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var fabric = fabric || { version: "4.5.0" }; if ("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports.fabric = fabric : "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define([], function () { return fabric }), "undefined" != typeof document && "undefined" != typeof window) document instanceof ("undefined" != typeof HTMLDocument ? HTMLDocument : Document) ? fabric.document = document : fabric.document = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""), fabric.window = window; else { var jsdom = require("jsdom"), virtualWindow = new jsdom.JSDOM(decodeURIComponent("%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3C%2Fhead%3E%3Cbody%3E%3C%2Fbody%3E%3C%2Fhtml%3E"), { features: { FetchExternalResources: ["img"] }, resources: "usable" }).window; fabric.document = virtualWindow.document, fabric.jsdomImplForWrapper = require("jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/utils").implForWrapper, fabric.nodeCanvas = require("jsdom/lib/jsdom/utils").Canvas, fabric.window = virtualWindow, DOMParser = fabric.window.DOMParser } function resizeCanvasIfNeeded(t) { var e = t.targetCanvas, i = e.width, r = e.height, n = t.destinationWidth, s = t.destinationHeight; i === n && r === s || (e.width = n, e.height = s) } function copyGLTo2DDrawImage(t, e) { var i = t.canvas, r = e.targetCanvas, n = r.getContext("2d"); n.translate(0, r.height), n.scale(1, -1); var s = i.height - r.height; n.drawImage(i, 0, s, r.width, r.height, 0, 0, r.width, r.height) } function copyGLTo2DPutImageData(t, e) { var i = e.targetCanvas.getContext("2d"), r = e.destinationWidth, n = e.destinationHeight, s = r * n * 4, o = new Uint8Array(this.imageBuffer, 0, s), a = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.imageBuffer, 0, s); t.readPixels(0, 0, r, n, t.RGBA, t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, o); var h = new ImageData(a, r, n); i.putImageData(h, 0, 0) } fabric.isTouchSupported = "ontouchstart" in fabric.window || "ontouchstart" in fabric.document || fabric.window && fabric.window.navigator && 0 < fabric.window.navigator.maxTouchPoints, fabric.isLikelyNode = "undefined" != typeof Buffer && "undefined" == typeof window, fabric.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES = ["display", "transform", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "opacity", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "id", "paint-order", "vector-effect", "instantiated_by_use", "clip-path"], fabric.DPI = 96, fabric.reNum = "(?:[-+]?(?:\\d+|\\d*\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?)", fabric.commaWsp = "(?:\\s+,?\\s*|,\\s*)", fabric.rePathCommand = /([-+]?((\d+\.\d+)|((\d+)|(\.\d+)))(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?)/gi, fabric.reNonWord = /[ \n\.,;!\?\-]/, fabric.fontPaths = {}, fabric.iMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], fabric.svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", fabric.perfLimitSizeTotal = 2097152, fabric.maxCacheSideLimit = 4096, fabric.minCacheSideLimit = 256, fabric.charWidthsCache = {}, fabric.textureSize = 2048, fabric.disableStyleCopyPaste = !1, fabric.enableGLFiltering = !0, fabric.devicePixelRatio = fabric.window.devicePixelRatio || fabric.window.webkitDevicePixelRatio || fabric.window.mozDevicePixelRatio || 1, fabric.browserShadowBlurConstant = 1, fabric.arcToSegmentsCache = {}, fabric.boundsOfCurveCache = {}, fabric.cachesBoundsOfCurve = !0, fabric.forceGLPutImageData = !1, fabric.initFilterBackend = function () { return fabric.enableGLFiltering && fabric.isWebglSupported && fabric.isWebglSupported(fabric.textureSize) ? (console.log("max texture size: " + fabric.maxTextureSize), new fabric.WebglFilterBackend({ tileSize: fabric.textureSize })) : fabric.Canvas2dFilterBackend ? new fabric.Canvas2dFilterBackend : void 0 }, "undefined" != typeof document && "undefined" != typeof window && (window.fabric = fabric), function () { function r(t, e) { if (this.__eventListeners[t]) { var i = this.__eventListeners[t]; e ? i[i.indexOf(e)] = !1 : fabric.util.array.fill(i, !1) } } fabric.Observable = { fire: function (t, e) { if (!this.__eventListeners) return this; var i = this.__eventListeners[t]; if (!i) return this; for (var r = 0, n = i.length; r < n; r++)i[r] && i[r].call(this, e || {}); return this.__eventListeners[t] = i.filter(function (t) { return !1 !== t }), this }, on: function (t, e) { if (this.__eventListeners || (this.__eventListeners = {}), 1 === arguments.length) for (var i in t) this.on(i, t[i]); else this.__eventListeners[t] || (this.__eventListeners[t] = []), this.__eventListeners[t].push(e); return this }, off: function (t, e) { if (!this.__eventListeners) return this; if (0 === arguments.length) for (t in this.__eventListeners) r.call(this, t); else if (1 === arguments.length && "object" == typeof t) for (var i in t) r.call(this, i, t[i]); else r.call(this, t, e); return this } } }(), fabric.Collection = { _objects: [], add: function () { if (this._objects.push.apply(this._objects, arguments), this._onObjectAdded) for (var t = 0, e = arguments.length; t < e; t++)this._onObjectAdded(arguments[t]); return this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, insertAt: function (t, e, i) { var r = this._objects; return i ? r[e] = t : r.splice(e, 0, t), this._onObjectAdded && this._onObjectAdded(t), this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, remove: function () { for (var t, e = this._objects, i = !1, r = 0, n = arguments.length; r < n; r++)-1 !== (t = e.indexOf(arguments[r])) && (i = !0, e.splice(t, 1), this._onObjectRemoved && this._onObjectRemoved(arguments[r])); return this.renderOnAddRemove && i && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, forEachObject: function (t, e) { for (var i = this.getObjects(), r = 0, n = i.length; r < n; r++)t.call(e, i[r], r, i); return this }, getObjects: function (e) { return void 0 === e ? this._objects.concat() : this._objects.filter(function (t) { return t.type === e }) }, item: function (t) { return this._objects[t] }, isEmpty: function () { return 0 === this._objects.length }, size: function () { return this._objects.length }, contains: function (t) { return -1 < this._objects.indexOf(t) }, complexity: function () { return this._objects.reduce(function (t, e) { return t += e.complexity ? e.complexity() : 0 }, 0) } }, fabric.CommonMethods = { _setOptions: function (t) { for (var e in t) this.set(e, t[e]) }, _initGradient: function (t, e) { !t || !t.colorStops || t instanceof fabric.Gradient || this.set(e, new fabric.Gradient(t)) }, _initPattern: function (t, e, i) { !t || !t.source || t instanceof fabric.Pattern ? i && i() : this.set(e, new fabric.Pattern(t, i)) }, _setObject: function (t) { for (var e in t) this._set(e, t[e]) }, set: function (t, e) { return "object" == typeof t ? this._setObject(t) : this._set(t, e), this }, _set: function (t, e) { this[t] = e }, toggle: function (t) { var e = this.get(t); return "boolean" == typeof e && this.set(t, !e), this }, get: function (t) { return this[t] } }, function (s) { var d = Math.sqrt, g = Math.atan2, o = Math.pow, a = Math.PI / 180, i = Math.PI / 2; fabric.util = { cos: function (t) { if (0 === t) return 1; switch (t < 0 && (t = -t), t / i) { case 1: case 3: return 0; case 2: return -1 }return Math.cos(t) }, sin: function (t) { if (0 === t) return 0; var e = 1; switch (t < 0 && (e = -1), t / i) { case 1: return e; case 2: return 0; case 3: return -e }return Math.sin(t) }, removeFromArray: function (t, e) { var i = t.indexOf(e); return -1 !== i && t.splice(i, 1), t }, getRandomInt: function (t, e) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - t + 1)) + t }, degreesToRadians: function (t) { return t * a }, radiansToDegrees: function (t) { return t / a }, rotatePoint: function (t, e, i) { t.subtractEquals(e); var r = fabric.util.rotateVector(t, i); return new fabric.Point(r.x, r.y).addEquals(e) }, rotateVector: function (t, e) { var i = fabric.util.sin(e), r = fabric.util.cos(e); return { x: t.x * r - t.y * i, y: t.x * i + t.y * r } }, transformPoint: function (t, e, i) { return i ? new fabric.Point(e[0] * t.x + e[2] * t.y, e[1] * t.x + e[3] * t.y) : new fabric.Point(e[0] * t.x + e[2] * t.y + e[4], e[1] * t.x + e[3] * t.y + e[5]) }, makeBoundingBoxFromPoints: function (t, e) { if (e) for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)t[i] = fabric.util.transformPoint(t[i], e); var r = [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[2].x, t[3].x], n = fabric.util.array.min(r), s = fabric.util.array.max(r) - n, o = [t[0].y, t[1].y, t[2].y, t[3].y], a = fabric.util.array.min(o); return { left: n, top: a, width: s, height: fabric.util.array.max(o) - a } }, invertTransform: function (t) { var e = 1 / (t[0] * t[3] - t[1] * t[2]), i = [e * t[3], -e * t[1], -e * t[2], e * t[0]], r = fabric.util.transformPoint({ x: t[4], y: t[5] }, i, !0); return i[4] = -r.x, i[5] = -r.y, i }, toFixed: function (t, e) { return parseFloat(Number(t).toFixed(e)) }, parseUnit: function (t, e) { var i = /\D{0,2}$/.exec(t), r = parseFloat(t); switch (e || (e = fabric.Text.DEFAULT_SVG_FONT_SIZE), i[0]) { case "mm": return r * fabric.DPI / 25.4; case "cm": return r * fabric.DPI / 2.54; case "in": return r * fabric.DPI; case "pt": return r * fabric.DPI / 72; case "pc": return r * fabric.DPI / 72 * 12; case "em": return r * e; default: return r } }, falseFunction: function () { return !1 }, getKlass: function (t, e) { return t = fabric.util.string.camelize(t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)), fabric.util.resolveNamespace(e)[t] }, getSvgAttributes: function (t) { var e = ["instantiated_by_use", "style", "id", "class"]; switch (t) { case "linearGradient": e = e.concat(["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "gradientUnits", "gradientTransform"]); break; case "radialGradient": e = e.concat(["gradientUnits", "gradientTransform", "cx", "cy", "r", "fx", "fy", "fr"]); break; case "stop": e = e.concat(["offset", "stop-color", "stop-opacity"]) }return e }, resolveNamespace: function (t) { if (!t) return fabric; var e, i = t.split("."), r = i.length, n = s || fabric.window; for (e = 0; e < r; ++e)n = n[i[e]]; return n }, loadImage: function (t, e, i, r) { if (t) { var n = fabric.util.createImage(), s = function () { e && e.call(i, n, !1), n = n.onload = n.onerror = null }; n.onload = s, n.onerror = function () { fabric.log("Error loading " + n.src), e && e.call(i, null, !0), n = n.onload = n.onerror = null }, 0 !== t.indexOf("data") && null != r && (n.crossOrigin = r), "data:image/svg" === t.substring(0, 14) && (n.onload = null, fabric.util.loadImageInDom(n, s)), n.src = t } else e && e.call(i, t) }, loadImageInDom: function (t, e) { var i = fabric.document.createElement("div"); i.style.width = i.style.height = "1px", i.style.left = i.style.top = "-100%", i.style.position = "absolute", i.appendChild(t), fabric.document.querySelector("body").appendChild(i), t.onload = function () { e(), i.parentNode.removeChild(i), i = null } }, enlivenObjects: function (t, e, n, s) { var o = [], i = 0, r = (t = t || []).length; function a() { ++i === r && e && e(o.filter(function (t) { return t })) } r ? t.forEach(function (i, r) { i && i.type ? fabric.util.getKlass(i.type, n).fromObject(i, function (t, e) { e || (o[r] = t), s && s(i, t, e), a() }) : a() }) : e && e(o) }, enlivenPatterns: function (t, e) { function i() { ++n === s && e && e(r) } var r = [], n = 0, s = (t = t || []).length; s ? t.forEach(function (t, e) { t && t.source ? new fabric.Pattern(t, function (t) { r[e] = t, i() }) : (r[e] = t, i()) }) : e && e(r) }, groupSVGElements: function (t, e, i) { var r; return t && 1 === t.length ? t[0] : (e && (e.width && e.height ? e.centerPoint = { x: e.width / 2, y: e.height / 2 } : (delete e.width, delete e.height)), r = new fabric.Group(t, e), void 0 !== i && (r.sourcePath = i), r) }, populateWithProperties: function (t, e, i) { if (i && "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(i)) for (var r = 0, n = i.length; r < n; r++)i[r] in t && (e[i[r]] = t[i[r]]) }, drawDashedLine: function (t, e, i, r, n, s) { var o = r - e, a = n - i, h = d(o * o + a * a), c = g(a, o), l = s.length, u = 0, f = !0; for (t.save(), t.translate(e, i), t.moveTo(0, 0), t.rotate(c), e = 0; e < h;)h < (e += s[u++ % l]) && (e = h), t[f ? "lineTo" : "moveTo"](e, 0), f = !f; t.restore() }, createCanvasElement: function () { return fabric.document.createElement("canvas") }, copyCanvasElement: function (t) { var e = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(); return e.width = t.width, e.height = t.height, e.getContext("2d").drawImage(t, 0, 0), e }, toDataURL: function (t, e, i) { return t.toDataURL("image/" + e, i) }, createImage: function () { return fabric.document.createElement("img") }, multiplyTransformMatrices: function (t, e, i) { return [t[0] * e[0] + t[2] * e[1], t[1] * e[0] + t[3] * e[1], t[0] * e[2] + t[2] * e[3], t[1] * e[2] + t[3] * e[3], i ? 0 : t[0] * e[4] + t[2] * e[5] + t[4], i ? 0 : t[1] * e[4] + t[3] * e[5] + t[5]] }, qrDecompose: function (t) { var e = g(t[1], t[0]), i = o(t[0], 2) + o(t[1], 2), r = d(i), n = (t[0] * t[3] - t[2] * t[1]) / r, s = g(t[0] * t[2] + t[1] * t[3], i); return { angle: e / a, scaleX: r, scaleY: n, skewX: s / a, skewY: 0, translateX: t[4], translateY: t[5] } }, calcRotateMatrix: function (t) { if (!t.angle) return fabric.iMatrix.concat(); var e = fabric.util.degreesToRadians(t.angle), i = fabric.util.cos(e), r = fabric.util.sin(e); return [i, r, -r, i, 0, 0] }, calcDimensionsMatrix: function (t) { var e = void 0 === t.scaleX ? 1 : t.scaleX, i = void 0 === t.scaleY ? 1 : t.scaleY, r = [t.flipX ? -e : e, 0, 0, t.flipY ? -i : i, 0, 0], n = fabric.util.multiplyTransformMatrices, s = fabric.util.degreesToRadians; return t.skewX && (r = n(r, [1, 0, Math.tan(s(t.skewX)), 1], !0)), t.skewY && (r = n(r, [1, Math.tan(s(t.skewY)), 0, 1], !0)), r }, composeMatrix: function (t) { var e = [1, 0, 0, 1, t.translateX || 0, t.translateY || 0], i = fabric.util.multiplyTransformMatrices; return t.angle && (e = i(e, fabric.util.calcRotateMatrix(t))), (1 !== t.scaleX || 1 !== t.scaleY || t.skewX || t.skewY || t.flipX || t.flipY) && (e = i(e, fabric.util.calcDimensionsMatrix(t))), e }, resetObjectTransform: function (t) { t.scaleX = 1, t.scaleY = 1, t.skewX = 0, t.skewY = 0, t.flipX = !1, t.flipY = !1, t.rotate(0) }, saveObjectTransform: function (t) { return { scaleX: t.scaleX, scaleY: t.scaleY, skewX: t.skewX, skewY: t.skewY, angle: t.angle, left: t.left, flipX: t.flipX, flipY: t.flipY, top: t.top } }, isTransparent: function (t, e, i, r) { 0 < r && (r < e ? e -= r : e = 0, r < i ? i -= r : i = 0); var n, s = !0, o = t.getImageData(e, i, 2 * r || 1, 2 * r || 1), a = o.data.length; for (n = 3; n < a && !1 !== (s = o.data[n] <= 0); n += 4); return o = null, s }, parsePreserveAspectRatioAttribute: function (t) { var e, i = "meet", r = t.split(" "); return r && r.length && ("meet" !== (i = r.pop()) && "slice" !== i ? (e = i, i = "meet") : r.length && (e = r.pop())), { meetOrSlice: i, alignX: "none" !== e ? e.slice(1, 4) : "none", alignY: "none" !== e ? e.slice(5, 8) : "none" } }, clearFabricFontCache: function (t) { (t = (t || "").toLowerCase()) ? fabric.charWidthsCache[t] && delete fabric.charWidthsCache[t] : fabric.charWidthsCache = {} }, limitDimsByArea: function (t, e) { var i = Math.sqrt(e * t), r = Math.floor(e / i); return { x: Math.floor(i), y: r } }, capValue: function (t, e, i) { return Math.max(t, Math.min(e, i)) }, findScaleToFit: function (t, e) { return Math.min(e.width / t.width, e.height / t.height) }, findScaleToCover: function (t, e) { return Math.max(e.width / t.width, e.height / t.height) }, matrixToSVG: function (t) { return "matrix(" + t.map(function (t) { return fabric.util.toFixed(t, fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS) }).join(" ") + ")" }, removeTransformFromObject: function (t, e) { var i = fabric.util.invertTransform(e), r = fabric.util.multiplyTransformMatrices(i, t.calcOwnMatrix()); fabric.util.applyTransformToObject(t, r) }, addTransformToObject: function (t, e) { fabric.util.applyTransformToObject(t, fabric.util.multiplyTransformMatrices(e, t.calcOwnMatrix())) }, applyTransformToObject: function (t, e) { var i = fabric.util.qrDecompose(e), r = new fabric.Point(i.translateX, i.translateY); t.flipX = !1, t.flipY = !1, t.set("scaleX", i.scaleX), t.set("scaleY", i.scaleY), t.skewX = i.skewX, t.skewY = i.skewY, t.angle = i.angle, t.setPositionByOrigin(r, "center", "center") }, sizeAfterTransform: function (t, e, i) { var r = t / 2, n = e / 2, s = [{ x: -r, y: -n }, { x: r, y: -n }, { x: -r, y: n }, { x: r, y: n }], o = fabric.util.calcDimensionsMatrix(i), a = fabric.util.makeBoundingBoxFromPoints(s, o); return { x: a.width, y: a.height } } } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function () { var E = Array.prototype.join, T = { m: 2, l: 2, h: 1, v: 1, c: 6, s: 4, q: 4, t: 2, a: 7 }, w = { m: "l", M: "L" }; function v(t, e, i, r, n, s, o) { var a = Math.PI, h = o * a / 180, c = fabric.util.sin(h), l = fabric.util.cos(h), u = 0, f = 0, d = -l * t * .5 - c * e * .5, g = -l * e * .5 + c * t * .5, p = (i = Math.abs(i)) * i, v = (r = Math.abs(r)) * r, m = g * g, b = d * d, y = p * v - p * m - v * b, _ = 0; if (y < 0) { var x = Math.sqrt(1 - y / (p * v)); i *= x, r *= x } else _ = (n === s ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(y / (p * m + v * b)); var C = _ * i * g / r, S = -_ * r * d / i, T = l * C - c * S + .5 * t, w = c * C + l * S + .5 * e, O = $(1, 0, (d - C) / i, (g - S) / r), k = $((d - C) / i, (g - S) / r, (-d - C) / i, (-g - S) / r); 0 === s && 0 < k ? k -= 2 * a : 1 === s && k < 0 && (k += 2 * a); for (var P, D, E, A, j, M, F, I, L, R, B, X, W, Y, z, H, G, U = Math.ceil(Math.abs(k / a * 2)), N = [], V = k / U, q = 8 / 3 * Math.sin(V / 4) * Math.sin(V / 4) / Math.sin(V / 2), K = O + V, J = 0; J < U; J++)N[J] = (P = O, D = K, E = l, A = c, j = i, M = r, F = T, I = w, L = q, R = u, B = f, void 0, X = fabric.util.cos(P), W = fabric.util.sin(P), Y = fabric.util.cos(D), z = fabric.util.sin(D), ["C", R + L * (-E * j * W - A * M * X), B + L * (-A * j * W + E * M * X), (H = E * j * Y - A * M * z + F) + L * (E * j * z + A * M * Y), (G = A * j * Y + E * M * z + I) + L * (A * j * z - E * M * Y), H, G]), u = N[J][5], f = N[J][6], O = K, K += V; return N } function $(t, e, i, r) { var n = Math.atan2(e, t), s = Math.atan2(r, i); return n <= s ? s - n : 2 * Math.PI - (n - s) } function m(t, e, i, r, n, s, o, a) { var h; if (fabric.cachesBoundsOfCurve && (h = E.call(arguments), fabric.boundsOfCurveCache[h])) return fabric.boundsOfCurveCache[h]; var c, l, u, f, d, g, p, v, m = Math.sqrt, b = Math.min, y = Math.max, _ = Math.abs, x = [], C = [[], []]; l = 6 * t - 12 * i + 6 * n, c = -3 * t + 9 * i - 9 * n + 3 * o, u = 3 * i - 3 * t; for (var S = 0; S < 2; ++S)if (0 < S && (l = 6 * e - 12 * r + 6 * s, c = -3 * e + 9 * r - 9 * s + 3 * a, u = 3 * r - 3 * e), _(c) < 1e-12) { if (_(l) < 1e-12) continue; 0 < (f = -u / l) && f < 1 && x.push(f) } else (p = l * l - 4 * u * c) < 0 || (0 < (d = (-l + (v = m(p))) / (2 * c)) && d < 1 && x.push(d), 0 < (g = (-l - v) / (2 * c)) && g < 1 && x.push(g)); for (var T, w, O, k = x.length, P = k; k--;)T = (O = 1 - (f = x[k])) * O * O * t + 3 * O * O * f * i + 3 * O * f * f * n + f * f * f * o, C[0][k] = T, w = O * O * O * e + 3 * O * O * f * r + 3 * O * f * f * s + f * f * f * a, C[1][k] = w; C[0][P] = t, C[1][P] = e, C[0][P + 1] = o, C[1][P + 1] = a; var D = [{ x: b.apply(null, C[0]), y: b.apply(null, C[1]) }, { x: y.apply(null, C[0]), y: y.apply(null, C[1]) }]; return fabric.cachesBoundsOfCurve && (fabric.boundsOfCurveCache[h] = D), D } function d(t, e, i) { for (var r = i[1], n = i[2], s = i[3], o = i[4], a = i[5], h = v(i[6] - t, i[7] - e, r, n, o, a, s), c = 0, l = h.length; c < l; c++)h[c][1] += t, h[c][2] += e, h[c][3] += t, h[c][4] += e, h[c][5] += t, h[c][6] += e; return h } function g(t, e, i, r) { return Math.sqrt((i - t) * (i - t) + (r - e) * (r - e)) } function p(c, l, u, f, d, g, p, v) { return function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s = (n = t) * n * n, o = 3 * (r = t) * r * (1 - r), a = 3 * (i = t) * (1 - i) * (1 - i), h = (1 - (e = t)) * (1 - e) * (1 - e); return { x: p * s + d * o + u * a + c * h, y: v * s + g * o + f * a + l * h } } } function b(n, s, o, a, h, c, l, u) { return function (t) { var e = 1 - t, i = 3 * e * e * (o - n) + 6 * e * t * (h - o) + 3 * t * t * (l - h), r = 3 * e * e * (a - s) + 6 * e * t * (c - a) + 3 * t * t * (u - c); return Math.atan2(r, i) } } function y(a, h, c, l, u, f) { return function (t) { var e, i, r, n = (r = t) * r, s = 2 * (i = t) * (1 - i), o = (1 - (e = t)) * (1 - e); return { x: u * n + c * s + a * o, y: f * n + l * s + h * o } } } function _(n, s, o, a, h, c) { return function (t) { var e = 1 - t, i = 2 * e * (o - n) + 2 * t * (h - o), r = 2 * e * (a - s) + 2 * t * (c - a); return Math.atan2(r, i) } } function x(t, e, i) { var r, n, s = { x: e, y: i }, o = 0; for (n = .01; n <= 1; n += .01)r = t(n), o += g(s.x, s.y, r.x, r.y), s = r; return o } function c(t, e) { for (var i, r, n, s = 0, o = 0, a = t.iterator, h = { x: t.x, y: t.y }, c = .01, l = t.angleFinder; o < e && s <= 1 && 1e-4 < c;)i = a(s), n = s, e < (r = g(h.x, h.y, i.x, i.y)) + o ? s -= c /= 2 : (h = i, s += c, o += r); return i.angle = l(n), i } function l(t) { for (var e, i, r, n, s = 0, o = t.length, a = 0, h = 0, c = 0, l = 0, u = [], f = 0; f < o; f++) { switch (r = { x: a, y: h, command: (e = t[f])[0] }, e[0]) { case "M": r.length = 0, c = a = e[1], l = h = e[2]; break; case "L": r.length = g(a, h, e[1], e[2]), a = e[1], h = e[2]; break; case "C": i = p(a, h, e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6]), n = b(a, h, e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6]), r.iterator = i, r.angleFinder = n, r.length = x(i, a, h), a = e[5], h = e[6]; break; case "Q": i = y(a, h, e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]), n = _(a, h, e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]), r.iterator = i, r.angleFinder = n, r.length = x(i, a, h), a = e[3], h = e[4]; break; case "Z": case "z": r.destX = c, r.destY = l, r.length = g(a, h, c, l), a = c, h = l }s += r.length, u.push(r) } return u.push({ length: s, x: a, y: h }), u } fabric.util.parsePath = function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o = [], a = [], h = fabric.rePathCommand, c = "[-+]?(?:\\d*\\.\\d+|\\d+\\.?)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?\\s*", l = "(" + c + ")" + fabric.commaWsp, u = "([01])" + fabric.commaWsp + "?", f = new RegExp(l + "?" + l + "?" + l + u + u + l + "?(" + c + ")", "g"); if (!t || !t.match) return o; for (var d, g = 0, p = (s = t.match(/[mzlhvcsqta][^mzlhvcsqta]*/gi)).length; g < p; g++) { n = (e = s[g]).slice(1).trim(), a.length = 0; var v = e.charAt(0); if (d = [v], "a" === v.toLowerCase()) for (var m; m = f.exec(n);)for (var b = 1; b < m.length; b++)a.push(m[b]); else for (; r = h.exec(n);)a.push(r[0]); b = 0; for (var y = a.length; b < y; b++)i = parseFloat(a[b]), isNaN(i) || d.push(i); var _ = T[v.toLowerCase()], x = w[v] || v; if (d.length - 1 > _) for (var C = 1, S = d.length; C < S; C += _)o.push([v].concat(d.slice(C, C + _))), v = x; else o.push(d) } return o }, fabric.util.makePathSimpler = function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a = 0, h = 0, c = t.length, l = 0, u = 0, f = []; for (i = 0; i < c; ++i) { switch (r = !1, (e = t[i].slice(0))[0]) { case "l": e[0] = "L", e[1] += a, e[2] += h; case "L": a = e[1], h = e[2]; break; case "h": e[1] += a; case "H": e[0] = "L", e[2] = h, a = e[1]; break; case "v": e[1] += h; case "V": e[0] = "L", h = e[1], e[1] = a, e[2] = h; break; case "m": e[0] = "M", e[1] += a, e[2] += h; case "M": a = e[1], h = e[2], l = e[1], u = e[2]; break; case "c": e[0] = "C", e[1] += a, e[2] += h, e[3] += a, e[4] += h, e[5] += a, e[6] += h; case "C": s = e[3], o = e[4], a = e[5], h = e[6]; break; case "s": e[0] = "S", e[1] += a, e[2] += h, e[3] += a, e[4] += h; case "S": "C" === n ? (s = 2 * a - s, o = 2 * h - o) : (s = a, o = h), a = e[3], h = e[4], e[0] = "C", e[5] = e[3], e[6] = e[4], e[3] = e[1], e[4] = e[2], e[1] = s, e[2] = o, s = e[3], o = e[4]; break; case "q": e[0] = "Q", e[1] += a, e[2] += h, e[3] += a, e[4] += h; case "Q": s = e[1], o = e[2], a = e[3], h = e[4]; break; case "t": e[0] = "T", e[1] += a, e[2] += h; case "T": "Q" === n ? (s = 2 * a - s, o = 2 * h - o) : (s = a, o = h), e[0] = "Q", a = e[1], h = e[2], e[1] = s, e[2] = o, e[3] = a, e[4] = h; break; case "a": e[0] = "A", e[6] += a, e[7] += h; case "A": r = !0, f = f.concat(d(a, h, e)), a = e[6], h = e[7]; break; case "z": case "Z": a = l, h = u }r || f.push(e), n = e[0] } return f }, fabric.util.getPathSegmentsInfo = l, fabric.util.fromArcToBeziers = d, fabric.util.fromArcToBeizers = d, fabric.util.getBoundsOfCurve = m, fabric.util.getPointOnPath = function (t, e, i) { i || (i = l(t)); for (var r = 0; 0 < e - i[r].length && r < i.length - 2;)e -= i[r].length, r++; var n, s = i[r], o = e / s.length, a = s.command, h = t[r]; switch (a) { case "M": return { x: s.x, y: s.y, angle: 0 }; case "Z": case "z": return (n = new fabric.Point(s.x, s.y).lerp(new fabric.Point(s.destX, s.destY), o)).angle = Math.atan2(s.destY - s.y, s.destX - s.x), n; case "L": return (n = new fabric.Point(s.x, s.y).lerp(new fabric.Point(h[1], h[2]), o)).angle = Math.atan2(h[2] - s.y, h[1] - s.x), n; case "C": case "Q": return c(s, e) } }, fabric.util.getBoundsOfArc = function (t, e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h) { for (var c, l = 0, u = 0, f = [], d = v(a - t, h - e, i, r, s, o, n), g = 0, p = d.length; g < p; g++)c = m(l, u, d[g][1], d[g][2], d[g][3], d[g][4], d[g][5], d[g][6]), f.push({ x: c[0].x + t, y: c[0].y + e }), f.push({ x: c[1].x + t, y: c[1].y + e }), l = d[g][5], u = d[g][6]; return f }, fabric.util.drawArc = function (e, t, i, r) { d(t, i, r = r.slice(0).unshift("X")).forEach(function (t) { e.bezierCurveTo.apply(e, t.slice(1)) }) } }(), function () { var o = Array.prototype.slice; function i(t, e, i) { if (t && 0 !== t.length) { var r = t.length - 1, n = e ? t[r][e] : t[r]; if (e) for (; r--;)i(t[r][e], n) && (n = t[r][e]); else for (; r--;)i(t[r], n) && (n = t[r]); return n } } fabric.util.array = { fill: function (t, e) { for (var i = t.length; i--;)t[i] = e; return t }, invoke: function (t, e) { for (var i = o.call(arguments, 2), r = [], n = 0, s = t.length; n < s; n++)r[n] = i.length ? t[n][e].apply(t[n], i) : t[n][e].call(t[n]); return r }, min: function (t, e) { return i(t, e, function (t, e) { return t < e }) }, max: function (t, e) { return i(t, e, function (t, e) { return e <= t }) } } }(), function () { function o(t, e, i) { if (i) if (!fabric.isLikelyNode && e instanceof Element) t = e; else if (e instanceof Array) { t = []; for (var r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; r++)t[r] = o({}, e[r], i) } else if (e && "object" == typeof e) for (var s in e) "canvas" === s || "group" === s ? t[s] = null : e.hasOwnProperty(s) && (t[s] = o({}, e[s], i)); else t = e; else for (var s in e) t[s] = e[s]; return t } fabric.util.object = { extend: o, clone: function (t, e) { return o({}, t, e) } }, fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.util, fabric.Observable) }(), function () { function n(t, e) { var i = t.charCodeAt(e); if (isNaN(i)) return ""; if (i < 55296 || 57343 < i) return t.charAt(e); if (55296 <= i && i <= 56319) { if (t.length <= e + 1) throw "High surrogate without following low surrogate"; var r = t.charCodeAt(e + 1); if (r < 56320 || 57343 < r) throw "High surrogate without following low surrogate"; return t.charAt(e) + t.charAt(e + 1) } if (0 === e) throw "Low surrogate without preceding high surrogate"; var n = t.charCodeAt(e - 1); if (n < 55296 || 56319 < n) throw "Low surrogate without preceding high surrogate"; return !1 } fabric.util.string = { camelize: function (t) { return t.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function (t, e) { return e ? e.toUpperCase() : "" }) }, capitalize: function (t, e) { return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + (e ? t.slice(1) : t.slice(1).toLowerCase()) }, escapeXml: function (t) { return t.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">") }, graphemeSplit: function (t) { var e, i = 0, r = []; for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)!1 !== (e = n(t, i)) && r.push(e); return r } } }(), function () { var s = Array.prototype.slice, o = function () { }, i = function () { for (var t in { toString: 1 }) if ("toString" === t) return !1; return !0 }(), a = function (t, r, n) { for (var e in r) e in t.prototype && "function" == typeof t.prototype[e] && -1 < (r[e] + "").indexOf("callSuper") ? t.prototype[e] = function (i) { return function () { var t = this.constructor.superclass; this.constructor.superclass = n; var e = r[i].apply(this, arguments); if (this.constructor.superclass = t, "initialize" !== i) return e } }(e) : t.prototype[e] = r[e], i && (r.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && (t.prototype.toString = r.toString), r.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf && (t.prototype.valueOf = r.valueOf)) }; function h() { } function c(t) { for (var e = null, i = this; i.constructor.superclass;) { var r = i.constructor.superclass.prototype[t]; if (i[t] !== r) { e = r; break } i = i.constructor.superclass.prototype } return e ? 1 < arguments.length ? e.apply(this, s.call(arguments, 1)) : e.call(this) : console.log("tried to callSuper " + t + ", method not found in prototype chain", this) } fabric.util.createClass = function () { var t = null, e = s.call(arguments, 0); function i() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) } "function" == typeof e[0] && (t = e.shift()), i.superclass = t, i.subclasses = [], t && (h.prototype = t.prototype, i.prototype = new h, t.subclasses.push(i)); for (var r = 0, n = e.length; r < n; r++)a(i, e[r], t); return i.prototype.initialize || (i.prototype.initialize = o), (i.prototype.constructor = i).prototype.callSuper = c, i } }(), function () { var n = !!fabric.document.createElement("div").attachEvent, e = ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"]; fabric.util.addListener = function (t, e, i, r) { t && t.addEventListener(e, i, !n && r) }, fabric.util.removeListener = function (t, e, i, r) { t && t.removeEventListener(e, i, !n && r) }, fabric.util.getPointer = function (t) { var e, i, r = t.target, n = fabric.util.getScrollLeftTop(r), s = (i = (e = t).changedTouches) && i[0] ? i[0] : e; return { x: s.clientX + n.left, y: s.clientY + n.top } }, fabric.util.isTouchEvent = function (t) { return -1 < e.indexOf(t.type) || "touch" === t.pointerType } }(), function () { var t = fabric.document.createElement("div"), e = "string" == typeof t.style.opacity, i = "string" == typeof t.style.filter, r = /alpha\s*\(\s*opacity\s*=\s*([^\)]+)\)/, n = function (t) { return t }; e ? n = function (t, e) { return t.style.opacity = e, t } : i && (n = function (t, e) { var i = t.style; return t.currentStyle && !t.currentStyle.hasLayout && (i.zoom = 1), r.test(i.filter) ? (e = .9999 <= e ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * e + ")", i.filter = i.filter.replace(r, e)) : i.filter += " alpha(opacity=" + 100 * e + ")", t }), fabric.util.setStyle = function (t, e) { var i = t.style; if (!i) return t; if ("string" == typeof e) return t.style.cssText += ";" + e, -1 < e.indexOf("opacity") ? n(t, e.match(/opacity:\s*(\d?\.?\d*)/)[1]) : t; for (var r in e) "opacity" === r ? n(t, e[r]) : i["float" === r || "cssFloat" === r ? void 0 === i.styleFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" : r] = e[r]; return t } }(), function () { var e = Array.prototype.slice; var t, h, i, r, n = function (t) { return e.call(t, 0) }; try { t = n(fabric.document.childNodes) instanceof Array } catch (t) { } function s(t, e) { var i = fabric.document.createElement(t); for (var r in e) "class" === r ? i.className = e[r] : "for" === r ? i.htmlFor = e[r] : i.setAttribute(r, e[r]); return i } function c(t) { for (var e = 0, i = 0, r = fabric.document.documentElement, n = fabric.document.body || { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }; t && (t.parentNode || t.host) && ((t = t.parentNode || t.host) === fabric.document ? (e = n.scrollLeft || r.scrollLeft || 0, i = n.scrollTop || r.scrollTop || 0) : (e += t.scrollLeft || 0, i += t.scrollTop || 0), 1 !== t.nodeType || "fixed" !== t.style.position);); return { left: e, top: i } } t || (n = function (t) { for (var e = new Array(t.length), i = t.length; i--;)e[i] = t[i]; return e }), h = fabric.document.defaultView && fabric.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? function (t, e) { var i = fabric.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, null); return i ? i[e] : void 0 } : function (t, e) { var i = t.style[e]; return !i && t.currentStyle && (i = t.currentStyle[e]), i }, i = fabric.document.documentElement.style, r = "userSelect" in i ? "userSelect" : "MozUserSelect" in i ? "MozUserSelect" : "WebkitUserSelect" in i ? "WebkitUserSelect" : "KhtmlUserSelect" in i ? "KhtmlUserSelect" : "", fabric.util.makeElementUnselectable = function (t) { return void 0 !== t.onselectstart && (t.onselectstart = fabric.util.falseFunction), r ? t.style[r] = "none" : "string" == typeof t.unselectable && (t.unselectable = "on"), t }, fabric.util.makeElementSelectable = function (t) { return void 0 !== t.onselectstart && (t.onselectstart = null), r ? t.style[r] = "" : "string" == typeof t.unselectable && (t.unselectable = ""), t }, fabric.util.setImageSmoothing = function (t, e) { t.imageSmoothingEnabled = t.imageSmoothingEnabled || t.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled || t.mozImageSmoothingEnabled || t.msImageSmoothingEnabled || t.oImageSmoothingEnabled, t.imageSmoothingEnabled = e }, fabric.util.getById = function (t) { return "string" == typeof t ? fabric.document.getElementById(t) : t }, fabric.util.toArray = n, fabric.util.addClass = function (t, e) { t && -1 === (" " + t.className + " ").indexOf(" " + e + " ") && (t.className += (t.className ? " " : "") + e) }, fabric.util.makeElement = s, fabric.util.wrapElement = function (t, e, i) { return "string" == typeof e && (e = s(e, i)), t.parentNode && t.parentNode.replaceChild(e, t), e.appendChild(t), e }, fabric.util.getScrollLeftTop = c, fabric.util.getElementOffset = function (t) { var e, i, r = t && t.ownerDocument, n = { left: 0, top: 0 }, s = { left: 0, top: 0 }, o = { borderLeftWidth: "left", borderTopWidth: "top", paddingLeft: "left", paddingTop: "top" }; if (!r) return s; for (var a in o) s[o[a]] += parseInt(h(t, a), 10) || 0; return e = r.documentElement, void 0 !== t.getBoundingClientRect && (n = t.getBoundingClientRect()), i = c(t), { left: n.left + i.left - (e.clientLeft || 0) + s.left, top: n.top + i.top - (e.clientTop || 0) + s.top } }, fabric.util.getNodeCanvas = function (t) { var e = fabric.jsdomImplForWrapper(t); return e._canvas || e._image }, fabric.util.cleanUpJsdomNode = function (t) { if (fabric.isLikelyNode) { var e = fabric.jsdomImplForWrapper(t); e && (e._image = null, e._canvas = null, e._currentSrc = null, e._attributes = null, e._classList = null) } } }(), function () { function h() { } fabric.util.request = function (t, e) { e || (e = {}); var i, r, n = e.method ? e.method.toUpperCase() : "GET", s = e.onComplete || function () { }, o = new fabric.window.XMLHttpRequest, a = e.body || e.parameters; return o.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 === o.readyState && (s(o), o.onreadystatechange = h) }, "GET" === n && (a = null, "string" == typeof e.parameters && (i = t, r = e.parameters, t = i + (/\?/.test(i) ? "&" : "?") + r)), o.open(n, t, !0), "POST" !== n && "PUT" !== n || o.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), o.send(a), o } }(), fabric.log = console.log, fabric.warn = console.warn, function () { function i() { return !1 } function r(t, e, i, r) { return -i * Math.cos(t / r * (Math.PI / 2)) + i + e } var t = fabric.window.requestAnimationFrame || fabric.window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || fabric.window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || fabric.window.oRequestAnimationFrame || fabric.window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (t) { return fabric.window.setTimeout(t, 1e3 / 60) }, e = fabric.window.cancelAnimationFrame || fabric.window.clearTimeout; function m() { return t.apply(fabric.window, arguments) } fabric.util.animate = function (e) { m(function (t) { e || (e = {}); var o, a = t || +new Date, h = e.duration || 500, c = a + h, l = e.onChange || i, u = e.abort || i, f = e.onComplete || i, d = e.easing || r, g = "startValue" in e ? e.startValue : 0, p = "endValue" in e ? e.endValue : 100, v = e.byValue || p - g; e.onStart && e.onStart(), function t(e) { o = e || +new Date; var i = c < o ? h : o - a, r = i / h, n = d(i, g, v, h), s = Math.abs((n - g) / v); if (!u()) return c < o ? (l(p, 1, 1), void f(p, 1, 1)) : (l(n, s, r), void m(t)); f(p, 1, 1) }(a) }) }, fabric.util.requestAnimFrame = m, fabric.util.cancelAnimFrame = function () { return e.apply(fabric.window, arguments) } }(), function () { function h(t, e, i) { var r = "rgba(" + parseInt(t[0] + i * (e[0] - t[0]), 10) + "," + parseInt(t[1] + i * (e[1] - t[1]), 10) + "," + parseInt(t[2] + i * (e[2] - t[2]), 10); return r += "," + (t && e ? parseFloat(t[3] + i * (e[3] - t[3])) : 1), r += ")" } fabric.util.animateColor = function (t, e, i, n) { var r = new fabric.Color(t).getSource(), s = new fabric.Color(e).getSource(), o = n.onComplete, a = n.onChange; n = n || {}, fabric.util.animate(fabric.util.object.extend(n, { duration: i || 500, startValue: r, endValue: s, byValue: s, easing: function (t, e, i, r) { return h(e, i, n.colorEasing ? n.colorEasing(t, r) : 1 - Math.cos(t / r * (Math.PI / 2))) }, onComplete: function (t, e, i) { if (o) return o(h(s, s, 0), e, i) }, onChange: function (t, e, i) { if (a) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return a(h(t, t, 0), e, i); a(t, e, i) } } })) } }(), function () { function o(t, e, i, r) { return t < Math.abs(e) ? (t = e, r = i / 4) : r = 0 === e && 0 === t ? i / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1) : i / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(e / t), { a: t, c: e, p: i, s: r } } function a(t, e, i) { return t.a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * i - t.s) * (2 * Math.PI) / t.p) } function n(t, e, i, r) { return i - s(r - t, 0, i, r) + e } function s(t, e, i, r) { return (t /= r) < 1 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * t * t) + e : t < 2 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75) + e : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? i * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375) + e : i * (7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375) + e } fabric.util.ease = { easeInQuad: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * (t /= r) * t + e }, easeOutQuad: function (t, e, i, r) { return -i * (t /= r) * (t - 2) + e }, easeInOutQuad: function (t, e, i, r) { return (t /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * t * t + e : -i / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + e }, easeInCubic: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * (t /= r) * t * t + e }, easeOutCubic: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * ((t = t / r - 1) * t * t + 1) + e }, easeInOutCubic: function (t, e, i, r) { return (t /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * t * t * t + e : i / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + e }, easeInQuart: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * (t /= r) * t * t * t + e }, easeOutQuart: function (t, e, i, r) { return -i * ((t = t / r - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + e }, easeInOutQuart: function (t, e, i, r) { return (t /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * t * t * t * t + e : -i / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + e }, easeInQuint: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * (t /= r) * t * t * t * t + e }, easeOutQuint: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * ((t = t / r - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + e }, easeInOutQuint: function (t, e, i, r) { return (t /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + e : i / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + e }, easeInSine: function (t, e, i, r) { return -i * Math.cos(t / r * (Math.PI / 2)) + i + e }, easeOutSine: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * Math.sin(t / r * (Math.PI / 2)) + e }, easeInOutSine: function (t, e, i, r) { return -i / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / r) - 1) + e }, easeInExpo: function (t, e, i, r) { return 0 === t ? e : i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / r - 1)) + e }, easeOutExpo: function (t, e, i, r) { return t === r ? e + i : i * (1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t / r)) + e }, easeInOutExpo: function (t, e, i, r) { return 0 === t ? e : t === r ? e + i : (t /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + e : i / 2 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * --t)) + e }, easeInCirc: function (t, e, i, r) { return -i * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= r) * t) - 1) + e }, easeOutCirc: function (t, e, i, r) { return i * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / r - 1) * t) + e }, easeInOutCirc: function (t, e, i, r) { return (t /= r / 2) < 1 ? -i / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + e : i / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + e }, easeInElastic: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = 0; return 0 === t ? e : 1 == (t /= r) ? e + i : (n || (n = .3 * r), -a(o(i, i, n, 1.70158), t, r) + e) }, easeOutElastic: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = 0; if (0 === t) return e; if (1 == (t /= r)) return e + i; n || (n = .3 * r); var s = o(i, i, n, 1.70158); return s.a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * r - s.s) * (2 * Math.PI) / s.p) + s.c + e }, easeInOutElastic: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = 0; if (0 === t) return e; if (2 == (t /= r / 2)) return e + i; n || (n = r * (.3 * 1.5)); var s = o(i, i, n, 1.70158); return t < 1 ? -.5 * a(s, t, r) + e : s.a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * r - s.s) * (2 * Math.PI) / s.p) * .5 + s.c + e }, easeInBack: function (t, e, i, r, n) { return void 0 === n && (n = 1.70158), i * (t /= r) * t * ((n + 1) * t - n) + e }, easeOutBack: function (t, e, i, r, n) { return void 0 === n && (n = 1.70158), i * ((t = t / r - 1) * t * ((n + 1) * t + n) + 1) + e }, easeInOutBack: function (t, e, i, r, n) { return void 0 === n && (n = 1.70158), (t /= r / 2) < 1 ? i / 2 * (t * t * ((1 + (n *= 1.525)) * t - n)) + e : i / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * ((1 + (n *= 1.525)) * t + n) + 2) + e }, easeInBounce: n, easeOutBounce: s, easeInOutBounce: function (t, e, i, r) { return t < r / 2 ? .5 * n(2 * t, 0, i, r) + e : .5 * s(2 * t - r, 0, i, r) + .5 * i + e } } }(), function (t) { "use strict"; var C = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), p = C.util.object.extend, f = C.util.object.clone, v = C.util.toFixed, S = C.util.parseUnit, h = C.util.multiplyTransformMatrices, m = { cx: "left", x: "left", r: "radius", cy: "top", y: "top", display: "visible", visibility: "visible", transform: "transformMatrix", "fill-opacity": "fillOpacity", "fill-rule": "fillRule", "font-family": "fontFamily", "font-size": "fontSize", "font-style": "fontStyle", "font-weight": "fontWeight", "letter-spacing": "charSpacing", "paint-order": "paintFirst", "stroke-dasharray": "strokeDashArray", "stroke-dashoffset": "strokeDashOffset", "stroke-linecap": "strokeLineCap", "stroke-linejoin": "strokeLineJoin", "stroke-miterlimit": "strokeMiterLimit", "stroke-opacity": "strokeOpacity", "stroke-width": "strokeWidth", "text-decoration": "textDecoration", "text-anchor": "textAnchor", opacity: "opacity", "clip-path": "clipPath", "clip-rule": "clipRule", "vector-effect": "strokeUniform", "image-rendering": "imageSmoothing" }, b = { stroke: "strokeOpacity", fill: "fillOpacity" }, y = "font-size", _ = "clip-path"; function x(t, e, i, r) { var n, s = "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e); if ("fill" !== t && "stroke" !== t || "none" !== e) { if ("strokeUniform" === t) return "non-scaling-stroke" === e; if ("strokeDashArray" === t) e = "none" === e ? null : e.replace(/,/g, " ").split(/\s+/).map(parseFloat); else if ("transformMatrix" === t) e = i && i.transformMatrix ? h(i.transformMatrix, C.parseTransformAttribute(e)) : C.parseTransformAttribute(e); else if ("visible" === t) e = "none" !== e && "hidden" !== e, i && !1 === i.visible && (e = !1); else if ("opacity" === t) e = parseFloat(e), i && void 0 !== i.opacity && (e *= i.opacity); else if ("textAnchor" === t) e = "start" === e ? "left" : "end" === e ? "right" : "center"; else if ("charSpacing" === t) n = S(e, r) / r * 1e3; else if ("paintFirst" === t) { var o = e.indexOf("fill"), a = e.indexOf("stroke"); e = "fill"; -1 < o && -1 < a && a < o ? e = "stroke" : -1 === o && -1 < a && (e = "stroke") } else { if ("href" === t || "xlink:href" === t || "font" === t) return e; if ("imageSmoothing" === t) return "optimizeQuality" === e; n = s ? e.map(S) : S(e, r) } } else e = ""; return !s && isNaN(n) ? e : n } function e(t) { return new RegExp("^(" + t.join("|") + ")\\b", "i") } function T(t, e) { var i, r, n, s, o = []; for (n = 0, s = e.length; n < s; n++)i = e[n], r = t.getElementsByTagName(i), o = o.