Initializes mise in the current shell session
This should go into your shell's rc file.
Otherwise, it will only take effect in the current session.
(e.g. ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc)
This is only intended to be used in interactive sessions, not scripts.
mise is only capable of updating PATH when the prompt is displayed to the user.
For non-interactive use-cases, use shims instead.
Typically this can be added with something like the following:
echo 'eval "$(mise activate)"' >> ~/.zshrc
However, this requires that "mise" is in your PATH. If it is not, you need to
specify the full path like this:
echo 'eval "$(/path/to/mise activate)"' >> ~/.zshrc
Usage: activate [OPTIONS] [SHELL_TYPE]
Shell type to generate the script for
[possible values: bash, fish, nu, xonsh, zsh]
Show "mise: <PLUGIN>@<VERSION>" message when changing directories
-q, --quiet
Suppress non-error messages
$ eval "$(mise activate bash)"
$ eval "$(mise activate zsh)"
$ mise activate fish | source
$ execx($(mise activate xonsh))
Show an alias for a plugin
This is the contents of an alias.<PLUGIN> entry in ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Usage: alias get <PLUGIN> <ALIAS>
The plugin to show the alias for
The alias to show
$ mise alias get node lts-hydrogen
Aliases: list
List aliases
Shows the aliases that can be specified.
These can come from user config or from plugins in `bin/list-aliases`.
For user config, aliases are defined like the following in `~/.config/mise/config.toml`:
lts = "20.0.0"
Usage: alias ls [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN]
Show aliases for <PLUGIN>
Don't show table header
$ mise aliases
node lts-hydrogen 20.0.0
Aliases: add, create
Add/update an alias for a plugin
This modifies the contents of ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Usage: alias set <PLUGIN> <ALIAS> <VALUE>
The plugin to set the alias for
The alias to set
The value to set the alias to
$ mise alias set node lts-hydrogen 18.0.0
Aliases: del, delete, remove, rm
Clears an alias for a plugin
This modifies the contents of ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Usage: alias unset <PLUGIN> <ALIAS>
The plugin to remove the alias from
The alias to remove
$ mise alias unset node lts-hydrogen
List all the active runtime bin paths
Usage: bin-paths
Aliases: c
Deletes all cache files in mise
Usage: cache clear [PLUGIN]...
Plugin(s) to clear cache for e.g.: node, python
Generate shell completions
Usage: completion [SHELL]
Shell type to generate completions for
[possible values: bash, fish, zsh]
$ mise completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/mise
$ mise completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_mise
$ mise completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
[experimental] List config files currently in use
Usage: config ls [OPTIONS]
Do not print table header
$ mise config ls
Aliases: g
[experimental] Generate an .mise.toml file
Usage: config generate [OPTIONS]
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Output to file instead of stdout
$ mise cf generate > .mise.toml
$ mise cf generate --output=.mise.toml
Shows current active and installed runtime versions
This is similar to `mise ls --current`, but this only shows the runtime
and/or version. It's designed to fit into scripts more easily.
Usage: current [PLUGIN]
Plugin to show versions of e.g.: ruby, node, cargo:eza, npm:prettier, etc
# outputs `.tool-versions` compatible format
$ mise current
python 3.11.0 3.10.0
shfmt 3.6.0
shellcheck 0.9.0
node 20.0.0
$ mise current node
# can output multiple versions
$ mise current python
3.11.0 3.10.0
Disable mise for current shell session
This can be used to temporarily disable mise in a shell session.
Usage: deactivate
$ mise deactivate bash
$ mise deactivate zsh
$ mise deactivate fish
$ execx($(mise deactivate xonsh))
Output direnv function to use mise inside direnv
See for more information
Because this generates the legacy files based on currently installed plugins,
you should run this command after installing new plugins. Otherwise
direnv may not know to update environment variables when legacy file versions change.
Usage: direnv activate
$ mise direnv activate > ~/.config/direnv/lib/
$ echo 'use mise' > .envrc
$ direnv allow
Check mise installation for possible problems.
Usage: doctor
$ mise doctor
[WARN] plugin node is not installed
Aliases: e
Exports env vars to activate mise a single time
Use this if you don't want to permanently install mise. It's not necessary to
use this if you have `mise activate` in your shell rc file.
