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1326 lines (1216 loc) · 33.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1326 lines (1216 loc) · 33.6 KB

下面是整个工程的目录文件结构 ├── api │ ├── aa.js
│ └── user.js //2工程 ├── base │ └── temp │ │ ├── aa.vue // 我就是个注释 │ │ └── app-file-test.vue
├── script │ ├── cli │ │ ├── handle.ts
│ │ └── index.ts
│ └── help │ │ └── index.ts
├── src │ ├── commands │ │ ├── agmd.ts
│ │ ├── change-path.ts
│ │ ├── command-actions.ts /* 界面命令注册在这里 / │ │ ├── command-handler.ts // 命令处理逻辑 │ │ ├── get-file.ts / 获取文件相关方法 / │ │ ├── get-router.ts
│ │ ├── mark-file.ts /
给路由文件打标记, 把标记打到最后,因为头部已经给了注释 / │ │ ├── mark-write-file.ts
│ │ ├── rename-path.ts /
给路由文件打标记, 把标记打到最后,因为头部已经给了注释 / │ │ └── wirte-md.ts / 生成md说明文档 / │ ├── shared │ │ └── constant.ts / 解析package / │ ├── utils │ │ └── router-utils.ts
│ ├── bin.ts
│ ├── index.ts /
这里抛出一些高级操作方法 / │ └── types.ts // 定义 Router 接口 ├── temp │ ├── check-test-kable-case2 │ │ └── testTemplate.vue // 我就是个注释 │ ├── my │ │ ├── aa.vue // 我就是个注释 │ │ └── wite-file2.vue // 我就是个注释 │ ├── myVue │ │ └── myTable │ │ │ └── test-template.vue // 我就是个注释 │ ├── test-kable-case │ │ ├── test-kable-case2 │ │ └── youTemplate.vue // 我就是个注释 │ ├── aa.vue // 我就是个注释 │ ├── app-file-test.vue // 我就是个注释 │ ├── app2-file-test.vue //mark │ ├── bb.vue
│ ├── delet-mark-all.vue // 我就是个注释 │ ├── mark-setmark.vue //setmark │ └── wite-file-test.vue // 我就是个注释 ├── test │ ├── config │ │ ├── jest-global-setup.ts
│ │ └── jest.setup.ts
│ ├── utils │ │ ├── deep-nodes-test.ts
│ │ ├── function-test.ts
│ │ ├── nodes-test.ts
│ │ └── utils.ts /
测试公共方法 / │ ├── mocks │ │ └── fs.ts
│ ├── change-path.test.ts
│ ├── get-file.test.ts
│ ├── get-router.test.ts
│ ├── mark-file.test.ts
│ ├── mark-write-file.test.ts // import { createConsola } from 'consola' │ ├── rename-path.test.ts
│ ├── rename.test.ts
│ ├── renamecopy.ts
│ └── wirte-md.test.ts
├── test2 │ └── temp │ │ ├── my │ │ │ ├── aa.vue // 我就是个注释 │ │ │ └── wite-file2.vue // 我就是个注释 │ │ └── wite-file-test.vue // 我就是个注释 ├── unuse │ ├── assets │ ├── components │ │ ├── test │ │ │ └── deep │ │ │ │ └── user.vue //2工程 │ │ ├── test2 │ │ │ └── HelloWorld.vue //2工程 │ │ └── user-rulerts.vue
│ ├── test │ │ ├── index.js /
我就是个测试 */ │ │ └── user-rulerts.vue
│ ├── App.vue
│ ├── main.js //2工程 │ └── mixins.js
├── classify.js
└── jest.config.ts

😍 代码总数统计: 后缀是 .js 的文件有 6 个 后缀是 .vue 的文件有 22 个 后缀是 .ts 的文件有 35 个 总共有 63 个文件 总代码行数有: 3,406行, 总代码字数有: 88,680个 path:/api/aa.js export default function name(params) {