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(r)); return o } function w(t, e) { var i, r = !0; return (i = n(t, e.pop())) && e.length && (r = function (t, e) { var i, r = !0; for (; t.parentNode && 1 === t.parentNode.nodeType && e.length;)r && (i = e.pop()), t = t.parentNode, r = n(t, i); return 0 === e.length }(t, e)), i && r && 0 === e.length } function n(t, e) { var i, r, n = t.nodeName, s = t.getAttribute("class"), o = t.getAttribute("id"); if (i = new RegExp("^" + n, "i"), e = e.replace(i, ""), o && e.length && (i = new RegExp("#" + o + "(?![a-zA-Z\\-]+)", "i"), e = e.replace(i, "")), s && e.length) for (r = (s = s.split(" ")).length; r--;)i = new RegExp("\\." + s[r] + "(?![a-zA-Z\\-]+)", "i"), e = e.replace(i, ""); return 0 === e.length } function O(t, e) { var i; if (t.getElementById && (i = t.getElementById(e)), i) return i; var r, n, s, o = t.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (n = 0, s = o.length; n < s; n++)if (e === (r = o[n]).getAttribute("id")) return r } C.svgValidTagNamesRegEx = e(["path", "circle", "polygon", "polyline", "ellipse", "rect", "line", "image", "text"]), C.svgViewBoxElementsRegEx = e(["symbol", "image", "marker", "pattern", "view", "svg"]), C.svgInvalidAncestorsRegEx = e(["pattern", "defs", "symbol", "metadata", "clipPath", "mask", "desc"]), C.svgValidParentsRegEx = e(["symbol", "g", "a", "svg", "clipPath", "defs"]), C.cssRules = {}, C.gradientDefs = {}, C.clipPaths = {}, C.parseTransformAttribute = function () { function b(t, e, i) { t[i] = Math.tan(C.util.degreesToRadians(e[0])) } var y = C.iMatrix, t = C.reNum, e = C.commaWsp, _ = "(?:" + ("(?:(matrix)\\s*\\(\\s*(" + t + ")" + e + "(" + t + ")" + e + "(" + t + ")" + e + "(" + t + ")" + e + "(" + t + ")" + e + "(" + t + ")\\s*\\))") + "|" + ("(?:(translate)\\s*\\(\\s*(" + t + ")(?:" + e + "(" + t + "))?\\s*\\))") + "|" + ("(?:(scale)\\s*\\(\\s*(" + t + ")(?:" + e + "(" + t + "))?\\s*\\))") + "|" + ("(?:(rotate)\\s*\\(\\s*(" + t + ")(?:" + e + "(" + t + ")" + e + "(" + t + "))?\\s*\\))") + "|" + ("(?:(skewX)\\s*\\(\\s*(" + t + ")\\s*\\))") + "|" + ("(?:(skewY)\\s*\\(\\s*(" + t + ")\\s*\\))") + ")", i = new RegExp("^\\s*(?:" + ("(?:" + _ + "(?:" + e + "*" + _ + ")*)") + "?)\\s*$"), r = new RegExp(_, "g"); return function (t) { var v = y.concat(), m = []; if (!t || t && !i.test(t)) return v; t.replace(r, function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f, d = new RegExp(_).exec(t).filter(function (t) { return !!t }), g = d[1], p = d.slice(2).map(parseFloat); switch (g) { case "translate": f = p, (u = v)[4] = f[0], 2 === f.length && (u[5] = f[1]); break; case "rotate": p[0] = C.util.degreesToRadians(p[0]), s = v, o = p, a = C.util.cos(o[0]), h = C.util.sin(o[0]), l = c = 0, 3 === o.length && (c = o[1], l = o[2]), s[0] = a, s[1] = h, s[2] = -h, s[3] = a, s[4] = c - (a * c - h * l), s[5] = l - (h * c + a * l); break; case "scale": e = v, r = (i = p)[0], n = 2 === i.length ? i[1] : i[0], e[0] = r, e[3] = n; break; case "skewX": b(v, p, 2); break; case "skewY": b(v, p, 1); break; case "matrix": v = p }m.push(v.concat()), v = y.concat() }); for (var e = m[0]; 1 < m.length;)m.shift(), e = C.util.multiplyTransformMatrices(e, m[0]); return e } }(); var k = new RegExp("^\\s*(" + C.reNum + "+)\\s*,?\\s*(" + C.reNum + "+)\\s*,?\\s*(" + C.reNum + "+)\\s*,?\\s*(" + C.reNum + "+)\\s*$"); function P(t) { if (C.svgViewBoxElementsRegEx.test(t.nodeName)) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a = t.getAttribute("viewBox"), h = 1, c = 1, l = t.getAttribute("width"), u = t.getAttribute("height"), f = t.getAttribute("x") || 0, d = t.getAttribute("y") || 0, g = t.getAttribute("preserveAspectRatio") || "", p = !a || !(a = a.match(k)), v = !l || !u || "100%" === l || "100%" === u, m = p && v, b = {}, y = "", _ = 0, x = 0; if (b.width = 0, b.height = 0, b.toBeParsed = m, p && (f || d) && t.parentNode && "#document" !== t.parentNode.nodeName && (y = " translate(" + S(f) + " " + S(d) + ") ", s = (t.getAttribute("transform") || "") + y, t.setAttribute("transform", s), t.removeAttribute("x"), t.removeAttribute("y")), m) return b; if (p) return b.width = S(l), b.height = S(u), b; if (e = -parseFloat(a[1]), i = -parseFloat(a[2]), r = parseFloat(a[3]), n = parseFloat(a[4]), b.minX = e, b.minY = i, b.viewBoxWidth = r, b.viewBoxHeight = n, v ? (b.width = r, b.height = n) : (b.width = S(l), b.height = S(u), h = b.width / r, c = b.height / n), "none" !== (g = C.util.parsePreserveAspectRatioAttribute(g)).alignX && ("meet" === g.meetOrSlice && (c = h = c < h ? c : h), "slice" === g.meetOrSlice && (c = h = c < h ? h : c), _ = b.width - r * h, x = b.height - n * h, "Mid" === g.alignX && (_ /= 2), "Mid" === g.alignY && (x /= 2), "Min" === g.alignX && (_ = 0), "Min" === g.alignY && (x = 0)), 1 === h && 1 === c && 0 === e && 0 === i && 0 === f && 0 === d) return b; if ((f || d) && "#document" !== t.parentNode.nodeName && (y = " translate(" + S(f) + " " + S(d) + ") "), s = y + " matrix(" + h + " 0 0 " + c + " " + (e * h + _) + " " + (i * c + x) + ") ", "svg" === t.nodeName) { for (o = t.ownerDocument.createElementNS(C.svgNS, "g"); t.firstChild;)o.appendChild(t.firstChild); t.appendChild(o) } else (o = t).removeAttribute("x"), o.removeAttribute("y"), s = o.getAttribute("transform") + s; return o.setAttribute("transform", s), b } } function s(t, e) { var i = "xlink:href", r = O(t, e.getAttribute(i).substr(1)); if (r && r.getAttribute(i) && s(t, r), ["gradientTransform", "x1", "x2", "y1", "y2", "gradientUnits", "cx", "cy", "r", "fx", "fy"].forEach(function (t) { r && !e.hasAttribute(t) && r.hasAttribute(t) && e.setAttribute(t, r.getAttribute(t)) }), !e.children.length) for (var n = r.cloneNode(!0); n.firstChild;)e.appendChild(n.firstChild); e.removeAttribute(i) } C.parseSVGDocument = function (t, i, e, r) { if (t) { !function (t) { for (var e = T(t, ["use", "svg:use"]), i = 0; e.length && i < e.length;) { var r = e[i], n = r.getAttribute("xlink:href") || r.getAttribute("href"); if (null === n) return; var s, o, a, h, c = n.substr(1), l = r.getAttribute("x") || 0, u = r.getAttribute("y") || 0, f = O(t, c).cloneNode(!0), d = (f.getAttribute("transform") || "") + " translate(" + l + ", " + u + ")", g = e.length, p = C.svgNS; if (P(f), /^svg$/i.test(f.nodeName)) { var v = f.ownerDocument.createElementNS(p, "g"); for (o = 0, h = (a = f.attributes).length; o < h; o++)s = a.item(o), v.setAttributeNS(p, s.nodeName, s.nodeValue); for (; f.firstChild;)v.appendChild(f.firstChild); f = v } for (o = 0, h = (a = r.attributes).length; o < h; o++)"x" !== (s = a.item(o)).nodeName && "y" !== s.nodeName && "xlink:href" !== s.nodeName && "href" !== s.nodeName && ("transform" === s.nodeName ? d = s.nodeValue + " " + d : f.setAttribute(s.nodeName, s.nodeValue)); f.setAttribute("transform", d), f.setAttribute("instantiated_by_use", "1"), f.removeAttribute("id"), r.parentNode.replaceChild(f, r), e.length === g && i++ } }(t); var n, s, o = C.Object.__uid++, a = P(t), h = C.util.toArray(t.getElementsByTagName("*")); if (a.crossOrigin = r && r.crossOrigin, a.svgUid = o, 0 === h.length && C.isLikelyNode) { var c = []; for (n = 0, s = (h = t.selectNodes('//*[name(.)!="svg"]')).length; n < s; n++)c[n] = h[n]; h = c } var l = h.filter(function (t) { return P(t), C.svgValidTagNamesRegEx.test(t.nodeName.replace("svg:", "")) && !function (t, e) { for (; t && (t = t.parentNode);)if (t.nodeName && e.test(t.nodeName.replace("svg:", "")) && !t.getAttribute("instantiated_by_use")) return !0; return !1 }(t, C.svgInvalidAncestorsRegEx) }); if (!l || l && !l.length) i && i([], {}); else { var u = {}; h.filter(function (t) { return "clipPath" === t.nodeName.replace("svg:", "") }).forEach(function (t) { var e = t.getAttribute("id"); u[e] = C.util.toArray(t.getElementsByTagName("*")).filter(function (t) { return C.svgValidTagNamesRegEx.test(t.nodeName.replace("svg:", "")) }) }), C.gradientDefs[o] = C.getGradientDefs(t), C.cssRules[o] = C.getCSSRules(t), C.clipPaths[o] = u, C.parseElements(l, function (t, e) { i && (i(t, a, e, h), delete C.gradientDefs[o], delete C.cssRules[o], delete C.clipPaths[o]) }, f(a), e, r) } } }; var c = new RegExp("(normal|italic)?\\s*(normal|small-caps)?\\s*(normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900)?\\s*(" + C.reNum + "(?:px|cm|mm|em|pt|pc|in)*)(?:\\/(normal|" + C.reNum + "))?\\s+(.*)"); p(C, { parseFontDeclaration: function (t, e) { var i = t.match(c); if (i) { var r = i[1], n = i[3], s = i[4], o = i[5], a = i[6]; r && (e.fontStyle = r), n && (e.fontWeight = isNaN(parseFloat(n)) ? n : parseFloat(n)), s && (e.fontSize = S(s)), a && (e.fontFamily = a), o && (e.lineHeight = "normal" === o ? 1 : o) } }, getGradientDefs: function (t) { var e, i = T(t, ["linearGradient", "radialGradient", "svg:linearGradient", "svg:radialGradient"]), r = 0, n = {}; for (r = i.length; r--;)(e = i[r]).getAttribute("xlink:href") && s(t, e), n[e.getAttribute("id")] = e; return n }, parseAttributes: function (i, t, e) { if (i) { var r, n, s, o = {}; void 0 === e && (e = i.getAttribute("svgUid")), i.parentNode && C.svgValidParentsRegEx.test(i.parentNode.nodeName) && (o = C.parseAttributes(i.parentNode, t, e)); var a = t.reduce(function (t, e) { return (r = i.getAttribute(e)) && (t[e] = r), t }, {}), h = p(function (t, e) { var i = {}; for (var r in C.cssRules[e]) if (w(t, r.split(" "))) for (var n in C.cssRules[e][r]) i[n] = C.cssRules[e][r][n]; return i }(i, e), C.parseStyleAttribute(i)); a = p(a, h), h[_] && i.setAttribute(_, h[_]), n = s = o.fontSize || C.Text.DEFAULT_SVG_FONT_SIZE, a[y] && (a[y] = n = S(a[y], s)); var c, l, u, f = {}; for (var d in a) l = x(c = (u = d) in m ? m[u] : u, a[d], o, n), f[c] = l; f && f.font && C.parseFontDeclaration(f.font, f); var g = p(o, f); return C.svgValidParentsRegEx.test(i.nodeName) ? g : function (t) { for (var e in b) if (void 0 !== t[b[e]] && "" !== t[e]) { if (void 0 === t[e]) { if (!C.Object.prototype[e]) continue; t[e] = C.Object.prototype[e] } if (0 !== t[e].indexOf("url(")) { var i = new C.Color(t[e]); t[e] = i.setAlpha(v(i.getAlpha() * t[b[e]], 2)).toRgba() } } return t }(g) } }, parseElements: function (t, e, i, r, n) { new C.ElementsParser(t, e, i, r, n).parse() }, parseStyleAttribute: function (t) { var i, r, n, e = {}, s = t.getAttribute("style"); return s && ("string" == typeof s ? (i = e, s.replace(/;\s*$/, "").split(";").forEach(function (t) { var e = t.split(":"); r = e[0].trim().toLowerCase(), n = e[1].trim(), i[r] = n })) : function (t, e) { var i, r; for (var n in t) void 0 !== t[n] && (i = n.toLowerCase(), r = t[n], e[i] = r) }(s, e)), e }, parsePointsAttribute: function (t) { if (!t) return null; var e, i, r = []; for (e = 0, i = (t = (t = t.replace(/,/g, " ").trim()).split(/\s+/)).length; e < i; e += 2)r.push({ x: parseFloat(t[e]), y: parseFloat(t[e + 1]) }); return r }, getCSSRules: function (t) { var a, h, e = t.getElementsByTagName("style"), c = {}; for (a = 0, h = e.length; a < h; a++) { var i = e[a].textContent; "" !== (i = i.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g, "")).trim() && i.match(/[^{]*\{[\s\S]*?\}/g).map(function (t) { return t.trim() }).forEach(function (t) { var e = t.match(/([\s\S]*?)\s*\{([^}]*)\}/), i = {}, r = e[2].trim().replace(/;$/, "").split(/\s*;\s*/); for (a = 0, h = r.length; a < h; a++) { var n = r[a].split(/\s*:\s*/), s = n[0], o = n[1]; i[s] = o } (t = e[1]).split(",").forEach(function (t) { "" !== (t = t.replace(/^svg/i, "").trim()) && (c[t] ? C.util.object.extend(c[t], i) : c[t] = C.util.object.clone(i)) }) }) } return c }, loadSVGFromURL: function (t, n, i, r) { t = t.replace(/^\n\s*/, "").trim(), new C.util.request(t, { method: "get", onComplete: function (t) { var e = t.responseXML; if (!e || !e.documentElement) return n && n(null), !1; C.parseSVGDocument(e.documentElement, function (t, e, i, r) { n && n(t, e, i, r) }, i, r) } }) }, loadSVGFromString: function (t, n, e, i) { var r = (new C.window.DOMParser).parseFromString(t.trim(), "text/xml"); C.parseSVGDocument(r.documentElement, function (t, e, i, r) { n(t, e, i, r) }, e, i) } }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), fabric.ElementsParser = function (t, e, i, r, n, s) { this.elements = t, this.callback = e, this.options = i, this.reviver = r, this.svgUid = i && i.svgUid || 0, this.parsingOptions = n, this.regexUrl = /^url\(['"]?#([^'"]+)['"]?\)/g, this.doc = s }, function (t) { t.parse = function () { this.instances = new Array(this.elements.length), this.numElements = this.elements.length, this.createObjects() }, t.createObjects = function () { var i = this; this.elements.forEach(function (t, e) { t.setAttribute("svgUid", i.svgUid), i.createObject(t, e) }) }, t.findTag = function (t) { return fabric[fabric.util.string.capitalize(t.tagName.replace("svg:", ""))] }, t.createObject = function (t, e) { var i = this.findTag(t); if (i && i.fromElement) try { i.fromElement(t, this.createCallback(e, t), this.options) } catch (t) { fabric.log(t) } else this.checkIfDone() }, t.createCallback = function (i, r) { var n = this; return function (t) { var e; n.resolveGradient(t, r, "fill"), n.resolveGradient(t, r, "stroke"), t instanceof fabric.Image && t._originalElement && (e = t.parsePreserveAspectRatioAttribute(r)), t._removeTransformMatrix(e), n.resolveClipPath(t, r), n.reviver && n.reviver(r, t), n.instances[i] = t, n.checkIfDone() } }, t.extractPropertyDefinition = function (t, e, i) { var r = t[e], n = this.regexUrl; if (n.test(r)) { n.lastIndex = 0; var s = n.exec(r)[1]; return n.lastIndex = 0, fabric[i][this.svgUid][s] } }, t.resolveGradient = function (t, e, i) { var r = this.extractPropertyDefinition(t, i, "gradientDefs"); if (r) { var n = e.getAttribute(i + "-opacity"), s = fabric.Gradient.fromElement(r, t, n, this.options); t.set(i, s) } }, t.createClipPathCallback = function (t, e) { return function (t) { t._removeTransformMatrix(), t.fillRule = t.clipRule, e.push(t) } }, t.resolveClipPath = function (t, e) { var i, r, n, s, o = this.extractPropertyDefinition(t, "clipPath", "clipPaths"); if (o) { n = [], r = fabric.util.invertTransform(t.calcTransformMatrix()); for (var a = o[0].parentNode, h = e; h.parentNode && h.getAttribute("clip-path") !== t.clipPath;)h = h.parentNode; h.parentNode.appendChild(a); for (var c = 0; c < o.length; c++)i = o[c], this.findTag(i).fromElement(i, this.createClipPathCallback(t, n), this.options); o = 1 === n.length ? n[0] : new fabric.Group(n), s = fabric.util.multiplyTransformMatrices(r, o.calcTransformMatrix()), o.clipPath && this.resolveClipPath(o, h); var l = fabric.util.qrDecompose(s); o.flipX = !1, o.flipY = !1, o.set("scaleX", l.scaleX), o.set("scaleY", l.scaleY), o.angle = l.angle, o.skewX = l.skewX, o.skewY = 0, o.setPositionByOrigin({ x: l.translateX, y: l.translateY }, "center", "center"), t.clipPath = o } else delete t.clipPath }, t.checkIfDone = function () { 0 == --this.numElements && (this.instances = this.instances.filter(function (t) { return null != t }), this.callback(this.instances, this.elements)) } }(fabric.ElementsParser.prototype), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); function i(t, e) { this.x = t, this.y = e } e.Point ? e.warn("fabric.Point is already defined") : (e.Point = i).prototype = { type: "point", constructor: i, add: function (t) { return new i(this.x + t.x, this.y + t.y) }, addEquals: function (t) { return this.x += t.x, this.y += t.y, this }, scalarAdd: function (t) { return new i(this.x + t, this.y + t) }, scalarAddEquals: function (t) { return this.x += t, this.y += t, this }, subtract: function (t) { return new i(this.x - t.x, this.y - t.y) }, subtractEquals: function (t) { return this.x -= t.x, this.y -= t.y, this }, scalarSubtract: function (t) { return new i(this.x - t, this.y - t) }, scalarSubtractEquals: function (t) { return this.x -= t, this.y -= t, this }, multiply: function (t) { return new i(this.x * t, this.y * t) }, multiplyEquals: function (t) { return this.x *= t, this.y *= t, this }, divide: function (t) { return new i(this.x / t, this.y / t) }, divideEquals: function (t) { return this.x /= t, this.y /= t, this }, eq: function (t) { return this.x === t.x && this.y === t.y }, lt: function (t) { return this.x < t.x && this.y < t.y }, lte: function (t) { return this.x <= t.x && this.y <= t.y }, gt: function (t) { return this.x > t.x && this.y > t.y }, gte: function (t) { return this.x >= t.x && this.y >= t.y }, lerp: function (t, e) { return void 0 === e && (e = .5), e = Math.max(Math.min(1, e), 0), new i(this.x + (t.x - this.x) * e, this.y + (t.y - this.y) * e) }, distanceFrom: function (t) { var e = this.x - t.x, i = this.y - t.y; return Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i) }, midPointFrom: function (t) { return this.lerp(t) }, min: function (t) { return new i(Math.min(this.x, t.x), Math.min(this.y, t.y)) }, max: function (t) { return new i(Math.max(this.x, t.x), Math.max(this.y, t.y)) }, toString: function () { return this.x + "," + this.y }, setXY: function (t, e) { return this.x = t, this.y = e, this }, setX: function (t) { return this.x = t, this }, setY: function (t) { return this.y = t, this }, setFromPoint: function (t) { return this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this }, swap: function (t) { var e = this.x, i = this.y; this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, t.x = e, t.y = i }, clone: function () { return new i(this.x, this.y) } } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var f = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); function d(t) { this.status = t, this.points = [] } f.Intersection ? f.warn("fabric.Intersection is already defined") : (f.Intersection = d, f.Intersection.prototype = { constructor: d, appendPoint: function (t) { return this.points.push(t), this }, appendPoints: function (t) { return this.points = this.points.concat(t), this } }, f.Intersection.intersectLineLine = function (t, e, i, r) { var n, s = (r.x - i.x) * (t.y - i.y) - (r.y - i.y) * (t.x - i.x), o = (e.x - t.x) * (t.y - i.y) - (e.y - t.y) * (t.x - i.x), a = (r.y - i.y) * (e.x - t.x) - (r.x - i.x) * (e.y - t.y); if (0 !== a) { var h = s / a, c = o / a; 0 <= h && h <= 1 && 0 <= c && c <= 1 ? (n = new d("Intersection")).appendPoint(new f.Point(t.x + h * (e.x - t.x), t.y + h * (e.y - t.y))) : n = new d } else n = new d(0 === s || 0 === o ? "Coincident" : "Parallel"); return n }, f.Intersection.intersectLinePolygon = function (t, e, i) { var r, n, s, o, a = new d, h = i.length; for (o = 0; o < h; o++)r = i[o], n = i[(o + 1) % h], s = d.intersectLineLine(t, e, r, n), a.appendPoints(s.points); return 0 < a.points.length && (a.status = "Intersection"), a }, f.Intersection.intersectPolygonPolygon = function (t, e) { var i, r = new d, n = t.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { var s = t[i], o = t[(i + 1) % n], a = d.intersectLinePolygon(s, o, e); r.appendPoints(a.points) } return 0 < r.points.length && (r.status = "Intersection"), r }, f.Intersection.intersectPolygonRectangle = function (t, e, i) { var r = e.min(i), n = e.max(i), s = new f.Point(n.x, r.y), o = new f.Point(r.x, n.y), a = d.intersectLinePolygon(r, s, t), h = d.intersectLinePolygon(s, n, t), c = d.intersectLinePolygon(n, o, t), l = d.intersectLinePolygon(o, r, t), u = new d; return u.appendPoints(a.points), u.appendPoints(h.points), u.appendPoints(c.points), u.appendPoints(l.points), 0 < u.points.length && (u.status = "Intersection"), u }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var c = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); function l(t) { t ? this._tryParsingColor(t) : this.setSource([0, 0, 0, 1]) } function u(t, e, i) { return i < 0 && (i += 1), 1 < i && (i -= 1), i < 1 / 6 ? t + 6 * (e - t) * i : i < .5 ? e : i < 2 / 3 ? t + (e - t) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : t } c.Color ? c.warn("fabric.Color is already defined.") : (c.Color = l, c.Color.prototype = { _tryParsingColor: function (t) { var e; t in l.colorNameMap && (t = l.colorNameMap[t]), "transparent" === t && (e = [255, 255, 255, 0]), e || (e = l.sourceFromHex(t)), e || (e = l.sourceFromRgb(t)), e || (e = l.sourceFromHsl(t)), e || (e = [0, 0, 0, 1]), e && this.setSource(e) }, _rgbToHsl: function (t, e, i) { t /= 255, e /= 255, i /= 255; var r, n, s, o = c.util.array.max([t, e, i]), a = c.util.array.min([t, e, i]); if (s = (o + a) / 2, o === a) r = n = 0; else { var h = o - a; switch (n = .5 < s ? h / (2 - o - a) : h / (o + a), o) { case t: r = (e - i) / h + (e < i ? 6 : 0); break; case e: r = (i - t) / h + 2; break; case i: r = (t - e) / h + 4 }r /= 6 } return [Math.round(360 * r), Math.round(100 * n), Math.round(100 * s)] }, getSource: function () { return this._source }, setSource: function (t) { this._source = t }, toRgb: function () { var t = this.getSource(); return "rgb(" + t[0] + "," + t[1] + "," + t[2] + ")" }, toRgba: function () { var t = this.getSource(); return "rgba(" + t[0] + "," + t[1] + "," + t[2] + "," + t[3] + ")" }, toHsl: function () { var t = this.getSource(), e = this._rgbToHsl(t[0], t[1], t[2]); return "hsl(" + e[0] + "," + e[1] + "%," + e[2] + "%)" }, toHsla: function () { var t = this.getSource(), e = this._rgbToHsl(t[0], t[1], t[2]); return "hsla(" + e[0] + "," + e[1] + "%," + e[2] + "%," + t[3] + ")" }, toHex: function () { var t, e, i, r = this.getSource(); return t = 1 === (t = r[0].toString(16)).length ? "0" + t : t, e = 1 === (e = r[1].toString(16)).length ? "0" + e : e, i = 1 === (i = r[2].toString(16)).length ? "0" + i : i, t.toUpperCase() + e.toUpperCase() + i.toUpperCase() }, toHexa: function () { var t, e = this.getSource(); return t = 1 === (t = (t = Math.round(255 * e[3])).toString(16)).length ? "0" + t : t, this.toHex() + t.toUpperCase() }, getAlpha: function () { return this.getSource()[3] }, setAlpha: function (t) { var e = this.getSource(); return e[3] = t, this.setSource(e), this }, toGrayscale: function () { var t = this.getSource(), e = parseInt((.3 * t[0] + .59 * t[1] + .11 * t[2]).toFixed(0), 10), i = t[3]; return this.setSource([e, e, e, i]), this }, toBlackWhite: function (t) { var e = this.getSource(), i = (.3 * e[0] + .59 * e[1] + .11 * e[2]).toFixed(0), r = e[3]; return t = t || 127, i = Number(i) < Number(t) ? 0 : 255, this.setSource([i, i, i, r]), this }, overlayWith: function (t) { t instanceof l || (t = new l(t)); var e, i = [], r = this.getAlpha(), n = this.getSource(), s = t.getSource(); for (e = 0; e < 3; e++)i.push(Math.round(.5 * n[e] + .5 * s[e])); return i[3] = r, this.setSource(i), this } }, c.Color.reRGBa = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?\%?)\s*,\s*(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?\%?)\s*,\s*(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?\%?)\s*(?:\s*,\s*((?:\d*\.?\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/i, c.Color.reHSLa = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3}\%)\s*,\s*(\d{1,3}\%)\s*(?:\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/i, c.Color.reHex = /^#?([0-9a-f]{8}|[0-9a-f]{6}|[0-9a-f]{4}|[0-9a-f]{3})$/i, c.Color.colorNameMap = { aliceblue: "#F0F8FF", antiquewhite: "#FAEBD7", aqua: "#00FFFF", aquamarine: "#7FFFD4", azure: "#F0FFFF", beige: "#F5F5DC", bisque: "#FFE4C4", black: "#000000", blanchedalmond: "#FFEBCD", blue: "#0000FF", blueviolet: "#8A2BE2", brown: "#A52A2A", burlywood: "#DEB887", cadetblue: "#5F9EA0", chartreuse: "#7FFF00", chocolate: "#D2691E", coral: "#FF7F50", cornflowerblue: "#6495ED", cornsilk: "#FFF8DC", crimson: "#DC143C", cyan: "#00FFFF", darkblue: "#00008B", darkcyan: "#008B8B", darkgoldenrod: "#B8860B", darkgray: "#A9A9A9", darkgrey: "#A9A9A9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkkhaki: "#BDB76B", darkmagenta: "#8B008B", darkolivegreen: "#556B2F", darkorange: "#FF8C00", darkorchid: "#9932CC", darkred: "#8B0000", darksalmon: "#E9967A", darkseagreen: "#8FBC8F", darkslateblue: "#483D8B", darkslategray: "#2F4F4F", darkslategrey: "#2F4F4F", darkturquoise: "#00CED1", darkviolet: "#9400D3", deeppink: "#FF1493", deepskyblue: "#00BFFF", dimgray: "#696969", dimgrey: "#696969", dodgerblue: "#1E90FF", firebrick: "#B22222", floralwhite: "#FFFAF0", forestgreen: "#228B22", fuchsia: "#FF00FF", gainsboro: "#DCDCDC", ghostwhite: "#F8F8FF", gold: "#FFD700", goldenrod: "#DAA520", gray: "#808080", grey: "#808080", green: "#008000", greenyellow: "#ADFF2F", honeydew: "#F0FFF0", hotpink: "#FF69B4", indianred: "#CD5C5C", indigo: "#4B0082", ivory: "#FFFFF0", khaki: "#F0E68C", lavender: "#E6E6FA", lavenderblush: "#FFF0F5", lawngreen: "#7CFC00", lemonchiffon: "#FFFACD", lightblue: "#ADD8E6", lightcoral: "#F08080", lightcyan: "#E0FFFF", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#FAFAD2", lightgray: "#D3D3D3", lightgrey: "#D3D3D3", lightgreen: "#90EE90", lightpink: "#FFB6C1", lightsalmon: "#FFA07A", lightseagreen: "#20B2AA", lightskyblue: "#87CEFA", lightslategray: "#778899", lightslategrey: "#778899", lightsteelblue: "#B0C4DE", lightyellow: "#FFFFE0", lime: "#00FF00", limegreen: "#32CD32", linen: "#FAF0E6", magenta: "#FF00FF", maroon: "#800000", mediumaquamarine: "#66CDAA", mediumblue: "#0000CD", mediumorchid: "#BA55D3", mediumpurple: "#9370DB", mediumseagreen: "#3CB371", mediumslateblue: "#7B68EE", mediumspringgreen: "#00FA9A", mediumturquoise: "#48D1CC", mediumvioletred: "#C71585", midnightblue: "#191970", mintcream: "#F5FFFA", mistyrose: "#FFE4E1", moccasin: "#FFE4B5", navajowhite: "#FFDEAD", navy: "#000080", oldlace: "#FDF5E6", olive: "#808000", olivedrab: "#6B8E23", orange: "#FFA500", orangered: "#FF4500", orchid: "#DA70D6", palegoldenrod: "#EEE8AA", palegreen: "#98FB98", paleturquoise: "#AFEEEE", palevioletred: "#DB7093", papayawhip: "#FFEFD5", peachpuff: "#FFDAB9", peru: "#CD853F", pink: "#FFC0CB", plum: "#DDA0DD", powderblue: "#B0E0E6", purple: "#800080", rebeccapurple: "#663399", red: "#FF0000", rosybrown: "#BC8F8F", royalblue: "#4169E1", saddlebrown: "#8B4513", salmon: "#FA8072", sandybrown: "#F4A460", seagreen: "#2E8B57", seashell: "#FFF5EE", sienna: "#A0522D", silver: "#C0C0C0", skyblue: "#87CEEB", slateblue: "#6A5ACD", slategray: "#708090", slategrey: "#708090", snow: "#FFFAFA", springgreen: "#00FF7F", steelblue: "#4682B4", tan: "#D2B48C", teal: "#008080", thistle: "#D8BFD8", tomato: "#FF6347", turquoise: "#40E0D0", violet: "#EE82EE", wheat: "#F5DEB3", white: "#FFFFFF", whitesmoke: "#F5F5F5", yellow: "#FFFF00", yellowgreen: "#9ACD32" }, c.Color.fromRgb = function (t) { return l.fromSource(l.sourceFromRgb(t)) }, c.Color.sourceFromRgb = function (t) { var e = t.match(l.reRGBa); if (e) { var i = parseInt(e[1], 10) / (/%$/.test(e[1]) ? 100 : 1) * (/%$/.test(e[1]) ? 255 : 1), r = parseInt(e[2], 10) / (/%$/.test(e[2]) ? 100 : 1) * (/%$/.test(e[2]) ? 255 : 1), n = parseInt(e[3], 10) / (/%$/.test(e[3]) ? 100 : 1) * (/%$/.test(e[3]) ? 255 : 1); return [parseInt(i, 10), parseInt(r, 10), parseInt(n, 10), e[4] ? parseFloat(e[4]) : 1] } }, c.Color.fromRgba = l.fromRgb, c.Color.fromHsl = function (t) { return l.fromSource(l.sourceFromHsl(t)) }, c.Color.sourceFromHsl = function (t) { var e = t.match(l.reHSLa); if (e) { var i, r, n, s = (parseFloat(e[1]) % 360 + 360) % 360 / 360, o = parseFloat(e[2]) / (/%$/.test(e[2]) ? 100 : 1), a = parseFloat(e[3]) / (/%$/.test(e[3]) ? 100 : 1); if (0 === o) i = r = n = a; else { var h = a <= .5 ? a * (o + 1) : a + o - a * o, c = 2 * a - h; i = u(c, h, s + 1 / 3), r = u(c, h, s), n = u(c, h, s - 1 / 3) } return [Math.round(255 * i), Math.round(255 * r), Math.round(255 * n), e[4] ? parseFloat(e[4]) : 1] } }, c.Color.fromHsla = l.fromHsl, c.Color.fromHex = function (t) { return l.fromSource(l.sourceFromHex(t)) }, c.Color.sourceFromHex = function (t) { if (t.match(l.reHex)) { var e = t.slice(t.indexOf("#") + 1), i = 3 === e.length || 4 === e.length, r = 8 === e.length || 4 === e.length, n = i ? e.charAt(0) + e.charAt(0) : e.substring(0, 2), s = i ? e.charAt(1) + e.charAt(1) : e.substring(2, 4), o = i ? e.charAt(2) + e.charAt(2) : e.substring(4, 6), a = r ? i ? e.charAt(3) + e.charAt(3) : e.substring(6, 8) : "FF"; return [parseInt(n, 16), parseInt(s, 16), parseInt(o, 16), parseFloat((parseInt(a, 16) / 255).toFixed(2))] } }, c.Color.fromSource = function (t) { var e = new l; return e.setSource(t), e }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var l = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), o = ["e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw", "n", "ne", "e"], s = ["ns", "nesw", "ew", "nwse"], n = {}, f = "left", d = "top", g = "right", p = "bottom", h = "center", S = { top: p, bottom: d, left: g, right: f, center: h }, v = l.util.radiansToDegrees, T = Math.sign || function (t) { return (0 < t) - (t < 0) || +t }; function a(t, e) { var i = t.angle + v(Math.atan2(e.y, e.x)) + 360; return Math.round(i % 360 / 45) } function c(t, e) { var i = e.transform.target, r = i.canvas, n = l.util.object.clone(e); n.target = i, r && r.fire("object:" + t, n), i.fire(t, e) } function w(t, e) { var i = e.canvas, r = t[i.uniScaleKey]; return i.uniformScaling && !r || !i.uniformScaling && r } function O(t) { return t.originX === h && t.originY === h } function k(t, e, i) { var r = t.lockScalingX, n = t.lockScalingY; return !(!r || !n) || (!(e || !r && !n || !i) || (!(!r || "x" !== e) || !(!n || "y" !== e))) } function u(t, e, i, r) { return { e: t, transform: e, pointer: { x: i, y: r } } } function m(h) { return function (t, e, i, r) { var n = e.target, s = n.getCenterPoint(), o = n.translateToOriginPoint(s, e.originX, e.originY), a = h(t, e, i, r); return n.setPositionByOrigin(o, e.originX, e.originY), a } } function b(s, o) { return function (t, e, i, r) { var n = o(t, e, i, r); return n && c(s, u(t, e, i, r)), n } } function P(t, e, i, r, n) { var s = t.target, o = s.controls[t.corner], a = s.canvas.getZoom(), h = s.padding / a, c = s.toLocalPoint(new l.Point(r, n), e, i); return c.x >= h && (c.x -= h), c.x <= -h && (c.x += h), c.y >= h && (c.y -= h), c.y <= h && (c.y += h), c.x -= o.offsetX, c.y -= o.offsetY, c } function y(t) { return t.flipX !== t.flipY } function _(t, e, i, r, n) { if (0 !== t[e]) { var s = n / t._getTransformedDimensions()[r] * t[i]; t.set(i, s) } } function x(t, e, i, r) { var n, s = e.target, o = s._getTransformedDimensions(0, s.skewY), a = P(e, e.originX, e.originY, i, r), h = Math.abs(2 * a.x) - o.x, c = s.skewX; h < 2 ? n = 0 : (n = v(Math.atan2(h / s.scaleX, o.y / s.scaleY)), e.originX === f && e.originY === p && (n = -n), e.originX === g && e.originY === d && (n = -n), y(s) && (n = -n)); var l = c !== n; if (l) { var u = s._getTransformedDimensions().y; s.set("skewX", n), _(s, "skewY", "scaleY", "y", u) } return l } function C(t, e, i, r) { var n, s = e.target, o = s._getTransformedDimensions(s.skewX, 0), a = P(e, e.originX, e.originY, i, r), h = Math.abs(2 * a.y) - o.y, c = s.skewY; h < 2 ? n = 0 : (n = v(Math.atan2(h / s.scaleY, o.x / s.scaleX)), e.originX === f && e.originY === p && (n = -n), e.originX === g && e.originY === d && (n = -n), y(s) && (n = -n)); var l = c !== n; if (l) { var u = s._getTransformedDimensions().x; s.set("skewY", n), _(s, "skewX", "scaleX", "x", u) } return l } function D(t, e, i, r, n) { n = n || {}; var s, o, a, h, c, l, u = e.target, f = u.lockScalingX, d = u.lockScalingY, g = n.by, p = w(t, u), v = k(u, g, p), m = e.gestureScale; if (v) return !1; if (m) o = e.scaleX * m, a = e.scaleY * m; else { if (s = P(e, e.originX, e.originY, i, r), c = "y" !== g ? T(s.x) : 1, l = "x" !== g ? T(s.y) : 1, e.signX || (e.signX = c), e.signY || (e.signY = l), u.lockScalingFlip && (e.signX !== c || e.signY !== l)) return !1; if (h = u._getTransformedDimensions(), p && !g) { var b = Math.abs(s.x) + Math.abs(s.y), y = e.original, _ = b / (Math.abs(h.x * y.scaleX / u.scaleX) + Math.abs(h.y * y.scaleY / u.scaleY)); o = y.scaleX * _, a = y.scaleY * _ } else o = Math.abs(s.x * u.scaleX / h.x), a = Math.abs(s.y * u.scaleY / h.y); O(e) && (o *= 2, a *= 2), e.signX !== c && "y" !== g && (e.originX = S[e.originX], o *= -1, e.signX = c), e.signY !== l && "x" !== g && (e.originY = S[e.originY], a *= -1, e.signY = l) } var x = u.scaleX, C = u.scaleY; return g ? ("x" === g && u.set("scaleX", o), "y" === g && u.set("scaleY", a)) : (!f && u.set("scaleX", o), !d && u.set("scaleY", a)), x !== u.scaleX || C !== u.scaleY } n.scaleCursorStyleHandler = function (t, e, i) { var r = w(t, i), n = ""; if (0 !== e.x && 0 === e.y ? n = "x" : 0 === e.x && 0 !== e.y && (n = "y"), k(i, n, r)) return "not-allowed"; var s = a(i, e); return o[s] + "-resize" }, n.skewCursorStyleHandler = function (t, e, i) { var r = "not-allowed"; if (0 !== e.x && i.lockSkewingY) return r; if (0 !== e.y && i.lockSkewingX) return r; var n = a(i, e) % 4; return s[n] + "-resize" }, n.scaleSkewCursorStyleHandler = function (t, e, i) { return t[i.canvas.altActionKey] ? n.skewCursorStyleHandler(t, e, i) : n.scaleCursorStyleHandler(t, e, i) }, n.rotationWithSnapping = b("rotating", m(function (t, e, i, r) { var n = e, s = n.target, o = s.translateToOriginPoint(s.getCenterPoint(), n.originX, n.originY); if (s.lockRotation) return !1; var a, h = Math.atan2(n.ey - o.y, n.ex - o.x), c = Math.atan2(r - o.y, i - o.x), l = v(c - h + n.theta); if (0 < s.snapAngle) { var u = s.snapAngle, f = s.snapThreshold || u, d = Math.ceil(l / u) * u, g = Math.floor(l / u) * u; Math.abs(l - g) < f ? l = g : Math.abs(l - d) < f && (l = d) } return l < 0 && (l = 360 + l), l %= 360, a = s.angle !== l, s.angle = l, a })), n.scalingEqually = b("scaling", m(function (t, e, i, r) { return D(t, e, i, r) })), n.scalingX = b("scaling", m(function (t, e, i, r) { return D(t, e, i, r, { by: "x" }) })), n.scalingY = b("scaling", m(function (t, e, i, r) { return D(t, e, i, r, { by: "y" }) })), n.scalingYOrSkewingX = function (t, e, i, r) { return t[e.target.canvas.altActionKey] ? n.skewHandlerX(t, e, i, r) : n.scalingY(t, e, i, r) }, n.scalingXOrSkewingY = function (t, e, i, r) { return t[e.target.canvas.altActionKey] ? n.skewHandlerY(t, e, i, r) : n.scalingX(t, e, i, r) }, n.changeWidth = b("resizing", m(function (t, e, i, r) { var n = e.target, s = P(e, e.originX, e.originY, i, r), o = n.strokeWidth / (n.strokeUniform ? n.scaleX : 1), a = O(e) ? 2 : 1, h = n.width, c = Math.abs(s.x * a / n.scaleX) - o; return n.set("width", Math.max(c, 0)), h !== c })), n.skewHandlerX = function (t, e, i, r) { var n, s = e.target, o = s.skewX, a = e.originY; return !s.lockSkewingX && (0 === o ? n = 0 < P(e, h, h, i, r).x ? f : g : (0 < o && (n = a === d ? f : g), o < 0 && (n = a === d ? g : f), y(s) && (n = n === f ? g : f)), e.originX = n, b("skewing", m(x))(t, e, i, r)) }, n.skewHandlerY = function (t, e, i, r) { var n, s = e.target, o = s.skewY, a = e.originX; return !s.lockSkewingY && (0 === o ? n = 0 < P(e, h, h, i, r).y ? d : p : (0 < o && (n = a === f ? d : p), o < 0 && (n = a === f ? p : d), y(s) && (n = n === d ? p : d)), e.originY = n, b("skewing", m(C))(t, e, i, r)) }, n.dragHandler = function (t, e, i, r) { var n = e.target, s = i - e.offsetX, o = r - e.offsetY, a = !n.get("lockMovementX") && n.left !== s, h = !n.get("lockMovementY") && n.top !== o; return a && n.set("left", s), h && n.set("top", o), (a || h) && c("moving", u(t, e, i, r)), a || h }, n.scaleOrSkewActionName = function (t, e, i) { var r = t[i.canvas.altActionKey]; return 0 === e.x ? r ? "skewX" : "scaleY" : 0 === e.y ? r ? "skewY" : "scaleX" : void 0 }, n.rotationStyleHandler = function (t, e, i) { return i.lockRotation ? "not-allowed" : e.cursorStyle }, n.fireEvent = c, n.wrapWithFixedAnchor = m, n.wrapWithFireEvent = b, n.getLocalPoint = P, l.controlsUtils = n }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), f = e.util.degreesToRadians, i = e.controlsUtils; i.renderCircleControl = function (t, e, i, r, n) { r = r || {}; var s, o = this.sizeX || r.cornerSize || n.cornerSize, a = this.sizeY || r.cornerSize || n.cornerSize, h = void 0 !== r.transparentCorners ? r.transparentCorners : n.transparentCorners, c = h ? "stroke" : "fill", l = !h && (r.cornerStrokeColor || n.cornerStrokeColor), u = e, f = i; t.save(), t.fillStyle = r.cornerColor || n.cornerColor, t.strokeStyle = r.cornerStrokeColor || n.cornerStrokeColor, a < o ? (s = o, t.scale(1, a / o), f = i * o / a) : o < a ? (s = a, t.scale(o / a, 1), u = e * a / o) : s = o, t.lineWidth = 1, t.beginPath(), t.arc(u, f, s / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), t[c](), l && t.stroke(), t.restore() }, i.renderSquareControl = function (t, e, i, r, n) { r = r || {}; var s = this.sizeX || r.cornerSize || n.cornerSize, o = this.sizeY || r.cornerSize || n.cornerSize, a = void 0 !== r.transparentCorners ? r.transparentCorners : n.transparentCorners, h = a ? "stroke" : "fill", c = !a && (r.cornerStrokeColor || n.cornerStrokeColor), l = s / 2, u = o / 2; t.save(), t.fillStyle = r.cornerColor || n.cornerColor, t.strokeStyle = r.cornerStrokeColor || n.cornerStrokeColor, t.lineWidth = 1, t.translate(e, i), t.rotate(f(n.angle)), t[h + "Rect"](-l, -u, s, o), c && t.strokeRect(-l, -u, s, o), t.restore() } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var p = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); p.Control = function (t) { for (var e in t) this[e] = t[e] }, p.Control.prototype = { visible: !0, actionName: "scale", angle: 0, x: 0, y: 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, sizeX: null, sizeY: null, touchSizeX: null, touchSizeY: null, cursorStyle: "crosshair", withConnection: !1, actionHandler: function () { }, mouseDownHandler: function () { }, mouseUpHandler: function () { }, getActionHandler: function () { return this.actionHandler }, getMouseDownHandler: function () { return this.mouseDownHandler }, getMouseUpHandler: function () { return this.mouseUpHandler }, cursorStyleHandler: function (t, e) { return e.cursorStyle }, getActionName: function (t, e) { return e.actionName }, getVisibility: function (t, e) { var i = t._controlsVisibility; return i && void 0 !== i[e] ? i[e] : this.visible }, setVisibility: function (t) { this.visible = t }, positionHandler: function (t, e) { return p.util.transformPoint({ x: this.x * t.x + this.offsetX, y: this.y * t.y + this.offsetY }, e) }, calcCornerCoords: function (t, e, i, r, n) { var s, o, a, h, c = n ? this.touchSizeX : this.sizeX, l = n ? this.touchSizeY : this.sizeY; if (c && l && c !== l) { var u = Math.atan2(l, c), f = Math.sqrt(c * c + l * l) / 2, d = u - p.util.degreesToRadians(t), g = Math.PI / 2 - u - p.util.degreesToRadians(t); s = f * p.util.cos(d), o = f * p.util.sin(d), a = f * p.util.cos(g), h = f * p.util.sin(g) } else { f = .7071067812 * (c && l ? c : e); d = p.util.degreesToRadians(45 - t); s = a = f * p.util.cos(d), o = h = f * p.util.sin(d) } return { tl: { x: i - h, y: r - a }, tr: { x: i + s, y: r - o }, bl: { x: i - s, y: r + o }, br: { x: i + h, y: r + a } } }, render: function (t, e, i, r, n) { switch ((r = r || {}).cornerStyle || n.cornerStyle) { case "circle": p.controlsUtils.renderCircleControl.call(this, t, e, i, r, n); break; default: p.controlsUtils.renderSquareControl.call(this, t, e, i, r, n) } } } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function () { function C(t, e) { var i, r, n, s, o = t.getAttribute("style"), a = t.getAttribute("offset") || 0; if (a = (a = parseFloat(a) / (/%$/.test(a) ? 100 : 1)) < 0 ? 0 : 1 < a ? 1 : a, o) { var h = o.split(/\s*;\s*/); for ("" === h[h.length - 1] && h.pop(), s = h.length; s--;) { var c = h[s].split(/\s*:\s*/), l = c[0].trim(), u = c[1].trim(); "stop-color" === l ? i = u : "stop-opacity" === l && (n = u) } } return i || (i = t.getAttribute("stop-color") || "rgb(0,0,0)"), n || (n = t.getAttribute("stop-opacity")), r = (i = new fabric.Color(i)).getAlpha(), n = isNaN(parseFloat(n)) ? 1 : parseFloat(n), n *= r * e, { offset: a, color: i.toRgb(), opacity: n } } var m = fabric.util.object.clone; fabric.Gradient = fabric.util.createClass({ offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, gradientTransform: null, gradientUnits: "pixels", type: "linear", initialize: function (e) { e || (e = {}), e.coords || (e.coords = {}); var t, i = this; Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) { i[t] = e[t] }), this.id ? this.id += "_" + fabric.Object.__uid++ : this.id = fabric.Object.__uid++, t = { x1: e.coords.x1 || 0, y1: e.coords.y1 || 0, x2: e.coords.x2 || 0, y2: e.coords.y2 || 0 }, "radial" === this.type && (t.r1 = e.coords.r1 || 0, t.r2 = e.coords.r2 || 0), this.coords = t, this.colorStops = e.colorStops.slice() }, addColorStop: function (t) { for (var e in t) { var i = new fabric.Color(t[e]); this.colorStops.push({ offset: parseFloat(e), color: i.toRgb(), opacity: i.getAlpha() }) } return this }, toObject: function (t) { var e = { type: this.type, coords: this.coords, colorStops: this.colorStops, offsetX: this.offsetX, offsetY: this.offsetY, gradientUnits: this.gradientUnits, gradientTransform: this.gradientTransform ? this.gradientTransform.concat() : this.gradientTransform }; return fabric.util.populateWithProperties(this, e, t), e }, toSVG: function (t, e) { var i, r, n, s, o = m(this.coords, !0), a = (e = e || {}, m(this.colorStops, !0)), h = o.r1 > o.r2, c = this.gradientTransform ? this.gradientTransform.concat() : fabric.iMatrix.concat(), l = -this.offsetX, u = -this.offsetY, f = !!e.additionalTransform, d = "pixels" === this.gradientUnits ? "userSpaceOnUse" : "objectBoundingBox"; if (a.sort(function (t, e) { return t.offset - e.offset }), "objectBoundingBox" === d ? (l /= t.width, u /= t.height) : (l += t.width / 2, u += t.height / 2), "path" === t.type && "percentage" !== this.gradientUnits && (l -= t.pathOffset.x, u -= t.pathOffset.y), c[4] -= l, c[5] -= u, s = 'id="SVGID_' + this.id + '" gradientUnits="' + d + '"', s += ' gradientTransform="' + (f ? e.additionalTransform + " " : "") + fabric.util.matrixToSVG(c) + '" ', "linear" === this.type ? n = ["<linearGradient ", s, ' x1="', o.x1, '" y1="', o.y1, '" x2="', o.x2, '" y2="', o.y2, '">\n'] : "radial" === this.type && (n = ["<radialGradient ", s, ' cx="', h ? o.x1 : o.x2, '" cy="', h ? o.y1 : o.y2, '" r="', h ? o.r1 : o.r2, '" fx="', h ? o.x2 : o.x1, '" fy="', h ? o.y2 : o.y1, '">\n']), "radial" === this.type) { if (h) for ((a = a.concat()).reverse(), i = 0, r = a.length; i < r; i++)a[i].offset = 1 - a[i].offset; var g = Math.min(o.r1, o.r2); if (0 < g) { var p = g / Math.max(o.r1, o.r2); for (i = 0, r = a.length; i < r; i++)a[i].offset += p * (1 - a[i].offset) } } for (i = 0, r = a.length; i < r; i++) { var v = a[i]; n.push("<stop ", 'offset="', 100 * v.offset + "%", '" style="stop-color:', v.color, void 0 !== v.opacity ? ";stop-opacity: " + v.opacity : ";", '"/>\n') } return n.push("linear" === this.type ? "</linearGradient>\n" : "</radialGradient>\n"), n.join("") }, toLive: function (t) { var e, i, r, n = fabric.util.object.clone(this.coords); if (this.type) { for ("linear" === this.type ? e = t.createLinearGradient(n.x1, n.y1, n.x2, n.y2) : "radial" === this.type && (e = t.createRadialGradient(n.x1, n.y1, n.r1, n.x2, n.y2, n.r2)), i = 0, r = this.colorStops.length; i < r; i++) { var s = this.colorStops[i].color, o = this.colorStops[i].opacity, a = this.colorStops[i].offset; void 0 !== o && (s = new fabric.Color(s).setAlpha(o).toRgba()), e.addColorStop(a, s) } return e } } }), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Gradient, { fromElement: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = parseFloat(i) / (/%$/.test(i) ? 100 : 1); n = n < 0 ? 0 : 1 < n ? 1 : n, isNaN(n) && (n = 1); var s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f, d, g, p, v = t.getElementsByTagName("stop"), m = "userSpaceOnUse" === t.getAttribute("gradientUnits") ? "pixels" : "percentage", b = t.getAttribute("gradientTransform") || "", y = [], _ = 0, x = 0; for ("linearGradient" === t.nodeName || "LINEARGRADIENT" === t.nodeName ? (s = "linear", o = { x1: (l = t).getAttribute("x1") || 0, y1: l.getAttribute("y1") || 0, x2: l.getAttribute("x2") || "100%", y2: l.getAttribute("y2") || 0 }) : (s = "radial", o = { x1: (c = t).getAttribute("fx") || c.getAttribute("cx") || "50%", y1: c.getAttribute("fy") || c.getAttribute("cy") || "50%", r1: 0, x2: c.getAttribute("cx") || "50%", y2: c.getAttribute("cy") || "50%", r2: c.getAttribute("r") || "50%" }), a = v.length; a--;)y.push(C(v[a], n)); return h = fabric.parseTransformAttribute(b), u = o, f = r, d = m, Object.keys(u).forEach(function (t) { "Infinity" === (g = u[t]) ? p = 1 : "-Infinity" === g ? p = 0 : (p = parseFloat(u[t], 10), "string" == typeof g && /^(\d+\.\d+)%|(\d+)%$/.test(g) && (p *= .01, "pixels" === d && ("x1" !== t && "x2" !== t && "r2" !== t || (p *= f.viewBoxWidth || f.width), "y1" !== t && "y2" !== t || (p *= f.viewBoxHeight || f.height)))), u[t] = p }), "pixels" === m && (_ = -e.left, x = -e.top), new fabric.Gradient({ id: t.getAttribute("id"), type: s, coords: o, colorStops: y, gradientUnits: m, gradientTransform: h, offsetX: _, offsetY: x }) } }) }(), function () { "use strict"; var n = fabric.util.toFixed; fabric.Pattern = fabric.util.createClass({ repeat: "repeat", offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, crossOrigin: "", patternTransform: null, initialize: function (t, i) { if (t || (t = {}), this.id = fabric.Object.