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File metadata and controls

85 lines (48 loc) · 2.21 KB


This project create a DApp by adding functionality to smart contract and deploy it on the public testnet.

Write a smart contract with functions

Smart contract implements the ERC-721 with Zeppelin

Install Zeppelin as below:

npm install --save-exact [email protected]

The star token has these pieces of metadata added

  • Star coordinators
    • Dec
    • Mag
    • Cent
  • Star story

Configure uniqueness with the stars

Smart contract prevents stars with the same coordinates from being added.

Configure uniqueness with the stars, where uniqueness is based on coordinates. In other words, stars with the same coordinates are not permitted.

Smart contract contains useful functions

Smart contract implements all these functions - createStar(), putStarUpForSale(), buyStar(), checkIfStarExist(), mint(), approve(), safeTransferFrom(), SetApprovalForAll(), getApproved(), isApprovedForAll(), ownerOf(), starsForSale(), tokenIdToStarInfo()

Could lookup all these functions in StorNotary.sol file.

Test smart contract code coverage

Project contains tests in "test" derectory.

And go through commands below to test contract smart.

npm install -g ganache-cli truffle
truffle compile
truffle compile
truffle test

Deploy smart contract on a public test network (Rinkeby)

Deploy smart contract

  • Creat project on infura and get the url.

  • Configure rinkeby test network in truffle-config.js.

  • Install truffle provider and deploy.

      npm i -g windows-build-tools
      npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider
      truffle deploy --network rinkeby
      truffle deploy --network rinkeby --reset

Debug smart contract

Send a transaction to execute createStar() and putStarUpForSale() functions.

Utilize tools to complete function execution.

Client code interacts with smart contract

Front-end is implemented on index.html.

Starting up http-server and to access front-end on

Functions for claiming a new star and looking up a star by ID are configured.

