize(0), "Cannot resize a single element buffer to hold zero or more than one element. Single "
+ "element buffers always hold exactly one element.");
+ int_buffer.resize(2), "Cannot resize a single element buffer to hold zero or more than one element. Single "
+ "element buffers always hold exactly one element.");
EXPECT_EQ(int_buffer.get().size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(*(int_buffer.get().data()), 5);
EXPECT_EQ(*(int_buffer.data()), 5);
@@ -406,8 +411,12 @@ TEST(LibAllocatedSingleElementBufferTest, get_basics) {
EXPECT_EQ(int_buffer.size(), 1);
- EXPECT_DEATH(int_buffer.resize(0), "Single element buffers must hold exactly one element.");
- EXPECT_DEATH(int_buffer.resize(2), "Single element buffers must hold exactly one element.");
+ int_buffer.resize(0), "Cannot resize a single element buffer to hold zero or more than one element. Single "
+ "element buffers always hold exactly one element.");
+ int_buffer.resize(2), "Cannot resize a single element buffer to hold zero or more than one element. Single "
+ "element buffers always hold exactly one element.");
EXPECT_EQ(int_buffer.get().size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(*(int_buffer.get().data()), 5);