__uid++, this.setOptions(t), !t.source || t.source && "string" != typeof t.source) i && i(this); else { var r = this; this.source = fabric.util.createImage(), fabric.util.loadImage(t.source, function (t, e) { r.source = t, i && i(r, e) }, null, this.crossOrigin) } }, toObject: function (t) { var e, i, r = fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS; return "string" == typeof this.source.src ? e = this.source.src : "object" == typeof this.source && this.source.toDataURL && (e = this.source.toDataURL()), i = { type: "pattern", source: e, repeat: this.repeat, crossOrigin: this.crossOrigin, offsetX: n(this.offsetX, r), offsetY: n(this.offsetY, r), patternTransform: this.patternTransform ? this.patternTransform.concat() : null }, fabric.util.populateWithProperties(this, i, t), i }, toSVG: function (t) { var e = "function" == typeof this.source ? this.source() : this.source, i = e.width / t.width, r = e.height / t.height, n = this.offsetX / t.width, s = this.offsetY / t.height, o = ""; return "repeat-x" !== this.repeat && "no-repeat" !== this.repeat || (r = 1, s && (r += Math.abs(s))), "repeat-y" !== this.repeat && "no-repeat" !== this.repeat || (i = 1, n && (i += Math.abs(n))), e.src ? o = e.src : e.toDataURL && (o = e.toDataURL()), '<pattern id="SVGID_' + this.id + '" x="' + n + '" y="' + s + '" width="' + i + '" height="' + r + '">\n<image x="0" y="0" width="' + e.width + '" height="' + e.height + '" xlink:href="' + o + '"></image>\n</pattern>\n' }, setOptions: function (t) { for (var e in t) this[e] = t[e] }, toLive: function (t) { var e = this.source; if (!e) return ""; if (void 0 !== e.src) { if (!e.complete) return ""; if (0 === e.naturalWidth || 0 === e.naturalHeight) return "" } return t.createPattern(e, this.repeat) } }) }(), function (t) { "use strict"; var o = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), a = o.util.toFixed; o.Shadow ? o.warn("fabric.Shadow is already defined.") : (o.Shadow = o.util.createClass({ color: "rgb(0,0,0)", blur: 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, affectStroke: !1, includeDefaultValues: !0, nonScaling: !1, initialize: function (t) { for (var e in "string" == typeof t && (t = this._parseShadow(t)), t) this[e] = t[e]; this.id = o.Object.__uid++ }, _parseShadow: function (t) { var e = t.trim(), i = o.Shadow.reOffsetsAndBlur.exec(e) || []; return { color: (e.replace(o.Shadow.reOffsetsAndBlur, "") || "rgb(0,0,0)").trim(), offsetX: parseFloat(i[1], 10) || 0, offsetY: parseFloat(i[2], 10) || 0, blur: parseFloat(i[3], 10) || 0 } }, toString: function () { return [this.offsetX, this.offsetY, this.blur, this.color].join("px ") }, toSVG: function (t) { var e = 40, i = 40, r = o.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS, n = o.util.rotateVector({ x: this.offsetX, y: this.offsetY }, o.util.degreesToRadians(-t.angle)), s = new o.Color(this.color); return t.width && t.height && (e = 100 * a((Math.abs(n.x) + this.blur) / t.width, r) + 20, i = 100 * a((Math.abs(n.y) + this.blur) / t.height, r) + 20), t.flipX && (n.x *= -1), t.flipY && (n.y *= -1), '<filter id="SVGID_' + this.id + '" y="-' + i + '%" height="' + (100 + 2 * i) + '%" x="-' + e + '%" width="' + (100 + 2 * e) + '%" >\n\t<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="' + a(this.blur ? this.blur / 2 : 0, r) + '"></feGaussianBlur>\n\t<feOffset dx="' + a(n.x, r) + '" dy="' + a(n.y, r) + '" result="oBlur" ></feOffset>\n\t<feFlood flood-color="' + s.toRgb() + '" flood-opacity="' + s.getAlpha() + '"/>\n\t<feComposite in2="oBlur" operator="in" />\n\t<feMerge>\n\t\t<feMergeNode></feMergeNode>\n\t\t<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>\n\t</feMerge>\n</filter>\n' }, toObject: function () { if (this.includeDefaultValues) return { color: this.color, blur: this.blur, offsetX: this.offsetX, offsetY: this.offsetY, affectStroke: this.affectStroke, nonScaling: this.nonScaling }; var e = {}, i = o.Shadow.prototype; return ["color", "blur", "offsetX", "offsetY", "affectStroke", "nonScaling"].forEach(function (t) { this[t] !== i[t] && (e[t] = this[t]) }, this), e } }), o.Shadow.reOffsetsAndBlur = /(?:\s|^)(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:px)?(?:\s?|$))?(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:px)?(?:\s?|$))?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:px)?)?(?:\s?|$)(?:$|\s)/) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function () { "use strict"; if (fabric.StaticCanvas) fabric.warn("fabric.StaticCanvas is already defined."); else { var n = fabric.util.object.extend, t = fabric.util.getElementOffset, c = fabric.util.removeFromArray, a = fabric.util.toFixed, s = fabric.util.transformPoint, o = fabric.util.invertTransform, i = fabric.util.getNodeCanvas, r = fabric.util.createCanvasElement, e = new Error("Could not initialize `canvas` element"); fabric.StaticCanvas = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.CommonMethods, { initialize: function (t, e) { e || (e = {}), this.renderAndResetBound = this.renderAndReset.bind(this), this.requestRenderAllBound = this.requestRenderAll.bind(this), this._initStatic(t, e) }, backgroundColor: "", backgroundImage: null, overlayColor: "", overlayImage: null, includeDefaultValues: !0, stateful: !1, renderOnAddRemove: !0, controlsAboveOverlay: !1, allowTouchScrolling: !1, imageSmoothingEnabled: !0, viewportTransform: fabric.iMatrix.concat(), backgroundVpt: !0, overlayVpt: !0, enableRetinaScaling: !0, vptCoords: {}, skipOffscreen: !0, clipPath: void 0, _initStatic: function (t, e) { var i = this.requestRenderAllBound; this._objects = [], this._createLowerCanvas(t), this._initOptions(e), this.interactive || this._initRetinaScaling(), e.overlayImage && this.setOverlayImage(e.overlayImage, i), e.backgroundImage && this.setBackgroundImage(e.backgroundImage, i), e.backgroundColor && this.setBackgroundColor(e.backgroundColor, i), e.overlayColor && this.setOverlayColor(e.overlayColor, i), this.calcOffset() }, _isRetinaScaling: function () { return 1 !== fabric.devicePixelRatio && this.enableRetinaScaling }, getRetinaScaling: function () { return this._isRetinaScaling() ? fabric.devicePixelRatio : 1 }, _initRetinaScaling: function () { if (this._isRetinaScaling()) { var t = fabric.devicePixelRatio; this.__initRetinaScaling(t, this.lowerCanvasEl, this.contextContainer), this.upperCanvasEl && this.__initRetinaScaling(t, this.upperCanvasEl, this.contextTop) } }, __initRetinaScaling: function (t, e, i) { e.setAttribute("width", this.width * t), e.setAttribute("height", this.height * t), i.scale(t, t) }, calcOffset: function () { return this._offset = t(this.lowerCanvasEl), this }, setOverlayImage: function (t, e, i) { return this.__setBgOverlayImage("overlayImage", t, e, i) }, setBackgroundImage: function (t, e, i) { return this.__setBgOverlayImage("backgroundImage", t, e, i) }, setOverlayColor: function (t, e) { return this.__setBgOverlayColor("overlayColor", t, e) }, setBackgroundColor: function (t, e) { return this.__setBgOverlayColor("backgroundColor", t, e) }, __setBgOverlayImage: function (r, t, n, s) { return "string" == typeof t ? fabric.util.loadImage(t, function (t, e) { if (t) { var i = new fabric.Image(t, s); (this[r] = i).canvas = this } n && n(t, e) }, this, s && s.crossOrigin) : (s && t.setOptions(s), (this[r] = t) && (t.canvas = this), n && n(t, !1)), this }, __setBgOverlayColor: function (t, e, i) { return this[t] = e, this._initGradient(e, t), this._initPattern(e, t, i), this }, _createCanvasElement: function () { var t = r(); if (!t) throw e; if (t.style || (t.style = {}), void 0 === t.getContext) throw e; return t }, _initOptions: function (t) { var e = this.lowerCanvasEl; this._setOptions(t), this.width = this.width || parseInt(e.width, 10) || 0, this.height = this.height || parseInt(e.height, 10) || 0, this.lowerCanvasEl.style && (e.width = this.width, e.height = this.height, e.style.width = this.width + "px", e.style.height = this.height + "px", this.viewportTransform = this.viewportTransform.slice()) }, _createLowerCanvas: function (t) { t && t.getContext ? this.lowerCanvasEl = t : this.lowerCanvasEl = fabric.util.getById(t) || this._createCanvasElement(), fabric.util.addClass(this.lowerCanvasEl, "lower-canvas"), this.interactive && this._applyCanvasStyle(this.lowerCanvasEl), this.contextContainer = this.lowerCanvasEl.getContext("2d") }, getWidth: function () { return this.width }, getHeight: function () { return this.height }, setWidth: function (t, e) { return this.setDimensions({ width: t }, e) }, setHeight: function (t, e) { return this.setDimensions({ height: t }, e) }, setDimensions: function (t, e) { var i; for (var r in e = e || {}, t) i = t[r], e.cssOnly || (this._setBackstoreDimension(r, t[r]), i += "px", this.hasLostContext = !0), e.backstoreOnly || this._setCssDimension(r, i); return this._isCurrentlyDrawing && this.freeDrawingBrush && this.freeDrawingBrush._setBrushStyles(), this._initRetinaScaling(), this.calcOffset(), e.cssOnly || this.requestRenderAll(), this }, _setBackstoreDimension: function (t, e) { return this.lowerCanvasEl[t] = e, this.upperCanvasEl && (this.upperCanvasEl[t] = e), this.cacheCanvasEl && (this.cacheCanvasEl[t] = e), this[t] = e, this }, _setCssDimension: function (t, e) { return this.lowerCanvasEl.style[t] = e, this.upperCanvasEl && (this.upperCanvasEl.style[t] = e), this.wrapperEl && (this.wrapperEl.style[t] = e), this }, getZoom: function () { return this.viewportTransform[0] }, setViewportTransform: function (t) { var e, i, r, n = this._activeObject, s = this.backgroundImage, o = this.overlayImage; for (this.viewportTransform = t, i = 0, r = this._objects.length; i < r; i++)(e = this._objects[i]).group || e.setCoords(!0); return n && n.setCoords(), s && s.setCoords(!0), o && o.setCoords(!0), this.calcViewportBoundaries(), this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, zoomToPoint: function (t, e) { var i = t, r = this.viewportTransform.slice(0); t = s(t, o(this.viewportTransform)), r[0] = e, r[3] = e; var n = s(t, r); return r[4] += i.x - n.x, r[5] += i.y - n.y, this.setViewportTransform(r) }, setZoom: function (t) { return this.zoomToPoint(new fabric.Point(0, 0), t), this }, absolutePan: function (t) { var e = this.viewportTransform.slice(0); return e[4] = -t.x, e[5] = -t.y, this.setViewportTransform(e) }, relativePan: function (t) { return this.absolutePan(new fabric.Point(-t.x - this.viewportTransform[4], -t.y - this.viewportTransform[5])) }, getElement: function () { return this.lowerCanvasEl }, _onObjectAdded: function (t) { this.stateful && t.setupState(), t._set("canvas", this), t.setCoords(), this.fire("object:added", { target: t }), t.fire("added") }, _onObjectRemoved: function (t) { this.fire("object:removed", { target: t }), t.fire("removed"), delete t.canvas }, clearContext: function (t) { return t.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this }, getContext: function () { return this.contextContainer }, clear: function () { return this._objects.length = 0, this.backgroundImage = null, this.overlayImage = null, this.backgroundColor = "", this.overlayColor = "", this._hasITextHandlers && (this.off("mouse:up", this._mouseUpITextHandler), this._iTextInstances = null, this._hasITextHandlers = !1), this.clearContext(this.contextContainer), this.fire("canvas:cleared"), this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, renderAll: function () { var t = this.contextContainer; return this.renderCanvas(t, this._objects), this }, renderAndReset: function () { this.isRendering = 0, this.renderAll() }, requestRenderAll: function () { return this.isRendering || (this.isRendering = fabric.util.requestAnimFrame(this.renderAndResetBound)), this }, calcViewportBoundaries: function () { var t = {}, e = this.width, i = this.height, r = o(this.viewportTransform); return t.tl = s({ x: 0, y: 0 }, r), t.br = s({ x: e, y: i }, r), t.tr = new fabric.Point(t.br.x, t.tl.y), t.bl = new fabric.Point(t.tl.x, t.br.y), this.vptCoords = t }, cancelRequestedRender: function () { this.isRendering && (fabric.util.cancelAnimFrame(this.isRendering), this.isRendering = 0) }, renderCanvas: function (t, e) { var i = this.viewportTransform, r = this.clipPath; this.cancelRequestedRender(), this.calcViewportBoundaries(), this.clearContext(t), fabric.util.setImageSmoothing(t, this.imageSmoothingEnabled), this.fire("before:render", { ctx: t }), this._renderBackground(t), t.save(), t.transform(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]), this._renderObjects(t, e), t.restore(), !this.controlsAboveOverlay && this.interactive && this.drawControls(t), r && (r.canvas = this, r.shouldCache(), r._transformDone = !0, r.renderCache({ forClipping: !0 }), this.drawClipPathOnCanvas(t)), this._renderOverlay(t), this.controlsAboveOverlay && this.interactive && this.drawControls(t), this.fire("after:render", { ctx: t }) }, drawClipPathOnCanvas: function (t) { var e = this.viewportTransform, i = this.clipPath; t.save(), t.transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5]), t.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in", i.transform(t), t.scale(1 / i.zoomX, 1 / i.zoomY), t.drawImage(i._cacheCanvas, -i.cacheTranslationX, -i.cacheTranslationY), t.restore() }, _renderObjects: function (t, e) { var i, r; for (i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; ++i)e[i] && e[i].render(t) }, _renderBackgroundOrOverlay: function (t, e) { var i = this[e + "Color"], r = this[e + "Image"], n = this.viewportTransform, s = this[e + "Vpt"]; if (i || r) { if (i) { t.save(), t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(0, 0), t.lineTo(this.width, 0), t.lineTo(this.width, this.height), t.lineTo(0, this.height), t.closePath(), t.fillStyle = i.toLive ? i.toLive(t, this) : i, s && t.transform(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5]), t.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, i.offsetX || 0, i.offsetY || 0); var o = i.gradientTransform || i.patternTransform; o && t.transform(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]), t.fill(), t.restore() } r && (t.save(), s && t.transform(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5]), r.render(t), t.restore()) } }, _renderBackground: function (t) { this._renderBackgroundOrOverlay(t, "background") }, _renderOverlay: function (t) { this._renderBackgroundOrOverlay(t, "overlay") }, getCenter: function () { return { top: this.height / 2, left: this.width / 2 } }, centerObjectH: function (t) { return this._centerObject(t, new fabric.Point(this.getCenter().left, t.getCenterPoint().y)) }, centerObjectV: function (t) { return this._centerObject(t, new fabric.Point(t.getCenterPoint().x, this.getCenter().top)) }, centerObject: function (t) { var e = this.getCenter(); return this._centerObject(t, new fabric.Point(e.left, e.top)) }, viewportCenterObject: function (t) { var e = this.getVpCenter(); return this._centerObject(t, e) }, viewportCenterObjectH: function (t) { var e = this.getVpCenter(); return this._centerObject(t, new fabric.Point(e.x, t.getCenterPoint().y)), this }, viewportCenterObjectV: function (t) { var e = this.getVpCenter(); return this._centerObject(t, new fabric.Point(t.getCenterPoint().x, e.y)) }, getVpCenter: function () { var t = this.getCenter(), e = o(this.viewportTransform); return s({ x: t.left, y: t.top }, e) }, _centerObject: function (t, e) { return t.setPositionByOrigin(e, "center", "center"), t.setCoords(), this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, toDatalessJSON: function (t) { return this.toDatalessObject(t) }, toObject: function (t) { return this._toObjectMethod("toObject", t) }, toDatalessObject: function (t) { return this._toObjectMethod("toDatalessObject", t) }, _toObjectMethod: function (t, e) { var i = this.clipPath, r = { version: fabric.version, objects: this._toObjects(t, e) }; return i && (r.clipPath = this._toObject(this.clipPath, t, e)), n(r, this.__serializeBgOverlay(t, e)), fabric.util.populateWithProperties(this, r, e), r }, _toObjects: function (e, i) { return this._objects.filter(function (t) { return !t.excludeFromExport }).map(function (t) { return this._toObject(t, e, i) }, this) }, _toObject: function (t, e, i) { var r; this.includeDefaultValues || (r = t.includeDefaultValues, t.includeDefaultValues = !1); var n = t[e](i); return this.includeDefaultValues || (t.includeDefaultValues = r), n }, __serializeBgOverlay: function (t, e) { var i = {}, r = this.backgroundImage, n = this.overlayImage; return this.backgroundColor && (i.background = this.backgroundColor.toObject ? this.backgroundColor.toObject(e) : this.backgroundColor), this.overlayColor && (i.overlay = this.overlayColor.toObject ? this.overlayColor.toObject(e) : this.overlayColor), r && !r.excludeFromExport && (i.backgroundImage = this._toObject(r, t, e)), n && !n.excludeFromExport && (i.overlayImage = this._toObject(n, t, e)), i }, svgViewportTransformation: !0, toSVG: function (t, e) { t || (t = {}), t.reviver = e; var i = []; return this._setSVGPreamble(i, t), this._setSVGHeader(i, t), this.clipPath && i.push('<g clip-path="url(#' + this.clipPath.clipPathId + ')" >\n'), this._setSVGBgOverlayColor(i, "background"), this._setSVGBgOverlayImage(i, "backgroundImage", e), this._setSVGObjects(i, e), this.clipPath && i.push("</g>\n"), this._setSVGBgOverlayColor(i, "overlay"), this._setSVGBgOverlayImage(i, "overlayImage", e), i.push("</svg>"), i.join("") }, _setSVGPreamble: function (t, e) { e.suppressPreamble || t.push('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="', e.encoding || "UTF-8", '" standalone="no" ?>\n', '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ', '"http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\n') }, _setSVGHeader: function (t, e) { var i, r = e.width || this.width, n = e.height || this.height, s = 'viewBox="0 0 ' + this.width + " " + this.height + '" ', o = fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS; e.viewBox ? s = 'viewBox="' + e.viewBox.x + " " + e.viewBox.y + " " + e.viewBox.width + " " + e.viewBox.height + '" ' : this.svgViewportTransformation && (i = this.viewportTransform, s = 'viewBox="' + a(-i[4] / i[0], o) + " " + a(-i[5] / i[3], o) + " " + a(this.width / i[0], o) + " " + a(this.height / i[3], o) + '" '), t.push("<svg ", 'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ', 'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ', 'version="1.1" ', 'width="', r, '" ', 'height="', n, '" ', s, 'xml:space="preserve">\n', "<desc>Created with Fabric.js ", fabric.version, "</desc>\n", "<defs>\n", this.createSVGFontFacesMarkup(), this.createSVGRefElementsMarkup(), this.createSVGClipPathMarkup(e), "</defs>\n") }, createSVGClipPathMarkup: function (t) { var e = this.clipPath; return e ? (e.clipPathId = "CLIPPATH_" + fabric.Object.__uid++, '<clipPath id="' + e.clipPathId + '" >\n' + this.clipPath.toClipPathSVG(t.reviver) + "</clipPath>\n") : "" }, createSVGRefElementsMarkup: function () { var s = this; return ["background", "overlay"].map(function (t) { var e = s[t + "Color"]; if (e && e.toLive) { var i = s[t + "Vpt"], r = s.viewportTransform, n = { width: s.width / (i ? r[0] : 1), height: s.height / (i ? r[3] : 1) }; return e.toSVG(n, { additionalTransform: i ? fabric.util.matrixToSVG(r) : "" }) } }).join("") }, createSVGFontFacesMarkup: function () { var t, e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h = "", c = {}, l = fabric.fontPaths, u = []; for (this._objects.forEach(function t(e) { u.push(e), e._objects && e._objects.forEach(t) }), o = 0, a = u.length; o < a; o++)if (e = (t = u[o]).fontFamily, -1 !== t.type.indexOf("text") && !c[e] && l[e] && (c[e] = !0, t.styles)) for (n in i = t.styles) for (s in r = i[n]) !c[e = r[s].fontFamily] && l[e] && (c[e] = !0); for (var f in c) h += ["\t\t@font-face {\n", "\t\t\tfont-family: '", f, "';\n", "\t\t\tsrc: url('", l[f], "');\n", "\t\t}\n"].join(""); return h && (h = ['\t<style type="text/css">', "<![CDATA[\n", h, "]]>", "</style>\n"].join("")), h }, _setSVGObjects: function (t, e) { var i, r, n, s = this._objects; for (r = 0, n = s.length; r < n; r++)(i = s[r]).excludeFromExport || this._setSVGObject(t, i, e) }, _setSVGObject: function (t, e, i) { t.push(e.toSVG(i)) }, _setSVGBgOverlayImage: function (t, e, i) { this[e] && !this[e].excludeFromExport && this[e].toSVG && t.push(this[e].toSVG(i)) }, _setSVGBgOverlayColor: function (t, e) { var i = this[e + "Color"], r = this.viewportTransform, n = this.width, s = this.height; if (i) if (i.toLive) { var o = i.repeat, a = fabric.util.invertTransform(r), h = this[e + "Vpt"] ? fabric.util.matrixToSVG(a) : ""; t.push('<rect transform="' + h + " translate(", n / 2, ",", s / 2, ')"', ' x="', i.offsetX - n / 2, '" y="', i.offsetY - s / 2, '" ', 'width="', "repeat-y" === o || "no-repeat" === o ? i.source.width : n, '" height="', "repeat-x" === o || "no-repeat" === o ? i.source.height : s, '" fill="url(#SVGID_' + i.id + ')"', "></rect>\n") } else t.push('<rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" ', 'fill="', i, '"', "></rect>\n") }, sendToBack: function (t) { if (!t) return this; var e, i, r, n = this._activeObject; if (t === n && "activeSelection" === t.type) for (e = (r = n._objects).length; e--;)i = r[e], c(this._objects, i), this._objects.unshift(i); else c(this._objects, t), this._objects.unshift(t); return this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, bringToFront: function (t) { if (!t) return this; var e, i, r, n = this._activeObject; if (t === n && "activeSelection" === t.type) for (r = n._objects, e = 0; e < r.length; e++)i = r[e], c(this._objects, i), this._objects.push(i); else c(this._objects, t), this._objects.push(t); return this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, sendBackwards: function (t, e) { if (!t) return this; var i, r, n, s, o, a = this._activeObject, h = 0; if (t === a && "activeSelection" === t.type) for (o = a._objects, i = 0; i < o.length; i++)r = o[i], 0 + h < (n = this._objects.indexOf(r)) && (s = n - 1, c(this._objects, r), this._objects.splice(s, 0, r)), h++; else 0 !== (n = this._objects.indexOf(t)) && (s = this._findNewLowerIndex(t, n, e), c(this._objects, t), this._objects.splice(s, 0, t)); return this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, _findNewLowerIndex: function (t, e, i) { var r, n; if (i) for (n = (r = e) - 1; 0 <= n; --n) { if (t.intersectsWithObject(this._objects[n]) || t.isContainedWithinObject(this._objects[n]) || this._objects[n].isContainedWithinObject(t)) { r = n; break } } else r = e - 1; return r }, bringForward: function (t, e) { if (!t) return this; var i, r, n, s, o, a = this._activeObject, h = 0; if (t === a && "activeSelection" === t.type) for (i = (o = a._objects).length; i--;)r = o[i], (n = this._objects.indexOf(r)) < this._objects.length - 1 - h && (s = n + 1, c(this._objects, r), this._objects.splice(s, 0, r)), h++; else (n = this._objects.indexOf(t)) !== this._objects.length - 1 && (s = this._findNewUpperIndex(t, n, e), c(this._objects, t), this._objects.splice(s, 0, t)); return this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll(), this }, _findNewUpperIndex: function (t, e, i) { var r, n, s; if (i) for (n = (r = e) + 1, s = this._objects.length; n < s; ++n) { if (t.intersectsWithObject(this._objects[n]) || t.isContainedWithinObject(this._objects[n]) || this._objects[n].isContainedWithinObject(t)) { r = n; break } } else r = e + 1; return r }, moveTo: function (t, e) { return c(this._objects, t), this._objects.splice(e, 0, t), this.renderOnAddRemove && this.requestRenderAll() }, dispose: function () { return this.isRendering && (fabric.util.cancelAnimFrame(this.isRendering), this.isRendering = 0), this.forEachObject(function (t) { t.dispose && t.dispose() }), this._objects = [], this.backgroundImage && this.backgroundImage.dispose && this.backgroundImage.dispose(), this.backgroundImage = null, this.overlayImage && this.overlayImage.dispose && this.overlayImage.dispose(), this.overlayImage = null, this._iTextInstances = null, this.contextContainer = null, fabric.util.cleanUpJsdomNode(this.lowerCanvasEl), this.lowerCanvasEl = void 0, this }, toString: function () { return "#<fabric.Canvas (" + this.complexity() + "): { objects: " + this._objects.length + " }>" } }), n(fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype, fabric.Observable), n(fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype, fabric.Collection), n(fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype, fabric.DataURLExporter), n(fabric.StaticCanvas, { EMPTY_JSON: '{"objects": [], "background": "white"}', supports: function (t) { var e = r(); if (!e || !e.getContext) return null; var i = e.getContext("2d"); if (!i) return null; switch (t) { case "setLineDash": return void 0 !== i.setLineDash; default: return null } } }), fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.toJSON = fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.toObject, fabric.isLikelyNode && (fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.createPNGStream = function () { var t = i(this.lowerCanvasEl); return t && t.createPNGStream() }, fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.createJPEGStream = function (t) { var e = i(this.lowerCanvasEl); return e && e.createJPEGStream(t) }) } }(), fabric.BaseBrush = fabric.util.createClass({ color: "rgb(0, 0, 0)", width: 1, shadow: null, strokeLineCap: "round", strokeLineJoin: "round", strokeMiterLimit: 10, strokeDashArray: null, limitedToCanvasSize: !1, _setBrushStyles: function () { var t = this.canvas.contextTop; t.strokeStyle = this.color, t.lineWidth = this.width, t.lineCap = this.strokeLineCap, t.miterLimit = this.strokeMiterLimit, t.lineJoin = this.strokeLineJoin, fabric.StaticCanvas.supports("setLineDash") && t.setLineDash(this.strokeDashArray || []) }, _saveAndTransform: function (t) { var e = this.canvas.viewportTransform; t.save(), t.transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5]) }, _setShadow: function () { if (this.shadow) { var t = this.canvas, e = this.shadow, i = t.contextTop, r = t.getZoom(); t && t._isRetinaScaling() && (r *= fabric.devicePixelRatio), i.shadowColor = e.color, i.shadowBlur = e.blur * r, i.shadowOffsetX = e.offsetX * r, i.shadowOffsetY = e.offsetY * r } }, needsFullRender: function () { return new fabric.Color(this.color).getAlpha() < 1 || !!this.shadow }, _resetShadow: function () { var t = this.canvas.contextTop; t.shadowColor = "", t.shadowBlur = t.shadowOffsetX = t.shadowOffsetY = 0 }, _isOutSideCanvas: function (t) { return t.x < 0 || t.x > this.canvas.getWidth() || t.y < 0 || t.y > this.canvas.getHeight() } }), fabric.PencilBrush = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.BaseBrush, { decimate: .4, initialize: function (t) { this.canvas = t, this._points = [] }, _drawSegment: function (t, e, i) { var r = e.midPointFrom(i); return t.quadraticCurveTo(e.x, e.y, r.x, r.y), r }, onMouseDown: function (t, e) { this.canvas._isMainEvent(e.e) && (this._prepareForDrawing(t), this._captureDrawingPath(t), this._render()) }, onMouseMove: function (t, e) { if (this.canvas._isMainEvent(e.e) && (!0 !== this.limitedToCanvasSize || !this._isOutSideCanvas(t)) && this._captureDrawingPath(t) && 1 < this._points.length) if (this.needsFullRender()) this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop), this._render(); else { var i = this._points, r = i.length, n = this.canvas.contextTop; this._saveAndTransform(n), this.oldEnd && (n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(this.oldEnd.x, this.oldEnd.y)), this.oldEnd = this._drawSegment(n, i[r - 2], i[r - 1], !0), n.stroke(), n.restore() } }, onMouseUp: function (t) { return !this.canvas._isMainEvent(t.e) || (this.oldEnd = void 0, this._finalizeAndAddPath(), !1) }, _prepareForDrawing: function (t) { var e = new fabric.Point(t.x, t.y); this._reset(), this._addPoint(e), this.canvas.contextTop.moveTo(e.x, e.y) }, _addPoint: function (t) { return !(1 < this._points.length && t.eq(this._points[this._points.length - 1]) || (this._points.push(t), 0)) }, _reset: function () { this._points = [], this._setBrushStyles(), this._setShadow() }, _captureDrawingPath: function (t) { var e = new fabric.Point(t.x, t.y); return this._addPoint(e) }, _render: function () { var t, e, i = this.canvas.contextTop, r = this._points[0], n = this._points[1]; if (this._saveAndTransform(i), i.beginPath(), 2 === this._points.length && r.x === n.x && r.y === n.y) { var s = this.width / 1e3; r = new fabric.Point(r.x, r.y), n = new fabric.Point(n.x, n.y), r.x -= s, n.x += s } for (i.moveTo(r.x, r.y), t = 1, e = this._points.length; t < e; t++)this._drawSegment(i, r, n), r = this._points[t], n = this._points[t + 1]; i.lineTo(r.x, r.y), i.stroke(), i.restore() }, convertPointsToSVGPath: function (t) { var e, i = [], r = this.width / 1e3, n = new fabric.Point(t[0].x, t[0].y), s = new fabric.Point(t[1].x, t[1].y), o = t.length, a = 1, h = 0, c = 2 < o; for (c && (a = t[2].x < s.x ? -1 : t[2].x === s.x ? 0 : 1, h = t[2].y < s.y ? -1 : t[2].y === s.y ? 0 : 1), i.push("M ", n.x - a * r, " ", n.y - h * r, " "), e = 1; e < o; e++) { if (!n.eq(s)) { var l = n.midPointFrom(s); i.push("Q ", n.x, " ", n.y, " ", l.x, " ", l.y, " ") } n = t[e], e + 1 < t.length && (s = t[e + 1]) } return c && (a = n.x > t[e - 2].x ? 1 : n.x === t[e - 2].x ? 0 : -1, h = n.y > t[e - 2].y ? 1 : n.y === t[e - 2].y ? 0 : -1), i.push("L ", n.x + a * r, " ", n.y + h * r), i }, createPath: function (t) { var e = new fabric.Path(t, { fill: null, stroke: this.color, strokeWidth: this.width, strokeLineCap: this.strokeLineCap, strokeMiterLimit: this.strokeMiterLimit, strokeLineJoin: this.strokeLineJoin, strokeDashArray: this.strokeDashArray }); return this.shadow && (this.shadow.affectStroke = !0, e.shadow = new fabric.Shadow(this.shadow)), e }, decimatePoints: function (t, e) { if (t.length <= 2) return t; var i, r = this.canvas.getZoom(), n = Math.pow(e / r, 2), s = t.length - 1, o = t[0], a = [o]; for (i = 1; i < s - 1; i++)n <= Math.pow(o.x - t[i].x, 2) + Math.pow(o.y - t[i].y, 2) && (o = t[i], a.push(o)); return a.push(t[s]), a }, _finalizeAndAddPath: function () { this.canvas.contextTop.closePath(), this.decimate && (this._points = this.decimatePoints(this._points, this.decimate)); var t = this.convertPointsToSVGPath(this._points).join(""); if ("M 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 L 0 0" !== t) { var e = this.createPath(t); this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop), this.canvas.fire("before:path:created", { path: e }), this.canvas.add(e), this.canvas.requestRenderAll(), e.setCoords(), this._resetShadow(), this.canvas.fire("path:created", { path: e }) } else this.canvas.requestRenderAll() } }), fabric.CircleBrush = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.BaseBrush, { width: 10, initialize: function (t) { this.canvas = t, this.points = [] }, drawDot: function (t) { var e = this.addPoint(t), i = this.canvas.contextTop; this._saveAndTransform(i), this.dot(i, e), i.restore() }, dot: function (t, e) { t.fillStyle = e.fill, t.beginPath(), t.arc(e.x, e.y, e.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), t.closePath(), t.fill() }, onMouseDown: function (t) { this.points.length = 0, this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop), this._setShadow(), this.drawDot(t) }, _render: function () { var t, e, i = this.canvas.contextTop, r = this.points; for (this._saveAndTransform(i), t = 0, e = r.length; t < e; t++)this.dot(i, r[t]); i.restore() }, onMouseMove: function (t) { !0 === this.limitedToCanvasSize && this._isOutSideCanvas(t) || (this.needsFullRender() ? (this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop), this.addPoint(t), this._render()) : this.drawDot(t)) }, onMouseUp: function () { var t, e, i = this.canvas.renderOnAddRemove; this.canvas.renderOnAddRemove = !1; var r = []; for (t = 0, e = this.points.length; t < e; t++) { var n = this.points[t], s = new fabric.Circle({ radius: n.radius, left: n.x, top: n.y, originX: "center", originY: "center", fill: n.fill }); this.shadow && (s.shadow = new fabric.Shadow(this.shadow)), r.push(s) } var o = new fabric.Group(r); o.canvas = this.canvas, this.canvas.fire("before:path:created", { path: o }), this.canvas.add(o), this.canvas.fire("path:created", { path: o }), this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop), this._resetShadow(), this.canvas.renderOnAddRemove = i, this.canvas.requestRenderAll() }, addPoint: function (t) { var e = new fabric.Point(t.x, t.y), i = fabric.util.getRandomInt(Math.max(0, this.width - 20), this.width + 20) / 2, r = new fabric.Color(this.color).setAlpha(fabric.util.getRandomInt(0, 100) / 100).toRgba(); return e.radius = i, e.fill = r, this.points.push(e), e } }), fabric.SprayBrush = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.BaseBrush, { width: 10, density: 20, dotWidth: 1, dotWidthVariance: 1, randomOpacity: !1, optimizeOverlapping: !0, initialize: function (t) { this.canvas = t, this.sprayChunks = [] }, onMouseDown: function (t) { this.sprayChunks.length = 0, this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop), this._setShadow(), this.addSprayChunk(t), this.render(this.sprayChunkPoints) }, onMouseMove: function (t) { !0 === this.limitedToCanvasSize && this._isOutSideCanvas(t) || (this.addSprayChunk(t), this.render(this.sprayChunkPoints)) }, onMouseUp: function () { var t = this.canvas.renderOnAddRemove; this.canvas.renderOnAddRemove = !1; for (var e = [], i = 0, r = this.sprayChunks.length; i < r; i++)for (var n = this.sprayChunks[i], s = 0, o = n.length; s < o; s++) { var a = new fabric.Rect({ width: n[s].width, height: n[s].width, left: n[s].x + 1, top: n[s].y + 1, originX: "center", originY: "center", fill: this.color }); e.push(a) } this.optimizeOverlapping && (e = this._getOptimizedRects(e)); var h = new fabric.Group(e); this.shadow && h.set("shadow", new fabric.Shadow(this.shadow)), this.canvas.fire("before:path:created", { path: h }), this.canvas.add(h), this.canvas.fire("path:created", { path: h }), this.canvas.clearContext(this.canvas.contextTop), this._resetShadow(), this.canvas.renderOnAddRemove = t, this.canvas.requestRenderAll() }, _getOptimizedRects: function (t) { var e, i, r, n = {}; for (i = 0, r = t.length; i < r; i++)n[e = t[i].left + "" + t[i].top] || (n[e] = t[i]); var s = []; for (e in n) s.push(n[e]); return s }, render: function (t) { var e, i, r = this.canvas.contextTop; for (r.fillStyle = this.color, this._saveAndTransform(r), e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) { var n = t[e]; void 0 !== n.opacity && (r.globalAlpha = n.opacity), r.fillRect(n.x, n.y, n.width, n.width) } r.restore() }, _render: function () { var t, e, i = this.canvas.contextTop; for (i.fillStyle = this.color, this._saveAndTransform(i), t = 0, e = this.sprayChunks.length; t < e; t++)this.render(this.sprayChunks[t]); i.restore() }, addSprayChunk: function (t) { this.sprayChunkPoints = []; var e, i, r, n, s = this.width / 2; for (n = 0; n < this.density; n++) { e = fabric.util.getRandomInt(t.x - s, t.x + s), i = fabric.util.getRandomInt(t.y - s, t.y + s), r = this.dotWidthVariance ? fabric.util.getRandomInt(Math.max(1, this.dotWidth - this.dotWidthVariance), this.dotWidth + this.dotWidthVariance) : this.dotWidth; var o = new fabric.Point(e, i); o.width = r, this.randomOpacity && (o.opacity = fabric.util.getRandomInt(0, 100) / 100), this.sprayChunkPoints.push(o) } this.sprayChunks.push(this.sprayChunkPoints) } }), fabric.PatternBrush = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.PencilBrush, { getPatternSrc: function () { var t = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(), e = t.getContext("2d"); return t.width = t.height = 25, e.fillStyle = this.color, e.beginPath(), e.arc(10, 10, 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), e.closePath(), e.fill(), t }, getPatternSrcFunction: function () { return String(this.getPatternSrc).replace("this.color", '"' + this.color + '"') }, getPattern: function () { return this.canvas.contextTop.createPattern(this.source || this.getPatternSrc(), "repeat") }, _setBrushStyles: function () { this.callSuper("_setBrushStyles"), this.canvas.contextTop.strokeStyle = this.getPattern() }, createPath: function (t) { var e = this.callSuper("createPath", t), i = e._getLeftTopCoords().scalarAdd(e.strokeWidth / 2); return e.stroke = new fabric.Pattern({ source: this.source || this.getPatternSrcFunction(), offsetX: -i.x, offsetY: -i.y }), e } }), function () { var c = fabric.util.getPointer, u = fabric.util.degreesToRadians, h = Math.abs, l = fabric.StaticCanvas.supports("setLineDash"), f = fabric.util.isTouchEvent; for (var t in fabric.Canvas = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.StaticCanvas, { initialize: function (t, e) { e || (e = {}), this.renderAndResetBound = this.renderAndReset.bind(this), this.requestRenderAllBound = this.requestRenderAll.bind(this), this._initStatic(t, e), this._initInteractive(), this._createCacheCanvas() }, uniformScaling: !0, uniScaleKey: "shiftKey", centeredScaling: !1, centeredRotation: !1, centeredKey: "altKey", altActionKey: "shiftKey", interactive: !0, selection: !0, selectionKey: "shiftKey", altSelectionKey: null, selectionColor: "rgba(100, 100, 255, 0.3)", selectionDashArray: [], selectionBorderColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)", selectionLineWidth: 1, selectionFullyContained: !1, hoverCursor: "move", moveCursor: "move", defaultCursor: "default", freeDrawingCursor: "crosshair", rotationCursor: "crosshair", notAllowedCursor: "not-allowed", containerClass: "canvas-container", perPixelTargetFind: !1, targetFindTolerance: 0, skipTargetFind: !1, isDrawingMode: !1, preserveObjectStacking: !1, snapAngle: 0, snapThreshold: null, stopContextMenu: !1, fireRightClick: !1, fireMiddleClick: !1, targets: [], _hoveredTarget: null, _hoveredTargets: [], _initInteractive: function () { this._currentTransform = null, this._groupSelector = null, this._initWrapperElement(), this._createUpperCanvas(), this._initEventListeners(), this._initRetinaScaling(), this.freeDrawingBrush = fabric.PencilBrush && new fabric.PencilBrush(this), this.calcOffset() }, _chooseObjectsToRender: function () { var t, e, i, r = this.getActiveObjects(); if (0 < r.length && !this.preserveObjectStacking) { e = [], i = []; for (var n = 0, s = this._objects.length; n < s; n++)t = this._objects[n], -1 === r.indexOf(t) ? e.push(t) : i.push(t); 1 < r.length && (this._activeObject._objects = i), e.push.apply(e, i) } else e = this._objects; return e }, renderAll: function () { !this.contextTopDirty || this._groupSelector || this.isDrawingMode || (this.clearContext(this.contextTop), this.contextTopDirty = !1), this.hasLostContext && this.renderTopLayer(this.contextTop); var t = this.contextContainer; return this.renderCanvas(t, this._chooseObjectsToRender()), this }, renderTopLayer: function (t) { t.save(), this.isDrawingMode && this._isCurrentlyDrawing && (this.freeDrawingBrush && this.freeDrawingBrush._render(), this.contextTopDirty = !0), this.selection && this._groupSelector && (this._drawSelection(t), this.contextTopDirty = !0), t.restore() }, renderTop: function () { var t = this.contextTop; return this.clearContext(t), this.renderTopLayer(t), this.fire("after:render"), this }, _normalizePointer: function (t, e) { var i = t.calcTransformMatrix(), r = fabric.util.invertTransform(i), n = this.restorePointerVpt(e); return fabric.util.transformPoint(n, r) }, isTargetTransparent: function (t, e, i) { if (t.shouldCache() && t._cacheCanvas && t !== this._activeObject) { var r = this._normalizePointer(t, { x: e, y: i }), n = Math.max(t.cacheTranslationX + r.x * t.zoomX, 0), s = Math.max(t.cacheTranslationY + r.y * t.zoomY, 0); return fabric.util.isTransparent(t._cacheContext, Math.round(n), Math.round(s), this.targetFindTolerance) } var o = this.contextCache, a = t.selectionBackgroundColor, h = this.viewportTransform; return t.selectionBackgroundColor = "", this.clearContext(o), o.save(), o.transform(h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5]), t.render(o), o.restore(), t.selectionBackgroundColor = a, fabric.util.isTransparent(o, e, i, this.targetFindTolerance) }, _isSelectionKeyPressed: function (e) { return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(this.selectionKey) ? !!this.selectionKey.find(function (t) { return !0 === e[t] }) : e[this.selectionKey] }, _shouldClearSelection: function (t, e) { var i = this.getActiveObjects(), r = this._activeObject; return !e || e && r && 1 < i.length && -1 === i.indexOf(e) && r !== e && !this._isSelectionKeyPressed(t) || e && !e.evented || e && !e.selectable && r && r !== e }, _shouldCenterTransform: function (t, e, i) { var r; if (t) return "scale" === e || "scaleX" === e || "scaleY" === e || "resizing" === e ? r = this.centeredScaling || t.centeredScaling : "rotate" === e && (r = this.centeredRotation || t.centeredRotation), r ? !i : i }, _getOriginFromCorner: function (t, e) { var i = { x: t.originX, y: t.originY }; return "ml" === e || "tl" === e || "bl" === e ? i.x = "right" : "mr" !== e && "tr" !== e && "br" !== e || (i.x = "left"), "tl" === e || "mt" === e || "tr" === e ? i.y = "bottom" : "bl" !== e && "mb" !== e && "br" !== e || (i.y = "top"), i }, _getActionFromCorner: function (t, e, i, r) { if (!e || !t) return "drag"; var n = r.controls[e]; return n.getActionName(i, n, r) }, _setupCurrentTransform: function (t, e, i) { if (e) { var r = this.getPointer(t), n = e.__corner, s = e.controls[n], o = i && n ? s.getActionHandler(t, e, s) : fabric.controlsUtils.dragHandler, a = this._getActionFromCorner(i, n, t, e), h = this._getOriginFromCorner(e, n), c = t[this.centeredKey], l = { target: e, action: a, actionHandler: o, corner: n, scaleX: e.scaleX, scaleY: e.scaleY, skewX: e.skewX, skewY: e.skewY, offsetX: r.x - e.left, offsetY: r.y - e.top, originX: h.x, originY: h.y, ex: r.x, ey: r.y, lastX: r.x, lastY: r.y, theta: u(e.angle), width: e.width * e.scaleX, shiftKey: t.shiftKey, altKey: c, original: fabric.util.saveObjectTransform(e) }; this._shouldCenterTransform(e, a, c) && (l.originX = "center", l.originY = "center"), l.original.originX = h.x, l.original.originY = h.y, this._currentTransform = l, this._beforeTransform(t) } }, setCursor: function (t) { this.upperCanvasEl.style.cursor = t }, _drawSelection: function (t) { var e = this._groupSelector, i = e.left, r = e.top, n = h(i), s = h(r); if (this.selectionColor && (t.fillStyle = this.selectionColor, t.fillRect(e.ex - (0 < i ? 0 : -i), e.ey - (0 < r ? 0 : -r), n, s)), this.selectionLineWidth && this.selectionBorderColor) if (t.lineWidth = this.selectionLineWidth, t.strokeStyle = this.selectionBorderColor, 1 < this.selectionDashArray.length && !l) { var o = e.ex + .5 - (0 < i ? 0 : n), a = e.ey + .5 - (0 < r ? 0 : s); t.beginPath(), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, o, a, o + n, a, this.selectionDashArray), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, o, a + s - 1, o + n, a + s - 1, this.selectionDashArray), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, o, a, o, a + s, this.selectionDashArray), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, o + n - 1, a, o + n - 1, a + s, this.selectionDashArray), t.closePath(), t.stroke() } else fabric.Object.prototype._setLineDash.call(this, t, this.selectionDashArray), t.strokeRect(e.ex + .5 - (0 < i ? 0 : n), e.ey + .5 - (0 < r ? 0 : s), n, s) }, findTarget: function (t, e) { if (!this.skipTargetFind) { var i, r, n = this.getPointer(t, !0), s = this._activeObject, o = this.getActiveObjects(), a = f(t), h = 1 < o.length && !e || 1 === o.length; if (this.targets = [], h && s._findTargetCorner(n, a)) return s; if (1 < o.length && !e && s === this._searchPossibleTargets([s], n)) return s; if (1 === o.length && s === this._searchPossibleTargets([s], n)) { if (!this.preserveObjectStacking) return s; i = s, r = this.targets, this.targets = [] } var c = this._searchPossibleTargets(this._objects, n); return t[this.altSelectionKey] && c && i && c !== i && (c = i, this.targets = r), c } }, _checkTarget: function (t, e, i) { if (e && e.visible && e.evented && e.containsPoint(t)) { if (!this.perPixelTargetFind && !e.perPixelTargetFind || e.isEditing) return !0; if (!this.isTargetTransparent(e, i.x, i.y)) return !0 } }, _searchPossibleTargets: function (t, e) { for (var i, r, n = t.length; n--;) { var s = t[n], o = s.group ? this._normalizePointer(s.group, e) : e; if (this._checkTarget(o, s, e)) { (i = t[n]).subTargetCheck && i instanceof fabric.Group && (r = this._searchPossibleTargets(i._objects, e)) && this.targets.push(r); break } } return i }, restorePointerVpt: function (t) { return fabric.util.transformPoint(t, fabric.util.invertTransform(this.viewportTransform)) }, getPointer: function (t, e) { if (this._absolutePointer && !e) return this._absolutePointer; if (this._pointer && e) return this._pointer; var i, r = c(t), n = this.upperCanvasEl, s = n.getBoundingClientRect(), o = s.width || 0, a = s.height || 0; o && a || ("top" in s && "bottom" in s && (a = Math.abs(s.top - s.bottom)), "right" in s && "left" in s && (o = Math.abs(s.right - s.left))), this.calcOffset(), r.x = r.x - this._offset.left, r.y = r.y - this._offset.top, e || (r = this.restorePointerVpt(r)); var h = this.getRetinaScaling(); return 1 !