- Support JupyterLab 1.0.0+
ctrl i
enters Vim insert mode from Jupyter command mode (#71) Thanks @wmayner
- Update for JupyterLab 0.35
- Update for JupyterLab 0.34 (#57) Thanks @MisterVulcan
- Update for JupyterLab 0.33 (#52) Thanks @ah-
- Requires JupyterLab 0.32 (Beta 2)
- ctrl-g shows function signature (#36)
- center cell command (#33)
splits cell in vim command mode (#33)- ctrl-c copies instead of leaving insert mode if you aren't on a mac (#34)
- add moving cell commands
- Add delete/yank/paste cell commands (#28)
- select first and last cell shortcuts (#24)
- change to focus selector to fix debug prompt select
- Ctrl-J and Ctrl-K execute markdown when leaving the cell.
- Added Command/Ctrl-{1,2,3} to switch cell mode to code, markdown and raw.
- Ex commands ':q' and ':quit' leave vim mode
- bump package requirements, revert unnecessary commands for staying in edit mode
- ":w" saves notebook
- Update to JupyterLab 0.31 (Beta1)
- Initial Release!
- Vim mode in notebook cells
- Copy, Cut, Paste commands
- Vim motions moving between cells
- Several commands extended to remain in Vim mode