Usage: env [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
Tool(s) to use
-s, --shell <SHELL>
Shell type to generate environment variables for
[possible values: bash, fish, nu, xonsh, zsh]
-J, --json
Output in JSON format
$ eval "$(mise env -s bash)"
$ eval "$(mise env -s zsh)"
$ mise env -s fish | source
$ execx($(mise env -s xonsh))
Aliases: x
Execute a command with tool(s) set
use this to avoid modifying the shell session or running ad-hoc commands with mise tools set.
Tools will be loaded from .mise.toml/.tool-versions, though they can be overridden with <RUNTIME> args
Note that only the plugin specified will be overridden, so if a `.tool-versions` file
includes "node 20" but you run `mise exec [email protected]`; it will still load node@20.
The "--" separates runtimes from the commands to pass along to the subprocess.
Usage: exec [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION]... [-- <COMMAND>...]
Tool(s) to start e.g.: node@20 [email protected]
Command string to execute (same as --command)
-c, --command <C>
Command string to execute
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of jobs to run in parallel
[default: 4]
[env: MISE_JOBS=]
Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1
$ mise exec node@20 -- node ./app.js # launch app.js using node-20.x
$ mise x node@20 -- node ./app.js # shorter alias
# Specify command as a string:
$ mise exec node@20 [email protected] --command "node -v && python -V"
# Run a command in a different directory:
$ mise x -C /path/to/project node@20 -- node ./app.js
Removes mise CLI and all related data
Skips config directory by default.
Usage: implode [OPTIONS]
Also remove config directory
-n, --dry-run
List directories that would be removed without actually removing them
Aliases: i
Install a tool version
This will install a tool version to `~/.local/share/mise/installs/<PLUGIN>/<VERSION>`
It won't be used simply by being installed, however.
For that, you must set up a `.mise.toml`/`.tool-version` file manually or with `mise use`.
Or you can call a tool version explicitly with `mise exec <TOOL>@<VERSION> -- <COMMAND>`.
Tools will be installed in parallel. To disable, set `--jobs=1` or `MISE_JOBS=1`
Usage: install [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
Tool(s) to install e.g.: node@20
-f, --force
Force reinstall even if already installed
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of jobs to run in parallel
[default: 4]
[env: MISE_JOBS=]
Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1
-v, --verbose...
Show installation output
$ mise install [email protected] # install specific node version
$ mise install node@20 # install fuzzy node version
$ mise install node # install version specified in .tool-versions or .mise.toml
$ mise install # installs everything specified in .tool-versions or .mise.toml
Gets the latest available version for a plugin
Usage: latest [OPTIONS] <TOOL@VERSION>
Tool to get the latest version of
-i, --installed
Show latest installed instead of available version
$ mise latest node@20 # get the latest version of node 20
$ mise latest node # get the latest stable version of node
Aliases: ln
Symlinks a tool version into mise
Use this for adding installs either custom compiled outside
mise or built with a different tool.
Tool name and version to create a symlink for
The local path to the tool version
e.g.: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.0.0
-f, --force
Overwrite an existing tool version if it exists
# build node-20.0.0 with node-build and link it into mise
$ node-build 20.0.0 ~/.nodes/20.0.0
$ mise link [email protected] ~/.nodes/20.0.0
# have mise use the python version provided by Homebrew
$ brew install node
$ mise link node@brew $(brew --prefix node)
$ mise use node@brew
Aliases: list
List installed and/or currently selected tool versions
Usage: ls [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN]...
Only show tool versions from [PLUGIN]
-c, --current
Only show tool versions currently specified in a .tool-versions/.mise.toml
-g, --global
Only show tool versions currently specified in a the global .tool-versions/.mise.toml
-i, --installed
Only show tool versions that are installed Hides missing ones defined in .tool-versions/.mise.toml but not yet installed
-J, --json
Output in json format
-m, --missing
Display missing tool versions
--prefix <PREFIX>
Display versions matching this prefix
Don't display headers
$ mise ls
node 20.0.0 ~/src/myapp/.tool-versions latest
python 3.11.0 ~/.tool-versions 3.10
python 3.10.0
$ mise ls --current
node 20.0.0 ~/src/myapp/.tool-versions 20
python 3.11.0 ~/.tool-versions 3.11.0
$ mise ls --json
"node": [
"version": "20.0.0",
"install_path": "/Users/jdx/.mise/installs/node/20.0.0",
"source": {
"type": ".mise.toml",
"path": "/Users/jdx/.mise.toml"
"python": [...]
