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AudYoFlo: Building on Linux

jvxgit edited this page Mar 5, 2025 · 50 revisions

Building AudYoFlo in Linux is based on the console. Note that more details about the build of the AudYoFlo system are listed in the description for Windows here. In the remainder of this chapter of the documentation, only the main steps related to the compilation process on a Linux system shall be described.

Note: Build description was latest updated for a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on Nov 23, 2024. I tried to use AudYoFlo with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. However, there seemed to be an issue with Flutter version 3.7.4 in Ubuntu 24.01 LTS on the first round. However, I finally got the Flutter apps up and running on the second trial. In the following, the description is suitable for Ubuntu 22.04, and I have added hints what is required for a transition to Ubuntu 24.04.

Step I: Installation of Pre-Requisites

In Linux, a slightly different approach is followed to involve third-party projects. In particular, many of the sub projects are required to be installed by the following commands.

Installation of required System Dependencies

At first, we need to install the third-party components required to install the main part of the AudYoFlo system. Most of the required installations are done using apt install.

sudo apt install -y valgrind cmake build-essential curl libgl1-mesa-dev curl libglew-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libglm-dev libfreetype-dev freeglut3-dev libxmu-dev flex bison portaudio19-dev libsndfile1-dev libfftw3-dev alsa-utils libasound2-dev octave octave-signal octave-control octave-dev libboost-dev libeigen3-dev libopencv-dev python3-opencv libpcap-dev ninja-build python3-pip meson git libspandsp-dev 7zip

pip install aqtinstall

Ubuntu 24.04:

sudo apt install 7zip-standalone

## apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv python/venv
. python/venv/bin/activate
pip install aqtinstall

The following applications must be installed via snap application manager:

  • rustup
  • Visual Studio Code

For rustup, run

rustup default stable

Once rust has been installed, cbindgen must be installed using cargo:

cargo install cbindgen

Also, the path to the cbindgen and the flutter executable must be added to the .bashrc, e.g.,

export PATH="$PATH:/home/<my_account>/.cargo/bin:/home/<my_account>/ayfdevelop/AudYoFlo/sources/jvxLibraries/third_party/web/flutter/flutter-3.7.4/bin"

Finally, in Visual Studio Code, the flutter plugin must be installed:


Installation of Dependencies for VST Technology

If configured correspondingly, the following dependencies must be installed for the integration of VST:

sudo apt install -y libxcb-util-dev libxcb-cursor-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libcairo-dev libpango1.0-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libsqlite3-dev

Installation of Dependencies for FFMPEG

There are two ways to involve FFMPEG:

  1. Link pre-installed packages of FFMPEG. In this case all packages must be pre-installed using the apt package manager:
sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg libpostproc-dev

If this aproach shall be followed, the cmake configuration option JVX_LINUX_NATIVE_INSTALLED_LIBS must be activated.

  1. Build FFMPEG while building AudYoFlo. In this case, the FFMPEG package is downloaded as source code archive and afterwards compiled in the AudYoFlo configure step in the cmake build process. In this case, the following dependencies must be installed for the successful compilation of FFMPEG:
sudo apt-get install -y yasm libsdl2-dev libsqlite3-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-cursor-dev libxcb-util-dev libx264-dev libx265-dev 

Installation of Dependencies for Octave

If configured correspondingly, the following dependencies must be installed for the integration of Octave.

sudo apt-get install octave

The commands installation of Octave must be followed by the installation of the toolboxes in Octave:

pkg install -forge control
pkg install -forge signal
pkg load control

Step II: Installation of the AudYoFlo System Source Code

Once the pre-requisites have been installed, we prepare to build the AudYoFlo system by checking out the AudYoFlo repository to a new folder, e.g., develop,

mkdir develop
cd develop
git clone


Once available, we change to the folder AudYoFlo and create a build folder. Then, we copy a build script template to the build folder,

mkdir build
cp AudYoFlo/build-scripts/linux/debug/rt-sdk/ build


Here, we need to adapt the given settings according to our wishes and link to the AudYoFlo main folder,


More information about the configuration options can be found here

Step III: Preparing, Configuring and Running the Build

In the first step, we change to the build folder and start the build process by running the command to build the AudYoFlo build tools,

cd build
./ rt-bt



Then, we start to configure the main system build by using the following command,

./ cc && ./ rt


Finally, all build outputs have been created:


A simple command to run only the build which is also involved in the script is

ninja install


Step III: Building the AudYoFlo SDK

The process to build the AudYoFlo sofware development kit (SDK) is identical to that described for Windows:

./ cc && ./ sdk-bt && ./ cc && ./ sdk


Once completed, the SDK consists of the folders as described for MS Windows. A tools folder, however, is not part of the SDK in Linux since it is assumed that the required tools (flex, bison, m4) are installed on the development PC locally.