} //2工程

path:/script/cli/handle.ts import help from '../help' import pkg from '../../package.json' interface parseType { version?: Boolean | undefined includes?: string[] ignores?: string[] help?: Boolean | undefined ignore?: string | undefined include?: string | undefined } function handle(settings: parseType) { if ( { help() } if (settings.version) { console.log(agmd version is: + '\x1B[36m%s\x1B[0m', pkg.version) process.exit(0) } if (settings.ignore) { settings.ignores = settings.ignore.split(' ') } if (settings.include) { settings.includes = settings.include.split(' ') } return settings }

export default handle

path:/src/shared/constant.ts /* 解析package */ import { name, version } from '../../package.json';

export const CWD = process.cwd();

export const VERSION = version;

export const PKG_NAME = name;

path:/script/help/index.ts const st = `使用说明:

  1. 在控制台按上下切换功能并回车进行确认, 执行相对应的操作!
  2. 可以在package.json中的scripts下面配置如下,然后运行命令: agmd --include str --ignore str 选项: --include string / -i string.......... 包括文件扩展名 --ignore string / -in string........... 忽略文件或者文件夹

各选项的默认配置: --ignore img,styles,node_modules,LICENSE,.git,.github,dist,.husky,.vscode,readme-file.js,readme-md.js --include .js,.vue,.ts,.tsx

说明: 配置中的字符串之间不应有空格


$ agmd --ignore lib,node_modules,dist --include .js,.ts,.vue`

function help() { console.log(st) process.exit(0) } export default help

path:/base/temp/aa.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>


import { access, readFile } from 'fs/promises'; /**

  • 解析路由文件中的路由路径。
  • @param {string} line - 路由文件中的一行。
  • @return {string} - 解析出的路由路径。 / export function parseRouterPath(line: string): string { const pathRegex = /path:\s'"['"]/ const match = line.match(pathRegex) return match ? match[1] : '' }


  • 解析路由文件中的组件路径。
  • @param {string} line - 路由文件中的一行。
  • @return {string | ''} - 解析出的组件路径或null。 / export function parseComponentPath(line: string): string { const componentRegex = /component:\s()\s*=>\s*import('"['"])/ const match = line.match(componentRegex) return match ? match[1] : '' }

export async function getDependencies(packageJsonPath: string): Promise<string[]> { let dependencies: string[] = []; if (packageJsonPath) { try { await access(packageJsonPath); const pkg = JSON.parse(await readFile(packageJsonPath, 'utf-8')); dependencies = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}).concat(Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies || {})); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } return dependencies; }

path:/src/commands/agmd.ts #!/usr/bin/env node /* 搞个文件做bug测试,命令行不好调试 */ import { generateAllAction } from './command-actions' import { getMd } from './wirte-md' import stringToArgs from '../../script/cli' import handle from '../../script/cli/handle'

async function main() { const options = stringToArgs(process.argv) const { ignores: ignore, includes: include } = handle(options) const { md, nodes } =await getMd({ ignore, include }) await generateAllAction(nodes, md) }


path:/temp/check-test-kable-case2/testTemplate.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>

path:/src/bin.ts #!/usr/bin/env node import { Command } from 'commander' import { handleCommand } from './commands/command-handler' const program = new Command() program.action(handleCommand) program.parse(process.argv)

path:/temp/my/aa.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> </script>

path:/temp/myVue/myTable/test-template.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>

path:/temp/test-kable-case/youTemplate.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>

path:/test/utils/deep-nodes-test.ts const rootPath = process.cwd().replace(/\/g, '/') const nodeComponents = [ { name: 'test', isDir: true, level: 0, note: '', imports: [], belongTo: [], children: [ { name: 'deep', isDir: true, level: 1, note: '', imports: [], belongTo: [], children: [ { name: 'user.vue', isDir: false, level: 2, note: '//2工程', imports: [rootPath + '/api/user.js'], belongTo: [], size: 1791, rowSize: 109, suffix: '.vue', fullPath: rootPath + '/unuse/components/test/deep/user.vue' } ], fullPath: rootPath + '/unuse/components/test/deep' } ], fullPath: rootPath + '/unuse/components/test' }, { name: 'test2', isDir: true, level: 0, note: '', imports: [], belongTo: [], children: [ { name: 'HelloWorld.vue', isDir: false, level: 1, note: '//2工程', imports: [rootPath + '/unuse/components/test/deep/user.vue'], belongTo: [], size: 411, rowSize: 31, suffix: '.vue', fullPath: rootPath + '/unuse/components/test2/HelloWorld.vue' } ], fullPath: rootPath + '/unuse/components/test2' }, { name: 'user-rulerts.vue', isDir: false, level: 0, note: '', imports: [rootPath + '/unuse/components/test/deep/user.vue'], belongTo: [], size: 2503, rowSize: 105, suffix: '.vue', fullPath: rootPath + '/unuse/components/user-rulerts.vue' } ]

