Why are you searching?
You'll never find it
I'll never find it
All that you wanted
Lies right before you
Why are you searching?
You'll never find it
I'll never find it
All of this sinning
Can't lead to winning
Delving into the interest domain
I find a multitude of dichotomy
Transcending anatomy
Wouldn't a chameleon be loved
If each of its colors were all beautiful?
The darkest and the brightest...
Blue or grey or green
Pink or red or peach
Why settle for one
You could have it all
Or wander away
Why are you looking
No one is better
The dichotomies
Satisfied in whole
Only by yourself
What could be better
Than the everything
Each and every side
Of the polygon
The dichotomy
Sides matched perfectly
The interest domain
My needs are many
And met by one
The models they strive for perfection
But the combinations in the packaging
Drive souls together
There is not a single attribute
Ones imperfections are what make one perfect
Something grabs the attention
Once you were schooled in geometry
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Many people had told you
The world strikes a delicate balance
Between the presences and the absences
Each of them duly displayed
©1995, 2009 Jeff Yutzler