== h && (r.x /= h, r.y /= h), i = 0 === o || 0 === a ? { width: 1, height: 1 } : { width: n.width / o, height: n.height / a }, { x: r.x * i.width, y: r.y * i.height } }, _createUpperCanvas: function () { var t = this.lowerCanvasEl.className.replace(/\s*lower-canvas\s*/, ""), e = this.lowerCanvasEl, i = this.upperCanvasEl; i ? i.className = "" : (i = this._createCanvasElement(), this.upperCanvasEl = i), fabric.util.addClass(i, "upper-canvas " + t), this.wrapperEl.appendChild(i), this._copyCanvasStyle(e, i), this._applyCanvasStyle(i), this.contextTop = i.getContext("2d") }, _createCacheCanvas: function () { this.cacheCanvasEl = this._createCanvasElement(), this.cacheCanvasEl.setAttribute("width", this.width), this.cacheCanvasEl.setAttribute("height", this.height), this.contextCache = this.cacheCanvasEl.getContext("2d") }, _initWrapperElement: function () { this.wrapperEl = fabric.util.wrapElement(this.lowerCanvasEl, "div", { class: this.containerClass }), fabric.util.setStyle(this.wrapperEl, { width: this.width + "px", height: this.height + "px", position: "relative" }), fabric.util.makeElementUnselectable(this.wrapperEl) }, _applyCanvasStyle: function (t) { var e = this.width || t.width, i = this.height || t.height; fabric.util.setStyle(t, { position: "absolute", width: e + "px", height: i + "px", left: 0, top: 0, "touch-action": this.allowTouchScrolling ? "manipulation" : "none", "-ms-touch-action": this.allowTouchScrolling ? "manipulation" : "none" }), t.width = e, t.height = i, fabric.util.makeElementUnselectable(t) }, _copyCanvasStyle: function (t, e) { e.style.cssText = t.style.cssText }, getSelectionContext: function () { return this.contextTop }, getSelectionElement: function () { return this.upperCanvasEl }, getActiveObject: function () { return this._activeObject }, getActiveObjects: function () { var t = this._activeObject; return t ? "activeSelection" === t.type && t._objects ? t._objects.slice(0) : [t] : [] }, _onObjectRemoved: function (t) { t === this._activeObject && (this.fire("before:selection:cleared", { target: t }), this._discardActiveObject(), this.fire("selection:cleared", { target: t }), t.fire("deselected")), t === this._hoveredTarget && (this._hoveredTarget = null, this._hoveredTargets = []), this.callSuper("_onObjectRemoved", t) }, _fireSelectionEvents: function (e, i) { var r = !1, n = this.getActiveObjects(), s = [], o = []; e.forEach(function (t) { -1 === n.indexOf(t) && (r = !0, t.fire("deselected", { e: i, target: t }), o.push(t)) }), n.forEach(function (t) { -1 === e.indexOf(t) && (r = !0, t.fire("selected", { e: i, target: t }), s.push(t)) }), 0 < e.length && 0 < n.length ? r && this.fire("selection:updated", { e: i, selected: s, deselected: o, updated: s[0] || o[0], target: this._activeObject }) : 0 < n.length ? this.fire("selection:created", { e: i, selected: s, target: this._activeObject }) : 0 < e.length && this.fire("selection:cleared", { e: i, deselected: o }) }, setActiveObject: function (t, e) { var i = this.getActiveObjects(); return this._setActiveObject(t, e), this._fireSelectionEvents(i, e), this }, _setActiveObject: function (t, e) { return this._activeObject !== t && (!!this._discardActiveObject(e, t) && (!t.onSelect({ e: e }) && (this._activeObject = t, !0))) }, _discardActiveObject: function (t, e) { var i = this._activeObject; if (i) { if (i.onDeselect({ e: t, object: e })) return !1; this._activeObject = null } return !0 }, discardActiveObject: function (t) { var e = this.getActiveObjects(), i = this.getActiveObject(); return e.length && this.fire("before:selection:cleared", { target: i, e: t }), this._discardActiveObject(t), this._fireSelectionEvents(e, t), this }, dispose: function () { var t = this.wrapperEl; return this.removeListeners(), t.removeChild(this.upperCanvasEl), t.removeChild(this.lowerCanvasEl), this.contextCache = null, this.contextTop = null, ["upperCanvasEl", "cacheCanvasEl"].forEach(function (t) { fabric.util.cleanUpJsdomNode(this[t]), this[t] = void 0 }.bind(this)), t.parentNode && t.parentNode.replaceChild(this.lowerCanvasEl, this.wrapperEl), delete this.wrapperEl, fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.dispose.call(this), this }, clear: function () { return this.discardActiveObject(), this.clearContext(this.contextTop), this.callSuper("clear") }, drawControls: function (t) { var e = this._activeObject; e && e._renderControls(t) }, _toObject: function (t, e, i) { var r = this._realizeGroupTransformOnObject(t), n = this.callSuper("_toObject", t, e, i); return this._unwindGroupTransformOnObject(t, r), n }, _realizeGroupTransformOnObject: function (e) { if (e.group && "activeSelection" === e.group.type && this._activeObject === e.group) { var i = {}; return ["angle", "flipX", "flipY", "left", "scaleX", "scaleY", "skewX", "skewY", "top"].forEach(function (t) { i[t] = e[t] }), fabric.util.addTransformToObject(e, this._activeObject.calcOwnMatrix()), i } return null }, _unwindGroupTransformOnObject: function (t, e) { e && t.set(e) }, _setSVGObject: function (t, e, i) { var r = this._realizeGroupTransformOnObject(e); this.callSuper("_setSVGObject", t, e, i), this._unwindGroupTransformOnObject(e, r) }, setViewportTransform: function (t) { this.renderOnAddRemove && this._activeObject && this._activeObject.isEditing && this._activeObject.clearContextTop(), fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.setViewportTransform.call(this, t) } }), fabric.StaticCanvas) "prototype" !== t && (fabric.Canvas[t] = fabric.StaticCanvas[t]) }(), function () { var r = fabric.util.addListener, n = fabric.util.removeListener, s = { passive: !1 }; function u(t, e) { return t.button && t.button === e - 1 } fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Canvas.prototype, { mainTouchId: null, _initEventListeners: function () { this.removeListeners(), this._bindEvents(), this.addOrRemove(r, "add") }, _getEventPrefix: function () { return this.enablePointerEvents ? "pointer" : "mouse" }, addOrRemove: function (t, e) { var i = this.upperCanvasEl, r = this._getEventPrefix(); t(fabric.window, "resize", this._onResize), t(i, r + "down", this._onMouseDown), t(i, r + "move", this._onMouseMove, s), t(i, r + "out", this._onMouseOut), t(i, r + "enter", this._onMouseEnter), t(i, "wheel", this._onMouseWheel), t(i, "contextmenu", this._onContextMenu), t(i, "dblclick", this._onDoubleClick), t(i, "dragover", this._onDragOver), t(i, "dragenter", this._onDragEnter), t(i, "dragleave", this._onDragLeave), t(i, "drop", this._onDrop), this.enablePointerEvents || t(i, "touchstart", this._onTouchStart, s), "undefined" != typeof eventjs && e in eventjs && (eventjs[e](i, "gesture", this._onGesture), eventjs[e](i, "drag", this._onDrag), eventjs[e](i, "orientation", this._onOrientationChange), eventjs[e](i, "shake", this._onShake), eventjs[e](i, "longpress", this._onLongPress)) }, removeListeners: function () { this.addOrRemove(n, "remove"); var t = this._getEventPrefix(); n(fabric.document, t + "up", this._onMouseUp), n(fabric.document, "touchend", this._onTouchEnd, s), n(fabric.document, t + "move", this._onMouseMove, s), n(fabric.document, "touchmove", this._onMouseMove, s) }, _bindEvents: function () { this.eventsBound || (this._onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.bind(this), this._onTouchStart = this._onTouchStart.bind(this), this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this), this._onMouseUp = this._onMouseUp.bind(this), this._onTouchEnd = this._onTouchEnd.bind(this), this._onResize = this._onResize.bind(this), this._onGesture = this._onGesture.bind(this), this._onDrag = this._onDrag.bind(this), this._onShake = this._onShake.bind(this), this._onLongPress = this._onLongPress.bind(this), this._onOrientationChange = this._onOrientationChange.bind(this), this._onMouseWheel = this._onMouseWheel.bind(this), this._onMouseOut = this._onMouseOut.bind(this), this._onMouseEnter = this._onMouseEnter.bind(this), this._onContextMenu = this._onContextMenu.bind(this), this._onDoubleClick = this._onDoubleClick.bind(this), this._onDragOver = this._onDragOver.bind(this), this._onDragEnter = this._simpleEventHandler.bind(this, "dragenter"), this._onDragLeave = this._simpleEventHandler.bind(this, "dragleave"), this._onDrop = this._simpleEventHandler.bind(this, "drop"), this.eventsBound = !0) }, _onGesture: function (t, e) { this.__onTransformGesture && this.__onTransformGesture(t, e) }, _onDrag: function (t, e) { this.__onDrag && this.__onDrag(t, e) }, _onMouseWheel: function (t) { this.__onMouseWheel(t) }, _onMouseOut: function (e) { var i = this._hoveredTarget; this.fire("mouse:out", { target: i, e: e }), this._hoveredTarget = null, i && i.fire("mouseout", { e: e }); var r = this; this._hoveredTargets.forEach(function (t) { r.fire("mouse:out", { target: i, e: e }), t && i.fire("mouseout", { e: e }) }), this._hoveredTargets = [], this._iTextInstances && this._iTextInstances.forEach(function (t) { t.isEditing && t.hiddenTextarea.focus() }) }, _onMouseEnter: function (t) { this._currentTransform || this.findTarget(t) || (this.fire("mouse:over", { target: null, e: t }), this._hoveredTarget = null, this._hoveredTargets = []) }, _onOrientationChange: function (t, e) { this.__onOrientationChange && this.__onOrientationChange(t, e) }, _onShake: function (t, e) { this.__onShake && this.__onShake(t, e) }, _onLongPress: function (t, e) { this.__onLongPress && this.__onLongPress(t, e) }, _onDragOver: function (t) { t.preventDefault(); var e = this._simpleEventHandler("dragover", t); this._fireEnterLeaveEvents(e, t) }, _onContextMenu: function (t) { return this.stopContextMenu && (t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault()), !1 }, _onDoubleClick: function (t) { this._cacheTransformEventData(t), this._handleEvent(t, "dblclick"), this._resetTransformEventData(t) }, getPointerId: function (t) { var e = t.changedTouches; return e ? e[0] && e[0].identifier : this.enablePointerEvents ? t.pointerId : -1 }, _isMainEvent: function (t) { return !0 === t.isPrimary || !1 !== t.isPrimary && ("touchend" === t.type && 0 === t.touches.length || (!t.changedTouches || t.changedTouches[0].identifier === this.mainTouchId)) }, _onTouchStart: function (t) { t.preventDefault(), null === this.mainTouchId && (this.mainTouchId = this.getPointerId(t)), this.__onMouseDown(t), this._resetTransformEventData(); var e = this.upperCanvasEl, i = this._getEventPrefix(); r(fabric.document, "touchend", this._onTouchEnd, s), r(fabric.document, "touchmove", this._onMouseMove, s), n(e, i + "down", this._onMouseDown) }, _onMouseDown: function (t) { this.__onMouseDown(t), this._resetTransformEventData(); var e = this.upperCanvasEl, i = this._getEventPrefix(); n(e, i + "move", this._onMouseMove, s), r(fabric.document, i + "up", this._onMouseUp), r(fabric.document, i + "move", this._onMouseMove, s) }, _onTouchEnd: function (t) { if (!(0 < t.touches.length)) { this.__onMouseUp(t), this._resetTransformEventData(), this.mainTouchId = null; var e = this._getEventPrefix(); n(fabric.document, "touchend", this._onTouchEnd, s), n(fabric.document, "touchmove", this._onMouseMove, s); var i = this; this._willAddMouseDown && clearTimeout(this._willAddMouseDown), this._willAddMouseDown = setTimeout(function () { r(i.upperCanvasEl, e + "down", i._onMouseDown), i._willAddMouseDown = 0 }, 400) } }, _onMouseUp: function (t) { this.__onMouseUp(t), this._resetTransformEventData(); var e = this.upperCanvasEl, i = this._getEventPrefix(); this._isMainEvent(t) && (n(fabric.document, i + "up", this._onMouseUp), n(fabric.document, i + "move", this._onMouseMove, s), r(e, i + "move", this._onMouseMove, s)) }, _onMouseMove: function (t) { !this.allowTouchScrolling && t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), this.__onMouseMove(t) }, _onResize: function () { this.calcOffset() }, _shouldRender: function (t) { var e = this._activeObject; return !!(!!e != !!t || e && t && e !== t) || (e && e.isEditing, !1) }, __onMouseUp: function (t) { var e, i = this._currentTransform, r = this._groupSelector, n = !1, s = !r || 0 === r.left && 0 === r.top; if (this._cacheTransformEventData(t), e = this._target, this._handleEvent(t, "up:before"), u(t, 3)) this.fireRightClick && this._handleEvent(t, "up", 3, s); else { if (u(t, 2)) return this.fireMiddleClick && this._handleEvent(t, "up", 2, s), void this._resetTransformEventData(); if (this.isDrawingMode && this._isCurrentlyDrawing) this._onMouseUpInDrawingMode(t); else if (this._isMainEvent(t)) { if (i && (this._finalizeCurrentTransform(t), n = i.actionPerformed), !s) { var o = e === this._activeObject; this._maybeGroupObjects(t), n || (n = this._shouldRender(e) || !o && e === this._activeObject) } if (e) { if (e.selectable && e !== this._activeObject && "up" === e.activeOn) this.setActiveObject(e, t), n = !0; else { var a = e._findTargetCorner(this.getPointer(t, !0), fabric.util.isTouchEvent(t)), h = e.controls[a], c = h && h.getMouseUpHandler(t, e, h); if (c) { var l = this.getPointer(t); c(t, i, l.x, l.y) } } e.isMoving = !1 } this._setCursorFromEvent(t, e), this._handleEvent(t, "up", 1, s), this._groupSelector = null, this._currentTransform = null, e && (e.__corner = 0), n ? this.requestRenderAll() : s || this.renderTop() } } }, _simpleEventHandler: function (t, e) { var i = this.findTarget(e), r = this.targets, n = { e: e, target: i, subTargets: r }; if (this.fire(t, n), i && i.fire(t, n), !r) return i; for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++)r[s].fire(t, n); return i }, _handleEvent: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = this._target, s = this.targets || [], o = { e: t, target: n, subTargets: s, button: i || 1, isClick: r || !1, pointer: this._pointer, absolutePointer: this._absolutePointer, transform: this._currentTransform }; "up" === e && (o.currentTarget = this.findTarget(t), o.currentSubTargets = this.targets), this.fire("mouse:" + e, o), n && n.fire("mouse" + e, o); for (var a = 0; a < s.length; a++)s[a].fire("mouse" + e, o) }, _finalizeCurrentTransform: function (t) { var e, i = this._currentTransform, r = i.target, n = { e: t, target: r, transform: i, action: i.action }; r._scaling && (r._scaling = !1), r.setCoords(), (i.actionPerformed || this.stateful && r.hasStateChanged()) && (i.actionPerformed && (e = this._addEventOptions(n, i), this._fire(e, n)), this._fire("modified", n)) }, _addEventOptions: function (t, e) { var i, r; switch (e.action) { case "scaleX": i = "scaled", r = "x"; break; case "scaleY": i = "scaled", r = "y"; break; case "skewX": i = "skewed", r = "x"; break; case "skewY": i = "skewed", r = "y"; break; case "scale": i = "scaled", r = "equally"; break; case "rotate": i = "rotated"; break; case "drag": i = "moved" }return t.by = r, i }, _onMouseDownInDrawingMode: function (t) { this._isCurrentlyDrawing = !0, this.getActiveObject() && this.discardActiveObject(t).requestRenderAll(); var e = this.getPointer(t); this.freeDrawingBrush.onMouseDown(e, { e: t, pointer: e }), this._handleEvent(t, "down") }, _onMouseMoveInDrawingMode: function (t) { if (this._isCurrentlyDrawing) { var e = this.getPointer(t); this.freeDrawingBrush.onMouseMove(e, { e: t, pointer: e }) } this.setCursor(this.freeDrawingCursor), this._handleEvent(t, "move") }, _onMouseUpInDrawingMode: function (t) { var e = this.getPointer(t); this._isCurrentlyDrawing = this.freeDrawingBrush.onMouseUp({ e: t, pointer: e }), this._handleEvent(t, "up") }, __onMouseDown: function (t) { this._cacheTransformEventData(t), this._handleEvent(t, "down:before"); var e = this._target; if (u(t, 3)) this.fireRightClick && this._handleEvent(t, "down", 3); else if (u(t, 2)) this.fireMiddleClick && this._handleEvent(t, "down", 2); else if (this.isDrawingMode) this._onMouseDownInDrawingMode(t); else if (this._isMainEvent(t) && !this._currentTransform) { var i = this._pointer; this._previousPointer = i; var r = this._shouldRender(e), n = this._shouldGroup(t, e); if (this._shouldClearSelection(t, e) ? this.discardActiveObject(t) : n && (this._handleGrouping(t, e), e = this._activeObject), !this.selection || e && (e.selectable || e.isEditing || e === this._activeObject) || (this._groupSelector = { ex: i.x, ey: i.y, top: 0, left: 0 }), e) { var s = e === this._activeObject; e.selectable && "down" === e.activeOn && this.setActiveObject(e, t); var o = e._findTargetCorner(this.getPointer(t, !0), fabric.util.isTouchEvent(t)); if (e.__corner = o, e === this._activeObject && (o || !n)) { this._setupCurrentTransform(t, e, s); var a = e.controls[o], h = (i = this.getPointer(t), a && a.getMouseDownHandler(t, e, a)); h && h(t, this._currentTransform, i.x, i.y) } } this._handleEvent(t, "down"), (r || n) && this.requestRenderAll() } }, _resetTransformEventData: function () { this._target = null, this._pointer = null, this._absolutePointer = null }, _cacheTransformEventData: function (t) { this._resetTransformEventData(), this._pointer = this.getPointer(t, !0), this._absolutePointer = this.restorePointerVpt(this._pointer), this._target = this._currentTransform ? this._currentTransform.target : this.findTarget(t) || null }, _beforeTransform: function (t) { var e = this._currentTransform; this.stateful && e.target.saveState(), this.fire("before:transform", { e: t, transform: e }) }, __onMouseMove: function (t) { var e, i; if (this._handleEvent(t, "move:before"), this._cacheTransformEventData(t), this.isDrawingMode) this._onMouseMoveInDrawingMode(t); else if (this._isMainEvent(t)) { var r = this._groupSelector; r ? (i = this._pointer, r.left = i.x - r.ex, r.top = i.y - r.ey, this.renderTop()) : this._currentTransform ? this._transformObject(t) : (e = this.findTarget(t) || null, this._setCursorFromEvent(t, e), this._fireOverOutEvents(e, t)), this._handleEvent(t, "move"), this._resetTransformEventData() } }, _fireOverOutEvents: function (t, e) { var i = this._hoveredTarget, r = this._hoveredTargets, n = this.targets, s = Math.max(r.length, n.length); this.fireSyntheticInOutEvents(t, e, { oldTarget: i, evtOut: "mouseout", canvasEvtOut: "mouse:out", evtIn: "mouseover", canvasEvtIn: "mouse:over" }); for (var o = 0; o < s; o++)this.fireSyntheticInOutEvents(n[o], e, { oldTarget: r[o], evtOut: "mouseout", evtIn: "mouseover" }); this._hoveredTarget = t, this._hoveredTargets = this.targets.concat() }, _fireEnterLeaveEvents: function (t, e) { var i = this._draggedoverTarget, r = this._hoveredTargets, n = this.targets, s = Math.max(r.length, n.length); this.fireSyntheticInOutEvents(t, e, { oldTarget: i, evtOut: "dragleave", evtIn: "dragenter" }); for (var o = 0; o < s; o++)this.fireSyntheticInOutEvents(n[o], e, { oldTarget: r[o], evtOut: "dragleave", evtIn: "dragenter" }); this._draggedoverTarget = t }, fireSyntheticInOutEvents: function (t, e, i) { var r, n, s, o = i.oldTarget, a = o !== t, h = i.canvasEvtIn, c = i.canvasEvtOut; a && (r = { e: e, target: t, previousTarget: o }, n = { e: e, target: o, nextTarget: t }), s = t && a, o && a && (c && this.fire(c, n), o.fire(i.evtOut, n)), s && (h && this.fire(h, r), t.fire(i.evtIn, r)) }, __onMouseWheel: function (t) { this._cacheTransformEventData(t), this._handleEvent(t, "wheel"), this._resetTransformEventData() }, _transformObject: function (t) { var e = this.getPointer(t), i = this._currentTransform; i.reset = !1, i.shiftKey = t.shiftKey, i.altKey = t[this.centeredKey], this._performTransformAction(t, i, e), i.actionPerformed && this.requestRenderAll() }, _performTransformAction: function (t, e, i) { var r = i.x, n = i.y, s = e.action, o = !1, a = e.actionHandler; a && (o = a(t, e, r, n)), "drag" === s && o && (e.target.isMoving = !0, this.setCursor(e.target.moveCursor || this.moveCursor)), e.actionPerformed = e.actionPerformed || o }, _fire: fabric.controlsUtils.fireEvent, _setCursorFromEvent: function (t, e) { if (!e) return this.setCursor(this.defaultCursor), !1; var i = e.hoverCursor || this.hoverCursor, r = this._activeObject && "activeSelection" === this._activeObject.type ? this._activeObject : null, n = (!r || !r.contains(e)) && e._findTargetCorner(this.getPointer(t, !0)); n ? this.setCursor(this.getCornerCursor(n, e, t)) : (e.subTargetCheck && this.targets.concat().reverse().map(function (t) { i = t.hoverCursor || i }), this.setCursor(i)) }, getCornerCursor: function (t, e, i) { var r = e.controls[t]; return r.cursorStyleHandler(i, r, e) } }) }(), function () { var f = Math.min, d = Math.max; fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Canvas.prototype, { _shouldGroup: function (t, e) { var i = this._activeObject; return i && this._isSelectionKeyPressed(t) && e && e.selectable && this.selection && (i !== e || "activeSelection" === i.type) && !e.onSelect({ e: t }) }, _handleGrouping: function (t, e) { var i = this._activeObject; i.__corner || (e !== i || (e = this.findTarget(t, !0)) && e.selectable) && (i && "activeSelection" === i.type ? this._updateActiveSelection(e, t) : this._createActiveSelection(e, t)) }, _updateActiveSelection: function (t, e) { var i = this._activeObject, r = i._objects.slice(0); i.contains(t) ? (i.removeWithUpdate(t), this._hoveredTarget = t, this._hoveredTargets = this.targets.concat(), 1 === i.size() && this._setActiveObject(i.item(0), e)) : (i.addWithUpdate(t), this._hoveredTarget = i, this._hoveredTargets = this.targets.concat()), this._fireSelectionEvents(r, e) }, _createActiveSelection: function (t, e) { var i = this.getActiveObjects(), r = this._createGroup(t); this._hoveredTarget = r, this._setActiveObject(r, e), this._fireSelectionEvents(i, e) }, _createGroup: function (t) { var e = this._objects, i = e.indexOf(this._activeObject) < e.indexOf(t) ? [this._activeObject, t] : [t, this._activeObject]; return this._activeObject.isEditing && this._activeObject.exitEditing(), new fabric.ActiveSelection(i, { canvas: this }) }, _groupSelectedObjects: function (t) { var e, i = this._collectObjects(t); 1 === i.length ? this.setActiveObject(i[0], t) : 1 < i.length && (e = new fabric.ActiveSelection(i.reverse(), { canvas: this }), this.setActiveObject(e, t)) }, _collectObjects: function (e) { for (var t, i = [], r = this._groupSelector.ex, n = this._groupSelector.ey, s = r + this._groupSelector.left, o = n + this._groupSelector.top, a = new fabric.Point(f(r, s), f(n, o)), h = new fabric.Point(d(r, s), d(n, o)), c = !this.selectionFullyContained, l = r === s && n === o, u = this._objects.length; u-- && !((t = this._objects[u]) && t.selectable && t.visible && (c && t.intersectsWithRect(a, h) || t.isContainedWithinRect(a, h) || c && t.containsPoint(a) || c && t.containsPoint(h)) && (i.push(t), l));); return 1 < i.length && (i = i.filter(function (t) { return !t.onSelect({ e: e }) })), i }, _maybeGroupObjects: function (t) { this.selection && this._groupSelector && this._groupSelectedObjects(t), this.setCursor(this.defaultCursor), this._groupSelector = null } }) }(), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype, { toDataURL: function (t) { t || (t = {}); var e = t.format || "png", i = t.quality || 1, r = (t.multiplier || 1) * (t.enableRetinaScaling ? this.getRetinaScaling() : 1), n = this.toCanvasElement(r, t); return fabric.util.toDataURL(n, e, i) }, toCanvasElement: function (t, e) { t = t || 1; var i = ((e = e || {}).width || this.width) * t, r = (e.height || this.height) * t, n = this.getZoom(), s = this.width, o = this.height, a = n * t, h = this.viewportTransform, c = (h[4] - (e.left || 0)) * t, l = (h[5] - (e.top || 0)) * t, u = this.interactive, f = [a, 0, 0, a, c, l], d = this.enableRetinaScaling, g = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(), p = this.contextTop; return g.width = i, g.height = r, this.contextTop = null, this.enableRetinaScaling = !1, this.interactive = !1, this.viewportTransform = f, this.width = i, this.height = r, this.calcViewportBoundaries(), this.renderCanvas(g.getContext("2d"), this._objects), this.viewportTransform = h, this.width = s, this.height = o, this.calcViewportBoundaries(), this.interactive = u, this.enableRetinaScaling = d, this.contextTop = p, g } }), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype, { loadFromJSON: function (t, i, e) { if (t) { var r = "string" == typeof t ? JSON.parse(t) : fabric.util.object.clone(t), n = this, s = r.clipPath, o = this.renderOnAddRemove; return this.renderOnAddRemove = !1, delete r.clipPath, this._enlivenObjects(r.objects, function (e) { n.clear(), n._setBgOverlay(r, function () { s ? n._enlivenObjects([s], function (t) { n.clipPath = t[0], n.__setupCanvas.call(n, r, e, o, i) }) : n.__setupCanvas.call(n, r, e, o, i) }) }, e), this } }, __setupCanvas: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = this; e.forEach(function (t, e) { n.insertAt(t, e) }), this.renderOnAddRemove = i, delete t.objects, delete t.backgroundImage, delete t.overlayImage, delete t.background, delete t.overlay, this._setOptions(t), this.renderAll(), r && r() }, _setBgOverlay: function (t, e) { var i = { backgroundColor: !1, overlayColor: !1, backgroundImage: !1, overlayImage: !1 }; if (t.backgroundImage || t.overlayImage || t.background || t.overlay) { var r = function () { i.backgroundImage && i.overlayImage && i.backgroundColor && i.overlayColor && e && e() }; this.__setBgOverlay("backgroundImage", t.backgroundImage, i, r), this.__setBgOverlay("overlayImage", t.overlayImage, i, r), this.__setBgOverlay("backgroundColor", t.background, i, r), this.__setBgOverlay("overlayColor", t.overlay, i, r) } else e && e() }, __setBgOverlay: function (e, t, i, r) { var n = this; if (!t) return i[e] = !0, void (r && r()); "backgroundImage" === e || "overlayImage" === e ? fabric.util.enlivenObjects([t], function (t) { n[e] = t[0], i[e] = !0, r && r() }) : this["set" + fabric.util.string.capitalize(e, !0)](t, function () { i[e] = !0, r && r() }) }, _enlivenObjects: function (t, e, i) { t && 0 !== t.length ? fabric.util.enlivenObjects(t, function (t) { e && e(t) }, null, i) : e && e([]) }, _toDataURL: function (e, i) { this.clone(function (t) { i(t.toDataURL(e)) }) }, _toDataURLWithMultiplier: function (e, i, r) { this.clone(function (t) { r(t.toDataURLWithMultiplier(e, i)) }) }, clone: function (e, t) { var i = JSON.stringify(this.toJSON(t)); this.cloneWithoutData(function (t) { t.loadFromJSON(i, function () { e && e(t) }) }) }, cloneWithoutData: function (t) { var e = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(); e.width = this.width, e.height = this.height; var i = new fabric.Canvas(e); this.backgroundImage ? (i.setBackgroundImage(this.backgroundImage.src, function () { i.renderAll(), t && t(i) }), i.backgroundImageOpacity = this.backgroundImageOpacity, i.backgroundImageStretch = this.backgroundImageStretch) : t && t(i) } }), function (t) { "use strict"; var x = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), e = x.util.object.extend, o = x.util.object.clone, r = x.util.toFixed, i = x.util.string.capitalize, a = x.util.degreesToRadians, n = x.StaticCanvas.supports("setLineDash"), s = !x.isLikelyNode; x.Object || (x.Object = x.util.createClass(x.CommonMethods, { type: "object", originX: "left", originY: "top", top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, flipX: !1, flipY: !1, opacity: 1, angle: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, cornerSize: 13, touchCornerSize: 24, transparentCorners: !0, hoverCursor: null, moveCursor: null, padding: 0, borderColor: "rgb(178,204,255)", borderDashArray: null, cornerColor: "rgb(178,204,255)", cornerStrokeColor: null, cornerStyle: "rect", cornerDashArray: null, centeredScaling: !1, centeredRotation: !0, fill: "rgb(0,0,0)", fillRule: "nonzero", globalCompositeOperation: "source-over", backgroundColor: "", selectionBackgroundColor: "", stroke: null, strokeWidth: 1, strokeDashArray: null, strokeDashOffset: 0, strokeLineCap: "butt", strokeLineJoin: "miter", strokeMiterLimit: 4, shadow: null, borderOpacityWhenMoving: .4, borderScaleFactor: 1, minScaleLimit: 0, selectable: !0, evented: !0, visible: !0, hasControls: !0, hasBorders: !0, perPixelTargetFind: !1, includeDefaultValues: !0, lockMovementX: !1, lockMovementY: !1, lockRotation: !1, lockScalingX: !1, lockScalingY: !1, lockSkewingX: !1, lockSkewingY: !1, lockScalingFlip: !1, excludeFromExport: !1, objectCaching: s, statefullCache: !1, noScaleCache: !0, strokeUniform: !1, dirty: !0, __corner: 0, paintFirst: "fill", activeOn: "down", stateProperties: "top left width height scaleX scaleY flipX flipY originX originY transformMatrix stroke strokeWidth strokeDashArray strokeLineCap strokeDashOffset strokeLineJoin strokeMiterLimit angle opacity fill globalCompositeOperation shadow visible backgroundColor skewX skewY fillRule paintFirst clipPath strokeUniform".split(" "), cacheProperties: "fill stroke strokeWidth strokeDashArray width height paintFirst strokeUniform strokeLineCap strokeDashOffset strokeLineJoin strokeMiterLimit backgroundColor clipPath".split(" "), colorProperties: "fill stroke backgroundColor".split(" "), clipPath: void 0, inverted: !1, absolutePositioned: !1, initialize: function (t) { t && this.setOptions(t) }, _createCacheCanvas: function () { this._cacheProperties = {}, this._cacheCanvas = x.util.createCanvasElement(), this._cacheContext = this._cacheCanvas.getContext("2d"), this._updateCacheCanvas(), this.dirty = !0 }, _limitCacheSize: function (t) { var e = x.perfLimitSizeTotal, i = t.width, r = t.height, n = x.maxCacheSideLimit, s = x.minCacheSideLimit; if (i <= n && r <= n && i * r <= e) return i < s && (t.width = s), r < s && (t.height = s), t; var o = i / r, a = x.util.limitDimsByArea(o, e), h = x.util.capValue, c = h(s, a.x, n), l = h(s, a.y, n); return c < i && (t.zoomX /= i / c, t.width = c, t.capped = !0), l < r && (t.zoomY /= r / l, t.height = l, t.capped = !0), t }, _getCacheCanvasDimensions: function () { var t = this.getTotalObjectScaling(), e = this._getTransformedDimensions(0, 0), i = e.x * t.scaleX / this.scaleX, r = e.y * t.scaleY / this.scaleY; return { width: i + 2, height: r + 2, zoomX: t.scaleX, zoomY: t.scaleY, x: i, y: r } }, _updateCacheCanvas: function () { var t = this.canvas; if (this.noScaleCache && t && t._currentTransform) { var e = t._currentTransform.target, i = t._currentTransform.action; if (this === e && i.slice && "scale" === i.slice(0, 5)) return !1 } var r, n, s = this._cacheCanvas, o = this._limitCacheSize(this._getCacheCanvasDimensions()), a = x.minCacheSideLimit, h = o.width, c = o.height, l = o.zoomX, u = o.zoomY, f = h !== this.cacheWidth || c !== this.cacheHeight, d = this.zoomX !== l || this.zoomY !== u, g = f || d, p = 0, v = 0, m = !1; if (f) { var b = this._cacheCanvas.width, y = this._cacheCanvas.height, _ = b < h || y < c; m = _ || (h < .9 * b || c < .9 * y) && a < b && a < y, _ && !o.capped && (a < h || a < c) && (p = .1 * h, v = .1 * c) } return !!g && (m ? (s.width = Math.ceil(h + p), s.height = Math.ceil(c + v)) : (this._cacheContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), this._cacheContext.clearRect(0, 0, s.width, s.height)), r = o.x / 2, n = o.y / 2, this.cacheTranslationX = Math.round(s.width / 2 - r) + r, this.cacheTranslationY = Math.round(s.height / 2 - n) + n, this.cacheWidth = h, this.cacheHeight = c, this._cacheContext.translate(this.cacheTranslationX, this.cacheTranslationY), this._cacheContext.scale(l, u), this.zoomX = l, this.zoomY = u, !0) }, setOptions: function (t) { this._setOptions(t), this._initGradient(t.fill, "fill"), this._initGradient(t.stroke, "stroke"), this._initPattern(t.fill, "fill"), this._initPattern(t.stroke, "stroke") }, transform: function (t) { var e = this.group && !this.group._transformDone || this.group && this.canvas && t === this.canvas.contextTop, i = this.calcTransformMatrix(!e); t.transform(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]) }, toObject: function (t) { var e = x.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS, i = { type: this.type, version: x.version, originX: this.originX, originY: this.originY, left: r(this.left, e), top: r(this.top, e), width: r(this.width, e), height: r(this.height, e), fill: this.fill && this.fill.toObject ? this.fill.toObject() : this.fill, stroke: this.stroke && this.stroke.toObject ? this.stroke.toObject() : this.stroke, strokeWidth: r(this.strokeWidth, e), strokeDashArray: this.strokeDashArray ? this.strokeDashArray.concat() : this.strokeDashArray, strokeLineCap: this.strokeLineCap, strokeDashOffset: this.strokeDashOffset, strokeLineJoin: this.strokeLineJoin, strokeUniform: this.strokeUniform, strokeMiterLimit: r(this.strokeMiterLimit, e), scaleX: r(this.scaleX, e), scaleY: r(this.scaleY, e), angle: r(this.angle, e), flipX: this.flipX, flipY: this.flipY, opacity: r(this.opacity, e), shadow: this.shadow && this.shadow.toObject ? this.shadow.toObject() : this.shadow, visible: this.visible, backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor, fillRule: this.fillRule, paintFirst: this.paintFirst, globalCompositeOperation: this.globalCompositeOperation, skewX: r(this.skewX, e), skewY: r(this.skewY, e) }; return this.clipPath && (i.clipPath = this.clipPath.toObject(t), i.clipPath.inverted = this.clipPath.inverted, i.clipPath.absolutePositioned = this.clipPath.absolutePositioned), x.util.populateWithProperties(this, i, t), this.includeDefaultValues || (i = this._removeDefaultValues(i)), i }, toDatalessObject: function (t) { return this.toObject(t) }, _removeDefaultValues: function (e) { var i = x.util.getKlass(e.type).prototype; return i.stateProperties.forEach(function (t) { "left" !== t && "top" !== t && (e[t] === i[t] && delete e[t], "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e[t]) && "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(i[t]) && 0 === e[t].length && 0 === i[t].length && delete e[t]) }), e }, toString: function () { return "#<fabric." + i(this.type) + ">" }, getObjectScaling: function () { var t = x.util.qrDecompose(this.calcTransformMatrix()); return { scaleX: Math.abs(t.scaleX), scaleY: Math.abs(t.scaleY) } }, getTotalObjectScaling: function () { var t = this.getObjectScaling(), e = t.scaleX, i = t.scaleY; if (this.canvas) { var r = this.canvas.getZoom(), n = this.canvas.getRetinaScaling(); e *= r * n, i *= r * n } return { scaleX: e, scaleY: i } }, getObjectOpacity: function () { var t = this.opacity; return this.group && (t *= this.group.getObjectOpacity()), t }, _set: function (t, e) { var i = "scaleX" === t || "scaleY" === t, r = this[t] !== e, n = !1; return i && (e = this._constrainScale(e)), "scaleX" === t && e < 0 ? (this.flipX = !this.flipX, e *= -1) : "scaleY" === t && e < 0 ? (this.flipY = !this.flipY, e *= -1) : "shadow" !== t || !e || e instanceof x.Shadow ? "dirty" === t && this.group && this.group.set("dirty", e) : e = new x.Shadow(e), this[t] = e, r && (n = this.group && this.group.isOnACache(), -1 < this.cacheProperties.indexOf(t) ? (this.dirty = !0, n && this.group.set("dirty", !0)) : n && -1 < this.stateProperties.indexOf(t) && this.group.set("dirty", !0)), this }, setOnGroup: function () { }, getViewportTransform: function () { return this.canvas && this.canvas.viewportTransform ? this.canvas.viewportTransform : x.iMatrix.concat() }, isNotVisible: function () { return 0 === this.opacity || !this.width && !this.height && 0 === this.strokeWidth || !this.visible }, render: function (t) { this.isNotVisible() || this.canvas && this.canvas.skipOffscreen && !this.group && !this.isOnScreen() || (t.save(), this._setupCompositeOperation(t), this.drawSelectionBackground(t), this.transform(t), this._setOpacity(t), this._setShadow(t, this), this.shouldCache() ? (this.renderCache(), this.drawCacheOnCanvas(t)) : (this._removeCacheCanvas(), this.dirty = !1, this.drawObject(t), this.objectCaching && this.statefullCache && this.saveState({ propertySet: "cacheProperties" })), t.restore()) }, renderCache: function (t) { t = t || {}, this._cacheCanvas || this._createCacheCanvas(), this.isCacheDirty() && (this.statefullCache && this.saveState({ propertySet: "cacheProperties" }), this.drawObject(this._cacheContext, t.forClipping), this.dirty = !1) }, _removeCacheCanvas: function () { this._cacheCanvas = null, this.cacheWidth = 0, this.cacheHeight = 0 }, hasStroke: function () { return this.stroke && "transparent" !== this.stroke && 0 !== this.strokeWidth }, hasFill: function () { return this.fill && "transparent" !== this.fill }, needsItsOwnCache: function () { return !("stroke" !== this.paintFirst || !this.hasFill() || !this.hasStroke() || "object" != typeof this.shadow) || !!this.clipPath }, shouldCache: function () { return this.ownCaching = this.needsItsOwnCache() || this.objectCaching && (!this.group || !this.group.isOnACache()), this.ownCaching }, willDrawShadow: function () { return !!this.shadow && (0 !== this.shadow.offsetX || 0 !== this.shadow.offsetY) }, drawClipPathOnCache: function (t) { var e = this.clipPath; if (t.save(), e.inverted ? t.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out" : t.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in", e.absolutePositioned) { var i = x.util.invertTransform(this.calcTransformMatrix()); t.transform(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]) } e.transform(t), t.scale(1 / e.zoomX, 1 / e.zoomY), t.drawImage(e._cacheCanvas, -e.cacheTranslationX, -e.cacheTranslationY), t.restore() }, drawObject: function (t, e) { var i = this.fill, r = this.stroke; e ? (this.fill = "black", this.stroke = "", this._setClippingProperties(t)) : this._renderBackground(t), this._render(t), this._drawClipPath(t), this.fill = i, this.stroke = r }, _drawClipPath: function (t) { var e = this.clipPath; e && (e.canvas = this.canvas, e.shouldCache(), e._transformDone = !0, e.renderCache({ forClipping: !0 }), this.drawClipPathOnCache(t)) }, drawCacheOnCanvas: function (t) { t.scale(1 / this.zoomX, 1 / this.zoomY), t.drawImage(this._cacheCanvas, -this.cacheTranslationX, -this.cacheTranslationY) }, isCacheDirty: function (t) { if (this.isNotVisible()) return !1; if (this._cacheCanvas && !t && this._updateCacheCanvas()) return !0; if (this.dirty || this.clipPath && this.clipPath.absolutePositioned || this.statefullCache && this.hasStateChanged("cacheProperties")) { if (this._cacheCanvas && !t) { var e = this.cacheWidth / this.zoomX, i = this.cacheHeight / this.zoomY; this._cacheContext.clearRect(-e / 2, -i / 2, e, i) } return !0 } return !1 }, _renderBackground: function (t) { if (this.backgroundColor) { var e = this._getNonTransformedDimensions(); t.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor, t.fillRect(-e.x / 2, -e.y / 2, e.x, e.y), this._removeShadow(t) } }, _setOpacity: function (t) { this.group && !this.group._transformDone ? t.globalAlpha = this.getObjectOpacity() : t.globalAlpha *= this.opacity }, _setStrokeStyles: function (t, e) { var i = e.stroke; i && (t.lineWidth = e.strokeWidth, t.lineCap = e.strokeLineCap, t.lineDashOffset = e.strokeDashOffset, t.lineJoin = e.strokeLineJoin, t.miterLimit = e.strokeMiterLimit, i.toLive ? "percentage" === i.gradientUnits || i.gradientTrasnform || i.patternTransform ? this._applyPatternForTransformedGradient(t, i) : (t.strokeStyle = i.toLive(t, this), this._applyPatternGradientTransform(t, i)) : t.strokeStyle = e.stroke) }, _setFillStyles: function (t, e) { var i = e.fill; i && (i.toLive ? (t.fillStyle = i.toLive(t, this), this._applyPatternGradientTransform(t, e.fill)) : t.fillStyle = i) }, _setClippingProperties: function (t) { t.globalAlpha = 1, t.strokeStyle = "transparent", t.fillStyle = "#000000" }, _setLineDash: function (t, e, i) { e && 0 !== e.length && (1 & e.length && e.push.apply(e, e), n ? t.setLineDash(e) : i && i(t)) }, _renderControls: function (t, e) { var i, r, n, s = this.getViewportTransform(), o = this.calcTransformMatrix(); r = void 0 !== (e = e || {}).hasBorders ? e.hasBorders : this.hasBorders, n = void 0 !== e.hasControls ? e.hasControls : this.hasControls, o = x.util.multiplyTransformMatrices(s, o), i = x.util.qrDecompose(o), t.save(), t.translate(i.translateX, i.translateY), t.lineWidth = 1 * this.borderScaleFactor, this.group || (t.globalAlpha = this.isMoving ? this.borderOpacityWhenMoving : 1), e.forActiveSelection ? (t.rotate(a(i.angle)), r && this.drawBordersInGroup(t, i, e)) : (t.rotate(a(this.angle)), r && this.drawBorders(t, e)), n && this.drawControls(t, e), t.restore() }, _setShadow: function (t) { if (this.shadow) { var e, i = this.shadow, r = this.canvas, n = r && r.viewportTransform[0] || 1, s = r && r.viewportTransform[3] || 1; e = i.nonScaling ? { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 } : this.getObjectScaling(), r && r._isRetinaScaling() && (n *= x.devicePixelRatio, s *= x.devicePixelRatio), t.shadowColor = i.color, t.shadowBlur = i.blur * x.browserShadowBlurConstant * (n + s) * (e.scaleX + e.scaleY) / 4, t.shadowOffsetX = i.offsetX * n * e.scaleX, t.shadowOffsetY = i.offsetY * s * e.scaleY } }, _removeShadow: function (t) { this.shadow && (t.shadowColor = "", t.shadowBlur = t.shadowOffsetX = t.shadowOffsetY = 0) }, _applyPatternGradientTransform: function (t, e) { if (!e || !e.toLive) return { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }; var i = e.gradientTransform || e.patternTransform, r = -this.width / 2 + e.offsetX || 0, n = -this.height / 2 + e.offsetY || 0; return "percentage" === e.gradientUnits ? t.transform(this.width, 0, 0, this.height, r, n) : t.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, r, n), i && t.transform(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]), { offsetX: r, offsetY: n } }, _renderPaintInOrder: function (t) { "stroke" === this.paintFirst ? (this._renderStroke(t), this._renderFill(t)) : (this._renderFill(t), this._renderStroke(t)) }, _render: function () { }, _renderFill: function (t) { this.fill && (t.save(), this._setFillStyles(t, this), "evenodd" === this.fillRule ? t.fill("evenodd") : t.fill(), t.restore()) }, _renderStroke: function (t) { if (this.stroke && 0 !== this.strokeWidth) { if (this.shadow && !this.shadow.affectStroke && this._removeShadow(t), t.save(), this.strokeUniform && this.group) { var e = this.getObjectScaling(); t.scale(1 / e.scaleX, 1 / e.scaleY) } else this.strokeUniform && t.scale(1 / this.scaleX, 1 / this.scaleY); this._setLineDash(t, this.strokeDashArray, this._renderDashedStroke), this._setStrokeStyles(t, this), t.stroke(), t.restore() } }, _applyPatternForTransformedGradient: function (t, e) { var i, r = this._limitCacheSize(this._getCacheCanvasDimensions()), n = x.util.createCanvasElement(), s = this.canvas.getRetinaScaling(), o = r.x / this.scaleX / s, a = r.y / this.scaleY / s; n.width = o, n.height = a, (i = n.getContext("2d")).beginPath(), i.moveTo(0, 0), i.lineTo(o, 0), i.lineTo(o, a), i.lineTo(0, a), i.closePath(), i.translate(o / 2, a / 2), i.scale(r.zoomX / this.scaleX / s, r.zoomY / this.scaleY / s), this._applyPatternGradientTransform(i, e), i.fillStyle = e.toLive(t), i.fill(), t.translate(-this.width / 2 - this.strokeWidth / 2, -this.height / 2 - this.strokeWidth / 2), t.scale(s * this.scaleX / r.zoomX, s * this.scaleY / r.zoomY), t.strokeStyle = i.createPattern(n, "no-repeat") }, _findCenterFromElement: function () { return { x: this.left + this.width / 2, y: this.top + this.height / 2 } }, _assignTransformMatrixProps: function () { if (this.transformMatrix) { var t = x.util.qrDecompose(this.transformMatrix); this.flipX = !1, this.flipY = !1, this.set("scaleX", t.scaleX), this.set("scaleY", t.scaleY), this.angle = t.angle, this.skewX = t.skewX, this.skewY = 0 } }, _removeTransformMatrix: function (t) { var e = this._findCenterFromElement(); this.transformMatrix && (this._assignTransformMatrixProps(), e = x.util.transformPoint(e, this.transformMatrix)), this.transformMatrix = null, t && (this.scaleX *= t.scaleX, this.scaleY *= t.scaleY, this.cropX = t.cropX, this.cropY = t.cropY, e.x += t.offsetLeft, e.y += t.offsetTop, this.width = t.width, this.height = t.height), this.setPositionByOrigin(e, "center", "center") }, clone: function (t, e) { var i = this.toObject(e); this.constructor.fromObject ? this.constructor.fromObject(i, t) : x.Object._fromObject("Object", i, t) }, cloneAsImage: function (t, e) { var i = this.toCanvasElement(e); return t && t(new x.Image(i)), this }, toCanvasElement: function (t) { t || (t = {}); var e = x.util, i = e.saveObjectTransform(this), r = this.group, n = this.shadow, s = Math.abs, o = (t.multiplier || 1) * (t.enableRetinaScaling ? x.devicePixelRatio : 1); delete this.group, t.withoutTransform && e.resetObjectTransform(this), t.withoutShadow && (this.shadow = null); var a, h, c, l, u = x.util.createCanvasElement(), f = this.getBoundingRect(!0, !0), d = this.shadow, g = { x: 0, y: 0 }; d && (h = d.blur, a = d.nonScaling ? { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 } : this.getObjectScaling(), g.x = 2 * Math.round(s(d.offsetX) + h) * s(a.scaleX), g.y = 2 * Math.round(s(d.offsetY) + h) * s(a.scaleY)), c = f.width + g.x, l = f.height + g.y, u.width = Math.ceil(c), u.height = Math.ceil(l); var p = new x.StaticCanvas(u, { enableRetinaScaling: !1, renderOnAddRemove: !1, skipOffscreen: !1 }); "jpeg" === t.format && (p.backgroundColor = "#fff"), this.setPositionByOrigin(new x.Point(p.width / 2, p.height / 2), "center", "center"); var v = this.canvas; p.add(this); var m = p.toCanvasElement(o || 1, t); return this.shadow = n, this.set("canvas", v), r && (this.group = r), this.set(i).setCoords(), p._objects = [], p.dispose(), p = null, m }, toDataURL: function (t) { return t || (t = {}), x.util.toDataURL(this.toCanvasElement(t), t.format || "png", t.quality || 1) }, isType: function (t) { return this.type === t }, complexity: function () { return 1 }, toJSON: function (t) { return this.toObject(t) }, rotate: function (t) { var e = ("center" !== this.originX || "center" !== this.originY) && this.centeredRotation; return e && this._setOriginToCenter(), this.set("angle", t), e && this._resetOrigin(), this }, centerH: function () { return this.canvas && this.canvas.centerObjectH(this), this }, viewportCenterH: function () { return this.canvas && this.canvas.viewportCenterObjectH(this), this }, centerV: function () { return this.canvas && this.canvas.centerObjectV(this), this }, viewportCenterV: function () { return this.canvas && this.canvas.viewportCenterObjectV(this), this }, center: function () { return this.canvas && this.canvas.centerObject(this), this }, viewportCenter: function () { return this.canvas && this.canvas.viewportCenterObject(this), this }, getLocalPointer: function (t, e) { e = e || this.canvas.getPointer(t); var i = new x.Point(e.x, e.y), r = this._getLeftTopCoords(); return this.angle && (i = x.util.rotatePoint(i, r, a(-this.angle))), { x: i.x - r.x, y: i.y - r.y } }, _setupCompositeOperation: function (t) { this.globalCompositeOperation && (t.globalCompositeOperation = this.globalCompositeOperation) } }), x.util.createAccessors && x.util.createAccessors(x.Object), e(x.Object.prototype, x.Observable), x.