export default nodeComponents

path:/test/config/jest-global-setup.ts import fs from 'fs-extra' import { createConsola } from 'consola' const rootPath = process.cwd().replace(/\/g, '/') const logger = createConsola({ level: 4 })

module.exports = async () => { logger.start('清空测试文件夹') // 你可以在这里执行一些全局初始化代码 const foldPath = rootPath + '/temp' const foldPath2 = rootPath + '/test2' function deleteFolderRecursive(p: string) { if (fs.existsSync(p)) { fs.readdirSync(p).forEach((file) => { const curPath = ${p}/${file} if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { deleteFolderRecursive(curPath) } else { fs.unlinkSync(curPath) } }) fs.rmdirSync(p) } }

deleteFolderRecursive(foldPath) deleteFolderRecursive(foldPath2) }

path:/temp/aa.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>

path:/test/change-path.test.ts import path from 'path' import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises' import { getRelatPath, makeSuffix, changeImport, writeToFile, getImportName } from '../src/commands/change-path' import { nodeOne } from './utils/nodes-test' import { createConsola } from 'consola' const logger = createConsola({ level: 4 }) const rootPath = process.cwd().replace(/\/g, '/') describe('change-path的测试', () => { test('getRelatPath--获取相对地址', () => { expect(getRelatPath('/unuse/components/user-rulerts.vue', '/unuse/App.vue')).toEqual( './components/user-rulerts.vue' ) })

test('makeSuffix--补全后缀和@替换', () => { expect(makeSuffix('@/src/commands/change-path', '@/src/commands/change-path')).toEqual( path.resolve('src/commands/change-path.ts').replace(/\/g, '/') ) }) test('makeSuffix--得到import', () => { const arrs = getImportName( import { getRelatPath, makeSuffix, changeImport } from '@/unuse/components/user-rulerts', ['@types/node'] )'arrs: ', arrs) expect(arrs).toEqual('@/unuse/components/user-rulerts') })

test('changeImport--更改不规范path', () => { expect( changeImport( "import { getRelatPath, makeSuffix, changeImport } from '@/unuse/components/user-rulerts'", path.resolve('unuse/App.vue').replace(/\/g, '/'), ['@types/node'] ) ).toEqual({ filePath: '@/unuse/components/user-rulerts', impName: './components/user-rulerts.vue', absoluteImport: rootPath + '/unuse/components/user-rulerts.vue' }) })

test('writeToFile--更改不规范path', (done) => { try { const node = nodeOne[0] // 1. 随机创建一个文件 const str = <script setup> import { UserRuler, aa } from '@/unuse/components/user-rulerts' </script> //2. 预期得到内容 const finalStr = <script setup> import { UserRuler, aa } from '../unuse/components/user-rulerts.vue' </script>

  const file = path.resolve(rootPath, node.fullPath)'file: ', file)

  async function get() {
    // 异步写入数据到文件
    await writeFile(file, str, { encoding: 'utf8' })
    logger.success('Write successful')
    await writeToFile(node, true)
    const getStr = await readFile(file, 'utf-8')
} catch (error) {