Working with AudYoFlo within Visual Studio Code

Building the system is fully based on standard console tools in Linux. However, for editing and debugging, the use of Visual Studio Code is a good approach. After installing VS code, we need to open the AudYoFlo folder as the working space:

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Settings in file .vscode/settings.json

The folder is detected as the root of a cmake project due to the CMakeLists.txt file. In that folder, there will be a file .vscode/settings.json file which creates the bridge between the build folder (e.g. build-audio-glnx somewhere in the folder hierarchie) and the project folder which was opened as described (e.g. AudYoFlo). At the very first start, the file .vscode/settings.json, however, may not be there. This file is generated on the build of the Buildtools by calling the script which is located in the build folder. In that folder, there is also a template for the .vscode files. In the example, the build folder is denoted as audio-glnx-vs with the vscode subfolder,


The template will be copied to the AudYoFlo project folder with the .in extension and then configured to match the setting in the script when invoking the build command for the build tools, either

./ rt-bt


./ sdk-bt

Once the settings file has been configured, the build options may be as desired just by genertating it from the template files. However, often, the options may need to be configured according to the desired feature set. In order to find out what options are available, the script can be triggered to output the currently chosen definitions by running

./ rt show


./ sdk show

to give hints about possibly missing configuration outputs. The output shows the options when running cmake on the console using the compile script.

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The shown option can be easily introduced in file settings.json which defines the command used by Visual Studio Code on the cmake build trigger as follows:

    "C_Cpp.updateChannel": "Insiders",
    "cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/../build",
    "cmake.buildArgs": [
    "cmake.configureArgs": [
    "cmake.configureSettings": {
        "JVX_RELEASE_SDK": false,
        "JVX_USE_PART_ALSA": true,
        "JVX_USE_PART_PAUDIO": true,
        "JVX_USE_PART_RS232": true,
        "JVX_USE_PART_MATLAB": true,
        "JVX_COMPILE_GOD_HOST": true,
        "JVX_DEPLOY_EXAMPLES": true,
         "JVX_INCLUDE_EBUR128": true,
         "SMTG_CREATE_PLUGIN_LINK": false, 
         "JVX_USE_LIBMYSOFA": true, 
         "LIBMYSOFA_BUILD_TESTS": false,
         "JVX_USE_HOA_CIRC_ARRAY": false,
         "QT_INSTALL_PATH": "/home/hauke/develop/install/Qt5.13.2/5.13.2/gcc_64" 

IMPORTANT: If the code shall be compiled in VS code and a runtime or sdk build was run before, it is required to clean the cache and the previous build artifacts from the build folder by running

./ clean

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at first followed by triggering the build in Visual Studio Code,

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Note that with VS code, we may debug and run QT applications as well as Flutter applications. In that context, the QT applications will be compiled if the rt target is configured whereas the flutter apps will be compiled for the sdk target. In the settings file, the difference lies in the parameter JVX_RELEASE_SDK:



in case you want to build the SDK and the flutter apps and use


to compile the QT applications.

Launch options in file .vscode/launch.json

When using Visual Studio Code as the debugging environment, a lauch file must be created. The content in that case looks as follows:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "(gdb) Starten",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/../build/release/runtime/bin/jvxMixMatrix",
            "args": ["--jvxdir", "jvxComponents", "--config", "jvxMixMatrix.jvx", "--textlog", "--verbose_dll", "--textloglev",  "10"],
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/../build/release/runtime",
            "environment": [
                    "name": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH",
                    "value": "./bin/:/home/hauke/develop/install/Qt5.13.2/5.13.2/gcc_64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"}],
            "externalConsole": false,
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "description": "Automatische Strukturierung und Einrückung für \"gdb\" aktivieren",
                    "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
                    "ignoreFailures": true

The launch.json file contains all information to specify

  1. the executable in entry program,
  2. the arguments in entry args,
  3. the LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings in entry environment.

As with the file settings.json, also launch.json is generated from template files which are copied and extended within the call to compile the build tools, either with option rt-bt or sdk-bt.

The, the settings.json and launch.json can be found in the build-scripts folder of the AudYoFlo repository.


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