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS = 2, x.Object._fromObject = function (t, i, r, n) { var s = x[t]; i = o(i, !0), x.util.enlivenPatterns([i.fill, i.stroke], function (t) { void 0 !== t[0] && (i.fill = t[0]), void 0 !== t[1] && (i.stroke = t[1]), x.util.enlivenObjects([i.clipPath], function (t) { i.clipPath = t[0]; var e = n ? new s(i[n], i) : new s(i); r && r(e) }) }) }, x.Object.__uid = 0) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function () { var a = fabric.util.degreesToRadians, l = { left: -.5, center: 0, right: .5 }, u = { top: -.5, center: 0, bottom: .5 }; fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { translateToGivenOrigin: function (t, e, i, r, n) { var s, o, a, h = t.x, c = t.y; return "string" == typeof e ? e = l[e] : e -= .5, "string" == typeof r ? r = l[r] : r -= .5, "string" == typeof i ? i = u[i] : i -= .5, "string" == typeof n ? n = u[n] : n -= .5, o = n - i, ((s = r - e) || o) && (a = this._getTransformedDimensions(), h = t.x + s * a.x, c = t.y + o * a.y), new fabric.Point(h, c) }, translateToCenterPoint: function (t, e, i) { var r = this.translateToGivenOrigin(t, e, i, "center", "center"); return this.angle ? fabric.util.rotatePoint(r, t, a(this.angle)) : r }, translateToOriginPoint: function (t, e, i) { var r = this.translateToGivenOrigin(t, "center", "center", e, i); return this.angle ? fabric.util.rotatePoint(r, t, a(this.angle)) : r }, getCenterPoint: function () { var t = new fabric.Point(this.left, this.top); return this.translateToCenterPoint(t, this.originX, this.originY) }, getPointByOrigin: function (t, e) { var i = this.getCenterPoint(); return this.translateToOriginPoint(i, t, e) }, toLocalPoint: function (t, e, i) { var r, n, s = this.getCenterPoint(); return r = void 0 !== e && void 0 !== i ? this.translateToGivenOrigin(s, "center", "center", e, i) : new fabric.Point(this.left, this.top), n = new fabric.Point(t.x, t.y), this.angle && (n = fabric.util.rotatePoint(n, s, -a(this.angle))), n.subtractEquals(r) }, setPositionByOrigin: function (t, e, i) { var r = this.translateToCenterPoint(t, e, i), n = this.translateToOriginPoint(r, this.originX, this.originY); this.set("left", n.x), this.set("top", n.y) }, adjustPosition: function (t) { var e, i, r = a(this.angle), n = this.getScaledWidth(), s = fabric.util.cos(r) * n, o = fabric.util.sin(r) * n; e = "string" == typeof this.originX ? l[this.originX] : this.originX - .5, i = "string" == typeof t ? l[t] : t - .5, this.left += s * (i - e), this.top += o * (i - e), this.setCoords(), this.originX = t }, _setOriginToCenter: function () { this._originalOriginX = this.originX, this._originalOriginY = this.originY; var t = this.getCenterPoint(); this.originX = "center", this.originY = "center", this.left = t.x, this.top = t.y }, _resetOrigin: function () { var t = this.translateToOriginPoint(this.getCenterPoint(), this._originalOriginX, this._originalOriginY); this.originX = this._originalOriginX, this.originY = this._originalOriginY, this.left = t.x, this.top = t.y, this._originalOriginX = null, this._originalOriginY = null }, _getLeftTopCoords: function () { return this.translateToOriginPoint(this.getCenterPoint(), "left", "top") } }) }(), function () { var c = fabric.util, l = c.degreesToRadians, a = c.multiplyTransformMatrices, u = c.transformPoint; c.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { oCoords: null, aCoords: null, lineCoords: null, ownMatrixCache: null, matrixCache: null, controls: {}, _getCoords: function (t, e) { return e ? t ? this.calcACoords() : this.calcLineCoords() : (this.aCoords && this.lineCoords || this.setCoords(!0), t ? this.aCoords : this.lineCoords) }, getCoords: function (t, e) { return i = this._getCoords(t, e), [new fabric.Point(i.tl.x, i.tl.y), new fabric.Point(i.tr.x, i.tr.y), new fabric.Point(i.br.x, i.br.y), new fabric.Point(i.bl.x, i.bl.y)]; var i }, intersectsWithRect: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = this.getCoords(i, r); return "Intersection" === fabric.Intersection.intersectPolygonRectangle(n, t, e).status }, intersectsWithObject: function (t, e, i) { return "Intersection" === fabric.Intersection.intersectPolygonPolygon(this.getCoords(e, i), t.getCoords(e, i)).status || t.isContainedWithinObject(this, e, i) || this.isContainedWithinObject(t, e, i) }, isContainedWithinObject: function (t, e, i) { for (var r = this.getCoords(e, i), n = e ? t.aCoords : t.lineCoords, s = 0, o = t._getImageLines(n); s < 4; s++)if (!t.containsPoint(r[s], o)) return !1; return !0 }, isContainedWithinRect: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = this.getBoundingRect(i, r); return n.left >= t.x && n.left + n.width <= e.x && n.top >= t.y && n.top + n.height <= e.y }, containsPoint: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = this._getCoords(i, r), s = (e = e || this._getImageLines(n), this._findCrossPoints(t, e)); return 0 !== s && s % 2 == 1 }, isOnScreen: function (t) { if (!this.canvas) return !1; var e = this.canvas.vptCoords.tl, i = this.canvas.vptCoords.br; return !!this.getCoords(!0, t).some(function (t) { return t.x <= i.x && t.x >= e.x && t.y <= i.y && t.y >= e.y }) || (!!this.intersectsWithRect(e, i, !0, t) || this._containsCenterOfCanvas(e, i, t)) }, _containsCenterOfCanvas: function (t, e, i) { var r = { x: (t.x + e.x) / 2, y: (t.y + e.y) / 2 }; return !!this.containsPoint(r, null, !0, i) }, isPartiallyOnScreen: function (t) { if (!this.canvas) return !1; var e = this.canvas.vptCoords.tl, i = this.canvas.vptCoords.br; return !!this.intersectsWithRect(e, i, !0, t) || this.getCoords(!0, t).every(function (t) { return (t.x >= i.x || t.x <= e.x) && (t.y >= i.y || t.y <= e.y) }) && this._containsCenterOfCanvas(e, i, t) }, _getImageLines: function (t) { return { topline: { o: t.tl, d: t.tr }, rightline: { o: t.tr, d: t.br }, bottomline: { o: t.br, d: t.bl }, leftline: { o: t.bl, d: t.tl } } }, _findCrossPoints: function (t, e) { var i, r, n, s = 0; for (var o in e) if (!((n = e[o]).o.y < t.y && n.d.y < t.y || n.o.y >= t.y && n.d.y >= t.y || (n.o.x === n.d.x && n.o.x >= t.x ? r = n.o.x : (0, i = (n.d.y - n.o.y) / (n.d.x - n.o.x), r = -(t.y - 0 * t.x - (n.o.y - i * n.o.x)) / (0 - i)), r >= t.x && (s += 1), 2 !== s))) break; return s }, getBoundingRect: function (t, e) { var i = this.getCoords(t, e); return c.makeBoundingBoxFromPoints(i) }, getScaledWidth: function () { return this._getTransformedDimensions().x }, getScaledHeight: function () { return this._getTransformedDimensions().y }, _constrainScale: function (t) { return Math.abs(t) < this.minScaleLimit ? t < 0 ? -this.minScaleLimit : this.minScaleLimit : 0 === t ? 1e-4 : t }, scale: function (t) { return this._set("scaleX", t), this._set("scaleY", t), this.setCoords() }, scaleToWidth: function (t, e) { var i = this.getBoundingRect(e).width / this.getScaledWidth(); return this.scale(t / this.width / i) }, scaleToHeight: function (t, e) { var i = this.getBoundingRect(e).height / this.getScaledHeight(); return this.scale(t / this.height / i) }, calcCoords: function (t) { return t ? this.calcACoords() : this.calcOCoords() }, calcLineCoords: function () { var t = this.getViewportTransform(), e = this.padding, i = l(this.angle), r = c.cos(i) * e, n = c.sin(i) * e, s = r + n, o = r - n, a = this.calcACoords(), h = { tl: u(a.tl, t), tr: u(a.tr, t), bl: u(a.bl, t), br: u(a.br, t) }; return e && (h.tl.x -= o, h.tl.y -= s, h.tr.x += s, h.tr.y -= o, h.bl.x -= s, h.bl.y += o, h.br.x += o, h.br.y += s), h }, calcOCoords: function () { var t = this._calcRotateMatrix(), e = this._calcTranslateMatrix(), i = this.getViewportTransform(), r = a(i, e), n = a(r, t), s = (n = a(n, [1 / i[0], 0, 0, 1 / i[3], 0, 0]), this._calculateCurrentDimensions()), o = {}; return this.forEachControl(function (t, e, i) { o[e] = t.positionHandler(s, n, i) }), o }, calcACoords: function () { var t = this._calcRotateMatrix(), e = this._calcTranslateMatrix(), i = a(e, t), r = this._getTransformedDimensions(), n = r.x / 2, s = r.y / 2; return { tl: u({ x: -n, y: -s }, i), tr: u({ x: n, y: -s }, i), bl: u({ x: -n, y: s }, i), br: u({ x: n, y: s }, i) } }, setCoords: function (t) { return this.aCoords = this.calcACoords(), this.lineCoords = this.group ? this.aCoords : this.calcLineCoords(), t || (this.oCoords = this.calcOCoords(), this._setCornerCoords && this._setCornerCoords()), this }, _calcRotateMatrix: function () { return c.calcRotateMatrix(this) }, _calcTranslateMatrix: function () { var t = this.getCenterPoint(); return [1, 0, 0, 1, t.x, t.y] }, transformMatrixKey: function (t) { var e = "_", i = ""; return !t && this.group && (i = this.group.transformMatrixKey(t) + e), i + this.top + e + this.left + e + this.scaleX + e + this.scaleY + e + this.skewX + e + this.skewY + e + this.angle + e + this.originX + e + this.originY + e + this.width + e + this.height + e + this.strokeWidth + this.flipX + this.flipY }, calcTransformMatrix: function (t) { var e = this.calcOwnMatrix(); if (t || !this.group) return e; var i = this.transformMatrixKey(t), r = this.matrixCache || (this.matrixCache = {}); return r.key === i ? r.value : (this.group && (e = a(this.group.calcTransformMatrix(!1), e)), r.key = i, r.value = e) }, calcOwnMatrix: function () { var t = this.transformMatrixKey(!0), e = this.ownMatrixCache || (this.ownMatrixCache = {}); if (e.key === t) return e.value; var i = this._calcTranslateMatrix(), r = { angle: this.angle, translateX: i[4], translateY: i[5], scaleX: this.scaleX, scaleY: this.scaleY, skewX: this.skewX, skewY: this.skewY, flipX: this.flipX, flipY: this.flipY }; return e.key = t, e.value = c.composeMatrix(r), e.value }, _calcDimensionsTransformMatrix: function (t, e, i) { return c.calcDimensionsMatrix({ skewX: t, skewY: e, scaleX: this.scaleX * (i && this.flipX ? -1 : 1), scaleY: this.scaleY * (i && this.flipY ? -1 : 1) }) }, _getNonTransformedDimensions: function () { var t = this.strokeWidth; return { x: this.width + t, y: this.height + t } }, _getTransformedDimensions: function (t, e) { void 0 === t && (t = this.skewX), void 0 === e && (e = this.skewY); var i, r, n = this._getNonTransformedDimensions(), s = 0 === t && 0 === e; if (this.strokeUniform ? (i = this.width, r = this.height) : (i = n.x, r = n.y), s) return this._finalizeDimensions(i * this.scaleX, r * this.scaleY); var o = c.sizeAfterTransform(i, r, { scaleX: this.scaleX, scaleY: this.scaleY, skewX: t, skewY: e }); return this._finalizeDimensions(o.x, o.y) }, _finalizeDimensions: function (t, e) { return this.strokeUniform ? { x: t + this.strokeWidth, y: e + this.strokeWidth } : { x: t, y: e } }, _calculateCurrentDimensions: function () { var t = this.getViewportTransform(), e = this._getTransformedDimensions(); return u(e, t, !0).scalarAdd(2 * this.padding) } }) }(), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { sendToBack: function () { return this.group ? fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.sendToBack.call(this.group, this) : this.canvas && this.canvas.sendToBack(this), this }, bringToFront: function () { return this.group ? fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.bringToFront.call(this.group, this) : this.canvas && this.canvas.bringToFront(this), this }, sendBackwards: function (t) { return this.group ? fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.sendBackwards.call(this.group, this, t) : this.canvas && this.canvas.sendBackwards(this, t), this }, bringForward: function (t) { return this.group ? fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.bringForward.call(this.group, this, t) : this.canvas && this.canvas.bringForward(this, t), this }, moveTo: function (t) { return this.group && "activeSelection" !== this.group.type ? fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype.moveTo.call(this.group, this, t) : this.canvas && this.canvas.moveTo(this, t), this } }), function () { function f(t, e) { if (e) { if (e.toLive) return t + ": url(#SVGID_" + e.id + "); "; var i = new fabric.Color(e), r = t + ": " + i.toRgb() + "; ", n = i.getAlpha(); return 1 !== n && (r += t + "-opacity: " + n.toString() + "; "), r } return t + ": none; " } var i = fabric.util.toFixed; fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { getSvgStyles: function (t) { var e = this.fillRule ? this.fillRule : "nonzero", i = this.strokeWidth ? this.strokeWidth : "0", r = this.strokeDashArray ? this.strokeDashArray.join(" ") : "none", n = this.strokeDashOffset ? this.strokeDashOffset : "0", s = this.strokeLineCap ? this.strokeLineCap : "butt", o = this.strokeLineJoin ? this.strokeLineJoin : "miter", a = this.strokeMiterLimit ? this.strokeMiterLimit : "4", h = void 0 !== this.opacity ? this.opacity : "1", c = this.visible ? "" : " visibility: hidden;", l = t ? "" : this.getSvgFilter(), u = f("fill", this.fill); return [f("stroke", this.stroke), "stroke-width: ", i, "; ", "stroke-dasharray: ", r, "; ", "stroke-linecap: ", s, "; ", "stroke-dashoffset: ", n, "; ", "stroke-linejoin: ", o, "; ", "stroke-miterlimit: ", a, "; ", u, "fill-rule: ", e, "; ", "opacity: ", h, ";", l, c].join("") }, getSvgSpanStyles: function (t, e) { var i = "; ", r = t.fontFamily ? "font-family: " + (-1 === t.fontFamily.indexOf("'") && -1 === t.fontFamily.indexOf('"') ? "'" + t.fontFamily + "'" : t.fontFamily) + i : "", n = t.strokeWidth ? "stroke-width: " + t.strokeWidth + i : "", s = (r = r, t.fontSize ? "font-size: " + t.fontSize + "px" + i : ""), o = t.fontStyle ? "font-style: " + t.fontStyle + i : "", a = t.fontWeight ? "font-weight: " + t.fontWeight + i : "", h = t.fill ? f("fill", t.fill) : "", c = t.stroke ? f("stroke", t.stroke) : "", l = this.getSvgTextDecoration(t); return l && (l = "text-decoration: " + l + i), [c, n, r, s, o, a, l, h, t.deltaY ? "baseline-shift: " + -t.deltaY + "; " : "", e ? "white-space: pre; " : ""].join("") }, getSvgTextDecoration: function (e) { return ["overline", "underline", "line-through"].filter(function (t) { return e[t.replace("-", "")] }).join(" ") }, getSvgFilter: function () { return this.shadow ? "filter: url(#SVGID_" + this.shadow.id + ");" : "" }, getSvgCommons: function () { return [this.id ? 'id="' + this.id + '" ' : "", this.clipPath ? 'clip-path="url(#' + this.clipPath.clipPathId + ')" ' : ""].join("") }, getSvgTransform: function (t, e) { var i = t ? this.calcTransformMatrix() : this.calcOwnMatrix(); return 'transform="' + fabric.util.matrixToSVG(i) + (e || "") + '" ' }, _setSVGBg: function (t) { if (this.backgroundColor) { var e = fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS; t.push("\t\t<rect ", this._getFillAttributes(this.backgroundColor), ' x="', i(-this.width / 2, e), '" y="', i(-this.height / 2, e), '" width="', i(this.width, e), '" height="', i(this.height, e), '"></rect>\n') } }, toSVG: function (t) { return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(this._toSVG(t), { reviver: t }) }, toClipPathSVG: function (t) { return "\t" + this._createBaseClipPathSVGMarkup(this._toSVG(t), { reviver: t }) }, _createBaseClipPathSVGMarkup: function (t, e) { var i = (e = e || {}).reviver, r = e.additionalTransform || "", n = [this.getSvgTransform(!0, r), this.getSvgCommons()].join(""), s = t.indexOf("COMMON_PARTS"); return t[s] = n, i ? i(t.join("")) : t.join("") }, _createBaseSVGMarkup: function (t, e) { var i, r, n = (e = e || {}).noStyle, s = e.reviver, o = n ? "" : 'style="' + this.getSvgStyles() + '" ', a = e.withShadow ? 'style="' + this.getSvgFilter() + '" ' : "", h = this.clipPath, c = this.strokeUniform ? 'vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" ' : "", l = h && h.absolutePositioned, u = this.stroke, f = this.fill, d = this.shadow, g = [], p = t.indexOf("COMMON_PARTS"), v = e.additionalTransform; return h && (h.clipPathId = "CLIPPATH_" + fabric.Object.__uid++, r = '<clipPath id="' + h.clipPathId + '" >\n' + h.toClipPathSVG(s) + "</clipPath>\n"), l && g.push("<g ", a, this.getSvgCommons(), " >\n"), g.push("<g ", this.getSvgTransform(!1), l ? "" : a + this.getSvgCommons(), " >\n"), i = [o, c, n ? "" : this.addPaintOrder(), " ", v ? 'transform="' + v + '" ' : ""].join(""), t[p] = i, f && f.toLive && g.push(f.toSVG(this)), u && u.toLive && g.push(u.toSVG(this)), d && g.push(d.toSVG(this)), h && g.push(r), g.push(t.join("")), g.push("</g>\n"), l && g.push("</g>\n"), s ? s(g.join("")) : g.join("") }, addPaintOrder: function () { return "fill" !== this.paintFirst ? ' paint-order="' + this.paintFirst + '" ' : "" } }) }(), function () { var n = fabric.util.object.extend, r = "stateProperties"; function s(e, t, i) { var r = {}; i.forEach(function (t) { r[t] = e[t] }), n(e[t], r, !0) } fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { hasStateChanged: function (t) { var e = "_" + (t = t || r); return Object.keys(this[e]).length < this[t].length || !function t(e, i, r) { if (e === i) return !0; if (Array.isArray(e)) { if (!Array.isArray(i) || e.length !== i.length) return !1; for (var n = 0, s = e.length; n < s; n++)if (!t(e[n], i[n])) return !1; return !0 } if (e && "object" == typeof e) { var o, a = Object.keys(e); if (!i || "object" != typeof i || !r && a.length !== Object.keys(i).length) return !1; for (n = 0, s = a.length; n < s; n++)if ("canvas" !== (o = a[n]) && "group" !== o && !t(e[o], i[o])) return !1; return !0 } }(this[e], this, !0) }, saveState: function (t) { var e = t && t.propertySet || r, i = "_" + e; return this[i] ? (s(this, i, this[e]), t && t.stateProperties && s(this, i, t.stateProperties), this) : this.setupState(t) }, setupState: function (t) { var e = (t = t || {}).propertySet || r; return this["_" + (t.propertySet = e)] = {}, this.saveState(t), this } }) }(), function () { var n = fabric.util.degreesToRadians; fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { _findTargetCorner: function (t, e) { if (!this.hasControls || this.group || !this.canvas || this.canvas._activeObject !== this) return !1; var i, r, n, s = t.x, o = t.y, a = Object.keys(this.oCoords), h = a.length - 1; for (this.__corner = 0; 0 <= h; h--)if (n = a[h], this.isControlVisible(n) && (r = this._getImageLines(e ? this.oCoords[n].touchCorner : this.oCoords[n].corner), 0 !== (i = this._findCrossPoints({ x: s, y: o }, r)) && i % 2 == 1)) return this.__corner = n; return !1 }, forEachControl: function (t) { for (var e in this.controls) t(this.controls[e], e, this) }, _setCornerCoords: function () { var t = this.oCoords; for (var e in t) { var i = this.controls[e]; t[e].corner = i.calcCornerCoords(this.angle, this.cornerSize, t[e].x, t[e].y, !1), t[e].touchCorner = i.calcCornerCoords(this.angle, this.touchCornerSize, t[e].x, t[e].y, !0) } }, drawSelectionBackground: function (t) { if (!this.selectionBackgroundColor || this.canvas && !this.canvas.interactive || this.canvas && this.canvas._activeObject !== this) return this; t.save(); var e = this.getCenterPoint(), i = this._calculateCurrentDimensions(), r = this.canvas.viewportTransform; return t.translate(e.x, e.y), t.scale(1 / r[0], 1 / r[3]), t.rotate(n(this.angle)), t.fillStyle = this.selectionBackgroundColor, t.fillRect(-i.x / 2, -i.y / 2, i.x, i.y), t.restore(), this }, drawBorders: function (r, t) { t = t || {}; var e = this._calculateCurrentDimensions(), i = this.borderScaleFactor, n = e.x + i, s = e.y + i, o = void 0 !== t.hasControls ? t.hasControls : this.hasControls, a = !1; return r.save(), r.strokeStyle = t.borderColor || this.borderColor, this._setLineDash(r, t.borderDashArray || this.borderDashArray, null), r.strokeRect(-n / 2, -s / 2, n, s), o && (r.beginPath(), this.forEachControl(function (t, e, i) { t.withConnection && t.getVisibility(i, e) && (a = !0, r.moveTo(t.x * n, t.y * s), r.lineTo(t.x * n + t.offsetX, t.y * s + t.offsetY)) }), a && r.stroke()), r.restore(), this }, drawBordersInGroup: function (t, e, i) { i = i || {}; var r = fabric.util.sizeAfterTransform(this.width, this.height, e), n = this.strokeWidth, s = this.strokeUniform, o = this.borderScaleFactor, a = r.x + n * (s ? this.canvas.getZoom() : e.scaleX) + o, h = r.y + n * (s ? this.canvas.getZoom() : e.scaleY) + o; return t.save(), this._setLineDash(t, i.borderDashArray || this.borderDashArray, null), t.strokeStyle = i.borderColor || this.borderColor, t.strokeRect(-a / 2, -h / 2, a, h), t.restore(), this }, drawControls: function (r, n) { return n = n || {}, r.save(), r.setTransform(this.canvas.getRetinaScaling(), 0, 0, this.canvas.getRetinaScaling(), 0, 0), r.strokeStyle = r.fillStyle = n.cornerColor || this.cornerColor, this.transparentCorners || (r.strokeStyle = n.cornerStrokeColor || this.cornerStrokeColor), this._setLineDash(r, n.cornerDashArray || this.cornerDashArray, null), this.setCoords(), this.forEachControl(function (t, e, i) { t.getVisibility(i, e) && t.render(r, i.oCoords[e].x, i.oCoords[e].y, n, i) }), r.restore(), this }, isControlVisible: function (t) { return this.controls[t] && this.controls[t].getVisibility(this, t) }, setControlVisible: function (t, e) { return this._controlsVisibility || (this._controlsVisibility = {}), this._controlsVisibility[t] = e, this }, setControlsVisibility: function (t) { for (var e in t || (t = {}), t) this.setControlVisible(e, t[e]); return this }, onDeselect: function () { }, onSelect: function () { } }) }(), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype, { FX_DURATION: 500, fxCenterObjectH: function (e, t) { var i = function () { }, r = (t = t || {}).onComplete || i, n = t.onChange || i, s = this; return fabric.util.animate({ startValue: e.left, endValue: this.getCenter().left, duration: this.FX_DURATION, onChange: function (t) { e.set("left", t), s.requestRenderAll(), n() }, onComplete: function () { e.setCoords(), r() } }), this }, fxCenterObjectV: function (e, t) { var i = function () { }, r = (t = t || {}).onComplete || i, n = t.onChange || i, s = this; return fabric.util.animate({ startValue: e.top, endValue: this.getCenter().top, duration: this.FX_DURATION, onChange: function (t) { e.set("top", t), s.requestRenderAll(), n() }, onComplete: function () { e.setCoords(), r() } }), this }, fxRemove: function (e, t) { var i = function () { }, r = (t = t || {}).onComplete || i, n = t.onChange || i, s = this; return fabric.util.animate({ startValue: e.opacity, endValue: 0, duration: this.FX_DURATION, onChange: function (t) { e.set("opacity", t), s.requestRenderAll(), n() }, onComplete: function () { s.remove(e), r() } }), this } }), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { animate: function () { if (arguments[0] && "object" == typeof arguments[0]) { var t, e, i = []; for (t in arguments[0]) i.push(t); for (var r = 0, n = i.length; r < n; r++)t = i[r], e = r !== n - 1, this._animate(t, arguments[0][t], arguments[1], e) } else this._animate.apply(this, arguments); return this }, _animate: function (r, t, n, s) { var o, a = this; t = t.toString(), n = n ? fabric.util.object.clone(n) : {}, ~r.indexOf(".") && (o = r.split(".")); var e = -1 < a.colorProperties.indexOf(r) || o && -1 < a.colorProperties.indexOf(o[1]), i = o ? this.get(o[0])[o[1]] : this.get(r); "from" in n || (n.from = i), e || (t = ~t.indexOf("=") ? i + parseFloat(t.replace("=", "")) : parseFloat(t)); var h = { startValue: n.from, endValue: t, byValue: n.by, easing: n.easing, duration: n.duration, abort: n.abort && function () { return n.abort.call(a) }, onChange: function (t, e, i) { o ? a[o[0]][o[1]] = t : a.set(r, t), s || n.onChange && n.onChange(t, e, i) }, onComplete: function (t, e, i) { s || (a.setCoords(), n.onComplete && n.onComplete(t, e, i)) } }; e ? fabric.util.animateColor(h.startValue, h.endValue, h.duration, h) : fabric.util.animate(h) } }), function (t) { "use strict"; var s = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), o = s.util.object.extend, r = s.util.object.clone, i = { x1: 1, x2: 1, y1: 1, y2: 1 }, n = s.StaticCanvas.supports("setLineDash"); function e(t, e) { var i = t.origin, r = t.axis1, n = t.axis2, s = t.dimension, o = e.nearest, a = e.center, h = e.farthest; return function () { switch (this.get(i)) { case o: return Math.min(this.get(r), this.get(n)); case a: return Math.min(this.get(r), this.get(n)) + .5 * this.get(s); case h: return Math.max(this.get(r), this.get(n)) } } } s.Line ? s.warn("fabric.Line is already defined") : (s.Line = s.util.createClass(s.Object, { type: "line", x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, cacheProperties: s.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat("x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"), initialize: function (t, e) { t || (t = [0, 0, 0, 0]), this.callSuper("initialize", e), this.set("x1", t[0]), this.set("y1", t[1]), this.set("x2", t[2]), this.set("y2", t[3]), this._setWidthHeight(e) }, _setWidthHeight: function (t) { t || (t = {}), this.width = Math.abs(this.x2 - this.x1), this.height = Math.abs(this.y2 - this.y1), this.left = "left" in t ? t.left : this._getLeftToOriginX(), this.top = "top" in t ? t.top : this._getTopToOriginY() }, _set: function (t, e) { return this.callSuper("_set", t, e), void 0 !== i[t] && this._setWidthHeight(), this }, _getLeftToOriginX: e({ origin: "originX", axis1: "x1", axis2: "x2", dimension: "width" }, { nearest: "left", center: "center", farthest: "right" }), _getTopToOriginY: e({ origin: "originY", axis1: "y1", axis2: "y2", dimension: "height" }, { nearest: "top", center: "center", farthest: "bottom" }), _render: function (t) { if (t.beginPath(), !this.strokeDashArray || this.strokeDashArray && n) { var e = this.calcLinePoints(); t.moveTo(e.x1, e.y1), t.lineTo(e.x2, e.y2) } t.lineWidth = this.strokeWidth; var i = t.strokeStyle; t.strokeStyle = this.stroke || t.fillStyle, this.stroke && this._renderStroke(t), t.strokeStyle = i }, _renderDashedStroke: function (t) { var e = this.calcLinePoints(); t.beginPath(), s.util.drawDashedLine(t, e.x1, e.y1, e.x2, e.y2, this.strokeDashArray), t.closePath() }, _findCenterFromElement: function () { return { x: (this.x1 + this.x2) / 2, y: (this.y1 + this.y2) / 2 } }, toObject: function (t) { return o(this.callSuper("toObject", t), this.calcLinePoints()) }, _getNonTransformedDimensions: function () { var t = this.callSuper("_getNonTransformedDimensions"); return "butt" === this.strokeLineCap && (0 === this.width && (t.y -= this.strokeWidth), 0 === this.height && (t.x -= this.strokeWidth)), t }, calcLinePoints: function () { var t = this.x1 <= this.x2 ? -1 : 1, e = this.y1 <= this.y2 ? -1 : 1, i = t * this.width * .5, r = e * this.height * .5; return { x1: i, x2: t * this.width * -.5, y1: r, y2: e * this.height * -.5 } }, _toSVG: function () { var t = this.calcLinePoints(); return ["<line ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'x1="', t.x1, '" y1="', t.y1, '" x2="', t.x2, '" y2="', t.y2, '" />\n'] } }), s.Line.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = s.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat("x1 y1 x2 y2".split(" ")), s.Line.fromElement = function (t, e, i) { i = i || {}; var r = s.parseAttributes(t, s.Line.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES), n = [r.x1 || 0, r.y1 || 0, r.x2 || 0, r.y2 || 0]; e(new s.Line(n, o(r, i))) }, s.Line.fromObject = function (t, e) { var i = r(t, !0); i.points = [t.x1, t.y1, t.x2, t.y2], s.Object._fromObject("Line", i, function (t) { delete t.points, e && e(t) }, "points") }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var a = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), h = Math.PI; a.Circle ? a.warn("fabric.Circle is already defined.") : (a.Circle = a.util.createClass(a.Object, { type: "circle", radius: 0, startAngle: 0, endAngle: 2 * h, cacheProperties: a.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat("radius", "startAngle", "endAngle"), _set: function (t, e) { return this.callSuper("_set", t, e), "radius" === t && this.setRadius(e), this }, toObject: function (t) { return this.callSuper("toObject", ["radius", "startAngle", "endAngle"].concat(t)) }, _toSVG: function () { var t, e = (this.endAngle - this.startAngle) % (2 * h); if (0 === e) t = ["<circle ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'cx="0" cy="0" ', 'r="', this.radius, '" />\n']; else { var i = a.util.cos(this.startAngle) * this.radius, r = a.util.sin(this.startAngle) * this.radius, n = a.util.cos(this.endAngle) * this.radius, s = a.util.sin(this.endAngle) * this.radius, o = h < e ? "1" : "0"; t = ['<path d="M ' + i + " " + r, " A " + this.radius + " " + this.radius, " 0 ", +o + " 1", " " + n + " " + s, '" ', "COMMON_PARTS", " />\n"] } return t }, _render: function (t) { t.beginPath(), t.arc(0, 0, this.radius, this.startAngle, this.endAngle, !1), this._renderPaintInOrder(t) }, getRadiusX: function () { return this.get("radius") * this.get("scaleX") }, getRadiusY: function () { return this.get("radius") * this.get("scaleY") }, setRadius: function (t) { return this.radius = t, this.set("width", 2 * t).set("height", 2 * t) } }), a.Circle.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = a.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat("cx cy r".split(" ")), a.Circle.fromElement = function (t, e) { var i, r = a.parseAttributes(t, a.Circle.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES); if (!("radius" in (i = r) && 0 <= i.radius)) throw new Error("value of `r` attribute is required and can not be negative"); r.left = (r.left || 0) - r.radius, r.top = (r.top || 0) - r.radius, e(new a.Circle(r)) }, a.Circle.fromObject = function (t, e) { return a.Object._fromObject("Circle", t, e) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var r = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); r.Triangle ? r.warn("fabric.Triangle is already defined") : (r.Triangle = r.util.createClass(r.Object, { type: "triangle", width: 100, height: 100, _render: function (t) { var e = this.width / 2, i = this.height / 2; t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(-e, i), t.lineTo(0, -i), t.lineTo(e, i), t.closePath(), this._renderPaintInOrder(t) }, _renderDashedStroke: function (t) { var e = this.width / 2, i = this.height / 2; t.beginPath(), r.util.drawDashedLine(t, -e, i, 0, -i, this.strokeDashArray), r.util.drawDashedLine(t, 0, -i, e, i, this.strokeDashArray), r.util.drawDashedLine(t, e, i, -e, i, this.strokeDashArray), t.closePath() }, _toSVG: function () { var t = this.width / 2, e = this.height / 2; return ["<polygon ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'points="', [-t + " " + e, "0 " + -e, t + " " + e].join(","), '" />'] } }), r.Triangle.fromObject = function (t, e) { return r.Object._fromObject("Triangle", t, e) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var r = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), e = 2 * Math.PI; r.Ellipse ? r.warn("fabric.Ellipse is already defined.") : (r.Ellipse = r.util.createClass(r.Object, { type: "ellipse", rx: 0, ry: 0, cacheProperties: r.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat("rx", "ry"), initialize: function (t) { this.callSuper("initialize", t), this.set("rx", t && t.rx || 0), this.set("ry", t && t.ry || 0) }, _set: function (t, e) { switch (this.callSuper("_set", t, e), t) { case "rx": this.rx = e, this.set("width", 2 * e); break; case "ry": this.ry = e, this.set("height", 2 * e) }return this }, getRx: function () { return this.get("rx") * this.get("scaleX") }, getRy: function () { return this.get("ry") * this.get("scaleY") }, toObject: function (t) { return this.callSuper("toObject", ["rx", "ry"].concat(t)) }, _toSVG: function () { return ["<ellipse ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'cx="0" cy="0" ', 'rx="', this.rx, '" ry="', this.ry, '" />\n'] }, _render: function (t) { t.beginPath(), t.save(), t.transform(1, 0, 0, this.ry / this.rx, 0, 0), t.arc(0, 0, this.rx, 0, e, !1), t.restore(), this._renderPaintInOrder(t) } }), r.Ellipse.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = r.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat("cx cy rx ry".split(" ")), r.Ellipse.fromElement = function (t, e) { var i = r.parseAttributes(t, r.Ellipse.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES); i.left = (i.left || 0) - i.rx, i.top = (i.top || 0) - i.ry, e(new r.Ellipse(i)) }, r.Ellipse.fromObject = function (t, e) { return r.Object._fromObject("Ellipse", t, e) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var s = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), o = s.util.object.extend; s.Rect ? s.warn("fabric.Rect is already defined") : (s.Rect = s.util.createClass(s.Object, { stateProperties: s.Object.prototype.stateProperties.concat("rx", "ry"), type: "rect", rx: 0, ry: 0, cacheProperties: s.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat("rx", "ry"), initialize: function (t) { this.callSuper("initialize", t), this._initRxRy() }, _initRxRy: function () { this.rx && !this.ry ? this.ry = this.rx : this.ry && !this.rx && (this.rx = this.ry) }, _render: function (t) { var e = this.rx ? Math.min(this.rx, this.width / 2) : 0, i = this.ry ? Math.min(this.ry, this.height / 2) : 0, r = this.width, n = this.height, s = -this.width / 2, o = -this.height / 2, a = 0 !== e || 0 !== i, h = .4477152502; t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(s + e, o), t.lineTo(s + r - e, o), a && t.bezierCurveTo(s + r - h * e, o, s + r, o + h * i, s + r, o + i), t.lineTo(s + r, o + n - i), a && t.bezierCurveTo(s + r, o + n - h * i, s + r - h * e, o + n, s + r - e, o + n), t.lineTo(s + e, o + n), a && t.bezierCurveTo(s + h * e, o + n, s, o + n - h * i, s, o + n - i), t.lineTo(s, o + i), a && t.bezierCurveTo(s, o + h * i, s + h * e, o, s + e, o), t.closePath(), this._renderPaintInOrder(t) }, _renderDashedStroke: function (t) { var e = -this.width / 2, i = -this.height / 2, r = this.width, n = this.height; t.beginPath(), s.util.drawDashedLine(t, e, i, e + r, i, this.strokeDashArray), s.util.drawDashedLine(t, e + r, i, e + r, i + n, this.strokeDashArray), s.util.drawDashedLine(t, e + r, i + n, e, i + n, this.strokeDashArray), s.util.drawDashedLine(t, e, i + n, e, i, this.strokeDashArray), t.closePath() }, toObject: function (t) { return this.callSuper("toObject", ["rx", "ry"].concat(t)) }, _toSVG: function () { return ["<rect ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'x="', -this.width / 2, '" y="', -this.height / 2, '" rx="', this.rx, '" ry="', this.ry, '" width="', this.width, '" height="', this.height, '" />\n'] } }), s.Rect.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = s.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat("x y rx ry width height".split(" ")), s.Rect.fromElement = function (t, e, i) { if (!t) return e(null); i = i || {}; var r = s.parseAttributes(t, s.Rect.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES); r.left = r.left || 0, r.top = r.top || 0, r.height = r.height || 0, r.width = r.width || 0; var n = new s.Rect(o(i ? s.util.object.clone(i) : {}, r)); n.visible = n.visible && 0 < n.width && 0 < n.height, e(n) }, s.Rect.fromObject = function (t, e) { return s.Object._fromObject("Rect", t, e) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var o = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), a = o.util.object.extend, r = o.util.array.min, n = o.util.array.max, h = o.util.toFixed; o.Polyline ? o.warn("fabric.Polyline is already defined") : (o.Polyline = o.util.createClass(o.Object, { type: "polyline", points: null, cacheProperties: o.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat("points"), initialize: function (t, e) { e = e || {}, this.points = t || [], this.callSuper("initialize", e), this._setPositionDimensions(e) }, _setPositionDimensions: function (t) { var e, i = this._calcDimensions(t); this.width = i.width, this.height = i.height, t.fromSVG || (e = this.translateToGivenOrigin({ x: i.left - this.strokeWidth / 2, y: i.top - this.strokeWidth / 2 }, "left", "top", this.originX, this.originY)), void 0 === t.left && (this.left = t.fromSVG ? i.left : e.x), void 0 === t.top && (this.top = t.fromSVG ? i.top : e.y), this.pathOffset = { x: i.left + this.width / 2, y: i.top + this.height / 2 } }, _calcDimensions: function () { var t = this.points, e = r(t, "x") || 0, i = r(t, "y") || 0; return { left: e, top: i, width: (n(t, "x") || 0) - e, height: (n(t, "y") || 0) - i } }, toObject: function (t) { return a(this.callSuper("toObject", t), { points: this.points.concat() }) }, _toSVG: function () { for (var t = [], e = this.pathOffset.x, i = this.pathOffset.y, r = o.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS, n = 0, s = this.points.length; n < s; n++)t.push(h(this.points[n].x - e, r), ",", h(this.points[n].y - i, r), " "); return ["<" + this.type + " ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'points="', t.join(""), '" />\n'] }, commonRender: function (t) { var e, i = this.points.length, r = this.pathOffset.x, n = this.pathOffset.y; if (!i || isNaN(this.points[i - 1].y)) return !1; t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(this.points[0].x - r, this.points[0].y - n); for (var s = 0; s < i; s++)e = this.points[s], t.lineTo(e.x - r, e.y - n); return !0 }, _render: function (t) { this.commonRender(t) && this._renderPaintInOrder(t) }, _renderDashedStroke: function (t) { var e, i; t.beginPath(); for (var r = 0, n = this.points.length; r < n; r++)e = this.points[r], i = this.points[r + 1] || e, o.util.drawDashedLine(t, e.x, e.y, i.x, i.y, this.strokeDashArray) }, complexity: function () { return this.get("points").length } }), o.Polyline.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = o.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat(), o.Polyline.fromElementGenerator = function (s) { return function (t, e, i) { if (!t) return e(null); i || (i = {}); var r = o.parsePointsAttribute(t.getAttribute("points")), n = o.parseAttributes(t, o[s].ATTRIBUTE_NAMES); n.fromSVG = !0, e(new o[s](r, a(n, i))) } }, o.Polyline.fromElement = o.Polyline.fromElementGenerator("Polyline"), o.Polyline.fromObject = function (t, e) { return o.Object._fromObject("Polyline", t, e, "points") }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var i = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); i.Polygon ? i.warn("fabric.Polygon is already defined") : (i.Polygon = i.util.createClass(i.Polyline, { type: "polygon", _render: function (t) { this.commonRender(t) && (t.closePath(), this._renderPaintInOrder(t)) }, _renderDashedStroke: function (t) { this.callSuper("_renderDashedStroke", t), t.closePath() } }), i.Polygon.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = i.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat(), i.Polygon.fromElement = i.Polyline.fromElementGenerator("Polygon"), i.Polygon.fromObject = function (t, e) { return i.Object._fromObject("Polygon", t, e, "points") }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var f = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), d = f.util.array.min, g = f.util.array.max, n = f.util.object.extend, r = Object.prototype.toString, e = f.util.toFixed; f.Path ? f.warn("fabric.Path is already defined") : (f.Path = f.util.createClass(f.Object, { type: "path", path: null, cacheProperties: f.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat("path", "fillRule"), stateProperties: f.Object.prototype.stateProperties.concat("path"), initialize: function (t, e) { e = e || {}, this.callSuper("initialize", e), t || (t = []); var i = "[object Array]" === r.call(t); this.path = i ? f.util.makePathSimpler(t) : f.util.makePathSimpler(f.util.parsePath(t)), this.path && f.Polyline.prototype._setPositionDimensions.call(this, e) }, _renderPathCommands: function (t) { var e, i = 0, r = 0, n = 0, s = 0, o = 0, a = 0, h = -this.pathOffset.x, c = -this.pathOffset.y; t.beginPath(); for (var l = 0, u = this.path.length; l < u; ++l)switch ((e = this.path[l])[0]) { case "L": n = e[1], s = e[2], t.lineTo(n + h, s + c); break; case "M": i = n = e[1], r = s = e[2], t.moveTo(n + h, s + c); break; case "C": n = e[5], s = e[6], o = e[3], a = e[4], t.bezierCurveTo(e[1] + h, e[2] + c, o + h, a + c, n + h, s + c); break; case "Q": t.quadraticCurveTo(e[1] + h, e[2] + c, e[3] + h, e[4] + c), n = e[3], s = e[4], o = e[1], a = e[2]; break; case "z": case "Z": n = i, s = r, t.closePath() } }, _render: function (t) { this._renderPathCommands(t), this._renderPaintInOrder(t) }, toString: function () { return "#<fabric.Path (" + this.complexity() + '): { "top": ' + this.top + ', "left": ' + this.left + " }>" }, toObject: function (t) { return n(this.callSuper("toObject", t), { path: this.path.map(function (t) { return t.slice() }) }) }, toDatalessObject: function (t) { var e = this.toObject(["sourcePath"].concat(t)); return e.sourcePath && delete e.path, e }, _toSVG: function () { return ["<path ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'd="', this.path.map(function (t) { return t.join(" ") }).join(" "), '" stroke-linecap="round" ', "/>\n"] }, _getOffsetTransform: function () { var t = f.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS; return " translate(" + e(-this.pathOffset.x, t) + ", " + e(-this.pathOffset.y, t) + ")" }, toClipPathSVG: function (t) { var e = this._getOffsetTransform(); return "\t" + this._createBaseClipPathSVGMarkup(this._toSVG(), { reviver: t, additionalTransform: e }) }, toSVG: function (t) { var e = this._getOffsetTransform(); return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(this._toSVG(), { reviver: t, additionalTransform: e }) }, complexity: function () { return this.path.length }, _calcDimensions: function () { for (var t, e, i = [], r = [], n = 0, s = 0, o = 0, a = 0, h = 0, c = this.path.length; h < c; ++h) { switch ((t = this.path[h])[0]) { case "L": o = t[1], a = t[2], e = []; break; case "M": n = o = t[1], s = a = t[2], e = []; break; case "C": e = f.util.getBoundsOfCurve(o, a, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6]), o = t[5], a = t[6]; break; case "Q": e = f.util.getBoundsOfCurve(o, a, t[1], t[2], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]), o = t[3], a = t[4]; break; case "z": case "Z": o = n, a = s }e.forEach(function (t) { i.push(t.x), r.push(t.y) }), i.push(o), r.push(a) } var l = d(i) || 0, u = d(r) || 0; return { left: l, top: u, width: (g(i) || 0) - l, height: (g(r) || 0) - u } } }), f.Path.fromObject = function (i, r) { if ("string" == typeof i.sourcePath) { var t = i.sourcePath; f.loadSVGFromURL(t, function (t) { var e = t[0]; e.setOptions(i), r && r(e) }) } else f.Object._fromObject("Path", i, r, "path") }, f.Path.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = f.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat(["d"]), f.Path.fromElement = function (t, e, i) { var r = f.parseAttributes(t, f.Path.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES); r.fromSVG = !0, e(new f.Path(r.d, n(r, i))) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var c = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), l = c.util.array.min, u = c.util.array.max; c.Group || (c.Group = c.util.createClass(c.Object, c.Collection, { type: "group", strokeWidth: 0, subTargetCheck: !1, cacheProperties: [], useSetOnGroup: !1, initialize: function (t, e, i) { e = e || {}, this._objects = [], i && this.callSuper("initialize", e), this._objects = t || []; for (var r = this._objects.length; r--;)this._objects[r].group = this; if (i) this._updateObjectsACoords(); else { var n = e && e.centerPoint; void 0 !== e.originX && (this.originX = e.originX), void 0 !