List runtime versions available for install
note that the results are cached for 24 hours
run `mise cache clean` to clear the cache and get fresh results
Usage: ls-remote [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION] [PREFIX]
Plugin to get versions for
The version prefix to use when querying the latest version
same as the first argument after the "@"
Show all installed plugins and versions
$ mise ls-remote node
$ mise ls-remote node@20
$ mise ls-remote node 20
Shows outdated tool versions
Usage: outdated [TOOL@VERSION]...
Tool(s) to show outdated versions for
e.g.: node@20 [email protected]
If not specified, all tools in global and local configs will be shown
$ mise outdated
Plugin Requested Current Latest
python 3.11 3.11.0 3.11.1
node 20 20.0.0 20.1.0
$ mise outdated node
Plugin Requested Current Latest
node 20 20.0.0 20.1.0
Aliases: a, add, i
Install a plugin
note that mise automatically can install plugins when you install a tool
e.g.: `mise install node@20` will autoinstall the node plugin
This behavior can be modified in ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Usage: plugins install [OPTIONS] [NEW_PLUGIN] [GIT_URL]
The name of the plugin to install
e.g.: node, ruby
Can specify multiple plugins: `mise plugins install node ruby python`
The git url of the plugin
-f, --force
Reinstall even if plugin exists
-a, --all
Install all missing plugins
This will only install plugins that have matching shorthands.
i.e.: they don't need the full git repo url
-v, --verbose...
Show installation output
# install the node via shorthand
$ mise plugins install node
# install the node plugin using a specific git url
$ mise plugins install node
# install the node plugin using the git url only
# (node is inferred from the url)
$ mise plugins install
# install the node plugin using a specific ref
$ mise plugins install node
Aliases: ln
Symlinks a plugin into mise
This is used for developing a plugin.
Usage: plugins link [OPTIONS] <NAME> [PATH]
The name of the plugin
e.g.: node, ruby
The local path to the plugin
e.g.: ./mise-node
-f, --force
Overwrite existing plugin
# essentially just `ln -s ./mise-node ~/.local/share/mise/plugins/node`
$ mise plugins link node ./mise-node
# infer plugin name as "node"
$ mise plugins link ./mise-node
Aliases: list
List installed plugins
Can also show remotely available plugins to install.
Usage: plugins ls [OPTIONS]
-c, --core
The built-in plugins only
Normally these are not shown
List installed plugins
This is the default behavior but can be used with --core
to show core and user plugins
-u, --urls
Show the git url for each plugin
$ mise plugins ls
$ mise plugins ls --urls
Aliases: list-all, list-remote
List all available remote plugins
The full list is here:
$ mise plugins ls-remote
Usage: plugins ls-remote [OPTIONS]
-u, --urls
Show the git url for each plugin e.g.:
Only show the name of each plugin by default it will show a "*" next to installed plugins
Aliases: remove, rm
Removes a plugin
Usage: plugins uninstall [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN]...
Plugin(s) to remove
-p, --purge
Also remove the plugin's installs, downloads, and cache
-a, --all
Remove all plugins
$ mise uninstall node
Aliases: upgrade
Updates a plugin to the latest version
note: this updates the plugin itself, not the runtime versions
Usage: plugins update [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN]...
Plugin(s) to update
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of jobs to run in parallel
Default: 4
$ mise plugins update # update all plugins
$ mise plugins update node # update only node
$ mise plugins update node#beta # specify a ref
Delete unused versions of tools
mise tracks which config files have been used in ~/.local/share/mise/tracked_config_files
Versions which are no longer the latest specified in any of those configs are deleted.
Versions installed only with environment variables (`MISE_<PLUGIN>_VERSION`) will be deleted,
as will versions only referenced on the command line (`mise exec <PLUGIN>@<VERSION>`).
Usage: prune [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN]...
Prune only versions from this plugin(s)
-n, --dry-run
Do not actually delete anything
$ mise prune --dry-run
rm -rf ~/.local/share/mise/versions/node/20.0.0
rm -rf ~/.local/share/mise/versions/node/20.0.1
rebuilds the shim farm
This creates new shims in ~/.local/share/mise/shims for CLIs that have been added.
mise will try to do this automatically for commands like `npm i -g` but there are
other ways to install things (like using yarn or pnpm for node) that mise does
not know about and so it will be necessary to call this explicitly.
If you think mise should automatically call this for a particular command, please
open an issue on the mise repo. You can also setup a shell function to reshim
automatically (it's really fast so you don't need to worry about overhead):
npm() {
command npm "$@"
mise reshim
Usage: reshim
$ mise reshim
$ ~/.local/share/mise/shims/node -v
Aliases: r
[experimental] Run a task
This command will run a task, or multiple tasks in parallel.
