- Shows list of albums1
- Has popular, new, and curated albums sections
- Has album search function
- Shows user information
- Shows list of owned2 albums
- Profile owner is able to edit their profile
- Shows list of chapters3
- Has capability to sort chapters
- Has comments section
- Has cover picture picker
- Has chapter search function
- Album owner is able to add or edit chapters
- Has image viewer
- Has comments section
- The artist is able to add new or change existing images via image picker
- Images are sortable
- The artist is able to pick existing or create new album on the fly
- Views markdown formatted text4
- Has comments section
- Has WYSIWYG text editor
- WYSIWYG editor makes markdown formatted text
- The site administrator is able to configure overall looks of cowmilk client via preset options
- Has configurable Facebook login options
- Has configurable email sending options
- List of supported fields conforms to backend's metas spec
- Available by default
- Can be switched off
- The owner is able to choose between comments provider[5]
- Linear comments flow6
- Every logged-in user is able to add or reply comments
- Views one image at a time
- Has navigation to view other images in a chapter
- Image picker is an image uploader and viewer
- Image picker is a standalone component, so its style must be configurable dependent on usage
- Has a list of supported login providers
- Defaults to email and password login
- Toggleable on / off
- At least one login provider is on
- Has a list of supported email providers
- Defaults to empty
- Toggleable on / off
Collection of chapters
Album / chapter uploaded by the logged-in current user.
A collection of comic images or a single novel chapter.
Text that contains special formatting for pretty visual.
Service like disqus or inhouse built-in
A commenting system like 4chan. No pyramid structure, only mentions.