== e.originY && (this.originY = e.originY), n || this._calcBounds(), this._updateObjectsCoords(n), delete e.centerPoint, this.callSuper("initialize", e) } this.setCoords() }, _updateObjectsACoords: function () { for (var t = this._objects.length; t--;)this._objects[t].setCoords(!0) }, _updateObjectsCoords: function (t) { t = t || this.getCenterPoint(); for (var e = this._objects.length; e--;)this._updateObjectCoords(this._objects[e], t) }, _updateObjectCoords: function (t, e) { var i = t.left, r = t.top; t.set({ left: i - e.x, top: r - e.y }), t.group = this, t.setCoords(!0) }, toString: function () { return "#<fabric.Group: (" + this.complexity() + ")>" }, addWithUpdate: function (t) { var e = !!this.group; return this._restoreObjectsState(), c.util.resetObjectTransform(this), t && (e && c.util.removeTransformFromObject(t, this.group.calcTransformMatrix()), this._objects.push(t), t.group = this, t._set("canvas", this.canvas)), this._calcBounds(), this._updateObjectsCoords(), this.dirty = !0, e ? this.group.addWithUpdate() : this.setCoords(), this }, removeWithUpdate: function (t) { return this._restoreObjectsState(), c.util.resetObjectTransform(this), this.remove(t), this._calcBounds(), this._updateObjectsCoords(), this.setCoords(), this.dirty = !0, this }, _onObjectAdded: function (t) { this.dirty = !0, t.group = this, t._set("canvas", this.canvas) }, _onObjectRemoved: function (t) { this.dirty = !0, delete t.group }, _set: function (t, e) { var i = this._objects.length; if (this.useSetOnGroup) for (; i--;)this._objects[i].setOnGroup(t, e); if ("canvas" === t) for (; i--;)this._objects[i]._set(t, e); c.Object.prototype._set.call(this, t, e) }, toObject: function (r) { var n = this.includeDefaultValues, t = this._objects.map(function (t) { var e = t.includeDefaultValues; t.includeDefaultValues = n; var i = t.toObject(r); return t.includeDefaultValues = e, i }), e = c.Object.prototype.toObject.call(this, r); return e.objects = t, e }, toDatalessObject: function (r) { var t, e = this.sourcePath; if (e) t = e; else { var n = this.includeDefaultValues; t = this._objects.map(function (t) { var e = t.includeDefaultValues; t.includeDefaultValues = n; var i = t.toDatalessObject(r); return t.includeDefaultValues = e, i }) } var i = c.Object.prototype.toDatalessObject.call(this, r); return i.objects = t, i }, render: function (t) { this._transformDone = !0, this.callSuper("render", t), this._transformDone = !1 }, shouldCache: function () { var t = c.Object.prototype.shouldCache.call(this); if (t) for (var e = 0, i = this._objects.length; e < i; e++)if (this._objects[e].willDrawShadow()) return this.ownCaching = !1; return t }, willDrawShadow: function () { if (c.Object.prototype.willDrawShadow.call(this)) return !0; for (var t = 0, e = this._objects.length; t < e; t++)if (this._objects[t].willDrawShadow()) return !0; return !1 }, isOnACache: function () { return this.ownCaching || this.group && this.group.isOnACache() }, drawObject: function (t) { for (var e = 0, i = this._objects.length; e < i; e++)this._objects[e].render(t); this._drawClipPath(t) }, isCacheDirty: function (t) { if (this.callSuper("isCacheDirty", t)) return !0; if (!this.statefullCache) return !1; for (var e = 0, i = this._objects.length; e < i; e++)if (this._objects[e].isCacheDirty(!0)) { if (this._cacheCanvas) { var r = this.cacheWidth / this.zoomX, n = this.cacheHeight / this.zoomY; this._cacheContext.clearRect(-r / 2, -n / 2, r, n) } return !0 } return !1 }, _restoreObjectsState: function () { var e = this.calcOwnMatrix(); return this._objects.forEach(function (t) { c.util.addTransformToObject(t, e), delete t.group, t.setCoords() }), this }, realizeTransform: function (t, e) { return c.util.addTransformToObject(t, e), t }, destroy: function () { return this._objects.forEach(function (t) { t.set("dirty", !0) }), this._restoreObjectsState() }, toActiveSelection: function () { if (this.canvas) { var t = this._objects, e = this.canvas; this._objects = []; var i = this.toObject(); delete i.objects; var r = new c.ActiveSelection([]); return r.set(i), r.type = "activeSelection", e.remove(this), t.forEach(function (t) { t.group = r, t.dirty = !0, e.add(t) }), r.canvas = e, r._objects = t, (e._activeObject = r).setCoords(), r } }, ungroupOnCanvas: function () { return this._restoreObjectsState() }, setObjectsCoords: function () { return this.forEachObject(function (t) { t.setCoords(!0) }), this }, _calcBounds: function (t) { for (var e, i, r, n, s = [], o = [], a = ["tr", "br", "bl", "tl"], h = 0, c = this._objects.length, l = a.length; h < c; ++h) { for (r = (e = this._objects[h]).calcACoords(), n = 0; n < l; n++)i = a[n], s.push(r[i].x), o.push(r[i].y); e.aCoords = r } this._getBounds(s, o, t) }, _getBounds: function (t, e, i) { var r = new c.Point(l(t), l(e)), n = new c.Point(u(t), u(e)), s = r.y || 0, o = r.x || 0, a = n.x - r.x || 0, h = n.y - r.y || 0; this.width = a, this.height = h, i || this.setPositionByOrigin({ x: o, y: s }, "left", "top") }, _toSVG: function (t) { for (var e = ["<g ", "COMMON_PARTS", " >\n"], i = 0, r = this._objects.length; i < r; i++)e.push("\t\t", this._objects[i].toSVG(t)); return e.push("</g>\n"), e }, getSvgStyles: function () { var t = void 0 !== this.opacity && 1 !== this.opacity ? "opacity: " + this.opacity + ";" : "", e = this.visible ? "" : " visibility: hidden;"; return [t, this.getSvgFilter(), e].join("") }, toClipPathSVG: function (t) { for (var e = [], i = 0, r = this._objects.length; i < r; i++)e.push("\t", this._objects[i].toClipPathSVG(t)); return this._createBaseClipPathSVGMarkup(e, { reviver: t }) } }), c.Group.fromObject = function (r, n) { var i = r.objects, s = c.util.object.clone(r, !0); delete s.objects, "string" != typeof i ? c.util.enlivenObjects(i, function (i) { c.util.enlivenObjects([r.clipPath], function (t) { var e = c.util.object.clone(r, !0); e.clipPath = t[0], delete e.objects, n && n(new c.Group(i, e, !0)) }) }) : c.loadSVGFromURL(i, function (t) { var e = c.util.groupSVGElements(t, r, i); e.set(s), n && n(e) }) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var n = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); n.ActiveSelection || (n.ActiveSelection = n.util.createClass(n.Group, { type: "activeSelection", initialize: function (t, e) { e = e || {}, this._objects = t || []; for (var i = this._objects.length; i--;)this._objects[i].group = this; e.originX && (this.originX = e.originX), e.originY && (this.originY = e.originY), this._calcBounds(), this._updateObjectsCoords(), n.Object.prototype.initialize.call(this, e), this.setCoords() }, toGroup: function () { var t = this._objects.concat(); this._objects = []; var e = n.Object.prototype.toObject.call(this), i = new n.Group([]); if (delete e.type, i.set(e), t.forEach(function (t) { t.canvas.remove(t), t.group = i }), i._objects = t, !this.canvas) return i; var r = this.canvas; return r.add(i), (r._activeObject = i).setCoords(), i }, onDeselect: function () { return this.destroy(), !1 }, toString: function () { return "#<fabric.ActiveSelection: (" + this.complexity() + ")>" }, shouldCache: function () { return !1 }, isOnACache: function () { return !1 }, _renderControls: function (t, e, i) { t.save(), t.globalAlpha = this.isMoving ? this.borderOpacityWhenMoving : 1, this.callSuper("_renderControls", t, e), void 0 === (i = i || {}).hasControls && (i.hasControls = !1), i.forActiveSelection = !0; for (var r = 0, n = this._objects.length; r < n; r++)this._objects[r]._renderControls(t, i); t.restore() } }), n.ActiveSelection.fromObject = function (e, i) { n.util.enlivenObjects(e.objects, function (t) { delete e.objects, i && i(new n.ActiveSelection(t, e, !0)) }) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var n = fabric.util.object.extend; t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), t.fabric.Image ? fabric.warn("fabric.Image is already defined.") : (fabric.Image = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Object, { type: "image", strokeWidth: 0, srcFromAttribute: !1, _lastScaleX: 1, _lastScaleY: 1, _filterScalingX: 1, _filterScalingY: 1, minimumScaleTrigger: .5, stateProperties: fabric.Object.prototype.stateProperties.concat("cropX", "cropY"), cacheProperties: fabric.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat("cropX", "cropY"), cacheKey: "", cropX: 0, cropY: 0, imageSmoothing: !0, initialize: function (t, e) { e || (e = {}), this.filters = [], this.cacheKey = "texture" + fabric.Object.__uid++, this.callSuper("initialize", e), this._initElement(t, e) }, getElement: function () { return this._element || {} }, setElement: function (t, e) { return this.removeTexture(this.cacheKey), this.removeTexture(this.cacheKey + "_filtered"), this._element = t, this._originalElement = t, this._initConfig(e), 0 !== this.filters.length && this.applyFilters(), this.resizeFilter && this.applyResizeFilters(), this }, removeTexture: function (t) { var e = fabric.filterBackend; e && e.evictCachesForKey && e.evictCachesForKey(t) }, dispose: function () { this.removeTexture(this.cacheKey), this.removeTexture(this.cacheKey + "_filtered"), this._cacheContext = void 0, ["_originalElement", "_element", "_filteredEl", "_cacheCanvas"].forEach(function (t) { fabric.util.cleanUpJsdomNode(this[t]), this[t] = void 0 }.bind(this)) }, getCrossOrigin: function () { return this._originalElement && (this._originalElement.crossOrigin || null) }, getOriginalSize: function () { var t = this.getElement(); return { width: t.naturalWidth || t.width, height: t.naturalHeight || t.height } }, _stroke: function (t) { if (this.stroke && 0 !== this.strokeWidth) { var e = this.width / 2, i = this.height / 2; t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(-e, -i), t.lineTo(e, -i), t.lineTo(e, i), t.lineTo(-e, i), t.lineTo(-e, -i), t.closePath() } }, _renderDashedStroke: function (t) { var e = -this.width / 2, i = -this.height / 2, r = this.width, n = this.height; t.save(), this._setStrokeStyles(t, this), t.beginPath(), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, e, i, e + r, i, this.strokeDashArray), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, e + r, i, e + r, i + n, this.strokeDashArray), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, e + r, i + n, e, i + n, this.strokeDashArray), fabric.util.drawDashedLine(t, e, i + n, e, i, this.strokeDashArray), t.closePath(), t.restore() }, toObject: function (t) { var e = []; this.filters.forEach(function (t) { t && e.push(t.toObject()) }); var i = n(this.callSuper("toObject", ["cropX", "cropY"].concat(t)), { src: this.getSrc(), crossOrigin: this.getCrossOrigin(), filters: e }); return this.resizeFilter && (i.resizeFilter = this.resizeFilter.toObject()), i }, hasCrop: function () { return this.cropX || this.cropY || this.width < this._element.width || this.height < this._element.height }, _toSVG: function () { var t, e = [], i = [], r = this._element, n = -this.width / 2, s = -this.height / 2, o = "", a = ""; if (!r) return []; if (this.hasCrop()) { var h = fabric.Object.__uid++; e.push('<clipPath id="imageCrop_' + h + '">\n', '\t<rect x="' + n + '" y="' + s + '" width="' + this.width + '" height="' + this.height + '" />\n', "</clipPath>\n"), o = ' clip-path="url(#imageCrop_' + h + ')" ' } if (this.imageSmoothing || (a = '" image-rendering="optimizeSpeed'), i.push("\t<image ", "COMMON_PARTS", 'xlink:href="', this.getSvgSrc(!0), '" x="', n - this.cropX, '" y="', s - this.cropY, '" width="', r.width || r.naturalWidth, '" height="', r.height || r.height, a, '"', o, "></image>\n"), this.stroke || this.strokeDashArray) { var c = this.fill; this.fill = null, t = ["\t<rect ", 'x="', n, '" y="', s, '" width="', this.width, '" height="', this.height, '" style="', this.getSvgStyles(), '"/>\n'], this.fill = c } return e = "fill" !== this.paintFirst ? e.concat(t, i) : e.concat(i, t) }, getSrc: function (t) { var e = t ? this._element : this._originalElement; return e ? e.toDataURL ? e.toDataURL() : this.srcFromAttribute ? e.getAttribute("src") : e.src : this.src || "" }, setSrc: function (t, i, r) { return fabric.util.loadImage(t, function (t, e) { this.setElement(t, r), this._setWidthHeight(), i && i(this, e) }, this, r && r.crossOrigin), this }, toString: function () { return '#<fabric.Image: { src: "' + this.getSrc() + '" }>' }, applyResizeFilters: function () { var t = this.resizeFilter, e = this.minimumScaleTrigger, i = this.getTotalObjectScaling(), r = i.scaleX, n = i.scaleY, s = this._filteredEl || this._originalElement; if (this.group && this.set("dirty", !0), !t || e < r && e < n) return this._element = s, this._filterScalingX = 1, this._filterScalingY = 1, this._lastScaleX = r, void (this._lastScaleY = n); fabric.filterBackend || (fabric.filterBackend = fabric.initFilterBackend()); var o = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(), a = this._filteredEl ? this.cacheKey + "_filtered" : this.cacheKey, h = s.width, c = s.height; o.width = h, o.height = c, this._element = o, this._lastScaleX = t.scaleX = r, this._lastScaleY = t.scaleY = n, fabric.filterBackend.applyFilters([t], s, h, c, this._element, a), this._filterScalingX = o.width / this._originalElement.width, this._filterScalingY = o.height / this._originalElement.height }, applyFilters: function (t) { if (t = (t = t || this.filters || []).filter(function (t) { return t && !t.isNeutralState() }), this.set("dirty", !0), this.removeTexture(this.cacheKey + "_filtered"), 0 === t.length) return this._element = this._originalElement, this._filteredEl = null, this._filterScalingX = 1, this._filterScalingY = 1, this; var e = this._originalElement, i = e.naturalWidth || e.width, r = e.naturalHeight || e.height; if (this._element === this._originalElement) { var n = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(); n.width = i, n.height = r, this._element = n, this._filteredEl = n } else this._element = this._filteredEl, this._filteredEl.getContext("2d").clearRect(0, 0, i, r), this._lastScaleX = 1, this._lastScaleY = 1; return fabric.filterBackend || (fabric.filterBackend = fabric.initFilterBackend()), fabric.filterBackend.applyFilters(t, this._originalElement, i, r, this._element, this.cacheKey), this._originalElement.width === this._element.width && this._originalElement.height === this._element.height || (this._filterScalingX = this._element.width / this._originalElement.width, this._filterScalingY = this._element.height / this._originalElement.height), this }, _render: function (t) { fabric.util.setImageSmoothing(t, this.imageSmoothing), !0 !== this.isMoving && this.resizeFilter && this._needsResize() && this.applyResizeFilters(), this._stroke(t), this._renderPaintInOrder(t) }, drawCacheOnCanvas: function (t) { fabric.util.setImageSmoothing(t, this.imageSmoothing), fabric.Object.prototype.drawCacheOnCanvas.call(this, t) }, shouldCache: function () { return this.needsItsOwnCache() }, _renderFill: function (t) { var e = this._element; if (e) { var i = this._filterScalingX, r = this._filterScalingY, n = this.width, s = this.height, o = Math.min, a = Math.max, h = a(this.cropX, 0), c = a(this.cropY, 0), l = e.naturalWidth || e.width, u = e.naturalHeight || e.height, f = h * i, d = c * r, g = o(n * i, l - f), p = o(s * r, u - d), v = -n / 2, m = -s / 2, b = o(n, l / i - h), y = o(s, u / r - c); e && t.drawImage(e, f, d, g, p, v, m, b, y) } }, _needsResize: function () { var t = this.getTotalObjectScaling(); return t.scaleX !== this._lastScaleX || t.scaleY !== this._lastScaleY }, _resetWidthHeight: function () { this.set(this.getOriginalSize()) }, _initElement: function (t, e) { this.setElement(fabric.util.getById(t), e), fabric.util.addClass(this.getElement(), fabric.Image.CSS_CANVAS) }, _initConfig: function (t) { t || (t = {}), this.setOptions(t), this._setWidthHeight(t) }, _initFilters: function (t, e) { t && t.length ? fabric.util.enlivenObjects(t, function (t) { e && e(t) }, "fabric.Image.filters") : e && e() }, _setWidthHeight: function (t) { t || (t = {}); var e = this.getElement(); this.width = t.width || e.naturalWidth || e.width || 0, this.height = t.height || e.naturalHeight || e.height || 0 }, parsePreserveAspectRatioAttribute: function () { var t, e = fabric.util.parsePreserveAspectRatioAttribute(this.preserveAspectRatio || ""), i = this._element.width, r = this._element.height, n = 1, s = 1, o = 0, a = 0, h = 0, c = 0, l = this.width, u = this.height, f = { width: l, height: u }; return !e || "none" === e.alignX && "none" === e.alignY ? (n = l / i, s = u / r) : ("meet" === e.meetOrSlice && (t = (l - i * (n = s = fabric.util.findScaleToFit(this._element, f))) / 2, "Min" === e.alignX && (o = -t), "Max" === e.alignX && (o = t), t = (u - r * s) / 2, "Min" === e.alignY && (a = -t), "Max" === e.alignY && (a = t)), "slice" === e.meetOrSlice && (t = i - l / (n = s = fabric.util.findScaleToCover(this._element, f)), "Mid" === e.alignX && (h = t / 2), "Max" === e.alignX && (h = t), t = r - u / s, "Mid" === e.alignY && (c = t / 2), "Max" === e.alignY && (c = t), i = l / n, r = u / s)), { width: i, height: r, scaleX: n, scaleY: s, offsetLeft: o, offsetTop: a, cropX: h, cropY: c } } }), fabric.Image.CSS_CANVAS = "canvas-img", fabric.Image.prototype.getSvgSrc = fabric.Image.prototype.getSrc, fabric.Image.fromObject = function (t, r) { var n = fabric.util.object.clone(t); fabric.util.loadImage(n.src, function (i, t) { t ? r && r(null, !0) : fabric.Image.prototype._initFilters.call(n, n.filters, function (t) { n.filters = t || [], fabric.Image.prototype._initFilters.call(n, [n.resizeFilter], function (t) { n.resizeFilter = t[0], fabric.util.enlivenObjects([n.clipPath], function (t) { n.clipPath = t[0]; var e = new fabric.Image(i, n); r(e, !1) }) }) }) }, null, n.crossOrigin) }, fabric.Image.fromURL = function (t, i, r) { fabric.util.loadImage(t, function (t, e) { i && i(new fabric.Image(t, r), e) }, null, r && r.crossOrigin) }, fabric.Image.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = fabric.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat("x y width height preserveAspectRatio xlink:href crossOrigin image-rendering".split(" ")), fabric.Image.fromElement = function (t, e, i) { var r = fabric.parseAttributes(t, fabric.Image.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES); fabric.Image.fromURL(r["xlink:href"], e, n(i ? fabric.util.object.clone(i) : {}, r)) }) }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Object.prototype, { _getAngleValueForStraighten: function () { var t = this.angle % 360; return 0 < t ? 90 * Math.round((t - 1) / 90) : 90 * Math.round(t / 90) }, straighten: function () { return this.rotate(this._getAngleValueForStraighten()), this }, fxStraighten: function (t) { var e = function () { }, i = (t = t || {}).onComplete || e, r = t.onChange || e, n = this; return fabric.util.animate({ startValue: this.get("angle"), endValue: this._getAngleValueForStraighten(), duration: this.FX_DURATION, onChange: function (t) { n.rotate(t), r() }, onComplete: function () { n.setCoords(), i() } }), this } }), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.StaticCanvas.prototype, { straightenObject: function (t) { return t.straighten(), this.requestRenderAll(), this }, fxStraightenObject: function (t) { return t.fxStraighten({ onChange: this.requestRenderAllBound }), this } }), function () { "use strict"; function t(t) { t && t.tileSize && (this.tileSize = t.tileSize), this.setupGLContext(this.tileSize, this.tileSize), this.captureGPUInfo() } fabric.isWebglSupported = function (t) { if (fabric.isLikelyNode) return !1; t = t || fabric.WebglFilterBackend.prototype.tileSize; var e, i, r, n = document.createElement("canvas"), s = n.getContext("webgl") || n.getContext("experimental-webgl"), o = !1; if (s) { fabric.maxTextureSize = s.getParameter(s.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), o = fabric.maxTextureSize >= t; for (var a = ["highp", "mediump", "lowp"], h = 0; h < 3; h++)if (void 0, i = "precision " + a[h] + " float;\nvoid main(){}", r = (e = s).createShader(e.FRAGMENT_SHADER), e.shaderSource(r, i), e.compileShader(r), e.getShaderParameter(r, e.COMPILE_STATUS)) { fabric.webGlPrecision = a[h]; break } } return this.isSupported = o }, (fabric.WebglFilterBackend = t).prototype = { tileSize: 2048, resources: {}, setupGLContext: function (t, e) { this.dispose(), this.createWebGLCanvas(t, e), this.aPosition = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]), this.chooseFastestCopyGLTo2DMethod(t, e) }, chooseFastestCopyGLTo2DMethod: function (t, e) { var i, r = void 0 !== window.performance; try { new ImageData(1, 1), i = !0 } catch (t) { i = !1 } var n = "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer, s = "undefined" != typeof Uint8ClampedArray; if (r && i && n && s) { var o = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(), a = new ArrayBuffer(t * e * 4); if (fabric.forceGLPutImageData) return this.imageBuffer = a, void (this.copyGLTo2D = copyGLTo2DPutImageData); var h, c, l = { imageBuffer: a, destinationWidth: t, destinationHeight: e, targetCanvas: o }; o.width = t, o.height = e, h = window.performance.now(), copyGLTo2DDrawImage.call(l, this.gl, l), c = window.performance.now() - h, h = window.performance.now(), copyGLTo2DPutImageData.call(l, this.gl, l), window.performance.now() - h < c ? (this.imageBuffer = a, this.copyGLTo2D = copyGLTo2DPutImageData) : this.copyGLTo2D = copyGLTo2DDrawImage } }, createWebGLCanvas: function (t, e) { var i = fabric.util.createCanvasElement(); i.width = t, i.height = e; var r = { alpha: !0, premultipliedAlpha: !1, depth: !1, stencil: !1, antialias: !1 }, n = i.getContext("webgl", r); n || (n = i.getContext("experimental-webgl", r)), n && (n.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), this.canvas = i, this.gl = n) }, applyFilters: function (t, e, i, r, n, s) { var o, a = this.gl; s && (o = this.getCachedTexture(s, e)); var h = { originalWidth: e.width || e.originalWidth, originalHeight: e.height || e.originalHeight, sourceWidth: i, sourceHeight: r, destinationWidth: i, destinationHeight: r, context: a, sourceTexture: this.createTexture(a, i, r, !o && e), targetTexture: this.createTexture(a, i, r), originalTexture: o || this.createTexture(a, i, r, !o && e), passes: t.length, webgl: !0, aPosition: this.aPosition, programCache: this.programCache, pass: 0, filterBackend: this, targetCanvas: n }, c = a.createFramebuffer(); return a.bindFramebuffer(a.FRAMEBUFFER, c), t.forEach(function (t) { t && t.applyTo(h) }), resizeCanvasIfNeeded(h), this.copyGLTo2D(a, h), a.bindTexture(a.TEXTURE_2D, null), a.deleteTexture(h.sourceTexture), a.deleteTexture(h.targetTexture), a.deleteFramebuffer(c), n.getContext("2d").setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), h }, dispose: function () { this.canvas && (this.canvas = null, this.gl = null), this.clearWebGLCaches() }, clearWebGLCaches: function () { this.programCache = {}, this.textureCache = {} }, createTexture: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = t.createTexture(); return t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, n), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, t.NEAREST), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, t.NEAREST), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), r ? t.texImage2D(t.TEXTURE_2D, 0, t.RGBA, t.RGBA, t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r) : t.texImage2D(t.TEXTURE_2D, 0, t.RGBA, e, i, 0, t.RGBA, t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null), n }, getCachedTexture: function (t, e) { if (this.textureCache[t]) return this.textureCache[t]; var i = this.createTexture(this.gl, e.width, e.height, e); return this.textureCache[t] = i }, evictCachesForKey: function (t) { this.textureCache[t] && (this.gl.deleteTexture(this.textureCache[t]), delete this.textureCache[t]) }, copyGLTo2D: copyGLTo2DDrawImage, captureGPUInfo: function () { if (this.gpuInfo) return this.gpuInfo; var t = this.gl, e = { renderer: "", vendor: "" }; if (!t) return e; var i = t.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info"); if (i) { var r = t.getParameter(i.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL), n = t.getParameter(i.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL); r && (e.renderer = r.toLowerCase()), n && (e.vendor = n.toLowerCase()) } return this.gpuInfo = e } } }(), function () { "use strict"; var t = function () { }; function e() { } (fabric.Canvas2dFilterBackend = e).prototype = { evictCachesForKey: t, dispose: t, clearWebGLCaches: t, resources: {}, applyFilters: function (t, e, i, r, n) { var s = n.getContext("2d"); s.drawImage(e, 0, 0, i, r); var o = { sourceWidth: i, sourceHeight: r, imageData: s.getImageData(0, 0, i, r), originalEl: e, originalImageData: s.getImageData(0, 0, i, r), canvasEl: n, ctx: s, filterBackend: this }; return t.forEach(function (t) { t.applyTo(o) }), o.imageData.width === i && o.imageData.height === r || (n.width = o.imageData.width, n.height = o.imageData.height), s.putImageData(o.imageData, 0, 0), o } } }(), fabric.Image = fabric.Image || {}, fabric.Image.filters = fabric.Image.filters || {}, fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter = fabric.util.createClass({ type: "BaseFilter", vertexSource: "attribute vec2 aPosition;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvTexCoord = aPosition;\ngl_Position = vec4(aPosition * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n}", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nvoid main() {\ngl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\n}", initialize: function (t) { t && this.setOptions(t) }, setOptions: function (t) { for (var e in t) this[e] = t[e] }, createProgram: function (t, e, i) { e = e || this.fragmentSource, i = i || this.vertexSource, "highp" !== fabric.webGlPrecision && (e = e.replace(/precision highp float/g, "precision " + fabric.webGlPrecision + " float")); var r = t.createShader(t.VERTEX_SHADER); if (t.shaderSource(r, i), t.compileShader(r), !t.getShaderParameter(r, t.COMPILE_STATUS)) throw new Error("Vertex shader compile error for " + this.type + ": " + t.getShaderInfoLog(r)); var n = t.createShader(t.FRAGMENT_SHADER); if (t.shaderSource(n, e), t.compileShader(n), !t.getShaderParameter(n, t.COMPILE_STATUS)) throw new Error("Fragment shader compile error for " + this.type + ": " + t.getShaderInfoLog(n)); var s = t.createProgram(); if (t.attachShader(s, r), t.attachShader(s, n), t.linkProgram(s), !t.getProgramParameter(s, t.LINK_STATUS)) throw new Error('Shader link error for "${this.type}" ' + t.getProgramInfoLog(s)); var o = this.getAttributeLocations(t, s), a = this.getUniformLocations(t, s) || {}; return a.uStepW = t.getUniformLocation(s, "uStepW"), a.uStepH = t.getUniformLocation(s, "uStepH"), { program: s, attributeLocations: o, uniformLocations: a } }, getAttributeLocations: function (t, e) { return { aPosition: t.getAttribLocation(e, "aPosition") } }, getUniformLocations: function () { return {} }, sendAttributeData: function (t, e, i) { var r = e.aPosition, n = t.createBuffer(); t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, n), t.enableVertexAttribArray(r), t.vertexAttribPointer(r, 2, t.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), t.bufferData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, i, t.STATIC_DRAW) }, _setupFrameBuffer: function (t) { var e, i, r = t.context; 1 < t.passes ? (e = t.destinationWidth, i = t.destinationHeight, t.sourceWidth === e && t.sourceHeight === i || (r.deleteTexture(t.targetTexture), t.targetTexture = t.filterBackend.createTexture(r, e, i)), r.framebufferTexture2D(r.FRAMEBUFFER, r.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, r.TEXTURE_2D, t.targetTexture, 0)) : (r.bindFramebuffer(r.FRAMEBUFFER, null), r.finish()) }, _swapTextures: function (t) { t.passes--, t.pass++; var e = t.targetTexture; t.targetTexture = t.sourceTexture, t.sourceTexture = e }, isNeutralState: function () { var t = this.mainParameter, e = fabric.Image.filters[this.type].prototype; if (t) { if (Array.isArray(e[t])) { for (var i = e[t].length; i--;)if (this[t][i] !== e[t][i]) return !1; return !0 } return e[t] === this[t] } return !1 }, applyTo: function (t) { t.webgl ? (this._setupFrameBuffer(t), this.applyToWebGL(t), this._swapTextures(t)) : this.applyTo2d(t) }, retrieveShader: function (t) { return t.programCache.hasOwnProperty(this.type) || (t.programCache[this.type] = this.createProgram(t.context)), t.programCache[this.type] }, applyToWebGL: function (t) { var e = t.context, i = this.retrieveShader(t); 0 === t.pass && t.originalTexture ? e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, t.originalTexture) : e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, t.sourceTexture), e.useProgram(i.program), this.sendAttributeData(e, i.attributeLocations, t.aPosition), e.uniform1f(i.uniformLocations.uStepW, 1 / t.sourceWidth), e.uniform1f(i.uniformLocations.uStepH, 1 / t.sourceHeight), this.sendUniformData(e, i.uniformLocations), e.viewport(0, 0, t.destinationWidth, t.destinationHeight), e.drawArrays(e.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) }, bindAdditionalTexture: function (t, e, i) { t.activeTexture(i), t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, e), t.activeTexture(t.TEXTURE0) }, unbindAdditionalTexture: function (t, e) { t.activeTexture(e), t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, null), t.activeTexture(t.TEXTURE0) }, getMainParameter: function () { return this[this.mainParameter] }, setMainParameter: function (t) { this[this.mainParameter] = t }, sendUniformData: function () { }, createHelpLayer: function (t) { if (!t.helpLayer) { var e = document.createElement("canvas"); e.width = t.sourceWidth, e.height = t.sourceHeight, t.helpLayer = e } }, toObject: function () { var t = { type: this.type }, e = this.mainParameter; return e && (t[e] = this[e]), t }, toJSON: function () { return this.toObject() } }), fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject = function (t, e) { var i = new fabric.Image.filters[t.type](t); return e && e(i), i }, function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.ColorMatrix = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "ColorMatrix", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nuniform mat4 uColorMatrix;\nuniform vec4 uConstants;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\ncolor *= uColorMatrix;\ncolor += uConstants;\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", matrix: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], mainParameter: "matrix", colorsOnly: !0, initialize: function (t) { this.callSuper("initialize", t), this.matrix = this.matrix.slice(0) }, applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o = t.imageData.data, a = o.length, h = this.matrix, c = this.colorsOnly; for (s = 0; s < a; s += 4)e = o[s], i = o[s + 1], r = o[s + 2], c ? (o[s] = e * h[0] + i * h[1] + r * h[2] + 255 * h[4], o[s + 1] = e * h[5] + i * h[6] + r * h[7] + 255 * h[9], o[s + 2] = e * h[10] + i * h[11] + r * h[12] + 255 * h[14]) : (n = o[s + 3], o[s] = e * h[0] + i * h[1] + r * h[2] + n * h[3] + 255 * h[4], o[s + 1] = e * h[5] + i * h[6] + r * h[7] + n * h[8] + 255 * h[9], o[s + 2] = e * h[10] + i * h[11] + r * h[12] + n * h[13] + 255 * h[14], o[s + 3] = e * h[15] + i * h[16] + r * h[17] + n * h[18] + 255 * h[19]) }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uColorMatrix: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uColorMatrix"), uConstants: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uConstants") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { var i = this.matrix, r = [i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[5], i[6], i[7], i[8], i[10], i[11], i[12], i[13], i[15], i[16], i[17], i[18]], n = [i[4], i[9], i[14], i[19]]; t.uniformMatrix4fv(e.uColorMatrix, !1, r), t.uniform4fv(e.uConstants, n) } }), e.Image.filters.ColorMatrix.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.Brightness = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "Brightness", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uBrightness;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\ncolor.rgb += uBrightness;\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", brightness: 0, mainParameter: "brightness", applyTo2d: function (t) { if (0 !== this.brightness) { var e, i = t.imageData.data, r = i.length, n = Math.round(255 * this.brightness); for (e = 0; e < r; e += 4)i[e] = i[e] + n, i[e + 1] = i[e + 1] + n, i[e + 2] = i[e + 2] + n } }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uBrightness: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uBrightness") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1f(e.uBrightness, this.brightness) } }), e.Image.filters.Brightness.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.util.object.extend, r = e.Image.filters, n = e.util.createClass; r.Convolute = n(r.BaseFilter, { type: "Convolute", opaque: !1, matrix: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], fragmentSource: { Convolute_3_1: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[9];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 3.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 3.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 1), uStepH * (h - 1));\ncolor += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos) * uMatrix[int(h * 3.0 + w)];\n}\n}\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", Convolute_3_0: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[9];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 3.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 3.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 1.0), uStepH * (h - 1.0));\ncolor.rgb += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos).rgb * uMatrix[int(h * 3.0 + w)];\n}\n}\nfloat alpha = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord).a;\ngl_FragColor = color;\ngl_FragColor.a = alpha;\n}", Convolute_5_1: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[25];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 5.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 5.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 2.0), uStepH * (h - 2.0));\ncolor += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos) * uMatrix[int(h * 5.0 + w)];\n}\n}\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", Convolute_5_0: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[25];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 5.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 5.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 2.0), uStepH * (h - 2.0));\ncolor.rgb += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos).rgb * uMatrix[int(h * 5.0 + w)];\n}\n}\nfloat alpha = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord).a;\ngl_FragColor = color;\ngl_FragColor.a = alpha;\n}", Convolute_7_1: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[49];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 7.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 7.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 3.0), uStepH * (h - 3.0));\ncolor += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos) * uMatrix[int(h * 7.0 + w)];\n}\n}\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", Convolute_7_0: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[49];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 7.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 7.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 3.0), uStepH * (h - 3.0));\ncolor.rgb += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos).rgb * uMatrix[int(h * 7.0 + w)];\n}\n}\nfloat alpha = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord).a;\ngl_FragColor = color;\ngl_FragColor.a = alpha;\n}", Convolute_9_1: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[81];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 9.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 9.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 4.0), uStepH * (h - 4.0));\ncolor += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos) * uMatrix[int(h * 9.0 + w)];\n}\n}\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", Convolute_9_0: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uMatrix[81];\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);\nfor (float h = 0.0; h < 9.0; h+=1.0) {\nfor (float w = 0.0; w < 9.0; w+=1.0) {\nvec2 matrixPos = vec2(uStepW * (w - 4.0), uStepH * (h - 4.0));\ncolor.rgb += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + matrixPos).rgb * uMatrix[int(h * 9.0 + w)];\n}\n}\nfloat alpha = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord).a;\ngl_FragColor = color;\ngl_FragColor.a = alpha;\n}" }, retrieveShader: function (t) { var e = Math.sqrt(this.matrix.length), i = this.type + "_" + e + "_" + (this.opaque ? 1 : 0), r = this.fragmentSource[i]; return t.programCache.hasOwnProperty(i) || (t.programCache[i] = this.createProgram(t.context, r)), t.programCache[i] }, applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f, d, g = t.imageData, p = g.data, v = this.matrix, m = Math.round(Math.sqrt(v.length)), b = Math.floor(m / 2), y = g.width, _ = g.height, x = t.ctx.createImageData(y, _), C = x.data, S = this.opaque ? 1 : 0; for (u = 0; u < _; u++)for (l = 0; l < y; l++) { for (s = 4 * (u * y + l), d = n = r = i = e = 0; d < m; d++)for (f = 0; f < m; f++)o = l + f - b, (a = u + d - b) < 0 || _ <= a || o < 0 || y <= o || (h = 4 * (a * y + o), c = v[d * m + f], e += p[h] * c, i += p[h + 1] * c, r += p[h + 2] * c, S || (n += p[h + 3] * c)); C[s] = e, C[s + 1] = i, C[s + 2] = r, C[s + 3] = S ? p[s + 3] : n } t.imageData = x }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uMatrix: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uMatrix"), uOpaque: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uOpaque"), uHalfSize: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uHalfSize"), uSize: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uSize") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1fv(e.uMatrix, this.matrix) }, toObject: function () { return i(this.callSuper("toObject"), { opaque: this.opaque, matrix: this.matrix }) } }), e.Image.filters.Convolute.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.Grayscale = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "Grayscale", fragmentSource: { average: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nfloat average = (color.r + color.b + color.g) / 3.0;\ngl_FragColor = vec4(average, average, average, color.a);\n}", lightness: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform int uMode;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 col = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nfloat average = (max(max(col.r, col.g),col.b) + min(min(col.r, col.g),col.b)) / 2.0;\ngl_FragColor = vec4(average, average, average, col.a);\n}", luminosity: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform int uMode;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 col = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nfloat average = 0.21 * col.r + 0.72 * col.g + 0.07 * col.b;\ngl_FragColor = vec4(average, average, average, col.a);\n}" }, mode: "average", mainParameter: "mode", applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i, r = t.imageData.data, n = r.length, s = this.mode; for (e = 0; e < n; e += 4)"average" === s ? i = (r[e] + r[e + 1] + r[e + 2]) / 3 : "lightness" === s ? i = (Math.min(r[e], r[e + 1], r[e + 2]) + Math.max(r[e], r[e + 1], r[e + 2])) / 2 : "luminosity" === s && (i = .21 * r[e] + .72 * r[e + 1] + .07 * r[e + 2]), r[e] = i, r[e + 1] = i, r[e + 2] = i }, retrieveShader: function (t) { var e = this.type + "_" + this.mode; if (!t.programCache.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var i = this.fragmentSource[this.mode]; t.programCache[e] = this.createProgram(t.context, i) } return t.programCache[e] }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uMode: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uMode") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1i(e.uMode, 1) }, isNeutralState: function () { return !1 } }), e.Image.filters.Grayscale.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.Invert = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "Invert", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform int uInvert;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nif (uInvert == 1) {\ngl_FragColor = vec4(1.0 - color.r,1.0 -color.g,1.0 -color.b,color.a);\n} else {\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}\n}", invert: !0, mainParameter: "invert", applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i = t.imageData.data, r = i.length; for (e = 0; e < r; e += 4)i[e] = 255 - i[e], i[e + 1] = 255 - i[e + 1], i[e + 2] = 255 - i[e + 2] }, isNeutralState: function () { return !this.invert }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uInvert: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uInvert") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1i(e.uInvert, this.invert) } }), e.Image.filters.Invert.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.util.object.extend, r = e.Image.filters, n = e.util.createClass; r.Noise = n(r.BaseFilter, { type: "Noise", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uStepH;\nuniform float uNoise;\nuniform float uSeed;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nfloat rand(vec2 co, float seed, float vScale) {\nreturn fract(sin(dot(co.xy * vScale ,vec2(12.9898 , 78.233))) * 43758.5453 * (seed + 0.01) / 2.0);\n}\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\ncolor.rgb += (0.5 - rand(vTexCoord, uSeed, 0.1 / uStepH)) * uNoise;\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", mainParameter: "noise", noise: 0, applyTo2d: function (t) { if (0 !== this.noise) { var e, i, r = t.imageData.data, n = r.length, s = this.noise; for (e = 0, n = r.length; e < n; e += 4)i = (.5 - Math.random()) * s, r[e] += i, r[e + 1] += i, r[e + 2] += i } }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uNoise: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uNoise"), uSeed: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uSeed") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1f(e.uNoise, this.noise / 255), t.uniform1f(e.uSeed, Math.random()) }, toObject: function () { return i(this.callSuper("toObject"), { noise: this.noise }) } }), e.Image.filters.Noise.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.Pixelate = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "Pixelate", blocksize: 4, mainParameter: "blocksize", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uBlocksize;\nuniform float uStepW;\nuniform float uStepH;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nfloat blockW = uBlocksize * uStepW;\nfloat blockH = uBlocksize * uStepW;\nint posX = int(vTexCoord.x / blockW);\nint posY = int(vTexCoord.y / blockH);\nfloat fposX = float(posX);\nfloat fposY = float(posY);\nvec2 squareCoords = vec2(fposX * blockW, fposY * blockH);\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, squareCoords);\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f = t.imageData, d = f.data, g = f.height, p = f.width; for (i = 0; i < g; i += this.blocksize)for (r = 0; r < p; r += this.blocksize)for (n = d[e = 4 * i * p + 4 * r], s = d[e + 1], o = d[e + 2], a = d[e + 3], l = Math.min(i + this.blocksize, g), u = Math.min(r + this.blocksize, p), h = i; h < l; h++)for (c = r; c < u; c++)d[e = 4 * h * p + 4 * c] = n, d[e + 1] = s, d[e + 2] = o, d[e + 3] = a }, isNeutralState: function () { return 1 === this.blocksize }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uBlocksize: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uBlocksize"), uStepW: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uStepW"), uStepH: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uStepH") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1f(e.uBlocksize, this.blocksize) } }), e.Image.filters.Pixelate.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var l = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), e = l.util.object.extend, i = l.Image.filters, r = l.util.createClass; i.RemoveColor = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "RemoveColor", color: "#FFFFFF", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform vec4 uLow;\nuniform vec4 uHigh;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\ngl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nif(all(greaterThan(gl_FragColor.rgb,uLow.rgb)) && all(greaterThan(uHigh.rgb,gl_FragColor.rgb))) {\ngl_FragColor.a = 0.0;\n}\n}", distance: .02, useAlpha: !1, applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s = t.imageData.data, o = 255 * this.distance, a = new l.Color(this.color).getSource(), h = [a[0] - o, a[1] - o, a[2] - o], c = [a[0] + o, a[1] + o, a[2] + o]; for (e = 0; e < s.length; e += 4)i = s[e], r = s[e + 1], n = s[e + 2], h[0] < i && h[1] < r && h[2] < n && i < c[0] && r < c[1] && n < c[2] && (s[e + 3] = 0) }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uLow: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uLow"), uHigh: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uHigh") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { var i = new l.Color(this.color).getSource(), r = parseFloat(this.distance), n = [0 + i[0] / 255 - r, 0 + i[1] / 255 - r, 0 + i[2] / 255 - r, 1], s = [i[0] / 255 + r, i[1] / 255 + r, i[2] / 255 + r, 1]; t.uniform4fv(e.uLow, n), t.uniform4fv(e.uHigh, s) }, toObject: function () { return e(this.callSuper("toObject"), { color: this.color, distance: this.distance }) } }), l.Image.filters.RemoveColor.fromObject = l.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass, n = { Brownie: [.5997, .34553, -.27082, 0, .186, -.0377, .86095, .15059, 0, -.1449, .24113, -.07441, .44972, 0, -.02965, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], Vintage: [.62793, .32021, -.03965, 0, .03784, .02578, .64411, .03259, 0, .02926, .0466, -.08512, .52416, 0, .02023, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], Kodachrome: [1.12855, -.39673, -.03992, 0, .24991, -.16404, 1.08352, -.05498, 0, .09698, -.16786, -.56034, 1.60148, 0, .13972, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], Technicolor: [1.91252, -.85453, -.09155, 0, .04624, -.30878, 1.76589, -.10601, 0, -.27589, -.2311, -.75018, 1.84759, 0, .12137, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], Polaroid: [1.438, -.062, -.062, 0, 0, -.122, 1.378, -.122, 0, 0, -.016, -.016, 1.483, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], Sepia: [.393, .769, .189, 0, 0, .349, .686, .168, 0, 0, .272, .534, .131, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], BlackWhite: [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0, -1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0, -1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] }; for (var s in n) i[s] = r(i.ColorMatrix, { type: s, matrix: n[s], mainParameter: !1, colorsOnly: !0 }), e.Image.filters[s].fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var f = t.fabric, e = f.Image.filters, i = f.util.createClass; e.BlendColor = i(e.BaseFilter, { type: "BlendColor", color: "#F95C63", mode: "multiply", alpha: 1, fragmentSource: { multiply: "gl_FragColor.rgb *= uColor.rgb;\n", screen: "gl_FragColor.rgb = 1.0 - (1.0 - gl_FragColor.rgb) * (1.0 - uColor.rgb);\n", add: "gl_FragColor.rgb += uColor.rgb;\n", diff: "gl_FragColor.rgb = abs(gl_FragColor.rgb - uColor.rgb);\n", subtract: "gl_FragColor.rgb -= uColor.rgb;\n", lighten: "gl_FragColor.rgb = max(gl_FragColor.rgb, uColor.rgb);\n", darken: "gl_FragColor.rgb = min(gl_FragColor.rgb, uColor.rgb);\n", exclusion: "gl_FragColor.rgb += uColor.rgb - 2.0 * (uColor.rgb * gl_FragColor.rgb);\n", overlay: "if (uColor.r < 0.5) {\ngl_FragColor.r *= 2.0 * uColor.r;\n} else {\ngl_FragColor.r = 1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - gl_FragColor.r) * (1.0 - uColor.r);\n}\nif (uColor.g < 0.5) {\ngl_FragColor.g *= 2.0 * uColor.g;\n} else {\ngl_FragColor.g = 1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - gl_FragColor.g) * (1.0 - uColor.g);\n}\nif (uColor.b < 0.5) {\ngl_FragColor.b *= 2.0 * uColor.b;\n} else {\ngl_FragColor.b = 1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - gl_FragColor.b) * (1.0 - uColor.b);\n}\n", tint: "gl_FragColor.rgb *= (1.0 - uColor.a);\ngl_FragColor.rgb += uColor.rgb;\n" }, buildSource: function (t) { return "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform vec4 uColor;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\ngl_FragColor = color;\nif (color.a > 0.0) {\n" + this.fragmentSource[t] + "}\n}" }, retrieveShader: function (t) { var e, i = this.type + "_" + this.mode; return t.programCache.hasOwnProperty(i) || (e = this.buildSource(this.mode), t.programCache[i] = this.createProgram(t.context, e)), t.programCache[i] }, applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h = t.imageData.data, c = h.length, l = 1 - this.alpha; e = (a = new f.Color(this.color).getSource())[0] * this.alpha, i = a[1] * this.alpha, r = a[2] * this.alpha; for (var u = 0; u < c; u += 4)switch (n = h[u], s = h[u + 1], o = h[u + 2], this.mode) { case "multiply": h[u] = n * e / 255, h[u + 1] = s * i / 255, h[u + 2] = o * r / 255; break; case "screen": h[u] = 255 - (255 - n) * (255 - e) / 255, h[u + 1] = 255 - (255 - s) * (255 - i) / 255, h[u + 2] = 255 - (255 - o) * (255 - r) / 255; break; case "add": h[u] = n + e, h[u + 1] = s + i, h[u + 2] = o + r; break; case "diff": case "difference": h[u] = Math.abs(n - e), h[u + 1] = Math.abs(s - i), h[u + 2] = Math.abs(o - r); break; case "subtract": h[u] = n - e, h[u + 1] = s - i, h[u + 2] = o - r; break; case "darken": h[u] = Math.min(n, e), h[u + 1] = Math.min(s, i), h[u + 2] = Math.min(o, r); break; case "lighten": h[u] = Math.max(n, e), h[u + 1] = Math.max(s, i), h[u + 2] = Math.max(o, r); break; case "overlay": h[u] = e < 128 ? 