All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.4 (2024-05-24)
2.1.3 (2023-06-25)
2.1.2 (2022-08-24)
- build on prepublish (75b53f2)
2.1.1 (2022-08-22)
2.1.0 (2022-07-18)
2.0.1 (2021-10-28)
- module output (ecb9ae5)
2.0.0 (2021-10-27)
- This package is now pure ESM
- esm package (7622f81)
1.5.1 (2021-08-31)
1.5.0 (2021-08-29)
- output esm (cc954c8)
1.4.3 (2021-03-21)
1.4.2 (2020-11-28)
- deps: update dependency codecov to v3.7.1 [security] (f21c549)
1.4.1 (2020-09-13)
- prevent get/set problematic paths (816b887)
- deps: update dependency codecov to v3.6.5 [security] (78b31b8)
1.4.0 (2017-09-26)
- add array wildcard support for
1.3.3 (2017-07-19)
- get: bad is null check (f313a7a)
1.3.2 (2017-07-18)
1.3.1 (2017-07-17)
1.3.0 (2017-07-06)
- add array wildcard support for
1.2.2 (2017-07-05)
- handle null values in get function (08b6218)
1.2.1 (2017-07-05)
- check for plain objects in paths (c073140)
1.2.0 (2017-07-04)
- add paths function (07a7a0f)
1.1.0 (2017-06-13)
- add array index notation support (d0b91bb)