}) })

path:/test/mocks/fs.ts import { fs } from 'memfs'

fs.mkdirSync('/tmp') if (process.env.TMPDIR) { fs.mkdirSync(process.env.TMPDIR, { recursive: true }) }

const fsRealpath = fs.realpath ;(fsRealpath as any).native = fsRealpath

module.exports = { ...fs, realpath: fsRealpath }

path:/test2/temp/my/aa.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> </script>

path:/test2/temp/wite-file-test.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> </script>

path:/unuse/components/test/deep/user.vue //2工程 //2工程 ue2.0写法 */

<script> import { businessUserInfo, updataUserInfo, addUserInfo } from '../../../../api/user.js' export default { components: { SketchRule }, } </script> <style lang="scss"> body { padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; font-family: sans-serif; }

body * { box-sizing: border-box; user-select: none; }

.wrapper { position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 100px; width: 600px; height: 500px; background-color: #f5f5f5; border: 1px solid #dadadc; }

#screens { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; }

.screen-container { position: absolute; width: 5000px; height: 3000px; }

.scale-value { position: absolute; bottom: 100%; left: 0; }

.button { position: absolute; bottom: 100%; left: 100px; }

#canvas { position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 50%; width: 160px; height: 200px; margin-left: -80px; background: lightblue; transform-origin: 50% 0; } </style>

//1工程 //1工程 //2工程 //2工程 //2工程 //2工程 //2工程 //2工程 //2工程 //2工程

path:/unuse/test/index.js /* 我就是个测试 */ import app from '../app.vue' console.log('main')


<script lang="ts"> // import { SketchRule } from 'vue3-sketch-ruler' // import 'vue3-sketch-ruler/lib/style.css' // import { SketchRule } from '../../lib/' // import '/lib/style.css' import { computed, defineComponent, ref, reactive, onMounted, nextTick, } from "vue"; import { SketchRule } from "./test/deep/user.vue"; // 这里可以换成打包后的 const rectWidth = 600; const rectHeight = 320; export default defineComponent({ components: { SketchRule }, setup() { const screensRef = ref(null); const containerRef = ref(null); const state = reactive({ scale: 2, //658813476562495, //1, startX: 0, startY: 0, lines: { h: [433, 588], v: [33, 143], }, thick: 20, isShowRuler: true, // 显示标尺 isShowReferLine: true, // 显示参考线 }); const shadow = computed(() => { return { x: 0, y: 0, width: rectWidth, height: rectHeight, }; }); const canvasStyle = computed(() => { return { width: rectWidth, height: rectHeight, transform: `scale(${state.scale})`, }; }); onMounted(() => { // 滚动居中 screensRef.value.scrollLeft = containerRef.value.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2 - 400; }); const handleScroll = () => { const screensRect = document .querySelector("#screens") .getBoundingClientRect(); const canvasRect = document .querySelector("#canvas") .getBoundingClientRect(); // 标尺开始的刻度 const startX = (screensRect.left + state.thick - canvasRect.left) / state.scale; const startY = ( + state.thick - / state.scale; state.startX = startX; state.startY = startY; }; // 控制缩放值 const handleWheel = (e: { ctrlKey: any; metaKey: any; preventDefault: () => void; deltaY: number; }) => { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { e.preventDefault(); const nextScale = parseFloat( Math.max(0.2, state.scale - e.deltaY / 500).toFixed(2) ); state.scale = nextScale; } nextTick(() => { handleScroll(); }); }; return { screensRef, containerRef, state, shadow, canvasStyle, handleWheel, handleScroll, }; }, }); </script>



<script> import UserRuler from './components/user-rulerts.vue' </script>
<style> #app { margin-top: 60px; font-family: Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; color: #2c3e50; text-align: center; } </style>


path:/unuse/components/test2/HelloWorld.vue //2工程

<script> import user from '../test/deep/user.vue'; export default { name: 'HelloWorld', props: { msg: String } } </script> <style scoped> h3 { margin: 40px 0 0; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } li { display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; } a { color: #42b983; } </style>

path:/classify.js export default [ { name: '2工程', router: [ { path: '/spc/list', component: '@/unuse/App.vue' }, { path: '/spc/list', component: '@/unuse/main.js' }, ] } ]

path:/script/cli/index.ts import arg from 'arg' const stringToArgs = (rawArgs: string[]) => { const args = arg( { '--ignore': String, '--include': String, '--version': Boolean, '--help': Boolean, '-h': '--help', '-i': '--ignore', '-in': '--include', '-v': '--version' }, { argv: rawArgs.slice(2) } ) return { help: args['--help'], ignore: args['--ignore'], include: args['--include'], version: args['--version'] } }

export default stringToArgs

path:/api/user.js //2工程 export default function name(params) {} //2工程


<script setup> import { UserRuler, aa } from '../unuse/components/user-rulerts.vue' </script>

path:/src/commands/change-path.ts import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises' import { createConsola } from 'consola' import { getDependencies } from '../utils/router-utils' import type { ItemType } from '../types' const logger = createConsola({ level: 4 })

const rootPath = process.cwd().replace(/\/g, '/')


