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[Error] Could not find the image either in docker hub or locally: #160

karimbzu opened this issue Feb 9, 2020 · 33 comments
bug Something isn't working


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karimbzu commented Feb 9, 2020

Kindly help me to resolve the subject issue. I am using openshift 4.2.16 with kabanero 0.5. Trying to deploy nodejs-express using github webhooks.

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Could you please double check you have the correct credentials specified in your dockerhub secret? Have seen this fail if that was not right.

@marikaj123 marikaj123 added the bug Something isn't working label Feb 10, 2020
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I am using local openshift registry to push image to i.e image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000, do i also need to specify credentials in a secret for the local openshift registry before during webhook creation?

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kvijai82 commented Feb 13, 2020 via email

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Thanks for your reply. Please see below the webhook settings:

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kvijai82 commented Feb 13, 2020 via email

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I dont know what happened with my configuration, suddenly i am unable to create webhook, last time i did:

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able to create webhook using "kabanero-pipeline" service account, however, it does not trigger event from github. Similarly, if i create webhook using "kabanero-operator" service account, then trigger initiated a new pipelinerun, however the same build issue appears.

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#oc logs -f el-tekton-webhooks-eventlistener-6b65b6b7cd-7ws7z
2020/02/13 16:08:08 Error Intercepting Event (EventID: kqzx4): "Not OK response from Event Processor: Request rejected; status: 417 Expectation Failed; message: \n"
2020/02/13 16:08:08 Error Intercepting Event (EventID: kqzx4): "Not OK response from Event Processor: Request rejected; status: 417 Expectation Failed; message: \n"
2020/02/13 16:08:08 Error Intercepting Event (EventID: kqzx4): "Not OK response from Event Processor: Request rejected; status: 417 Expectation Failed; message: \n"
2020/02/13 16:09:35 EventListener: tekton-webhooks-eventlistener in Namespace: tekton-pipelines handling event (EventID: s9f8l) with payload: {"ref":"refs/heads/master","before":"1647052c6b2b42298aa7a88d81d765d240b9e8dd","after":"e16ff52d372953976f87e9f699f989b54da8a207","repository":{"id":228409715,"node_id":"MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkyMjg0MDk3MTU=","name":"kabanero-java-microprofile","full_name":"karimbzu/kabanero-java-microprofile","private":false,"owner":{"name":"karimbzu","email":"[email protected]","login":"karimbzu","id":34478122,"node_id":"MDQ6VXNlcjM0NDc4MTIy","avatar_url":"","gravatar_id":"","url":"","html_url":"","followers_url":"","following_url":"{/other_user}","gists_url":"{/gist_id}","starred_url":"{/owner}{/repo}","subscriptions_url":"","organizations_url":"","repos_url":"","events_url":"{/privacy}","received_events_url":"","type":"User","site_admin":false},"html_url":"","description":null,"fork":false,"url":"","forks_url":"","keys_url":"{/key_id}","collaborators_url":"{/collaborator}","teams_url":"","hooks_url":"","issue_events_url":"{/number}","events_url":"","assignees_url":"{/user}","branches_url":"{/branch}","tags_url":"","blobs_url":"{/sha}","git_tags_url":"{/sha}","git_refs_url":"{/sha}","trees_url":"{/sha}","statuses_url":"{sha}","languages_url":"","stargazers_url":"","contributors_url":"","subscribers_url":"","subscription_url":"","commits_url":"{/sha}","git_commits_url":"{/sha}","comments_url":"{/number}","issue_comment_url":"{/number}","contents_url":"{+path}","compare_url":"{base}...{head}","merges_url":"","archive_url":"{archive_format}{/ref}","downloads_url":"","issues_url":"{/number}","pulls_url":"{/number}","milestones_url":"{/number}","notifications_url":"{?since,all,participating}","labels_url":"{/name}","releases_url":"{/id}","deployments_url":"","created_at":1576507828,"updated_at":"2020-02-13T16:03:33Z","pushed_at":1581610173,"git_url":"git://","ssh_url":"[email protected]:karimbzu/kabanero-java-microprofile.git","clone_url":"","svn_url":"","homepage":null,"size":27,"stargazers_count":0,"watchers_count":0,"language":"Java","has_issues":true,"has_projects":true,"has_downloads":true,"has_wiki":true,"has_pages":false,"forks_count":0,"mirror_url":null,"archived":false,"disabled":false,"open_issues_count":0,"license":null,"forks":0,"open_issues":0,"watchers":0,"default_branch":"master","stargazers":0,"master_branch":"master"},"pusher":{"name":"karimbzu","email":"[email protected]"},"sender":{"login":"karimbzu","id":34478122,"node_id":"MDQ6VXNlcjM0NDc4MTIy","avatar_url":"","gravatar_id":"","url":"","html_url":"","followers_url":"","following_url":"{/other_user}","gists_url":"{/gist_id}","starred_url":"{/owner}{/repo}","subscriptions_url":"","organizations_url":"","repos_url":"","events_url":"{/privacy}","received_events_url":"","type":"User","site_admin":false},"created":false,"deleted":false,"forced":false,"base_ref":null,"compare":"","commits":[{"id":"e16ff52d372953976f87e9f699f989b54da8a207","tree_id":"24f3190f60411811872c026535fc876aae1a5718","distinct":true,"message":"Update","timestamp":"2020-02-14T00:09:33+08:00","url":"","author":{"name":"karimbzu","email":"[email protected]","username":"karimbzu"},"committer":{"name":"GitHub","email":"[email protected]","username":"web-flow"},"added":[],"removed":[],"modified":[""]}],"head_commit":{"id":"e16ff52d372953976f87e9f699f989b54da8a207","tree_id":"24f3190f60411811872c026535fc876aae1a5718","distinct":true,"message":"Update","timestamp":"2020-02-14T00:09:33+08:00","url":"","author":{"name":"karimbzu","email":"[email protected]","username":"karimbzu"},"committer":{"name":"GitHub","email":"[email protected]","username":"web-flow"},"added":[],"removed":[],"modified":[""]}} and header: map[X-Github-Delivery:[3983ef20-4e7b-11ea-8930-bc0a9ef63f85] X-Hub-Signature:[sha1=c7e1154d277d8eef23c76ac0cce529537f9c505f] Content-Length:[7974] X-Forwarded-Host:[] X-Forwarded-Port:[443] X-Forwarded-Proto:[https] Accept:[
/*] X-Github-Event:[push] Content-Type:[application/json] Forwarded:[for=;;proto=https;proto-version=""] X-Forwarded-For:[] User-Agent:[GitHub-Hookshot/1936f4e]]
2020/02/13 16:09:35 Error Intercepting Event (EventID: s9f8l): "Not OK response from Event Processor: Request rejected; status: 417 Expectation Failed; message: \n"
2020/02/13 16:09:35 Error Intercepting Event (EventID: s9f8l): "Not OK response from Event Processor: Request rejected; status: 417 Expectation Failed; message: \n"
[root@bastion 0.5]# oc get pods
el-tekton-webhooks-eventlistener-6b65b6b7cd-7ws7z 1/1 Running 0 2m35s
tekton-dashboard-5f7746c5f9-s49m4 2/2 Running 0 16m
tekton-webhooks-extension-validator-5d8dbffdc8-rpvcl 1/1 Running 0 16m
webhooks-extension-5f4b97b7c9-6457r 1/1 Running 0 16m