Tasks may have dependencies on other tasks or on source files.
If source is configured on a task, it will only run if the source
files have changed.
Tasks can be defined in .mise.toml or as standalone scripts.
In .mise.toml, tasks take this form:
run = "npm run build"
sources = ["src/**/*.ts"]
outputs = ["dist/**/*.js"]
Alternatively, tasks can be defined as standalone scripts.
These must be located in the `.mise/tasks` directory.
The name of the script will be the name of the task.
$ cat .mise/tasks/build<<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
npm run build
$ mise run build
Usage: run [OPTIONS] [TASK] [ARGS]...
Task to run
Can specify multiple tasks by separating with `:::`
e.g.: mise run task1 arg1 arg2 ::: task2 arg1 arg2
[default: default]
Arguments to pass to the task. Use ":::" to separate tasks
-C, --cd <CD>
Change to this directory before executing the command
-n, --dry-run
Don't actually run the task(s), just print them in order of execution
-f, --force
Force the task to run even if outputs are up to date
-p, --prefix
Print stdout/stderr by line, prefixed with the task's label
Defaults to true if --jobs > 1
Configure with `task_output` config or `MISE_TASK_OUTPUT` env var
-i, --interleave
Print directly to stdout/stderr instead of by line
Defaults to true if --jobs == 1
Configure with `task_output` config or `MISE_TASK_OUTPUT` env var
-t, --tool <TOOL@VERSION>
Tool(s) to also add e.g.: node@20 [email protected]
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of tasks to run in parallel
[default: 4]
Configure with `jobs` config or `MISE_JOBS` env var
[env: MISE_JOBS=]
-r, --raw
Read/write directly to stdin/stdout/stderr instead of by line
Configure with `raw` config or `MISE_RAW` env var
$ mise run lint
Runs the "lint" task. This needs to either be defined in .mise.toml
or as a standalone script. See the project README for more information.
$ mise run build --force
Forces the "build" task to run even if its sources are up-to-date.
$ mise run test --raw
Runs "test" with stdin/stdout/stderr all connected to the current terminal.
This forces `--jobs=1` to prevent interleaving of output.
$ mise run lint ::: test ::: check
Runs the "lint", "test", and "check" tasks in parallel.
$ mise task cmd1 arg1 arg2 ::: cmd2 arg1 arg2
Execute multiple tasks each with their own arguments.
Updates mise itself
Uses the GitHub Releases API to find the latest release and binary
By default, this will also update any installed plugins
Usage: self-update [OPTIONS] [VERSION]
Update to a specific version
-f, --force
Update even if already up to date
Disable auto-updating plugins
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation prompt
Manage environment variables
By default this command modifies ".mise.toml" in the current directory.
Usage: set [OPTIONS] [ENV_VARS]...
Environment variable(s) to set
e.g.: NODE_ENV=production
--file <FILE>
The TOML file to update
Defaults to MISE_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME environment variable, or ".mise.toml".
-g, --global
Set the environment variable in the global config file
$ mise set NODE_ENV=production
$ mise set NODE_ENV
$ mise set
key value source
NODE_ENV production ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Show a current setting
This is the contents of a single entry in ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Note that aliases are also stored in this file
but managed separately with `mise aliases get`
Usage: settings get <SETTING>
The setting to show
$ mise settings get legacy_version_file
Aliases: list
Show current settings
This is the contents of ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Note that aliases are also stored in this file
but managed separately with `mise aliases`
Usage: settings ls
$ mise settings
legacy_version_file = false
Aliases: add, create
Add/update a setting
This modifies the contents of ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Usage: settings set <SETTING> <VALUE>
The setting to set
The value to set
$ mise settings set legacy_version_file true
Aliases: del, delete, remove, rm
Clears a setting
This modifies the contents of ~/.config/mise/config.toml
Usage: settings unset <SETTING>
The setting to remove
$ mise settings unset legacy_version_file
Aliases: sh
Sets a tool version for the current shell session
Only works in a session where mise is already activated.