  • 检查当前目录是否为项目根目录。
  • 根据是否存在 package.json 文件来判断。 */ function isRootDirectory(): boolean { const packageJsonPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json') try { fs.accessSync(packageJsonPath, fs.constants.R_OK) return true } catch (error) { return false } }


  • @desc: 递归循环所有文件

  • @param {Array} nodes 整个文件的nodes */ export async function changePath(nodes: ItemType[], nochangePath?: Boolean) { async function getNode(objs: ItemType[]) { for (const ele of objs) { if (ele.children) { await getNode(ele.children) } else { if (isRootDirectory()) { await writeToFile(ele, true, nochangePath) } } } } await getNode(nodes) }


  • @desc: 这里返回没有@ 符号的路径
  • @param {string} absoluteImport 依赖本身名字
  • @param {string} fullPath 文件本身绝对地址 */ export function getRelatPath(absoluteImport: string, fullPath: string) { let relatPath = path.relative(path.dirname(fullPath), absoluteImport).replace(/\/g, '/') if (!relatPath.startsWith('.')) { relatPath = './' + relatPath } return relatPath }


  • @desc: 补后缀的方法+替换前缀
  • @param {string} filePath 正则匹配到的依赖路径
  • @param {string} fullPath 本身文件名路径
  • @param {string} impName 正确的名字 */ export function makeSuffix(filePath: string, fullPath: string) { let absoluteImport = filePath.includes('@') ? filePath.replace('@', process.cwd()) : path.resolve(path.dirname(fullPath), filePath)

const lastName = path.extname(absoluteImport)

if (!lastName) { const suffixes = ['.ts', '.vue', '.tsx', '.js', '/index.js', '/index.vue'] for (const suffix of suffixes) { if (fs.existsSync(absoluteImport + suffix)) { absoluteImport += suffix //'补充后缀:', absoluteImport + suffix) break } } } return absoluteImport.replace(/\/g, '/') }


  • @desc: 根据一行代码匹配import的详细内容 TODO 这里还得优化

*/ export function getImportName(ele: string, dependencies: string[]) { let str = '' const flag = dependencies.some((item) => ele.indexOf(item) > -1) const reg = / from "|'['|"]/ // 这里只收集组件依赖, 插件依赖排除掉 if (!flag && ele.indexOf('/') > -1 && ele.indexOf('//') !== 0) { const impStr = ele.match(reg) // 没有import的不转 if (impStr && impStr[1]) str = impStr[1] } return str }


  • @desc: 找到import并返回全路径和原始路径
  • @param {string} ele 找到的行引入
  • @param {string} fullPath 文件的全路径 */ export function changeImport(ele: string, fullPath: string, dependencies: string[], nochangePath?: Boolean) { const impName = getImportName(ele, dependencies) if (!impName) return null

const absoluteImport = makeSuffix(impName, fullPath) const obj = { impName: nochangePath ? impName : getRelatPath(absoluteImport, fullPath), filePath: impName, absoluteImport } return obj }


  • @desc: 写文件
  • @param {string} file 目标地址 */ export async function writeToFile(node: ItemType, isRelative?: Boolean, nochangePath?: Boolean) { const { fullPath } = node const packageJsonPath = path.join(rootPath, 'package.json') const dependencies = await getDependencies(packageJsonPath)

try { const fileStr = await readFile(fullPath, 'utf-8') const lines = fileStr.split(/[\n]/g)

// 使用 map() 来处理每一行
const updatedLines = => {
  if (line.includes('from') && isRelative) {
    const obj = changeImport(line, fullPath, dependencies, nochangePath)
    if (obj && obj.impName) {
      // 使用模板字符串来增加可读性`Updating import in node: ${node}`)
      return line.replace(obj.filePath, obj.impName)
  return line

