detek has two main components, Collector
and Detector
. The Collector
collects information by fetching data from external APIs (e.g, Kubernetes API). The Detector
, on the other hand, by using data collected by the Collector
, determines whether a specific situation has happened or not.
The Collector
is one of the interfaces in detek, which only has two methods.
type Collector interface {
// Give detek metadata of this Collector
GetMeta() CollectorInfo
// Collect Data using external API and store it in DetekContext
Do(ctx DetekContext) error
below is the example of the Pod Collector
, which collects Pod manifests using Kubernetes API and save it to DetekContext
const (
KeyK8sCoreV1PodList = "kubernetes_core_v1_podlist"
// just type hinting. Not necessary.
// "K8sCoreV1PodCollector" is a implemntation of the "Collector"
var _ detek.Collector = &K8sCoreV1PodCollector{}
type K8sCoreV1PodCollector struct{}
// Give detek a metadata of this collector
// GetMeta implements detek.Collector
func (*K8sCoreV1PodCollector) GetMeta() detek.CollectorInfo {
return detek.CollectorInfo{
MetaInfo: detek.MetaInfo{
ID: "kubernetes_core_v1_pod",
Description: "collect core v1 pod resources from kubernetes",
Labels: []string{"kubernetes", "core/v1", "pod", "manifest"},
Required: detek.DependencyMeta{
// K8sCoreV1PodCollector need K8sClient (may collected by the other Collector)
KeyK8sClient: {Type: detek.TypeOf(&kubernetes.Clientset{})},
Producing: detek.DependencyMeta{
// K8sCoreV1PodCollector will produce PodList
KeyK8sCoreV1PodList: {Type: detek.TypeOf(v1.PodList{})},
// Collecting logic here
// detek will execute this, and will expect to get PodList as declared at GetMeta
// Do implements detek.Collector
func (*K8sCoreV1Collector) Do(dctx detek.DetekContext) error {
// Get Kubernetes Client (collected by the other Collector)
c, err := detek.Typing[*kubernetes.Clientset]( // <- This is a syntactic sugar.
dctx.Get(KeyK8sClient, nil), // <- Get data from a detek Store
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fail to get kubernetes client: %w", err)
// Get Pod List
podList, err := c.CoreV1().Pods("").List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fail to get Pod list from kubernetes: %w", err)
// Give Pod List to detek (as declared at GetMeta)
return dctx.Set(KeyK8sCoreV1PodList, *podList) // <- Set data to a detek Store
(Pod Collector
, in this case) can be used by appending it on cases/collector_set.go.
var CollectorSet map[string]CollectorSetInitiator = map[string]CollectorSetInitiator{
DefaultSet: func(m map[string]string) []detek.Collector {
return []detek.Collector{
&collector.K8sClientCollector{KubeconfigPath: m[CONFIG_KUBECONFIG]},
&collector.K8sCoreV1PodCollector{}, // APPENDED
// add more preset here
The Detector
is also one of the interfaces in detek, with two methods.
type Detector interface {
// Give detek metadata of this Collector
GetMeta() DetectorInfo
// Find issues using data stored by Collector.
Do(ctx DetekContext) (*ReportSpec, error)
With collected data (stored in DetekContext
), Detector
can use those data to validate whether the cluster has an issue or not. Below is the example of the failed_pod Detector
, which tries to find any pod with a Failed state.
// just type hinting. Not necessary.
var _ detek.Detector = &FailedPod{}
type FailedPod struct{}
// Give detek a metadata of this detector
// GetMeta implements detek.Detector
func (*FailedPod) GetMeta() detek.DetectorInfo {
return detek.DetectorInfo{
MetaInfo: detek.MetaInfo{
ID: "failed_pod",
Description: "check if there is a pod with a 'Failed' status",
Labels: []string{"kubernetes", "pod"},
// Severity of this case is (if happened)
Level: detek.Error,
// What user can do (if happened)
IfHappened: detek.Description{
Explanation: `some of pods are in a "Failed" status`,
Solution: `check why pods are failed`,
Required: detek.DependencyMeta{
// This Detector requires following dependency
// (if the dependency not exists, it will not be run by detek)
collector.KeyK8sCoreV1PodList: {Type: detek.TypeOf(v1.PodList{})},
// Do implements detek.Detector
func (i *FailedPod) Do(ctx detek.DetekContext) (*detek.ReportSpec, error) {
// fetch PodList from a detek
podList, err := detek.Typing[v1.PodList](
ctx.Get(collector.KeyK8sCoreV1PodList, nil))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
type Problem struct {
Namespace, Name, Reason string
problems := []Problem{}
for _, po := range podList.Items {
// if Pod's Phase is Failed, than append to the Problem List
if po.Status.Phase == v1.PodFailed {
problems = append(problems, Problem{
Namespace: po.Namespace,
Name: po.Name,
Reason: i.parseFailReason(po),
report := &detek.ReportSpec{
HasPassed: true,
Attachment: []detek.JSONableData{{Description: "# of Pods", Data: len(podList.Items)}},
// if found some problem
if len(problems) != 0 {
// Detector reports this is not passed
report.HasPassed = false
// and shows users what is the problem.
report.Problem = detek.JSONableData{
Description: "Failed pod list",
Data: problems,
return report, nil
(FailedPod Detector
, in this case) can be used by appending it on cases/detector_set.go.
var (
DetectorSet map[string]DetectorSetInitiator = map[string]DetectorSetInitiator{
DefaultSet: func(m map[string]string) []detek.Detector {
return []detek.Detector{
// add more preset here