2 * n * e / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - n) * (255 - e) / 255, h[u + 1] = i < 128 ? 2 * s * i / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - s) * (255 - i) / 255, h[u + 2] = r < 128 ? 2 * o * r / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - o) * (255 - r) / 255; break; case "exclusion": h[u] = e + n - 2 * e * n / 255, h[u + 1] = i + s - 2 * i * s / 255, h[u + 2] = r + o - 2 * r * o / 255; break; case "tint": h[u] = e + n * l, h[u + 1] = i + s * l, h[u + 2] = r + o * l } }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uColor: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uColor") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { var i = new f.Color(this.color).getSource(); i[0] = this.alpha * i[0] / 255, i[1] = this.alpha * i[1] / 255, i[2] = this.alpha * i[2] / 255, i[3] = this.alpha, t.uniform4fv(e.uColor, i) }, toObject: function () { return { type: this.type, color: this.color, mode: this.mode, alpha: this.alpha } } }), f.Image.filters.BlendColor.fromObject = f.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var _ = t.fabric, e = _.Image.filters, i = _.util.createClass; e.BlendImage = i(e.BaseFilter, { type: "BlendImage", image: null, mode: "multiply", alpha: 1, vertexSource: "attribute vec2 aPosition;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord2;\nuniform mat3 uTransformMatrix;\nvoid main() {\nvTexCoord = aPosition;\nvTexCoord2 = (uTransformMatrix * vec3(aPosition, 1.0)).xy;\ngl_Position = vec4(aPosition * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n}", fragmentSource: { multiply: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform sampler2D uImage;\nuniform vec4 uColor;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord2;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nvec4 color2 = texture2D(uImage, vTexCoord2);\ncolor.rgba *= color2.rgba;\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", mask: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform sampler2D uImage;\nuniform vec4 uColor;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord2;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nvec4 color2 = texture2D(uImage, vTexCoord2);\ncolor.a = color2.a;\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}" }, retrieveShader: function (t) { var e = this.type + "_" + this.mode, i = this.fragmentSource[this.mode]; return t.programCache.hasOwnProperty(e) || (t.programCache[e] = this.createProgram(t.context, i)), t.programCache[e] }, applyToWebGL: function (t) { var e = t.context, i = this.createTexture(t.filterBackend, this.image); this.bindAdditionalTexture(e, i, e.TEXTURE1), this.callSuper("applyToWebGL", t), this.unbindAdditionalTexture(e, e.TEXTURE1) }, createTexture: function (t, e) { return t.getCachedTexture(e.cacheKey, e._element) }, calculateMatrix: function () { var t = this.image, e = t._element.width, i = t._element.height; return [1 / t.scaleX, 0, 0, 0, 1 / t.scaleY, 0, -t.left / e, -t.top / i, 1] }, applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f = t.imageData, d = t.filterBackend.resources, g = f.data, p = g.length, v = f.width, m = f.height, b = this.image; d.blendImage || (d.blendImage = _.util.createCanvasElement()), l = (c = d.blendImage).getContext("2d"), c.width !== v || c.height !== m ? (c.width = v, c.height = m) : l.clearRect(0, 0, v, m), l.setTransform(b.scaleX, 0, 0, b.scaleY, b.left, b.top), l.drawImage(b._element, 0, 0, v, m), u = l.getImageData(0, 0, v, m).data; for (var y = 0; y < p; y += 4)switch (s = g[y], o = g[y + 1], a = g[y + 2], h = g[y + 3], e = u[y], i = u[y + 1], r = u[y + 2], n = u[y + 3], this.mode) { case "multiply": g[y] = s * e / 255, g[y + 1] = o * i / 255, g[y + 2] = a * r / 255, g[y + 3] = h * n / 255; break; case "mask": g[y + 3] = n } }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uTransformMatrix: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uTransformMatrix"), uImage: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uImage") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { var i = this.calculateMatrix(); t.uniform1i(e.uImage, 1), t.uniformMatrix3fv(e.uTransformMatrix, !1, i) }, toObject: function () { return { type: this.type, image: this.image && this.image.toObject(), mode: this.mode, alpha: this.alpha } } }), _.Image.filters.BlendImage.fromObject = function (i, r) { _.Image.fromObject(i.image, function (t) { var e = _.util.object.clone(i); e.image = t, r(new _.Image.filters.BlendImage(e)) }) } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var m = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), A = Math.pow, j = Math.floor, M = Math.sqrt, F = Math.abs, c = Math.round, r = Math.sin, I = Math.ceil, e = m.Image.filters, i = m.util.createClass; e.Resize = i(e.BaseFilter, { type: "Resize", resizeType: "hermite", scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, lanczosLobes: 3, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uDelta: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uDelta"), uTaps: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uTaps") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform2fv(e.uDelta, this.horizontal ? [1 / this.width, 0] : [0, 1 / this.height]), t.uniform1fv(e.uTaps, this.taps) }, retrieveShader: function (t) { var e = this.getFilterWindow(), i = this.type + "_" + e; if (!t.programCache.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var r = this.generateShader(e); t.programCache[i] = this.createProgram(t.context, r) } return t.programCache[i] }, getFilterWindow: function () { var t = this.tempScale; return Math.ceil(this.lanczosLobes / t) }, getTaps: function () { for (var t = this.lanczosCreate(this.lanczosLobes), e = this.tempScale, i = this.getFilterWindow(), r = new Array(i), n = 1; n <= i; n++)r[n - 1] = t(n * e); return r }, generateShader: function (t) { for (var e = new Array(t), i = this.fragmentSourceTOP, r = 1; r <= t; r++)e[r - 1] = r + ".0 * uDelta"; return i += "uniform float uTaps[" + t + "];\n", i += "void main() {\n", i += " vec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\n", i += " float sum = 1.0;\n", e.forEach(function (t, e) { i += " color += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + " + t + ") * uTaps[" + e + "];\n", i += " color += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord - " + t + ") * uTaps[" + e + "];\n", i += " sum += 2.0 * uTaps[" + e + "];\n" }), i += " gl_FragColor = color / sum;\n", i += "}" }, fragmentSourceTOP: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform vec2 uDelta;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\n", applyTo: function (t) { t.webgl ? (t.passes++, this.width = t.sourceWidth, this.horizontal = !0, this.dW = Math.round(this.width * this.scaleX), this.dH = t.sourceHeight, this.tempScale = this.dW / this.width, this.taps = this.getTaps(), t.destinationWidth = this.dW, this._setupFrameBuffer(t), this.applyToWebGL(t), this._swapTextures(t), t.sourceWidth = t.destinationWidth, this.height = t.sourceHeight, this.horizontal = !1, this.dH = Math.round(this.height * this.scaleY), this.tempScale = this.dH / this.height, this.taps = this.getTaps(), t.destinationHeight = this.dH, this._setupFrameBuffer(t), this.applyToWebGL(t), this._swapTextures(t), t.sourceHeight = t.destinationHeight) : this.applyTo2d(t) }, isNeutralState: function () { return 1 === this.scaleX && 1 === this.scaleY }, lanczosCreate: function (i) { return function (t) { if (i <= t || t <= -i) return 0; if (t < 1.1920929e-7 && -1.1920929e-7 < t) return 1; var e = (t *= Math.PI) / i; return r(t) / t * r(e) / e } }, applyTo2d: function (t) { var e = t.imageData, i = this.scaleX, r = this.scaleY; this.rcpScaleX = 1 / i, this.rcpScaleY = 1 / r; var n, s = e.width, o = e.height, a = c(s * i), h = c(o * r); "sliceHack" === this.resizeType ? n = this.sliceByTwo(t, s, o, a, h) : "hermite" === this.resizeType ? n = this.hermiteFastResize(t, s, o, a, h) : "bilinear" === this.resizeType ? n = this.bilinearFiltering(t, s, o, a, h) : "lanczos" === this.resizeType && (n = this.lanczosResize(t, s, o, a, h)), t.imageData = n }, sliceByTwo: function (t, e, i, r, n) { var s, o, a = t.imageData, h = !1, c = !1, l = .5 * e, u = .5 * i, f = m.filterBackend.resources, d = 0, g = 0, p = e, v = 0; for (f.sliceByTwo || (f.sliceByTwo = document.createElement("canvas")), ((s = f.sliceByTwo).width < 1.5 * e || s.height < i) && (s.width = 1.5 * e, s.height = i), (o = s.getContext("2d")).clearRect(0, 0, 1.5 * e, i), o.putImageData(a, 0, 0), r = j(r), n = j(n); !h || !c;)i = u, r < j(.5 * (e = l)) ? l = j(.5 * l) : (l = r, h = !0), n < j(.5 * u) ? u = j(.5 * u) : (u = n, c = !0), o.drawImage(s, d, g, e, i, p, v, l, u), d = p, g = v, v += u; return o.getImageData(d, g, r, n) }, lanczosResize: function (t, g, p, v, m) { var b = t.imageData.data, y = t.ctx.createImageData(v, m), _ = y.data, x = this.lanczosCreate(this.lanczosLobes), C = this.rcpScaleX, S = this.rcpScaleY, T = 2 / this.rcpScaleX, w = 2 / this.rcpScaleY, O = I(C * this.lanczosLobes / 2), k = I(S * this.lanczosLobes / 2), P = {}, D = {}, E = {}; return function t(e) { var i, r, n, s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f; for (D.x = (e + .5) * C, E.x = j(D.x), i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (D.y = (i + .5) * S, E.y = j(D.y), l = c = h = a = o = 0, r = E.x - O; r <= E.x + O; r++)if (!(r < 0 || g <= r)) { u = j(1e3 * F(r - D.x)), P[u] || (P[u] = {}); for (var d = E.y - k; d <= E.y + k; d++)d < 0 || p <= d || (f = j(1e3 * F(d - D.y)), P[u][f] || (P[u][f] = x(M(A(u * T, 2) + A(f * w, 2)) / 1e3)), 0 < (n = P[u][f]) && (o += n, a += n * b[s = 4 * (d * g + r)], h += n * b[s + 1], c += n * b[s + 2], l += n * b[s + 3])) } _[s = 4 * (i * v + e)] = a / o, _[s + 1] = h / o, _[s + 2] = c / o, _[s + 3] = l / o } return ++e < v ? t(e) : y }(0) }, bilinearFiltering: function (t, e, i, r, n) { var s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f, d, g = 0, p = this.rcpScaleX, v = this.rcpScaleY, m = 4 * (e - 1), b = t.imageData.data, y = t.ctx.createImageData(r, n), _ = y.data; for (a = 0; a < n; a++)for (h = 0; h < r; h++)for (c = p * h - (s = j(p * h)), l = v * a - (o = j(v * a)), d = 4 * (o * e + s), u = 0; u < 4; u++)f = b[d + u] * (1 - c) * (1 - l) + b[d + 4 + u] * c * (1 - l) + b[d + m + u] * l * (1 - c) + b[d + m + 4 + u] * c * l, _[g++] = f; return y }, hermiteFastResize: function (t, e, i, r, n) { for (var s = this.rcpScaleX, o = this.rcpScaleY, a = I(s / 2), h = I(o / 2), c = t.imageData.data, l = t.ctx.createImageData(r, n), u = l.data, f = 0; f < n; f++)for (var d = 0; d < r; d++) { for (var g = 4 * (d + f * r), p = 0, v = 0, m = 0, b = 0, y = 0, _ = 0, x = 0, C = (f + .5) * o, S = j(f * o); S < (f + 1) * o; S++)for (var T = F(C - (S + .5)) / h, w = (d + .5) * s, O = T * T, k = j(d * s); k < (d + 1) * s; k++) { var P = F(w - (k + .5)) / a, D = M(O + P * P); 1 < D && D < -1 || 0 < (p = 2 * D * D * D - 3 * D * D + 1) && (x += p * c[(P = 4 * (k + S * e)) + 3], m += p, c[P + 3] < 255 && (p = p * c[P + 3] / 250), b += p * c[P], y += p * c[P + 1], _ += p * c[P + 2], v += p) } u[g] = b / v, u[g + 1] = y / v, u[g + 2] = _ / v, u[g + 3] = x / m } return l }, toObject: function () { return { type: this.type, scaleX: this.scaleX, scaleY: this.scaleY, resizeType: this.resizeType, lanczosLobes: this.lanczosLobes } } }), m.Image.filters.Resize.fromObject = m.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.Contrast = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "Contrast", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uContrast;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nfloat contrastF = 1.015 * (uContrast + 1.0) / (1.0 * (1.015 - uContrast));\ncolor.rgb = contrastF * (color.rgb - 0.5) + 0.5;\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", contrast: 0, mainParameter: "contrast", applyTo2d: function (t) { if (0 !== this.contrast) { var e, i = t.imageData.data, r = i.length, n = Math.floor(255 * this.contrast), s = 259 * (n + 255) / (255 * (259 - n)); for (e = 0; e < r; e += 4)i[e] = s * (i[e] - 128) + 128, i[e + 1] = s * (i[e + 1] - 128) + 128, i[e + 2] = s * (i[e + 2] - 128) + 128 } }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uContrast: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uContrast") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1f(e.uContrast, this.contrast) } }), e.Image.filters.Contrast.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.Saturation = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "Saturation", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform float uSaturation;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nfloat rgMax = max(color.r, color.g);\nfloat rgbMax = max(rgMax, color.b);\ncolor.r += rgbMax != color.r ? (rgbMax - color.r) * uSaturation : 0.00;\ncolor.g += rgbMax != color.g ? (rgbMax - color.g) * uSaturation : 0.00;\ncolor.b += rgbMax != color.b ? (rgbMax - color.b) * uSaturation : 0.00;\ngl_FragColor = color;\n}", saturation: 0, mainParameter: "saturation", applyTo2d: function (t) { if (0 !== this.saturation) { var e, i, r = t.imageData.data, n = r.length, s = -this.saturation; for (e = 0; e < n; e += 4)i = Math.max(r[e], r[e + 1], r[e + 2]), r[e] += i !== r[e] ? (i - r[e]) * s : 0, r[e + 1] += i !== r[e + 1] ? (i - r[e + 1]) * s : 0, r[e + 2] += i !== r[e + 2] ? (i - r[e + 2]) * s : 0 } }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uSaturation: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uSaturation") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform1f(e.uSaturation, -this.saturation) } }), e.Image.filters.Saturation.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var g = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), e = g.Image.filters, i = g.util.createClass; e.Blur = i(e.BaseFilter, { type: "Blur", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform vec2 uDelta;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nconst float nSamples = 15.0;\nvec3 v3offset = vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182);\nfloat random(vec3 scale) {\nreturn fract(sin(dot(gl_FragCoord.xyz, scale)) * 43758.5453);\n}\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = vec4(0.0);\nfloat total = 0.0;\nfloat offset = random(v3offset);\nfor (float t = -nSamples; t <= nSamples; t++) {\nfloat percent = (t + offset - 0.5) / nSamples;\nfloat weight = 1.0 - abs(percent);\ncolor += texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord + uDelta * percent) * weight;\ntotal += weight;\n}\ngl_FragColor = color / total;\n}", blur: 0, mainParameter: "blur", applyTo: function (t) { t.webgl ? (this.aspectRatio = t.sourceWidth / t.sourceHeight, t.passes++, this._setupFrameBuffer(t), this.horizontal = !0, this.applyToWebGL(t), this._swapTextures(t), this._setupFrameBuffer(t), this.horizontal = !1, this.applyToWebGL(t), this._swapTextures(t)) : this.applyTo2d(t) }, applyTo2d: function (t) { t.imageData = this.simpleBlur(t) }, simpleBlur: function (t) { var e, i, r = t.filterBackend.resources, n = t.imageData.width, s = t.imageData.height; r.blurLayer1 || (r.blurLayer1 = g.util.createCanvasElement(), r.blurLayer2 = g.util.createCanvasElement()), e = r.blurLayer1, i = r.blurLayer2, e.width === n && e.height === s || (i.width = e.width = n, i.height = e.height = s); var o, a, h, c, l = e.getContext("2d"), u = i.getContext("2d"), f = .06 * this.blur * .5; for (l.putImageData(t.imageData, 0, 0), u.clearRect(0, 0, n, s), c = -15; c <= 15; c++)h = f * (a = c / 15) * n + (o = (Math.random() - .5) / 4), u.globalAlpha = 1 - Math.abs(a), u.drawImage(e, h, o), l.drawImage(i, 0, 0), u.globalAlpha = 1, u.clearRect(0, 0, i.width, i.height); for (c = -15; c <= 15; c++)h = f * (a = c / 15) * s + (o = (Math.random() - .5) / 4), u.globalAlpha = 1 - Math.abs(a), u.drawImage(e, o, h), l.drawImage(i, 0, 0), u.globalAlpha = 1, u.clearRect(0, 0, i.width, i.height); t.ctx.drawImage(e, 0, 0); var d = t.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, e.width, e.height); return l.globalAlpha = 1, l.clearRect(0, 0, e.width, e.height), d }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { delta: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uDelta") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { var i = this.chooseRightDelta(); t.uniform2fv(e.delta, i) }, chooseRightDelta: function () { var t, e = 1, i = [0, 0]; return this.horizontal ? 1 < this.aspectRatio && (e = 1 / this.aspectRatio) : this.aspectRatio < 1 && (e = this.aspectRatio), t = e * this.blur * .12, this.horizontal ? i[0] = t : i[1] = t, i } }), e.Blur.fromObject = g.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), i = e.Image.filters, r = e.util.createClass; i.Gamma = r(i.BaseFilter, { type: "Gamma", fragmentSource: "precision highp float;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nuniform vec3 uGamma;\nvarying vec2 vTexCoord;\nvoid main() {\nvec4 color = texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoord);\nvec3 correction = (1.0 / uGamma);\ncolor.r = pow(color.r, correction.r);\ncolor.g = pow(color.g, correction.g);\ncolor.b = pow(color.b, correction.b);\ngl_FragColor = color;\ngl_FragColor.rgb *= color.a;\n}", gamma: [1, 1, 1], mainParameter: "gamma", initialize: function (t) { this.gamma = [1, 1, 1], i.BaseFilter.prototype.initialize.call(this, t) }, applyTo2d: function (t) { var e, i = t.imageData.data, r = this.gamma, n = i.length, s = 1 / r[0], o = 1 / r[1], a = 1 / r[2]; for (this.rVals || (this.rVals = new Uint8Array(256), this.gVals = new Uint8Array(256), this.bVals = new Uint8Array(256)), e = 0, n = 256; e < n; e++)this.rVals[e] = 255 * Math.pow(e / 255, s), this.gVals[e] = 255 * Math.pow(e / 255, o), this.bVals[e] = 255 * Math.pow(e / 255, a); for (e = 0, n = i.length; e < n; e += 4)i[e] = this.rVals[i[e]], i[e + 1] = this.gVals[i[e + 1]], i[e + 2] = this.bVals[i[e + 2]] }, getUniformLocations: function (t, e) { return { uGamma: t.getUniformLocation(e, "uGamma") } }, sendUniformData: function (t, e) { t.uniform3fv(e.uGamma, this.gamma) } }), e.Image.filters.Gamma.fromObject = e.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var n = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), e = n.Image.filters, i = n.util.createClass; e.Composed = i(e.BaseFilter, { type: "Composed", subFilters: [], initialize: function (t) { this.callSuper("initialize", t), this.subFilters = this.subFilters.slice(0) }, applyTo: function (e) { e.passes += this.subFilters.length - 1, this.subFilters.forEach(function (t) { t.applyTo(e) }) }, toObject: function () { return n.util.object.extend(this.callSuper("toObject"), { subFilters: this.subFilters.map(function (t) { return t.toObject() }) }) }, isNeutralState: function () { return !this.subFilters.some(function (t) { return !t.isNeutralState() }) } }), n.Image.filters.Composed.fromObject = function (t, e) { var i = (t.subFilters || []).map(function (t) { return new n.Image.filters[t.type](t) }), r = new n.Image.filters.Composed({ subFilters: i }); return e && e(r), r } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var s = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), e = s.Image.filters, i = s.util.createClass; e.HueRotation = i(e.ColorMatrix, { type: "HueRotation", rotation: 0, mainParameter: "rotation", calculateMatrix: function () { var t = this.rotation * Math.PI, e = s.util.cos(t), i = s.util.sin(t), r = Math.sqrt(1 / 3) * i, n = 1 - e; this.matrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], this.matrix[0] = e + n / 3, this.matrix[1] = 1 / 3 * n - r, this.matrix[2] = 1 / 3 * n + r, this.matrix[5] = 1 / 3 * n + r, this.matrix[6] = e + 1 / 3 * n, this.matrix[7] = 1 / 3 * n - r, this.matrix[10] = 1 / 3 * n - r, this.matrix[11] = 1 / 3 * n + r, this.matrix[12] = e + 1 / 3 * n }, isNeutralState: function (t) { return this.calculateMatrix(), e.BaseFilter.prototype.isNeutralState.call(this, t) }, applyTo: function (t) { this.calculateMatrix(), e.BaseFilter.prototype.applyTo.call(this, t) } }), s.Image.filters.HueRotation.fromObject = s.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function (t) { "use strict"; var d = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}), g = d.util.object.clone; if (d.Text) d.warn("fabric.Text is already defined"); else { var e = "fontFamily fontWeight fontSize text underline overline linethrough textAlign fontStyle lineHeight textBackgroundColor charSpacing styles path".split(" "); d.Text = d.util.createClass(d.Object, { _dimensionAffectingProps: ["fontSize", "fontWeight", "fontFamily", "fontStyle", "lineHeight", "text", "charSpacing", "textAlign", "styles", "path"], _reNewline: /\r?\n/, _reSpacesAndTabs: /[ \t\r]/g, _reSpaceAndTab: /[ \t\r]/, _reWords: /\S+/g, type: "text", fontSize: 40, fontWeight: "normal", fontFamily: "Times New Roman", underline: !1, overline: !1, linethrough: !1, textAlign: "left", fontStyle: "normal", lineHeight: 1.16, superscript: { size: .6, baseline: -.35 }, subscript: { size: .6, baseline: .11 }, textBackgroundColor: "", stateProperties: d.Object.prototype.stateProperties.concat(e), cacheProperties: d.Object.prototype.cacheProperties.concat(e), stroke: null, shadow: null, path: null, _fontSizeFraction: .222, offsets: { underline: .1, linethrough: -.315, overline: -.88 }, _fontSizeMult: 1.13, charSpacing: 0, styles: null, _measuringContext: null, deltaY: 0, direction: "ltr", _styleProperties: ["stroke", "strokeWidth", "fill", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontWeight", "fontStyle", "underline", "overline", "linethrough", "deltaY", "textBackgroundColor"], __charBounds: [], CACHE_FONT_SIZE: 400, MIN_TEXT_WIDTH: 2, initialize: function (t, e) { this.styles = e && e.styles || {}, this.text = t, this.__skipDimension = !0, this.callSuper("initialize", e), this.path && this.setPathInfo(), this.__skipDimension = !1, this.initDimensions(), this.setCoords(), this.setupState({ propertySet: "_dimensionAffectingProps" }) }, setPathInfo: function () { var t = this.path; t && (t.segmentsInfo = d.util.getPathSegmentsInfo(t.path)) }, getMeasuringContext: function () { return d._measuringContext || (d._measuringContext = this.canvas && this.canvas.contextCache || d.util.createCanvasElement().getContext("2d")), d._measuringContext }, _splitText: function () { var t = this._splitTextIntoLines(this.text); return this.textLines = t.lines, this._textLines = t.graphemeLines, this._unwrappedTextLines = t._unwrappedLines, this._text = t.graphemeText, t }, initDimensions: function () { this.__skipDimension || (this._splitText(), this._clearCache(), this.path ? (this.width = this.path.width, this.height = this.path.height) : (this.width = this.calcTextWidth() || this.cursorWidth || this.MIN_TEXT_WIDTH, this.height = this.calcTextHeight()), -1 !== this.textAlign.indexOf("justify") && this.enlargeSpaces(), this.saveState({ propertySet: "_dimensionAffectingProps" })) }, enlargeSpaces: function () { for (var t, e, i, r, n, s, o, a = 0, h = this._textLines.length; a < h; a++)if (("justify" === this.textAlign || a !== h - 1 && !this.isEndOfWrapping(a)) && (r = 0, n = this._textLines[a], (e = this.getLineWidth(a)) < this.width && (o = this.textLines[a].match(this._reSpacesAndTabs)))) { i = o.length, t = (this.width - e) / i; for (var c = 0, l = n.length; c <= l; c++)s = this.__charBounds[a][c], this._reSpaceAndTab.test(n[c]) ? (s.width += t, s.kernedWidth += t, s.left += r, r += t) : s.left += r } }, isEndOfWrapping: function (t) { return t === this._textLines.length - 1 }, missingNewlineOffset: function () { return 1 }, toString: function () { return "#<fabric.Text (" + this.complexity() + '): { "text": "' + this.text + '", "fontFamily": "' + this.fontFamily + '" }>' }, _getCacheCanvasDimensions: function () { var t = this.callSuper("_getCacheCanvasDimensions"), e = this.fontSize; return t.width += e * t.zoomX, t.height += e * t.zoomY, t }, _render: function (t) { this._setTextStyles(t), this._renderTextLinesBackground(t), this._renderTextDecoration(t, "underline"), this._renderText(t), this._renderTextDecoration(t, "overline"), this._renderTextDecoration(t, "linethrough") }, _renderText: function (t) { "stroke" === this.paintFirst ? (this._renderTextStroke(t), this._renderTextFill(t)) : (this._renderTextFill(t), this._renderTextStroke(t)) }, _setTextStyles: function (t, e, i) { t.textBaseline = "alphabetic", t.font = this._getFontDeclaration(e, i) }, calcTextWidth: function () { for (var t = this.getLineWidth(0), e = 1, i = this._textLines.length; e < i; e++) { var r = this.getLineWidth(e); t < r && (t = r) } return t }, _renderTextLine: function (t, e, i, r, n, s) { this._renderChars(t, e, i, r, n, s) }, _renderTextLinesBackground: function (t) { if (this.textBackgroundColor || this.styleHas("textBackgroundColor")) { for (var e, i, r, n, s, o, a, h = t.fillStyle, c = this._getLeftOffset(), l = this._getTopOffset(), u = 0, f = 0, d = this.path, g = 0, p = this._textLines.length; g < p; g++)if (e = this.getHeightOfLine(g), this.textBackgroundColor || this.styleHas("textBackgroundColor", g)) { r = this._textLines[g], i = this._getLineLeftOffset(g), u = f = 0, n = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(g, 0, "textBackgroundColor"); for (var v = 0, m = r.length; v < m; v++)s = this.__charBounds[g][v], o = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(g, v, "textBackgroundColor"), d ? (t.save(), t.translate(s.renderLeft, s.renderTop), t.rotate(s.angle), (t.fillStyle = o) && t.fillRect(-s.width / 2, -e / this.lineHeight * (1 - this._fontSizeFraction), s.width, e / this.lineHeight), t.restore()) : o !== n ? (a = c + i + u, "rtl" === this.direction && (a = this.width - a - f), (t.fillStyle = n) && t.fillRect(a, l, f, e / this.lineHeight), u = s.left, f = s.width, n = o) : f += s.kernedWidth; o && !d && (a = c + i + u, "rtl" === this.direction && (a = this.width - a - f), t.fillStyle = o, t.fillRect(a, l, f, e / this.lineHeight)), l += e } else l += e; t.fillStyle = h, this._removeShadow(t) } }, getFontCache: function (t) { var e = t.fontFamily.toLowerCase(); d.charWidthsCache[e] || (d.charWidthsCache[e] = {}); var i = d.charWidthsCache[e], r = t.fontStyle.toLowerCase() + "_" + (t.fontWeight + "").toLowerCase(); return i[r] || (i[r] = {}), i[r] }, _measureChar: function (t, e, i, r) { var n, s, o, a, h = this.getFontCache(e), c = i + t, l = this._getFontDeclaration(e) === this._getFontDeclaration(r), u = e.fontSize / this.CACHE_FONT_SIZE; if (i && void 0 !== h[i] && (o = h[i]), void 0 !== h[t] && (a = n = h[t]), l && void 0 !== h[c] && (a = (s = h[c]) - o), void 0 === n || void 0 === o || void 0 === s) { var f = this.getMeasuringContext(); this._setTextStyles(f, e, !0) } return void 0 === n && (a = n = f.measureText(t).width, h[t] = n), void 0 === o && l && i && (o = f.measureText(i).width, h[i] = o), l && void 0 === s && (s = f.measureText(c).width, a = (h[c] = s) - o), { width: n * u, kernedWidth: a * u } }, getHeightOfChar: function (t, e) { return this.getValueOfPropertyAt(t, e, "fontSize") }, measureLine: function (t) { var e = this._measureLine(t); return 0 !== this.charSpacing && (e.width -= this._getWidthOfCharSpacing()), e.width < 0 && (e.width = 0), e }, _measureLine: function (t) { var e, i, r, n, s, o, a = 0, h = this._textLines[t], c = new Array(h.length), l = 0, u = this.path; for (this.__charBounds[t] = c, u && (s = d.util.getPointOnPath(u.path, 0, u.segmentsInfo), o = u.segmentsInfo[u.segmentsInfo.length - 1].length, s.x += u.pathOffset.x, s.y += u.pathOffset.y), e = 0; e < h.length; e++)i = h[e], n = this._getGraphemeBox(i, t, e, r), u && (o < l && (l %= o), this._setGraphemeOnPath(l, n, s)), a += (c[e] = n).kernedWidth, l += n.kernedWidth, r = i; return c[e] = { left: n ? n.left + n.width : 0, width: 0, kernedWidth: 0, height: this.fontSize }, { width: a, numOfSpaces: 0 } }, _setGraphemeOnPath: function (t, e, i) { var r = t + e.kernedWidth / 2, n = this.path, s = d.util.getPointOnPath(n.path, r, n.segmentsInfo); e.renderLeft = s.x - i.x, e.renderTop = s.y - i.y, e.angle = s.angle }, _getGraphemeBox: function (t, e, i, r, n) { var s, o = this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(e, i), a = r ? this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(e, i - 1) : {}, h = this._measureChar(t, o, r, a), c = h.kernedWidth, l = h.width; 0 !== this.charSpacing && (l += s = this._getWidthOfCharSpacing(), c += s); var u = { width: l, left: 0, height: o.fontSize, kernedWidth: c, deltaY: o.deltaY }; if (0 < i && !n) { var f = this.__charBounds[e][i - 1]; u.left = f.left + f.width + h.kernedWidth - h.width } return u }, getHeightOfLine: function (t) { if (this.__lineHeights[t]) return this.__lineHeights[t]; for (var e = this._textLines[t], i = this.getHeightOfChar(t, 0), r = 1, n = e.length; r < n; r++)i = Math.max(this.getHeightOfChar(t, r), i); return this.__lineHeights[t] = i * this.lineHeight * this._fontSizeMult }, calcTextHeight: function () { for (var t, e = 0, i = 0, r = this._textLines.length; i < r; i++)t = this.getHeightOfLine(i), e += i === r - 1 ? t / this.lineHeight : t; return e }, _getLeftOffset: function () { return "ltr" === this.direction ? -this.width / 2 : this.width / 2 }, _getTopOffset: function () { return -this.height / 2 }, _renderTextCommon: function (t, e) { t.save(); for (var i = 0, r = this._getLeftOffset(), n = this._getTopOffset(), s = 0, o = this._textLines.length; s < o; s++) { var a = this.getHeightOfLine(s), h = a / this.lineHeight, c = this._getLineLeftOffset(s); this._renderTextLine(e, t, this._textLines[s], r + c, n + i + h, s), i += a } t.restore() }, _renderTextFill: function (t) { (this.fill || this.styleHas("fill")) && this._renderTextCommon(t, "fillText") }, _renderTextStroke: function (t) { (this.stroke && 0 !== this.strokeWidth || !this.isEmptyStyles()) && (this.shadow && !this.shadow.affectStroke && this._removeShadow(t), t.save(), this._setLineDash(t, this.strokeDashArray), t.beginPath(), this._renderTextCommon(t, "strokeText"), t.closePath(), t.restore()) }, _renderChars: function (t, e, i, r, n, s) { var o, a, h, c, l, u = this.getHeightOfLine(s), f = -1 !== this.textAlign.indexOf("justify"), d = "", g = 0, p = this.path, v = !f && 0 === this.charSpacing && this.isEmptyStyles(s) && !p, m = "ltr" === this.direction, b = "ltr" === this.direction ? 1 : -1; if (e.save(), n -= u * this._fontSizeFraction / this.lineHeight, v) return e.canvas.setAttribute("dir", m ? "ltr" : "rtl"), e.direction = m ? "ltr" : "rtl", this._renderChar(t, e, s, 0, i.join(""), r, n, u), void e.restore(); for (var y = 0, _ = i.length - 1; y <= _; y++)c = y === _ || this.charSpacing || p, d += i[y], h = this.__charBounds[s][y], 0 === g ? (r += b * (h.kernedWidth - h.width), g += h.width) : g += h.kernedWidth, f && !c && this._reSpaceAndTab.test(i[y]) && (c = !0), c || (o = o || this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(s, y), a = this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(s, y + 1), c = this._hasStyleChanged(o, a)), c && (p ? (e.save(), e.translate(h.renderLeft, h.renderTop), e.rotate(h.angle), this._renderChar(t, e, s, y, d, -g / 2, 0, u), e.restore()) : (l = r, e.canvas.setAttribute("dir", m ? "ltr" : "rtl"), e.direction = m ? "ltr" : "rtl", this._renderChar(t, e, s, y, d, l, n, u)), d = "", o = a, r += b * g, g = 0); e.restore() }, _applyPatternGradientTransformText: function (t) { var e, i = d.util.createCanvasElement(), r = this.width + this.strokeWidth, n = this.height + this.strokeWidth; return i.width = r, i.height = n, (e = i.getContext("2d")).beginPath(), e.moveTo(0, 0), e.lineTo(r, 0), e.lineTo(r, n), e.lineTo(0, n), e.closePath(), e.translate(r / 2, n / 2), e.fillStyle = t.toLive(e), this._applyPatternGradientTransform(e, t), e.fill(), e.createPattern(i, "no-repeat") }, handleFiller: function (t, e, i) { var r, n; return i.toLive ? "percentage" === i.gradientUnits || i.gradientTrasnform || i.patternTransform ? (r = -this.width / 2, n = -this.height / 2, t.translate(r, n), t[e] = this._applyPatternGradientTransformText(i), { offsetX: r, offsetY: n }) : (t[e] = i.toLive(t, this), this._applyPatternGradientTransform(t, i)) : (t[e] = i, { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }) }, _setStrokeStyles: function (t, e) { return t.lineWidth = e.strokeWidth, t.lineCap = this.strokeLineCap, t.lineDashOffset = this.strokeDashOffset, t.lineJoin = this.strokeLineJoin, t.miterLimit = this.strokeMiterLimit, this.handleFiller(t, "strokeStyle", e.stroke) }, _setFillStyles: function (t, e) { return this.handleFiller(t, "fillStyle", e.fill) }, _renderChar: function (t, e, i, r, n, s, o) { var a, h, c = this._getStyleDeclaration(i, r), l = this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(i, r), u = "fillText" === t && l.fill, f = "strokeText" === t && l.stroke && l.strokeWidth; (f || u) && (e.save(), u && (a = this._setFillStyles(e, l)), f && (h = this._setStrokeStyles(e, l)), e.font = this._getFontDeclaration(l), c && c.textBackgroundColor && this._removeShadow(e), c && c.deltaY && (o += c.deltaY), u && e.fillText(n, s - a.offsetX, o - a.offsetY), f && e.strokeText(n, s - h.offsetX, o - h.offsetY), e.restore()) }, setSuperscript: function (t, e) { return this._setScript(t, e, this.superscript) }, setSubscript: function (t, e) { return this._setScript(t, e, this.subscript) }, _setScript: function (t, e, i) { var r = this.get2DCursorLocation(t, !0), n = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(r.lineIndex, r.charIndex, "fontSize"), s = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(r.lineIndex, r.charIndex, "deltaY"), o = { fontSize: n * i.size, deltaY: s + n * i.baseline }; return this.setSelectionStyles(o, t, e), this }, _hasStyleChanged: function (t, e) { return t.fill !== e.fill || t.stroke !== e.stroke || t.strokeWidth !== e.strokeWidth || t.fontSize !== e.fontSize || t.fontFamily !== e.fontFamily || t.fontWeight !== e.fontWeight || t.fontStyle !== e.fontStyle || t.deltaY !== e.deltaY }, _hasStyleChangedForSvg: function (t, e) { return this._hasStyleChanged(t, e) || t.overline !== e.overline || t.underline !== e.underline || t.linethrough !== e.linethrough }, _getLineLeftOffset: function (t) { var e = this.getLineWidth(t), i = this.width - e, r = this.textAlign, n = this.direction, s = 0, o = this.isEndOfWrapping(t); return "justify" === r || "justify-center" === r && !o || "justify-right" === r && !o || "justify-left" === r && !o ? 0 : ("center" === r && (s = i / 2), "right" === r && (s = i), "justify-center" === r && (s = i / 2), "justify-right" === r && (s = i), "rtl" === n && (s -= i), s) }, _clearCache: function () { this.__lineWidths = [], this.__lineHeights = [], this.__charBounds = [] }, _shouldClearDimensionCache: function () { var t = this._forceClearCache; return t || (t = this.hasStateChanged("_dimensionAffectingProps")), t && (this.dirty = !0, this._forceClearCache = !1), t }, getLineWidth: function (t) { return this.__lineWidths[t] ? this.__lineWidths[t] : (e = "" === this._textLines[t] ? 0 : this.measureLine(t).width, this.__lineWidths[t] = e); var e }, _getWidthOfCharSpacing: function () { return 0 !== this.charSpacing ? this.fontSize * this.charSpacing / 1e3 : 0 }, getValueOfPropertyAt: function (t, e, i) { var r = this._getStyleDeclaration(t, e); return r && void 0 !== r[i] ? r[i] : this[i] }, _renderTextDecoration: function (t, e) { if (this[e] || this.styleHas(e)) { for (var i, r, n, s, o, a, h, c, l, u, f, d, g, p, v, m, b = this._getLeftOffset(), y = this._getTopOffset(), _ = this.path, x = this._getWidthOfCharSpacing(), C = 0, S = this._textLines.length; C < S; C++)if (i = this.getHeightOfLine(C), this[e] || this.styleHas(e, C)) { h = this._textLines[C], p = i / this.lineHeight, s = this._getLineLeftOffset(C), f = u = 0, c = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(C, 0, e), m = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(C, 0, "fill"), l = y + p * (1 - this._fontSizeFraction), r = this.getHeightOfChar(C, 0), o = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(C, 0, "deltaY"); for (var T = 0, w = h.length; T < w; T++)if (d = this.__charBounds[C][T], g = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(C, T, e), v = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(C, T, "fill"), n = this.getHeightOfChar(C, T), a = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(C, T, "deltaY"), _ && g && v) t.save(), t.fillStyle = m, t.translate(d.renderLeft, d.renderTop), t.rotate(d.angle), t.fillRect(-d.kernedWidth / 2, this.offsets[e] * n + a, d.kernedWidth, this.fontSize / 15), t.restore(); else if ((g !== c || v !== m || n !== r || a !== o) && 0 < f) { var O = b + s + u; "rtl" === this.direction && (O = this.width - O - f), c && m && (t.fillStyle = m, t.fillRect(O, l + this.offsets[e] * r + o, f, this.fontSize / 15)), u = d.left, f = d.width, c = g, m = v, r = n, o = a } else f += d.kernedWidth; t.fillStyle = v, g && v && t.fillRect(b + s + u, l + this.offsets[e] * r + o, f - x, this.fontSize / 15), y += i } else y += i; this._removeShadow(t) } }, _getFontDeclaration: function (t, e) { var i = t || this, r = this.fontFamily, n = -1 < d.Text.genericFonts.indexOf(r.toLowerCase()), s = void 0 === r || -1 < r.indexOf("'") || -1 < r.indexOf(",") || -1 < r.indexOf('"') || n ? i.fontFamily : '"' + i.fontFamily + '"'; return [d.isLikelyNode ? i.fontWeight : i.fontStyle, d.isLikelyNode ? i.fontStyle : i.fontWeight, e ? this.CACHE_FONT_SIZE + "px" : i.fontSize + "px", s].join(" ") }, render: function (t) { this.visible && (this.canvas && this.canvas.skipOffscreen && !this.group && !this.isOnScreen() || (this._shouldClearDimensionCache() && this.initDimensions(), this.callSuper("render", t))) }, _splitTextIntoLines: function (t) { for (var e = t.split(this._reNewline), i = new Array(e.length), r = ["\n"], n = [], s = 0; s < e.length; s++)i[s] = d.util.string.graphemeSplit(e[s]), n = n.concat(i[s], r); return n.pop(), { _unwrappedLines: i, lines: e, graphemeText: n, graphemeLines: i } }, toObject: function (t) { var e = ["text", "fontSize", "fontWeight", "fontFamily", "fontStyle", "lineHeight", "underline", "overline", "linethrough", "textAlign", "textBackgroundColor", "charSpacing", "path", "direction"].concat(t), i = this.callSuper("toObject", e); return i.styles = g(this.styles, !0), i.path = this.path && this.path.toObject(), i }, set: function (t, e) { this.callSuper("set", t, e); var i = !1, r = !1; if ("object" == typeof t) for (var n in t) "path" === n && this.setPathInfo(), i = i || -1 !== this._dimensionAffectingProps.indexOf(n), r = r || "path" === n; else i = -1 !== this._dimensionAffectingProps.indexOf(t), r = "path" === t; return r && this.setPathInfo(), i && (this.initDimensions(), this.setCoords()), this }, complexity: function () { return 1 } }), d.Text.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = d.SHARED_ATTRIBUTES.concat("x y dx dy font-family font-style font-weight font-size letter-spacing text-decoration text-anchor".split(" ")), d.Text.DEFAULT_SVG_FONT_SIZE = 16, d.Text.fromElement = function (t, e, i) { if (!t) return e(null); var r = d.parseAttributes(t, d.Text.ATTRIBUTE_NAMES), n = r.textAnchor || "left"; if ((i = d.util.object.extend(i ? g(i) : {}, r)).top = i.top || 0, i.left = i.left || 0, r.textDecoration) { var s = r.textDecoration; -1 !== s.indexOf("underline") && (i.underline = !0), -1 !== s.indexOf("overline") && (i.overline = !0), -1 !== s.indexOf("line-through") && (i.linethrough = !0), delete i.textDecoration } "dx" in r && (i.left += r.dx), "dy" in r && (i.top += r.dy), "fontSize" in i || (i.fontSize = d.Text.DEFAULT_SVG_FONT_SIZE); var o = ""; "textContent" in t ? o = t.textContent : "firstChild" in t && null !== t.firstChild && "data" in t.firstChild && null !== t.firstChild.data && (o = t.firstChild.data), o = o.replace(/^\s+|\s+$|\n+/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " "); var a = i.strokeWidth; i.strokeWidth = 0; var h = new d.Text(o, i), c = h.getScaledHeight() / h.height, l = ((h.height + h.strokeWidth) * h.lineHeight - h.height) * c, u = h.getScaledHeight() + l, f = 0; "center" === n && (f = h.getScaledWidth() / 2), "right" === n && (f = h.getScaledWidth()), h.set({ left: h.left - f, top: h.top - (u - h.fontSize * (.07 + h._fontSizeFraction)) / h.lineHeight, strokeWidth: void 0 !== a ? a : 1 }), e(h) }, d.Text.fromObject = function (t, i) { var e = g(t), r = t.path; return delete e.path, d.Object._fromObject("Text", e, function (e) { r ? d.Object._fromObject("Path", r, function (t) { e.set("path", t), i(e) }, "path") : i(e) }, "text") }, d.Text.genericFonts = ["sans-serif", "serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace"], d.util.createAccessors && d.util.createAccessors(d.Text) } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Text.prototype, { isEmptyStyles: function (t) { if (!this.styles) return !0; if (void 0 !== t && !this.styles[t]) return !0; var e = void 0 === t ? this.styles : { line: this.styles[t] }; for (var i in e) for (var r in e[i]) for (var n in e[i][r]) return !1; return !0 }, styleHas: function (t, e) { if (!this.styles || !t || "" === t) return !1; if (void 0 !== e && !this.styles[e]) return !1; var i = void 0 === e ? this.styles : { 0: this.styles[e] }; for (var r in i) for (var n in i[r]) if (void 0 !== i[r][n][t]) return !0; return !1 }, cleanStyle: function (t) { if (!this.styles || !t || "" === t) return !1; var e, i, r = this.styles, n = 0, s = !0, o = 0; for (var a in r) { for (var h in e = 0, r[a]) { var c; n++, (c = r[a][h]).hasOwnProperty(t) ? (i ? c[t] !== i && (s = !1) : i = c[t], c[t] === this[t] && delete c[t]) : s = !1, 0 !== Object.keys(c).length ? e++ : delete r[a][h] } 0 === e && delete r[a] } for (var l = 0; l < this._textLines.length; l++)o += this._textLines[l].length; s && n === o && (this[t] = i, this.removeStyle(t)) }, removeStyle: function (t) { if (this.styles && t && "" !== t) { var e, i, r, n = this.styles; for (i in n) { for (r in e = n[i]) delete e[r][t], 0 === Object.keys(e[r]).length && delete e[r]; 0 === Object.keys(e).length && delete n[i] } } }, _extendStyles: function (t, e) { var i = this.get2DCursorLocation(t); this._getLineStyle(i.lineIndex) || this._setLineStyle(i.lineIndex), this._getStyleDeclaration(i.lineIndex, i.charIndex) || this._setStyleDeclaration(i.lineIndex, i.charIndex, {}), fabric.util.object.extend(this._getStyleDeclaration(i.lineIndex, i.charIndex), e) }, get2DCursorLocation: function (t, e) { void 0 === t && (t = this.selectionStart); for (var i = e ? this._unwrappedTextLines : this._textLines, r = i.