Usage: shell [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
Tool(s) to use
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of jobs to run in parallel
[default: 4]
[env: MISE_JOBS=]
Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1
-u, --unset
Removes a previously set version
$ mise shell node@20
$ node -v
Symlinks all tool versions from an external tool into mise
For example, use this to import all Homebrew node installs into mise
Usage: sync node <--brew|--nvm|--nodenv>
Get tool versions from Homebrew
Get tool versions from nvm
Get tool versions from nodenv
$ brew install node@18 node@20
$ mise sync node --brew
$ mise use -g node@18 - uses Homebrew-provided node
Symlinks all tool versions from an external tool into mise
For example, use this to import all pyenv installs into mise
Usage: sync python --pyenv
Get tool versions from pyenv
$ pyenv install 3.11.0
$ mise sync python --pyenv
$ mise use -g [email protected] - uses pyenv-provided python
[experimental] Display a tree visualization of a dependency graph
Usage: task deps [OPTIONS] [TASKS]...
Tasks to show dependencies for
Can specify multiple tasks by separating with spaces
e.g.: mise task deps lint test check
Display dependencies in DOT format
$ mise task deps
Shows dependencies for all tasks
$ mise task deps lint test check
Shows dependencies for the "lint", "test" and "check" tasks
$ mise task deps --dot
Shows dependencies in DOT format
[experimental] Edit a task with $EDITOR
The task will be created as a standalone script if it does not already exist.
Usage: task edit [OPTIONS] <TASK>
Task to edit
-p, --path
Display the path to the task instead of editing it
$ mise task edit build
$ mise task edit test
[experimental] List available tasks to execute
These may be included from the config file or from the project's .mise/tasks directory
mise will merge all tasks from all parent directories into this list.
So if you have global tasks in ~/.config/mise/tasks/* and project-specific tasks in
~/myproject/.mise/tasks/*, then they'll both be available but the project-specific
tasks will override the global ones if they have the same name.
Usage: task ls [OPTIONS]
Do not print table header
Show hidden tasks
$ mise task ls
Aliases: r
[experimental] Run a task
This command will run a task, or multiple tasks in parallel.
Tasks may have dependencies on other tasks or on source files.
If source is configured on a task, it will only run if the source
files have changed.
Tasks can be defined in .mise.toml or as standalone scripts.
In .mise.toml, tasks take this form:
run = "npm run build"
sources = ["src/**/*.ts"]
outputs = ["dist/**/*.js"]
Alternatively, tasks can be defined as standalone scripts.
These must be located in the `.mise/tasks` directory.
The name of the script will be the name of the task.
$ cat .mise/tasks/build<<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
npm run build
$ mise run build
Usage: task run [OPTIONS] [TASK] [ARGS]...
Task to run
Can specify multiple tasks by separating with `:::`
e.g.: mise run task1 arg1 arg2 ::: task2 arg1 arg2
[default: default]
Arguments to pass to the task. Use ":::" to separate tasks
-C, --cd <CD>
Change to this directory before executing the command
-n, --dry-run
Don't actually run the task(s), just print them in order of execution
-f, --force
Force the task to run even if outputs are up to date
-p, --prefix
Print stdout/stderr by line, prefixed with the task's label
Defaults to true if --jobs > 1
Configure with `task_output` config or `MISE_TASK_OUTPUT` env var
-i, --interleave
Print directly to stdout/stderr instead of by line
Defaults to true if --jobs == 1
Configure with `task_output` config or `MISE_TASK_OUTPUT` env var
-t, --tool <TOOL@VERSION>
Tool(s) to also add e.g.: node@20 [email protected]
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of tasks to run in parallel
[default: 4]
Configure with `jobs` config or `MISE_JOBS` env var
[env: MISE_JOBS=]
-r, --raw
Read/write directly to stdin/stdout/stderr instead of by line
Configure with `raw` config or `MISE_RAW` env var
$ mise run lint
Runs the "lint" task. This needs to either be defined in .mise.toml
or as a standalone script. See the project README for more information.
$ mise run build --force
Forces the "build" task to run even if its sources are up-to-date.
$ mise run test --raw
Runs "test" with stdin/stdout/stderr all connected to the current terminal.
This forces `--jobs=1` to prevent interleaving of output.
$ mise run lint ::: test ::: check
Runs the "lint", "test", and "check" tasks in parallel.
$ mise task cmd1 arg1 arg2 ::: cmd2 arg1 arg2
Execute multiple tasks each with their own arguments.
Marks a config file as trusted
This means mise will parse the file with potentially dangerous
features enabled.