// 检查是否有任何变化
if (updatedLines.join('\n') !== fileStr) {
  await writeFile(fullPath, updatedLines.join('\n'), 'utf-8')
  logger.success(`Write file successful: ${fullPath}`)

} catch (error) { // 提供更详细的错误信息 logger.error(Error reading file: ${fullPath}, Error: ${error}) } } /**

  • @description: Write the result to JS file 把结果写入到js文件
  • @param {data} 要写的数据
  • @return {fileName} 要写入文件地址 */ export async function wirteJsNodes(data: string, filePath: string): Promise { const file = path.resolve(rootPath, filePath) const content = export default ${data} await writeFile(file, content, { encoding: 'utf8' }) logger.success(Write file successful: ${filePath}) }

path:/src/index.ts /* 这里抛出一些高级操作方法 */ import { getMd } from './commands/wirte-md' import { getFileNodes } from './commands/get-file' export { getMd, getFileNodes }

path:/temp/my/wite-file2.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>

path:/test/utils/function-test.ts import { replaceName } from '../../src/commands/rename-path' import { createConsola } from 'consola' // const rootPath = process.cwd().replace(/\/g, '/') const logger = createConsola({ level: 4 })

async function get() { const p = await replaceName('/path/to/myFile.txt')'p: ', p)'我这里来了!!!') } get()

path:/test/config/jest.setup.ts import fs from 'fs-extra' import { createConsola } from 'consola' const rootPath = process.cwd().replace(/\/g, '/') const foldPath = rootPath + '/temp' const logger = createConsola({ level: 4 })

beforeAll(() => {'new unit test start') fs.ensureDirSync(foldPath) // 你可以在这里执行一些全局初始化代码 })

path:/temp/app-file-test.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>

path:/test/get-file.test.ts import { getFile, getImport, getFileNodes, getNote, setMd } from '../src/commands/get-file' import { creatFile } from './utils/utils' import type { ItemType } from '../src/types' import deepNodes from './utils/deep-nodes-test' import { createConsola } from 'consola' const rootPath = process.cwd().replace(/\/g, '/') const logger = createConsola({ level: 4 })

// 由于linux的空格数和window的空格数不一样, 所以size始终不一样, 无法测试, 所以这里干掉size // 递归树结构设置size为0 function setSize(temparrs: any[]) { temparrs.forEach((item) => { item.size = 0 if (item.children) { setSize(item.children) } }) }

describe('setMd', () => { it('should correctly format the string for a directory', () => { const obj: ItemType = { name: 'dir', isDir: true, level: 1, note: '', fullPath: '', belongTo: [], imports: [] }

const result = setMd(obj, false)

expect(result).toEqual('│ ├── dir\n')


it('should correctly format the string for a file', () => { const obj: ItemType = { name: 'file.js', isDir: false, level: 1, note: 'note', fullPath: '', belongTo: [], imports: [] } const result = setMd(obj, true) expect(result).toEqual('│ └── file.js note\n') }) })

describe('get-file的测试', () => { test('getFile--获取注释', (done) => { const file = rootPath + '/temp/app-file-test.vue' const file2 = rootPath + '/temp/aa.vue' try { async function get() { await creatFile(file) await creatFile(file2) const obj = await getFile(file) expect(obj).toEqual({ note: '// 我就是个注释', rowSize: 4, size: 63, imports: [rootPath + '/temp/aa.vue'] }) done() } get() } catch (error) { done(error) } })

test('getImport--获取每个文件依赖的方法', (done) => { const str = <script setup> import UserRuler from '@/unuse/components/user-rulerts' </script> try { async function get() { const sarr = str.split(/[\n]/g) const arrs = await getImport(sarr, rootPath + '/temp/bb.vue') expect(arrs).toMatchObject([rootPath + '/unuse/components/user-rulerts.vue']) done() } get() } catch (error) { done(error) } })

test('getFileNodes--生成所有文件的node信息', (done) => { try { async function get() { const arrs = await getFileNodes(rootPath + '/unuse/components') setSize(arrs) setSize(deepNodes) // console.log(JSON.stringify(deepNodes), 'arrs') expect(arrs).toMatchObject(deepNodes)

