Complete the pre-requisites.
Clone ENet:
cd ~
git clone --recursive https://github.com/TimoSaemann/ENet.git
cd ENet/caffe-enet
- Compile the ENet fork of Caffe using Make (Don't use CMake to compile Caffe).
and setup your paths as indicated in http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html#compilation.
make && make distribute
- Download pre-trained models as provided in https://github.com/TimoSaemann/ENet/tree/master/Tutorial#kick-start, or use your own.
If you didn't install ENet Caffe in ENet
in your home directory for some reason, modify the Autoware ENet's node CMakeLists.txt
and point the paths to match your system.
Once compiled, run from the terminal:
% roslaunch image_segmenter image_segmenter_enet.launch
Remember to modify the launch file located at computing/perception/detection/packages/image_segmenter/launch/image_segmenter_enet.launch
and configure the network configuration file, the pre-trained models, and the LUT file.