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kvijai82 commented Feb 13, 2020 via email

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Thanks for your reply. Yes whenever i created new webhook with new service account i always delete the existing one. Similarly, github repo status:
image and recent delivers:

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Just now i tried "pipeline" service account and building started successfully. But why "kabanero-pipeline" service account does not initiate trigger? Anyways, thanks a lot for your support, effort and time.

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Oh that's interesting. I use kabanero-pipeline to drive webhooks and it works for me. I requested someone with a bit more insight into the webhooks to look at the logs you posted above and chime in with their thoughts.

The main drawback of pipelines is you can't deploy into a different namespace.

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Can I see the log of the tekton-webhookd-extension-validator pod?

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[root@bastion 0.5]# oc logs -f tekton-webhooks-extension-validator-5d8dbffdc8-rpvcl
2020/02/13 15:54:00 Interceptor started
2020/02/13 15:58:52 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (error payload signature check failed validating payload)
2020/02/13 15:58:52 [] Validation FAIL (error payload signature check failed validating payload)
2020/02/13 15:58:52 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation FAIL (error payload signature check failed validating payload)
2020/02/13 16:00:04 [] Validation FAIL (error payload signature check failed validating payload)
2020/02/13 16:00:04 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (error payload signature check failed validating payload)
2020/02/13 16:00:04 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation FAIL (error payload signature check failed validating payload)
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [test-kabanero-push-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [test-kabanero-push-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 4fcc7f00-4e7a-11ea-8095-fba0441a680f
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted push)
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 4fcc7f00-4e7a-11ea-8095-fba0441a680f
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 4fcc7f00-4e7a-11ea-8095-fba0441a680f
2020/02/13 16:03:04 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [test-kabanero-push-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [test-kabanero-push-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 619f969a-4e7a-11ea-9b8a-9bbda27cbbc6
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation PASS (repository URL, secret payload, event type checked)
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation PASS so writing response
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 619f969a-4e7a-11ea-9b8a-9bbda27cbbc6
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got push but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 619f969a-4e7a-11ea-9b8a-9bbda27cbbc6
2020/02/13 16:03:33 [] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got push but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [test-kabanero-push-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [test-kabanero-push-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 0597cd80-4e7b-11ea-8a44-b84343942988
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted push)
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 0597cd80-4e7b-11ea-8a44-b84343942988
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 0597cd80-4e7b-11ea-8a44-b84343942988
2020/02/13 16:08:08 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [test-kabanero-push-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [test-kabanero-push-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 3983ef20-4e7b-11ea-8930-bc0a9ef63f85
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation PASS (repository URL, secret payload, event type checked)
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation PASS so writing response
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 3983ef20-4e7b-11ea-8930-bc0a9ef63f85
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got push but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: 3983ef20-4e7b-11ea-8930-bc0a9ef63f85
2020/02/13 16:09:35 [] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got push but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [test-kabanero-push-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [test-kabanero-push-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: a8048080-4e7c-11ea-9197-340d13f0ff42
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted push)
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: a8048080-4e7c-11ea-9197-340d13f0ff42
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: a8048080-4e7c-11ea-9197-340d13f0ff42
2020/02/13 16:19:50 [] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got ping but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [test-kabanero-push-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [test-kabanero-push-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: b9555684-4e7c-11ea-84fb-ea2439c3d0ec
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation PASS (repository URL, secret payload, event type checked)
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: b9555684-4e7c-11ea-84fb-ea2439c3d0ec
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [test-kabanero-pullrequest-event] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got push but wanted pull_request)
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [test-kabanero-push-event] Validation PASS so writing response
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [] Clone URL coming in as JSON:
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [] Handling GitHub Event with delivery ID: b9555684-4e7c-11ea-84fb-ea2439c3d0ec
2020/02/13 16:20:19 [] Validation FAIL (event type does not match, got push but wanted pull_request)