This includes:
- environment variables
- templates
- `path:` plugin versions
Usage: trust [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]
The config file to trust
-a, --all
Trust all config files in the current directory and its parents
No longer trust this config
# trusts ~/some_dir/.mise.toml
$ mise trust ~/some_dir/.mise.toml
# trusts .mise.toml in the current or parent directory
$ mise trust
Aliases: remove, rm
Removes runtime versions
Usage: uninstall [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
Tool(s) to remove
-a, --all
Delete all installed versions
-n, --dry-run
Do not actually delete anything
$ mise uninstall [email protected] # will uninstall specific version
$ mise uninstall node # will uninstall current node version
$ mise uninstall --all [email protected] # will uninstall all node versions
Remove environment variable(s) from the config file
By default this command modifies ".mise.toml" in the current directory.
Usage: unset [OPTIONS] [KEYS]...
Environment variable(s) to remove
e.g.: NODE_ENV
-f, --file <FILE>
Specify a file to use instead of ".mise.toml"
-g, --global
Use the global config file
Aliases: up
Upgrades outdated tool versions
Usage: upgrade [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
Tool(s) to upgrade
e.g.: node@20 [email protected]
If not specified, all current tools will be upgraded
-n, --dry-run
Just print what would be done, don't actually do it
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of jobs to run in parallel
[default: 4]
[env: MISE_JOBS=]
-i, --interactive
Display multiselect menu to choose which tools to upgrade
Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1
Aliases: u
Change the active version of a tool locally or globally.
This will install the tool if it is not already installed.
By default, this will use an `.mise.toml` file in the current directory.
Use the --global flag to use the global config file instead.
This replaces asdf's `local` and `global` commands, however those are still available in mise.
Usage: use [OPTIONS] [TOOL@VERSION]...
Tool(s) to add to config file
e.g.: node@20, cargo:ripgrep@latest npm:prettier@3
If no version is specified, it will default to @latest
-f, --force
Force reinstall even if already installed
Save fuzzy version to config file
e.g.: `mise use --fuzzy node@20` will save 20 as the version
this is the default behavior unless MISE_ASDF_COMPAT=1
-g, --global
Use the global config file (~/.config/mise/config.toml) instead of the local one
-e, --env <ENV>
Modify an environment-specific config file like .mise.<env>.toml
-j, --jobs <JOBS>
Number of jobs to run in parallel
[default: 4]
[env: MISE_JOBS=]
Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1
--remove <PLUGIN>
Remove the plugin(s) from config file
-p, --path <PATH>
Specify a path to a config file or directory If a directory is specified, it will look for .mise.toml (default) or .tool-versions
Save exact version to config file
e.g.: `mise use --pin node@20` will save 20.0.0 as the version
Set MISE_ASDF_COMPAT=1 to make this the default behavior
# set the current version of node to 20.x in .mise.toml of current directory
# will write the fuzzy version (e.g.: 20)
$ mise use node@20
# set the current version of node to 20.x in ~/.config/mise/config.toml
# will write the precise version (e.g.: 20.0.0)
$ mise use -g --pin node@20
# sets .mise.local.toml (which is intended not to be committed to a project)
$ mise use --env local node@20
# sets .mise.staging.toml (which is used if MISE_ENV=staging)
$ mise use --env staging node@20
Show mise version
Usage: version
Aliases: w
[experimental] Run a task watching for changes
Usage: watch [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...
Extra arguments
-t, --task <TASK>
Task to run
[default: default]
-g, --glob <GLOB>
Files to watch
Defaults to sources from the task(s)
$ mise watch -t build
Runs the "build" task. Will re-run the task when any of its sources change.
Uses "sources" from the task definition to determine which files to watch.
$ mise watch -t build --glob src/**/*.rs
Runs the "build" task but specify the files to watch with a glob pattern.
This overrides the "sources" from the task definition.
$ mise run -t build --clear
Extra arguments are passed to watchexec. See `watchexec --help` for details.
Display the installation path for a runtime
Must be installed.
Usage: where <TOOL@VERSION>
Tool(s) to look up
e.g.: ruby@3
if "@<PREFIX>" is specified, it will show the latest installed version
that matches the prefix
otherwise, it will show the current, active installed version
# Show the latest installed version of node
# If it is is not installed, errors
$ mise where node@20
# Show the current, active install directory of node
# Errors if node is not referenced in any .tool-version file
$ mise where node
Shows the path that a bin name points to
Usage: which [OPTIONS] <BIN_NAME>
The bin name to look up
Show the plugin name instead of the path
Show the version instead of the path
-t, --tool <TOOL@VERSION>
Use a specific tool@version
e.g.: `mise which npm --tool=node@20`
$ mise which node
$ mise which node --plugin
$ mise which node --version