} catch (error) {


test('getImport--获取每个文件依赖的方法', (done) => { try { async function get() { const notes = await getFileNodes(rootPath + '/unuse/components') setSize(notes) const arrs = getNote(notes) const final = [ '├── test\n', '│ └── deep\n', '│ │ └── user.vue //2工程\n', '├── test2\n', '│ └── HelloWorld.vue //2工程\n', '└── user-rulerts.vue \n' ] // console.log(JSON.stringify(arrs), 'arrs') expect(arrs).toMatchObject(final) done() } get() } catch (error) { logger.error(error) done(error) } }) })

path:/test2/temp/my/wite-file2.vue // 我就是个注释

<script setup> import UserRuler from './aa' </script>


<script lang="ts"> // import { SketchRule } from 'vue3-sketch-ruler' // import 'vue3-sketch-ruler/lib/style.css' // import { SketchRule } from '../../lib/' // import '/lib/style.css' import { computed, defineComponent, ref, reactive, onMounted, nextTick, } from "vue"; import { SketchRule } from "./test/deep/user.vue"; // 这里可以换成打包后的 const rectWidth = 600; const rectHeight = 320; export default defineComponent({ components: { SketchRule }, setup() { const screensRef = ref(null); const containerRef = ref(null); const state = reactive({ scale: 2, //658813476562495, //1, startX: 0, startY: 0, lines: { h: [433, 588], v: [33, 143], }, thick: 20, isShowRuler: true, // 显示标尺 isShowReferLine: true, // 显示参考线 }); const shadow = computed(() => { return { x: 0, y: 0, width: rectWidth, height: rectHeight, }; }); const canvasStyle = computed(() => { return { width: rectWidth, height: rectHeight, transform: `scale(${state.scale})`, }; }); onMounted(() => { // 滚动居中 screensRef.value.scrollLeft = containerRef.value.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2 - 400; }); const handleScroll = () => { const screensRect = document .querySelector("#screens") .getBoundingClientRect(); const canvasRect = document .querySelector("#canvas") .getBoundingClientRect(); // 标尺开始的刻度 const startX = (screensRect.left + state.thick - canvasRect.left) / state.scale; const startY = ( + state.thick - / state.scale; state.startX = startX; state.startY = startY; }; // 控制缩放值 const handleWheel = (e: { ctrlKey: any; metaKey: any; preventDefault: () => void; deltaY: number; }) => { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { e.preventDefault(); const nextScale = parseFloat( Math.max(0.2, state.scale - e.deltaY / 500).toFixed(2) ); state.scale = nextScale; } nextTick(() => { handleScroll(); }); }; return { screensRef, containerRef, state, shadow, canvasStyle, handleWheel, handleScroll, }; }, }); </script>


path:/unuse/main.js //2工程 import { createApp } from 'vue' // import '../lib/style.css' import SketchRule from './components/test2/HelloWorld.vue' // import moduleName from '../api/aa.js'; const app = createApp(App) // app.use(SketchRule); import './mixins.js' // const MyComponent = app.component('SketchRule') // console.log(MyComponent, 'MyComponentMyComponent') app.mount('#app')

path:/jest.config.ts export default { // 指定 Jest 环境 testEnvironment: 'node', // 指定处理 TypeScript 的转换器 transform: { '^.+\.ts$': 'ts-jest' // 'ts-jest': { // useESM: true, // }, }, // 设置模块文件的扩展名 moduleFileExtensions: ['ts', 'js', 'json', 'node'],

// 设置需要忽略的文件或目录 testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/'],

// 如果使用 ESM,则设置此选项 extensionsToTreatAsEsm: ['.ts'], globalSetup: './test/config/jest-global-setup.ts', // 全局 setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./test/config/jest.setup.ts'], clearMocks: true, // 配置 Jest 如何解析模块,特别是对于 ESM moduleNameMapper: { '^(\.{1,2}/.*)\.js$': '$1' } }