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again tried with "kabanero-pipeline" and failed:

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akihikokuroda commented Feb 13, 2020

I see 2 executions in the log

2020/02/13 16:08:08
2020/02/13 16:09:35

one with "kabanero-pipeline" and the other with "kabanero-operator"?

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@akihikokuroda yes initially i tried with "kabanero-operator" and build failed, and then "kabanero-pipeline" with the same result.

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Let's focus of the latest execution. Can I see the log of the tasks in the pipelinerun?

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The succeeded one was build using "pipeline" service account ::
[root@bastion 0.5]# tkn pipelinerun list
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp 8 minutes ago 38 seconds Failed
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc 13 minutes ago 46 seconds Failed
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-hqptm 35 minutes ago 15 minutes Succeeded
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-lwx4r 46 minutes ago 2 minutes Failed
[root@bastion 0.5]# tkn pipelinerun logs java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp
task build-deploy-task has failed: "step-build" exited with code 1 (image: ""); for logs run: kubectl -n kabanero logs java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp-build-8dmg8-pod-e4f479 -c step-build
TaskRun java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp-build-8dmg8 has failed

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@kvijai82 I remember I saw this error before. This is an issue in the task or Appsody.

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[root@bastion 0.5]# tkn taskrun list
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp-build-8dmg8 19 minutes ago 38 seconds Failed
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-build-deploy--67jk4 24 minutes ago 46 seconds Failed
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-hqptm-image-scan-ta-pl5tb 33 minutes ago 2 minutes Succeeded
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-hqptm-build-deploy--kkw4f 46 minutes ago 12 minutes Succeeded
java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-lwx4r-build-deploy--755qx 57 minutes ago 2 minutes Failed
[root@bastion 0.5]# tkn taskrun logs java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp-build-8dmg8
Error: task build-deploy-task has failed: "step-build" exited with code 1 (image: ""); for logs run: kubectl -n kabanero logs java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp-build-8dmg8-pod-e4f479 -c step-build

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Would you do

kubectl -n kabanero logs java-microprofile-build-deploy-pl-run-kjhrc-r-8smcp-build-8dmg8-pod-e4f479 -c step-build


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Complete output

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@kvijai82 I'm not familiar with the Appsody / kabanero stack but this looks suspicious.

Checking for configmap value....  DEFAULT_COLLECTION_IMAGE_URL=
DEFAUTL_COLLECTION_IMAGE_REGISTRY_URL= given as input by user is empty, so using the for collection image download

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I think i found the issue. Knative eventing is not successfully initialized in kabanero
Now, I am going to reinstall kabanaro from scratch after removing completely.

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Oh interesting. Not sure why that happened. Keep us posted on how things go with the new install. Thanks!

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@karimbzu - Can the issue be closed or the problem still exists?

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The issue is still there, we are running two OCP 4.2 clusters simultaneously, one for staging and one for production. The pipelines in production cluster are able to use "kabanero-pipeline" service account whereas other cluster showing the same error as described. However, "pipeline" service account is working in both clusters but this causes another issue which is we cannot deploy pipeline apps on namespaces other than "kabanero".

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@karimbzu @marikaj123 @kvijai82 It is unclear to me at the moment what exactly we are blocked on. Does the description of this issue still match the problem in the second cluster?

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kvijai82 commented Feb 25, 2020

@karimbzu did you reinstall the staging cluster to get around the kNative issues you mentioned earlier and you are still having issues after that?

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@stephenkinder @kvijai82 @marikaj123, knative issue was resolved after reinstalling the whole kabanero 0.5. However, the previous issue is the same

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kvijai82 commented Mar 3, 2020

@karimbzu could you please run the must gather script on both your working and failing cluster and upload the logs? There is also a new 0.6.0 release published if you want to give that a shot. There are lot of changes in that release.

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@karimbzu - Please view the above comment from Vijai in order to provide you with better assistance.

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5 participants