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) { if (t <= i[n].length) return { lineIndex: n, charIndex: t }; t -= i[n].length + this.missingNewlineOffset(n) } return { lineIndex: n - 1, charIndex: i[n - 1].length < t ? i[n - 1].length : t } }, getSelectionStyles: function (t, e, i) { void 0 === t && (t = this.selectionStart || 0), void 0 === e && (e = this.selectionEnd || t); for (var r = [], n = t; n < e; n++)r.push(this.getStyleAtPosition(n, i)); return r }, getStyleAtPosition: function (t, e) { var i = this.get2DCursorLocation(t); return (e ? this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(i.lineIndex, i.charIndex) : this._getStyleDeclaration(i.lineIndex, i.charIndex)) || {} }, setSelectionStyles: function (t, e, i) { void 0 === e && (e = this.selectionStart || 0), void 0 === i && (i = this.selectionEnd || e); for (var r = e; r < i; r++)this._extendStyles(r, t); return this._forceClearCache = !0, this }, _getStyleDeclaration: function (t, e) { var i = this.styles && this.styles[t]; return i ? i[e] : null }, getCompleteStyleDeclaration: function (t, e) { for (var i, r = this._getStyleDeclaration(t, e) || {}, n = {}, s = 0; s < this._styleProperties.length; s++)n[i = this._styleProperties[s]] = void 0 === r[i] ? this[i] : r[i]; return n }, _setStyleDeclaration: function (t, e, i) { this.styles[t][e] = i }, _deleteStyleDeclaration: function (t, e) { delete this.styles[t][e] }, _getLineStyle: function (t) { return !!this.styles[t] }, _setLineStyle: function (t) { this.styles[t] = {} }, _deleteLineStyle: function (t) { delete this.styles[t] } }), function () { function n(t) { t.textDecoration && (-1 < t.textDecoration.indexOf("underline") && (t.underline = !0), -1 < t.textDecoration.indexOf("line-through") && (t.linethrough = !0), -1 < t.textDecoration.indexOf("overline") && (t.overline = !0), delete t.textDecoration) } fabric.IText = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Text, fabric.Observable, { type: "i-text", selectionStart: 0, selectionEnd: 0, selectionColor: "rgba(17,119,255,0.3)", isEditing: !1, editable: !0, editingBorderColor: "rgba(102,153,255,0.25)", cursorWidth: 2, cursorColor: "", cursorDelay: 1e3, cursorDuration: 600, caching: !0, _reSpace: /\s|\n/, _currentCursorOpacity: 0, _selectionDirection: null, _abortCursorAnimation: !1, __widthOfSpace: [], inCompositionMode: !1, initialize: function (t, e) { this.callSuper("initialize", t, e), this.initBehavior() }, setSelectionStart: function (t) { t = Math.max(t, 0), this._updateAndFire("selectionStart", t) }, setSelectionEnd: function (t) { t = Math.min(t, this.text.length), this._updateAndFire("selectionEnd", t) }, _updateAndFire: function (t, e) { this[t] !== e && (this._fireSelectionChanged(), this[t] = e), this._updateTextarea() }, _fireSelectionChanged: function () { this.fire("selection:changed"), this.canvas && this.canvas.fire("text:selection:changed", { target: this }) }, initDimensions: function () { this.isEditing && this.initDelayedCursor(), this.clearContextTop(), this.callSuper("initDimensions") }, render: function (t) { this.clearContextTop(), this.callSuper("render", t), this.cursorOffsetCache = {}, this.renderCursorOrSelection() }, _render: function (t) { this.callSuper("_render", t) }, clearContextTop: function (t) { if (this.isEditing && this.canvas && this.canvas.contextTop) { var e = this.canvas.contextTop, i = this.canvas.viewportTransform; e.save(), e.transform(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]), this.transform(e), this._clearTextArea(e), t || e.restore() } }, renderCursorOrSelection: function () { if (this.isEditing && this.canvas && this.canvas.contextTop) { var t = this._getCursorBoundaries(), e = this.canvas.contextTop; this.clearContextTop(!0), this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd ? this.renderCursor(t, e) : this.renderSelection(t, e), e.restore() } }, _clearTextArea: function (t) { var e = this.width + 4, i = this.height + 4; t.clearRect(-e / 2, -i / 2, e, i) }, _getCursorBoundaries: function (t) { void 0 === t && (t = this.selectionStart); var e = this._getLeftOffset(), i = this._getTopOffset(), r = this._getCursorBoundariesOffsets(t); return { left: e, top: i, leftOffset: r.left, topOffset: r.top } }, _getCursorBoundariesOffsets: function (t) { if (this.cursorOffsetCache && "top" in this.cursorOffsetCache) return this.cursorOffsetCache; var e, i, r, n, s = 0, o = 0, a = this.get2DCursorLocation(t); r = a.charIndex, i = a.lineIndex; for (var h = 0; h < i; h++)s += this.getHeightOfLine(h); e = this._getLineLeftOffset(i); var c = this.__charBounds[i][r]; return c && (o = c.left), 0 !== this.charSpacing && r === this._textLines[i].length && (o -= this._getWidthOfCharSpacing()), n = { top: s, left: e + (0 < o ? o : 0) }, "rtl" === this.direction && (n.left *= -1), this.cursorOffsetCache = n, this.cursorOffsetCache }, renderCursor: function (t, e) { var i = this.get2DCursorLocation(), r = i.lineIndex, n = 0 < i.charIndex ? i.charIndex - 1 : 0, s = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(r, n, "fontSize"), o = this.scaleX * this.canvas.getZoom(), a = this.cursorWidth / o, h = t.topOffset, c = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(r, n, "deltaY"); h += (1 - this._fontSizeFraction) * this.getHeightOfLine(r) / this.lineHeight - s * (1 - this._fontSizeFraction), this.inCompositionMode && this.renderSelection(t, e), e.fillStyle = this.cursorColor || this.getValueOfPropertyAt(r, n, "fill"), e.globalAlpha = this.__isMousedown ? 1 : this._currentCursorOpacity, e.fillRect(t.left + t.leftOffset - a / 2, h + t.top + c, a, s) }, renderSelection: function (t, e) { for (var i = this.inCompositionMode ? this.hiddenTextarea.selectionStart : this.selectionStart, r = this.inCompositionMode ? this.hiddenTextarea.selectionEnd : this.selectionEnd, n = -1 !== this.textAlign.indexOf("justify"), s = this.get2DCursorLocation(i), o = this.get2DCursorLocation(r), a = s.lineIndex, h = o.lineIndex, c = s.charIndex < 0 ? 0 : s.charIndex, l = o.charIndex < 0 ? 0 : o.charIndex, u = a; u <= h; u++) { var f, d = this._getLineLeftOffset(u) || 0, g = this.getHeightOfLine(u), p = 0, v = 0; if (u === a && (p = this.__charBounds[a][c].left), a <= u && u < h) v = n && !this.isEndOfWrapping(u) ? this.width : this.getLineWidth(u) || 5; else if (u === h) if (0 === l) v = this.__charBounds[h][l].left; else { var m = this._getWidthOfCharSpacing(); v = this.__charBounds[h][l - 1].left + this.__charBounds[h][l - 1].width - m } f = g, (this.lineHeight < 1 || u === h && 1 < this.lineHeight) && (g /= this.lineHeight); var b = t.left + d + p, y = v - p, _ = g, x = 0; this.inCompositionMode ? (e.fillStyle = this.compositionColor || "black", _ = 1, x = g) : e.fillStyle = this.selectionColor, "rtl" === this.direction && (b = this.width - b - y), e.fillRect(b, t.top + t.topOffset + x, y, _), t.topOffset += f } }, getCurrentCharFontSize: function () { var t = this._getCurrentCharIndex(); return this.getValueOfPropertyAt(t.l, t.c, "fontSize") }, getCurrentCharColor: function () { var t = this._getCurrentCharIndex(); return this.getValueOfPropertyAt(t.l, t.c, "fill") }, _getCurrentCharIndex: function () { var t = this.get2DCursorLocation(this.selectionStart, !0), e = 0 < t.charIndex ? t.charIndex - 1 : 0; return { l: t.lineIndex, c: e } } }), fabric.IText.fromObject = function (t, e) { if (n(t), t.styles) for (var i in t.styles) for (var r in t.styles[i]) n(t.styles[i][r]); fabric.Object._fromObject("IText", t, e, "text") } }(), function () { var u = fabric.util.object.clone; fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.IText.prototype, { initBehavior: function () { this.initAddedHandler(), this.initRemovedHandler(), this.initCursorSelectionHandlers(), this.initDoubleClickSimulation(), this.mouseMoveHandler = this.mouseMoveHandler.bind(this) }, onDeselect: function () { this.isEditing && this.exitEditing(), this.selected = !1 }, initAddedHandler: function () { var e = this; this.on("added", function () { var t = e.canvas; t && (t._hasITextHandlers || (t._hasITextHandlers = !0, e._initCanvasHandlers(t)), t._iTextInstances = t._iTextInstances || [], t._iTextInstances.push(e)) }) }, initRemovedHandler: function () { var e = this; this.on("removed", function () { var t = e.canvas; t && (t._iTextInstances = t._iTextInstances || [], fabric.util.removeFromArray(t._iTextInstances, e), 0 === t._iTextInstances.length && (t._hasITextHandlers = !1, e._removeCanvasHandlers(t))) }) }, _initCanvasHandlers: function (t) { t._mouseUpITextHandler = function () { t._iTextInstances && t._iTextInstances.forEach(function (t) { t.__isMousedown = !1 }) }, t.on("mouse:up", t._mouseUpITextHandler) }, _removeCanvasHandlers: function (t) { t.off("mouse:up", t._mouseUpITextHandler) }, _tick: function () { this._currentTickState = this._animateCursor(this, 1, this.cursorDuration, "_onTickComplete") }, _animateCursor: function (t, e, i, r) { var n; return n = { isAborted: !1, abort: function () { this.isAborted = !0 } }, t.animate("_currentCursorOpacity", e, { duration: i, onComplete: function () { n.isAborted || t[r]() }, onChange: function () { t.canvas && t.selectionStart === t.selectionEnd && t.renderCursorOrSelection() }, abort: function () { return n.isAborted } }), n }, _onTickComplete: function () { var t = this; this._cursorTimeout1 && clearTimeout(this._cursorTimeout1), this._cursorTimeout1 = setTimeout(function () { t._currentTickCompleteState = t._animateCursor(t, 0, this.cursorDuration / 2, "_tick") }, 100) }, initDelayedCursor: function (t) { var e = this, i = t ? 0 : this.cursorDelay; this.abortCursorAnimation(), this._currentCursorOpacity = 1, this._cursorTimeout2 = setTimeout(function () { e._tick() }, i) }, abortCursorAnimation: function () { var t = this._currentTickState || this._currentTickCompleteState, e = this.canvas; this._currentTickState && this._currentTickState.abort(), this._currentTickCompleteState && this._currentTickCompleteState.abort(), clearTimeout(this._cursorTimeout1), clearTimeout(this._cursorTimeout2), this._currentCursorOpacity = 0, t && e && e.clearContext(e.contextTop || e.contextContainer) }, selectAll: function () { return this.selectionStart = 0, this.selectionEnd = this._text.length, this._fireSelectionChanged(), this._updateTextarea(), this }, getSelectedText: function () { return this._text.slice(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd).join("") }, findWordBoundaryLeft: function (t) { var e = 0, i = t - 1; if (this._reSpace.test(this._text[i])) for (; this._reSpace.test(this._text[i]);)e++, i--; for (; /\S/.test(this._text[i]) && -1 < i;)e++, i--; return t - e }, findWordBoundaryRight: function (t) { var e = 0, i = t; if (this._reSpace.test(this._text[i])) for (; this._reSpace.test(this._text[i]);)e++, i++; for (; /\S/.test(this._text[i]) && i < this._text.length;)e++, i++; return t + e }, findLineBoundaryLeft: function (t) { for (var e = 0, i = t - 1; !/\n/.test(this._text[i]) && -1 < i;)e++, i--; return t - e }, findLineBoundaryRight: function (t) { for (var e = 0, i = t; !/\n/.test(this._text[i]) && i < this._text.length;)e++, i++; return t + e }, searchWordBoundary: function (t, e) { for (var i = this._text, r = this._reSpace.test(i[t]) ? t - 1 : t, n = i[r], s = fabric.reNonWord; !s.test(n) && 0 < r && r < i.length;)n = i[r += e]; return s.test(n) && (r += 1 === e ? 0 : 1), r }, selectWord: function (t) { t = t || this.selectionStart; var e = this.searchWordBoundary(t, -1), i = this.searchWordBoundary(t, 1); this.selectionStart = e, this.selectionEnd = i, this._fireSelectionChanged(), this._updateTextarea(), this.renderCursorOrSelection() }, selectLine: function (t) { t = t || this.selectionStart; var e = this.findLineBoundaryLeft(t), i = this.findLineBoundaryRight(t); return this.selectionStart = e, this.selectionEnd = i, this._fireSelectionChanged(), this._updateTextarea(), this }, enterEditing: function (t) { if (!this.isEditing && this.editable) return this.canvas && (this.canvas.calcOffset(), this.exitEditingOnOthers(this.canvas)), this.isEditing = !0, this.initHiddenTextarea(t), this.hiddenTextarea.focus(), this.hiddenTextarea.value = this.text, this._updateTextarea(), this._saveEditingProps(), this._setEditingProps(), this._textBeforeEdit = this.text, this._tick(), this.fire("editing:entered"), this._fireSelectionChanged(), this.canvas && (this.canvas.fire("text:editing:entered", { target: this }), this.initMouseMoveHandler(), this.canvas.requestRenderAll()), this }, exitEditingOnOthers: function (t) { t._iTextInstances && t._iTextInstances.forEach(function (t) { t.selected = !1, t.isEditing && t.exitEditing() }) }, initMouseMoveHandler: function () { this.canvas.on("mouse:move", this.mouseMoveHandler) }, mouseMoveHandler: function (t) { if (this.__isMousedown && this.isEditing) { var e = this.getSelectionStartFromPointer(t.e), i = this.selectionStart, r = this.selectionEnd; (e === this.__selectionStartOnMouseDown && i !== r || i !== e && r !== e) && (e > this.__selectionStartOnMouseDown ? (this.selectionStart = this.__selectionStartOnMouseDown, this.selectionEnd = e) : (this.selectionStart = e, this.selectionEnd = this.__selectionStartOnMouseDown), this.selectionStart === i && this.selectionEnd === r || (this.restartCursorIfNeeded(), this._fireSelectionChanged(), this._updateTextarea(), this.renderCursorOrSelection())) } }, _setEditingProps: function () { this.hoverCursor = "text", this.canvas && (this.canvas.defaultCursor = this.canvas.moveCursor = "text"), this.borderColor = this.editingBorderColor, this.hasControls = this.selectable = !1, this.lockMovementX = this.lockMovementY = !0 }, fromStringToGraphemeSelection: function (t, e, i) { var r = i.slice(0, t), n = fabric.util.string.graphemeSplit(r).length; if (t === e) return { selectionStart: n, selectionEnd: n }; var s = i.slice(t, e); return { selectionStart: n, selectionEnd: n + fabric.util.string.graphemeSplit(s).length } }, fromGraphemeToStringSelection: function (t, e, i) { var r = i.slice(0, t).join("").length; return t === e ? { selectionStart: r, selectionEnd: r } : { selectionStart: r, selectionEnd: r + i.slice(t, e).join("").length } }, _updateTextarea: function () { if (this.cursorOffsetCache = {}, this.hiddenTextarea) { if (!this.inCompositionMode) { var t = this.fromGraphemeToStringSelection(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd, this._text); this.hiddenTextarea.selectionStart = t.selectionStart, this.hiddenTextarea.selectionEnd = t.selectionEnd } this.updateTextareaPosition() } }, updateFromTextArea: function () { if (this.hiddenTextarea) { this.cursorOffsetCache = {}, this.text = this.hiddenTextarea.value, this._shouldClearDimensionCache() && (this.initDimensions(), this.setCoords()); var t = this.fromStringToGraphemeSelection(this.hiddenTextarea.selectionStart, this.hiddenTextarea.selectionEnd, this.hiddenTextarea.value); this.selectionEnd = this.selectionStart = t.selectionEnd, this.inCompositionMode || (this.selectionStart = t.selectionStart), this.updateTextareaPosition() } }, updateTextareaPosition: function () { if (this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd) { var t = this._calcTextareaPosition(); this.hiddenTextarea.style.left = t.left, this.hiddenTextarea.style.top = t.top } }, _calcTextareaPosition: function () { if (!this.canvas) return { x: 1, y: 1 }; var t = this.inCompositionMode ? this.compositionStart : this.selectionStart, e = this._getCursorBoundaries(t), i = this.get2DCursorLocation(t), r = i.lineIndex, n = i.charIndex, s = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(r, n, "fontSize") * this.lineHeight, o = e.leftOffset, a = this.calcTransformMatrix(), h = { x: e.left + o, y: e.top + e.topOffset + s }, c = this.canvas.getRetinaScaling(), l = this.canvas.upperCanvasEl, u = l.width / c, f = l.height / c, d = u - s, g = f - s, p = l.clientWidth / u, v = l.clientHeight / f; return h = fabric.util.transformPoint(h, a), (h = fabric.util.transformPoint(h, this.canvas.viewportTransform)).x *= p, h.y *= v, h.x < 0 && (h.x = 0), h.x > d && (h.x = d), h.y < 0 && (h.y = 0), h.y > g && (h.y = g), h.x += this.canvas._offset.left, h.y += this.canvas._offset.top, { left: h.x + "px", top: h.y + "px", fontSize: s + "px", charHeight: s } }, _saveEditingProps: function () { this._savedProps = { hasControls: this.hasControls, borderColor: this.borderColor, lockMovementX: this.lockMovementX, lockMovementY: this.lockMovementY, hoverCursor: this.hoverCursor, selectable: this.selectable, defaultCursor: this.canvas && this.canvas.defaultCursor, moveCursor: this.canvas && this.canvas.moveCursor } }, _restoreEditingProps: function () { this._savedProps && (this.hoverCursor = this._savedProps.hoverCursor, this.hasControls = this._savedProps.hasControls, this.borderColor = this._savedProps.borderColor, this.selectable = this._savedProps.selectable, this.lockMovementX = this._savedProps.lockMovementX, this.lockMovementY = this._savedProps.lockMovementY, this.canvas && (this.canvas.defaultCursor = this._savedProps.defaultCursor, this.canvas.moveCursor = this._savedProps.moveCursor)) }, exitEditing: function () { var t = this._textBeforeEdit !== this.text, e = this.hiddenTextarea; return this.selected = !1, this.isEditing = !1, this.selectionEnd = this.selectionStart, e && (e.blur && e.blur(), e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e)), this.hiddenTextarea = null, this.abortCursorAnimation(), this._restoreEditingProps(), this._currentCursorOpacity = 0, this._shouldClearDimensionCache() && (this.initDimensions(), this.setCoords()), this.fire("editing:exited"), t && this.fire("modified"), this.canvas && (this.canvas.off("mouse:move", this.mouseMoveHandler), this.canvas.fire("text:editing:exited", { target: this }), t && this.canvas.fire("object:modified", { target: this })), this }, _removeExtraneousStyles: function () { for (var t in this.styles) this._textLines[t] || delete this.styles[t] }, removeStyleFromTo: function (t, e) { var i, r, n = this.get2DCursorLocation(t, !0), s = this.get2DCursorLocation(e, !0), o = n.lineIndex, a = n.charIndex, h = s.lineIndex, c = s.charIndex; if (o !== h) { if (this.styles[o]) for (i = a; i < this._unwrappedTextLines[o].length; i++)delete this.styles[o][i]; if (this.styles[h]) for (i = c; i < this._unwrappedTextLines[h].length; i++)(r = this.styles[h][i]) && (this.styles[o] || (this.styles[o] = {}), this.styles[o][a + i - c] = r); for (i = o + 1; i <= h; i++)delete this.styles[i]; this.shiftLineStyles(h, o - h) } else if (this.styles[o]) { r = this.styles[o]; var l, u, f = c - a; for (i = a; i < c; i++)delete r[i]; for (u in this.styles[o]) c <= (l = parseInt(u, 10)) && (r[l - f] = r[u], delete r[u]) } }, shiftLineStyles: function (t, e) { var i = u(this.styles); for (var r in this.styles) { var n = parseInt(r, 10); t < n && (this.styles[n + e] = i[n], i[n - e] || delete this.styles[n]) } }, restartCursorIfNeeded: function () { this._currentTickState && !this._currentTickState.isAborted && this._currentTickCompleteState && !this._currentTickCompleteState.isAborted || this.initDelayedCursor() }, insertNewlineStyleObject: function (t, e, i, r) { var n, s = {}, o = !1, a = this._unwrappedTextLines[t].length === e; for (var h in i || (i = 1), this.shiftLineStyles(t, i), this.styles[t] && (n = this.styles[t][0 === e ? e : e - 1]), this.styles[t]) { var c = parseInt(h, 10); e <= c && (o = !0, s[c - e] = this.styles[t][h], a && 0 === e || delete this.styles[t][h]) } var l = !1; for (o && !a && (this.styles[t + i] = s, l = !0), l && i--; 0 < i;)r && r[i - 1] ? this.styles[t + i] = { 0: u(r[i - 1]) } : n ? this.styles[t + i] = { 0: u(n) } : delete this.styles[t + i], i--; this._forceClearCache = !0 }, insertCharStyleObject: function (t, e, i, r) { this.styles || (this.styles = {}); var n = this.styles[t], s = n ? u(n) : {}; for (var o in i || (i = 1), s) { var a = parseInt(o, 10); e <= a && (n[a + i] = s[a], s[a - i] || delete n[a]) } if (this._forceClearCache = !0, r) for (; i--;)Object.keys(r[i]).length && (this.styles[t] || (this.styles[t] = {}), this.styles[t][e + i] = u(r[i])); else if (n) for (var h = n[e ? e - 1 : 1]; h && i--;)this.styles[t][e + i] = u(h) }, insertNewStyleBlock: function (t, e, i) { for (var r = this.get2DCursorLocation(e, !0), n = [0], s = 0, o = 0; o < t.length; o++)"\n" === t[o] ? n[++s] = 0 : n[s]++; 0 < n[0] && (this.insertCharStyleObject(r.lineIndex, r.charIndex, n[0], i), i = i && i.slice(n[0] + 1)), s && this.insertNewlineStyleObject(r.lineIndex, r.charIndex + n[0], s); for (o = 1; o < s; o++)0 < n[o] ? this.insertCharStyleObject(r.lineIndex + o, 0, n[o], i) : i && (this.styles[r.lineIndex + o][0] = i[0]), i = i && i.slice(n[o] + 1); 0 < n[o] && this.insertCharStyleObject(r.lineIndex + o, 0, n[o], i) }, setSelectionStartEndWithShift: function (t, e, i) { i <= t ? (e === t ? this._selectionDirection = "left" : "right" === this._selectionDirection && (this._selectionDirection = "left", this.selectionEnd = t), this.selectionStart = i) : t < i && i < e ? "right" === this._selectionDirection ? this.selectionEnd = i : this.selectionStart = i : (e === t ? this._selectionDirection = "right" : "left" === this._selectionDirection && (this._selectionDirection = "right", this.selectionStart = e), this.selectionEnd = i) }, setSelectionInBoundaries: function () { var t = this.text.length; this.selectionStart > t ? this.selectionStart = t : this.selectionStart < 0 && (this.selectionStart = 0), this.selectionEnd > t ? this.selectionEnd = t : this.selectionEnd < 0 && (this.selectionEnd = 0) } }) }(), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.IText.prototype, { initDoubleClickSimulation: function () { this.__lastClickTime = +new Date, this.__lastLastClickTime = +new Date, this.__lastPointer = {}, this.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown) }, onMouseDown: function (t) { if (this.canvas) { this.__newClickTime = +new Date; var e = t.pointer; this.isTripleClick(e) && (this.fire("tripleclick", t), this._stopEvent(t.e)), this.__lastLastClickTime = this.__lastClickTime, this.__lastClickTime = this.__newClickTime, this.__lastPointer = e, this.__lastIsEditing = this.isEditing, this.__lastSelected = this.selected } }, isTripleClick: function (t) { return this.__newClickTime - this.__lastClickTime < 500 && this.__lastClickTime - this.__lastLastClickTime < 500 && this.__lastPointer.x === t.x && this.__lastPointer.y === t.y }, _stopEvent: function (t) { t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation() }, initCursorSelectionHandlers: function () { this.initMousedownHandler(), this.initMouseupHandler(), this.initClicks() }, doubleClickHandler: function (t) { this.isEditing && this.selectWord(this.getSelectionStartFromPointer(t.e)) }, tripleClickHandler: function (t) { this.isEditing && this.selectLine(this.getSelectionStartFromPointer(t.e)) }, initClicks: function () { this.on("mousedblclick", this.doubleClickHandler), this.on("tripleclick", this.tripleClickHandler) }, _mouseDownHandler: function (t) { !this.canvas || !this.editable || t.e.button && 1 !== t.e.button || (this.__isMousedown = !0, this.selected && (this.inCompositionMode = !1, this.setCursorByClick(t.e)), this.isEditing && (this.__selectionStartOnMouseDown = this.selectionStart, this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd && this.abortCursorAnimation(), this.renderCursorOrSelection())) }, _mouseDownHandlerBefore: function (t) { !this.canvas || !this.editable || t.e.button && 1 !== t.e.button || (this.selected = this === this.canvas._activeObject) }, initMousedownHandler: function () { this.on("mousedown", this._mouseDownHandler), this.on("mousedown:before", this._mouseDownHandlerBefore) }, initMouseupHandler: function () { this.on("mouseup", this.mouseUpHandler) }, mouseUpHandler: function (t) { if (this.__isMousedown = !1, !(!this.editable || this.group || t.transform && t.transform.actionPerformed || t.e.button && 1 !== t.e.button)) { if (this.canvas) { var e = this.canvas._activeObject; if (e && e !== this) return } this.__lastSelected && !this.__corner ? (this.selected = !1, this.__lastSelected = !1, this.enterEditing(t.e), this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd ? this.initDelayedCursor(!0) : this.renderCursorOrSelection()) : this.selected = !0 } }, setCursorByClick: function (t) { var e = this.getSelectionStartFromPointer(t), i = this.selectionStart, r = this.selectionEnd; t.shiftKey ? this.setSelectionStartEndWithShift(i, r, e) : (this.selectionStart = e, this.selectionEnd = e), this.isEditing && (this._fireSelectionChanged(), this._updateTextarea()) }, getSelectionStartFromPointer: function (t) { for (var e, i = this.getLocalPointer(t), r = 0, n = 0, s = 0, o = 0, a = 0, h = 0, c = this._textLines.length; h < c && s <= i.y; h++)s += this.getHeightOfLine(h) * this.scaleY, 0 < (a = h) && (o += this._textLines[h - 1].length + this.missingNewlineOffset(h - 1)); n = this._getLineLeftOffset(a) * this.scaleX, e = this._textLines[a], "rtl" === this.direction && (i.x = this.width * this.scaleX - i.x + n); for (var l = 0, u = e.length; l < u && (r = n, (n += this.__charBounds[a][l].kernedWidth * this.scaleX) <= i.x); l++)o++; return this._getNewSelectionStartFromOffset(i, r, n, o, u) }, _getNewSelectionStartFromOffset: function (t, e, i, r, n) { var s = t.x - e, o = i - t.x, a = r + (s < o || o < 0 ? 0 : 1); return this.flipX && (a = n - a), a > this._text.length && (a = this._text.length), a } }), fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.IText.prototype, { initHiddenTextarea: function () { this.hiddenTextarea = fabric.document.createElement("textarea"), this.hiddenTextarea.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"), this.hiddenTextarea.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"), this.hiddenTextarea.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"), this.hiddenTextarea.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"), this.hiddenTextarea.setAttribute("data-fabric-hiddentextarea", ""), this.hiddenTextarea.setAttribute("wrap", "off"); var t = this._calcTextareaPosition(); this.hiddenTextarea.style.cssText = "position: absolute; top: " + t.top + "; left: " + t.left + "; z-index: -999; opacity: 0; width: 1px; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; paddingーtop: " + t.fontSize + ";", fabric.document.body.appendChild(this.hiddenTextarea), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "keydown", this.onKeyDown.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "keyup", this.onKeyUp.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "input", this.onInput.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "copy", this.copy.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "cut", this.copy.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "paste", this.paste.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "compositionstart", this.onCompositionStart.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "compositionupdate", this.onCompositionUpdate.bind(this)), fabric.util.addListener(this.hiddenTextarea, "compositionend", this.onCompositionEnd.bind(this)), !this._clickHandlerInitialized && this.canvas && (fabric.util.addListener(this.canvas.upperCanvasEl, "click", this.onClick.bind(this)), this._clickHandlerInitialized = !0) }, keysMap: { 9: "exitEditing", 27: "exitEditing", 33: "moveCursorUp", 34: "moveCursorDown", 35: "moveCursorRight", 36: "moveCursorLeft", 37: "moveCursorLeft", 38: "moveCursorUp", 39: "moveCursorRight", 40: "moveCursorDown" }, keysMapRtl: { 9: "exitEditing", 27: "exitEditing", 33: "moveCursorUp", 34: "moveCursorDown", 35: "moveCursorLeft", 36: "moveCursorRight", 37: "moveCursorRight", 38: "moveCursorUp", 39: "moveCursorLeft", 40: "moveCursorDown" }, ctrlKeysMapUp: { 67: "copy", 88: "cut" }, ctrlKeysMapDown: { 65: "selectAll" }, onClick: function () { this.hiddenTextarea && this.hiddenTextarea.focus() }, onKeyDown: function (t) { if (this.isEditing) { var e = "rtl" === this.direction ? this.keysMapRtl : this.keysMap; if (t.keyCode in e) this[e[t.keyCode]](t); else { if (!(t.keyCode in this.ctrlKeysMapDown && (t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey))) return; this[this.ctrlKeysMapDown[t.keyCode]](t) } t.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.preventDefault(), 33 <= t.keyCode && t.keyCode <= 40 ? (this.inCompositionMode = !1, this.clearContextTop(), this.renderCursorOrSelection()) : this.canvas && this.canvas.requestRenderAll() } }, onKeyUp: function (t) { !this.isEditing || this._copyDone || this.inCompositionMode ? this._copyDone = !1 : t.keyCode in this.ctrlKeysMapUp && (t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey) && (this[this.ctrlKeysMapUp[t.keyCode]](t), t.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.preventDefault(), this.canvas && this.canvas.requestRenderAll()) }, onInput: function (t) { var e = this.fromPaste; if (this.fromPaste = !1, t && t.stopPropagation(), this.isEditing) { var i, r, n, s, o, a = this._splitTextIntoLines(this.hiddenTextarea.value).graphemeText, h = this._text.length, c = a.length, l = c - h, u = this.selectionStart, f = this.selectionEnd, d = u !== f; if ("" === this.hiddenTextarea.value) return this.styles = {}, this.updateFromTextArea(), this.fire("changed"), void (this.canvas && (this.canvas.fire("text:changed", { target: this }), this.canvas.requestRenderAll())); var g = this.fromStringToGraphemeSelection(this.hiddenTextarea.selectionStart, this.hiddenTextarea.selectionEnd, this.hiddenTextarea.value), p = u > g.selectionStart; d ? (i = this._text.slice(u, f), l += f - u) : c < h && (i = p ? this._text.slice(f + l, f) : this._text.slice(u, u - l)), r = a.slice(g.selectionEnd - l, g.selectionEnd), i && i.length && (r.length && (n = this.getSelectionStyles(u, u + 1, !1), n = r.map(function () { return n[0] })), d ? (s = u, o = f) : p ? (s = f - i.length, o = f) : o = (s = f) + i.length, this.removeStyleFromTo(s, o)), r.length && (e && r.join("") === fabric.copiedText && !fabric.disableStyleCopyPaste && (n = fabric.copiedTextStyle), this.insertNewStyleBlock(r, u, n)), this.updateFromTextArea(), this.fire("changed"), this.canvas && (this.canvas.fire("text:changed", { target: this }), this.canvas.requestRenderAll()) } }, onCompositionStart: function () { this.inCompositionMode = !0 }, onCompositionEnd: function () { this.inCompositionMode = !1 }, onCompositionUpdate: function (t) { this.compositionStart = t.target.selectionStart, this.compositionEnd = t.target.selectionEnd, this.updateTextareaPosition() }, copy: function () { this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd && (fabric.copiedText = this.getSelectedText(), fabric.disableStyleCopyPaste ? fabric.copiedTextStyle = null : fabric.copiedTextStyle = this.getSelectionStyles(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd, !0), this._copyDone = !0) }, paste: function () { this.fromPaste = !0 }, _getClipboardData: function (t) { return t && t.clipboardData || fabric.window.clipboardData }, _getWidthBeforeCursor: function (t, e) { var i, r = this._getLineLeftOffset(t); return 0 < e && (r += (i = this.__charBounds[t][e - 1]).left + i.width), r }, getDownCursorOffset: function (t, e) { var i = this._getSelectionForOffset(t, e), r = this.get2DCursorLocation(i), n = r.lineIndex; if (n === this._textLines.length - 1 || t.metaKey || 34 === t.keyCode) return this._text.length - i; var s = r.charIndex, o = this._getWidthBeforeCursor(n, s), a = this._getIndexOnLine(n + 1, o); return this._textLines[n].slice(s).length + a + 1 + this.missingNewlineOffset(n) }, _getSelectionForOffset: function (t, e) { return t.shiftKey && this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd && e ? this.selectionEnd : this.selectionStart }, getUpCursorOffset: function (t, e) { var i = this._getSelectionForOffset(t, e), r = this.get2DCursorLocation(i), n = r.lineIndex; if (0 === n || t.metaKey || 33 === t.keyCode) return -i; var s = r.charIndex, o = this._getWidthBeforeCursor(n, s), a = this._getIndexOnLine(n - 1, o), h = this._textLines[n].slice(0, s), c = this.missingNewlineOffset(n - 1); return -this._textLines[n - 1].length + a - h.length + (1 - c) }, _getIndexOnLine: function (t, e) { for (var i, r, n = this._textLines[t], s = this._getLineLeftOffset(t), o = 0, a = 0, h = n.length; a < h; a++)if (e < (s += i = this.__charBounds[t][a].width)) { r = !0; var c = s - i, l = s, u = Math.abs(c - e); o = Math.abs(l - e) < u ? a : a - 1; break } return r || (o = n.length - 1), o }, moveCursorDown: function (t) { this.selectionStart >= this._text.length && this.selectionEnd >= this._text.length || this._moveCursorUpOrDown("Down", t) }, moveCursorUp: function (t) { 0 === this.selectionStart && 0 === this.selectionEnd || this._moveCursorUpOrDown("Up", t) }, _moveCursorUpOrDown: function (t, e) { var i = this["get" + t + "CursorOffset"](e, "right" === this._selectionDirection); e.shiftKey ? this.moveCursorWithShift(i) : this.moveCursorWithoutShift(i), 0 !== i && (this.setSelectionInBoundaries(), this.abortCursorAnimation(), this._currentCursorOpacity = 1, this.initDelayedCursor(), this._fireSelectionChanged(), this._updateTextarea()) }, moveCursorWithShift: function (t) { var e = "left" === this._selectionDirection ? this.selectionStart + t : this.selectionEnd + t; return this.setSelectionStartEndWithShift(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd, e), 0 !== t }, moveCursorWithoutShift: function (t) { return t < 0 ? (this.selectionStart += t, this.selectionEnd = this.selectionStart) : (this.selectionEnd += t, this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd), 0 !== t }, moveCursorLeft: function (t) { 0 === this.selectionStart && 0 === this.selectionEnd || this._moveCursorLeftOrRight("Left", t) }, _move: function (t, e, i) { var r; if (t.altKey) r = this["findWordBoundary" + i](this[e]); else { if (!t.metaKey && 35 !== t.keyCode && 36 !== t.keyCode) return this[e] += "Left" === i ? -1 : 1, !0; r = this["findLineBoundary" + i](this[e]) } if (void 0 !== typeof r && this[e] !== r) return this[e] = r, !0 }, _moveLeft: function (t, e) { return this._move(t, e, "Left") }, _moveRight: function (t, e) { return this._move(t, e, "Right") }, moveCursorLeftWithoutShift: function (t) { var e = !0; return this._selectionDirection = "left", this.selectionEnd === this.selectionStart && 0 !== this.selectionStart && (e = this._moveLeft(t, "selectionStart")), this.selectionEnd = this.selectionStart, e }, moveCursorLeftWithShift: function (t) { return "right" === this._selectionDirection && this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd ? this._moveLeft(t, "selectionEnd") : 0 !== this.selectionStart ? (this._selectionDirection = "left", this._moveLeft(t, "selectionStart")) : void 0 }, moveCursorRight: function (t) { this.selectionStart >= this._text.length && this.selectionEnd >= this._text.length || this._moveCursorLeftOrRight("Right", t) }, _moveCursorLeftOrRight: function (t, e) { var i = "moveCursor" + t + "With"; this._currentCursorOpacity = 1, e.shiftKey ? i += "Shift" : i += "outShift", this[i](e) && (this.abortCursorAnimation(), this.initDelayedCursor(), this._fireSelectionChanged(), this._updateTextarea()) }, moveCursorRightWithShift: function (t) { return "left" === this._selectionDirection && this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd ? this._moveRight(t, "selectionStart") : this.selectionEnd !== this._text.length ? (this._selectionDirection = "right", this._moveRight(t, "selectionEnd")) : void 0 }, moveCursorRightWithoutShift: function (t) { var e = !0; return this._selectionDirection = "right", this.selectionStart === this.selectionEnd ? (e = this._moveRight(t, "selectionStart"), this.selectionEnd = this.selectionStart) : this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd, e }, removeChars: function (t, e) { void 0 === e && (e = t + 1), this.removeStyleFromTo(t, e), this._text.splice(t, e - t), this.text = this._text.join(""), this.set("dirty", !0), this._shouldClearDimensionCache() && (this.initDimensions(), this.setCoords()), this._removeExtraneousStyles() }, insertChars: function (t, e, i, r) { void 0 === r && (r = i), i < r && this.removeStyleFromTo(i, r); var n = fabric.util.string.graphemeSplit(t); this.insertNewStyleBlock(n, i, e), this._text = [].concat(this._text.slice(0, i), n, this._text.slice(r)), this.text = this._text.join(""), this.set("dirty", !0), this._shouldClearDimensionCache() && (this.initDimensions(), this.setCoords()), this._removeExtraneousStyles() } }), function () { var l = fabric.util.toFixed, u = / +/g; fabric.util.object.extend(fabric.Text.prototype, { _toSVG: function () { var t = this._getSVGLeftTopOffsets(), e = this._getSVGTextAndBg(t.textTop, t.textLeft); return this._wrapSVGTextAndBg(e) }, toSVG: function (t) { return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(this._toSVG(), { reviver: t, noStyle: !0, withShadow: !0 }) }, _getSVGLeftTopOffsets: function () { return { textLeft: -this.width / 2, textTop: -this.height / 2, lineTop: this.getHeightOfLine(0) } }, _wrapSVGTextAndBg: function (t) { var e = this.getSvgTextDecoration(this); return [t.textBgRects.join(""), '\t\t<text xml:space="preserve" ', this.fontFamily ? 'font-family="' + this.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, "'") + '" ' : "", this.fontSize ? 'font-size="' + this.fontSize + '" ' : "", this.fontStyle ? 'font-style="' + this.fontStyle + '" ' : "", this.fontWeight ? 'font-weight="' + this.fontWeight + '" ' : "", e ? 'text-decoration="' + e + '" ' : "", 'style="', this.getSvgStyles(!0), '"', this.addPaintOrder(), " >", t.textSpans.join(""), "</text>\n"] }, _getSVGTextAndBg: function (t, e) { var i, r = [], n = [], s = t; this._setSVGBg(n); for (var o = 0, a = this._textLines.length; o < a; o++)i = this._getLineLeftOffset(o), (this.textBackgroundColor || this.styleHas("textBackgroundColor", o)) && this._setSVGTextLineBg(n, o, e + i, s), this._setSVGTextLineText(r, o, e + i, s), s += this.getHeightOfLine(o); return { textSpans: r, textBgRects: n } }, _createTextCharSpan: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = t !== t.trim() || t.match(u), s = this.getSvgSpanStyles(e, n), o = s ? 'style="' + s + '"' : "", a = e.deltaY, h = "", c = fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS; return a && (h = ' dy="' + l(a, c) + '" '), ['<tspan x="', l(i, c), '" y="', l(r, c), '" ', h, o, ">", fabric.util.string.escapeXml(t), "</tspan>"].join("") }, _setSVGTextLineText: function (t, e, i, r) { var n, s, o, a, h, c = this.getHeightOfLine(e), l = -1 !== this.textAlign.indexOf("justify"), u = "", f = 0, d = this._textLines[e]; r += c * (1 - this._fontSizeFraction) / this.lineHeight; for (var g = 0, p = d.length - 1; g <= p; g++)h = g === p || this.charSpacing, u += d[g], o = this.__charBounds[e][g], 0 === f ? (i += o.kernedWidth - o.width, f += o.width) : f += o.kernedWidth, l && !h && this._reSpaceAndTab.test(d[g]) && (h = !0), h || (n = n || this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(e, g), s = this.getCompleteStyleDeclaration(e, g + 1), h = this._hasStyleChangedForSvg(n, s)), h && (a = this._getStyleDeclaration(e, g) || {}, t.push(this._createTextCharSpan(u, a, i, r)), u = "", n = s, i += f, f = 0) }, _pushTextBgRect: function (t, e, i, r, n, s) { var o = fabric.Object.NUM_FRACTION_DIGITS; t.push("\t\t<rect ", this._getFillAttributes(e), ' x="', l(i, o), '" y="', l(r, o), '" width="', l(n, o), '" height="', l(s, o), '"></rect>\n') }, _setSVGTextLineBg: function (t, e, i, r) { for (var n, s, o = this._textLines[e], a = this.getHeightOfLine(e) / this.lineHeight, h = 0, c = 0, l = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(e, 0, "textBackgroundColor"), u = 0, f = o.length; u < f; u++)n = this.__charBounds[e][u], (s = this.getValueOfPropertyAt(e, u, "textBackgroundColor")) !== l ? (l && this._pushTextBgRect(t, l, i + c, r, h, a), c = n.left, h = n.width, l = s) : h += n.kernedWidth; s && this._pushTextBgRect(t, s, i + c, r, h, a) }, _getFillAttributes: function (t) { var e = t && "string" == typeof t ? new fabric.Color(t) : ""; return e && e.getSource() && 1 !== e.getAlpha() ? 'opacity="' + e.getAlpha() + '" fill="' + e.setAlpha(1).toRgb() + '"' : 'fill="' + t + '"' }, _getSVGLineTopOffset: function (t) { for (var e, i = 0, r = 0; r < t; r++)i += this.getHeightOfLine(r); return e = this.getHeightOfLine(r), { lineTop: i, offset: (this._fontSizeMult - this._fontSizeFraction) * e / (this.lineHeight * this._fontSizeMult) } }, getSvgStyles: function (t) { return fabric.Object.prototype.getSvgStyles.call(this, t) + " white-space: pre;" } }) }(), function (t) { "use strict"; var b = t.fabric || (t.fabric = {}); b.Textbox = b.util.createClass(b.IText, b.Observable, { type: "textbox", minWidth: 20, dynamicMinWidth: 2, __cachedLines: null, lockScalingFlip: !0, noScaleCache: !1, _dimensionAffectingProps: b.Text.prototype._dimensionAffectingProps.concat("width"), _wordJoiners: /[ \t\r]/, splitByGrapheme: !1, initDimensions: function () { this.__skipDimension || (this.isEditing && this.initDelayedCursor(), this.clearContextTop(), this._clearCache(), this.dynamicMinWidth = 0, this._styleMap = this._generateStyleMap(this._splitText()), this.dynamicMinWidth > this.width && this._set("width", this.dynamicMinWidth), -1 !== this.textAlign.indexOf("justify") && this.enlargeSpaces(), this.height = this.calcTextHeight(), this.saveState({ propertySet: "_dimensionAffectingProps" })) }, _generateStyleMap: function (t) { for (var e = 0, i = 0, r = 0, n = {}, s = 0; s < t.graphemeLines.length; s++)"\n" === t.graphemeText[r] && 0 < s ? (i = 0, r++, e++) : !this.splitByGrapheme && this._reSpaceAndTab.test(t.graphemeText[r]) && 0 < s && (i++, r++), n[s] = { line: e, offset: i }, r += t.graphemeLines[s].length, i += t.graphemeLines[s].length; return n }, styleHas: function (t, e) { if (this._styleMap && !this.isWrapping) { var i = this._styleMap[e]; i && (e = i.line) } return b.Text.prototype.styleHas.call(this, t, e) }, isEmptyStyles: function (t) { if (!this.styles) return !0; var e, i, r = 0, n = !1, s = this._styleMap[t], o = this._styleMap[t + 1]; for (var a in s && (t = s.line, r = s.offset), o && (n = o.line === t, e = o.offset), i = void 0 === t ? this.styles : { line: this.styles[t] }) for (var h in i[a]) if (r <= h && (!n || h < e)) for (var c in i[a][h]) return !1; return !0 }, _getStyleDeclaration: function (t, e) { if (this._styleMap && !this.isWrapping) { var i = this._styleMap[t]; if (!i) return null; t = i.line, e = i.offset + e } return this.callSuper("_getStyleDeclaration", t, e) }, _setStyleDeclaration: function (t, e, i) { var r = this._styleMap[t]; t = r.line, e = r.offset + e, this.styles[t][e] = i }, _deleteStyleDeclaration: function (t, e) { var i = this._styleMap[t]; t = i.line, e = i.offset + e, delete this.styles[t][e] }, _getLineStyle: function (t) { var e = this._styleMap[t]; return !!this.styles[e.line] }, _setLineStyle: function (t) { var e = this._styleMap[t]; this.styles[e.line] = {} }, _wrapText: function (t, e) { var i, r = []; for (this.isWrapping = !0, i = 0; i < t.length; i++)r = r.concat(this._wrapLine(t[i], i, e)); return this.isWrapping = !1, r }, _measureWord: function (t, e, i) { var r, n = 0; i = i || 0; for (var s = 0, o = t.length; s < o; s++) { n += this._getGraphemeBox(t[s], e, s + i, r, !0).kernedWidth, r = t[s] } return n }, _wrapLine: function (t, e, i, r) { var n = 0, s = this.splitByGrapheme, o = [], a = [], h = s ? b.util.string.graphemeSplit(t) : t.split(this._wordJoiners), c = "", l = 0, u = s ? "" : " ", f = 0, d = 0, g = 0, p = !0, v = this._getWidthOfCharSpacing(); r = r || 0; 0 === h.length && h.push([]), i -= r; for (var m = 0; m < h.length; m++)c = s ? h[m] : b.util.string.graphemeSplit(h[m]), f = this._measureWord(c, e, l), l += c.length, i < (n += d + f - v) && !p ? (o.push(a), a = [], n = f, p = !0) : n += v, p || s || a.push(u), a = a.concat(c), d = s ? 0 : this._measureWord([u], e, l), l++, p = !1, g < f && (g = f); return m && o.push(a), g + r > this.dynamicMinWidth && (this.dynamicMinWidth = g - v + r), o }, isEndOfWrapping: function (t) { return !this._styleMap[t + 1] || this._styleMap[t + 1].line !== this._styleMap[t].line }, missingNewlineOffset: function (t) { return this.splitByGrapheme ? this.isEndOfWrapping(t) ? 1 : 0 : 1 }, _splitTextIntoLines: function (t) { for (var e = b.Text.prototype._splitTextIntoLines.call(this, t), i = this._wrapText(e.lines, this.width), r = new Array(i.length), n = 0; n < i.length; n++)r[n] = i[n].join(""); return e.lines = r, e.graphemeLines = i, e }, getMinWidth: function () { return Math.max(this.minWidth, this.dynamicMinWidth) }, _removeExtraneousStyles: function () { var t = {}; for (var e in this._styleMap) this._textLines[e] && (t[this._styleMap[e].line] = 1); for (var e in this.styles) t[e] || delete this.styles[e] }, toObject: function (t) { return this.callSuper("toObject", ["minWidth", "splitByGrapheme"].concat(t)) } }), b.Textbox.fromObject = function (t, e) { return b.Object._fromObject("Textbox", t, e, "text") } }("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : this), function () { var t = fabric.controlsUtils, e = t.scaleSkewCursorStyleHandler, i = t.scaleCursorStyleHandler, r = t.scalingEqually, n = t.scalingYOrSkewingX, s = t.scalingXOrSkewingY, o = t.scaleOrSkewActionName, a = fabric.Object.prototype.controls; if (a.ml = new fabric.Control({ x: -.5, y: 0, cursorStyleHandler: e, actionHandler: s, getActionName: o }), a.mr = new fabric.Control({ x: .5, y: 0, cursorStyleHandler: e, actionHandler: s, getActionName: o }), a.mb = new fabric.Control({ x: 0, y: .5, cursorStyleHandler: e, actionHandler: n, getActionName: o }), a.mt = new fabric.Control({ x: 0, y: -.5, cursorStyleHandler: e, actionHandler: n, getActionName: o }), a.tl = new fabric.Control({ x: -.5, y: -.5, cursorStyleHandler: i, actionHandler: r }), a.tr = new fabric.Control({ x: .5, y: -.5, cursorStyleHandler: i, actionHandler: r }), a.bl = new fabric.Control({ x: -.5, y: .5, cursorStyleHandler: i, actionHandler: r }), a.br = new fabric.Control({ x: .5, y: .5, cursorStyleHandler: i, actionHandler: r }), a.mtr = new fabric.Control({ x: 0, y: -.5, actionHandler: t.rotationWithSnapping, cursorStyleHandler: t.rotationStyleHandler, offsetY: -40, withConnection: !0, actionName: "rotate" }), fabric.Textbox) { var h = fabric.Textbox.prototype.controls = {}; h.mtr = a.mtr, h.tr = a.tr, h.br = a.br, h.tl = a.tl, h.bl = a.bl, h.mt = a.mt, h.mb = a.mb, h.mr = new fabric.Control({ x: .5, y: 0, actionHandler: t.changeWidth, cursorStyleHandler: e, actionName: "resizing" }), h.ml = new fabric.Control({ x: -.5, y: 0, actionHandler: t.changeWidth, cursorStyleHandler: e, actionName: "resizing" }) } }();
<div id="app">