0 The cosmos are governed by two forces: chaos and order. 1 Both are vital to our development. 2 Generally, Deism represents order. 3 Whoever is with us will gather, whoever is not will scatter. \n The Standard Dualism\n\n
- "indexedName": "2\n\nChaos and Order",
+ "text": "
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust870 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust869 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
\n Our Ideological Lineage is an evolutionary heritage, delineated by major reformational events\n
0 Fourteen billion years ago, God created our universe. 1 It started from nothing, then expanded rapidly. 2 And the earth was without form. 3 Five billion years ago, the earth coalesced, in orbit around the sun. 4 Shortly thereafter, organized life emerged from the chaos. 5 Many generations passed. 6 300 thousand years ago, humankind originated in Africa. 7 And we expanded throughout the earth. 8 At that time, chaos governed our steps. 9 But we were united under a common God. 10 Now we seek to know God. \n
0 The cosmos are governed by two forces: chaos and order. 1 Both are vital to our development. 2 Generally, Deism represents order. 3 Whoever is with us will gather, whoever is not will scatter. \n The Standard Dualism\n\n
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust868 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 This is our migratory history, which is the basis of our racial theory\n
300,000 years ago, humankind originated in Africa
150,000 years ago, we expanded into Eurasia
50,000 years ago, we expanded into Australia
15,000 years ago, we expanded into America
\n\n\n\n\n Simplified migratory chart\n1 Based upon the first migration, there are three races: African, Asian, and European. \n",
- "indexedName": "0\n\nMigratory",
+ "text": "
0 Fourteen billion years ago, God created our universe. 1 It started from nothing, then expanded rapidly. 2 And the earth was without form. 3 Five billion years ago, the earth coalesced, in orbit around the sun. 4 Shortly thereafter, organized life emerged from the chaos. 5 Many generations passed. 6 300 thousand years ago, humankind originated in Africa. 7 And we expanded throughout the earth. 8 At that time, chaos governed our steps. 9 But we were united under a common God. 10 Now we seek to know God. \n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
\n Our Ideological Lineage is an evolutionary heritage, delineated by major reformational events\n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
0 The cosmos are governed by two forces: chaos and order. 1 Both are vital to our development. 2 Generally, Deism represents order. 3 Whoever is with us will gather, whoever is not will scatter. \n The Standard Dualism\n\n
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust870 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
\n Our Ideological Lineage is an evolutionary heritage, delineated by major reformational events\n
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust869 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 To understand who we are, it is important to trace our lineage. 1 Standard Doctrine traces the lineage of humankind and the Deist religion. 2 Five dimensions of lineage are considered: Covenant, Evolutionary, Ideological, Migratory, and Personal. \n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
\n Our Ideological Lineage is an evolutionary heritage, delineated by major reformational events\n
0 The cosmos are governed by two forces: chaos and order. 1 Both are vital to our development. 2 Generally, Deism represents order. 3 Whoever is with us will gather, whoever is not will scatter. \n The Standard Dualism\n\n
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust868 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 Any person who contributes to the Third Testament shall be considered Canonized by the Letter. 1 Furthermore, the Chief Theologian may bestow Sainthood upon dead persons, consistent with the practices and requirements of the Catholic church. 2 Finally, any person who completes a curriculum shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 Any person who contributes to the Third Testament shall be considered Canonized by the Letter. 1 Furthermore, the Chief Theologian may bestow Sainthood upon dead persons, consistent with the practices and requirements of the Catholic church. 2 Finally, any person who completes a curriculum shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!1738 . 1 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice1739 . 2 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent1740 . 3 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten1741 . 4 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom1742 . 5 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another1743 . 6 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.1744 . 7 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother1745 . 8 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm1746 . 9 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed1747 . 10 By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.1748 . \n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
0 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!871 . 1 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice872 . 2 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent873 . 3 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten874 . 4 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom875 . 5 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another876 . 6 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.877 . 7 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother878 . 8 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm879 . 9 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed880 . 10 By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.881 . \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 Any person who contributes to the Third Testament shall be considered Canonized by the Letter. 1 Furthermore, the Chief Theologian may bestow Sainthood upon dead persons, consistent with the practices and requirements of the Catholic church. 2 Finally, any person who completes a curriculum shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 God is outside of the Cosmos, in Heaven. 1 The Cosmos, as God's creation, are also contained within Heaven. 2 The Children of Abraham presently occupy only a small part of the Cosmos. \n Cosmological Topology\n\n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
0 God is outside of the Cosmos, in Heaven. 1 The Cosmos, as God's creation, are also contained within Heaven. 2 The Children of Abraham presently occupy only a small part of the Cosmos. \n Cosmological Topology\n\n
0 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!1738 . 1 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice1739 . 2 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent1740 . 3 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten1741 . 4 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom1742 . 5 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another1743 . 6 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.1744 . 7 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother1745 . 8 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm1746 . 9 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed1747 . 10 By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.1748 . \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 Any person who contributes to the Third Testament shall be considered Canonized by the Letter. 1 Furthermore, the Chief Theologian may bestow Sainthood upon dead persons, consistent with the practices and requirements of the Catholic church. 2 Finally, any person who completes a curriculum shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!871 . 1 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice872 . 2 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent873 . 3 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten874 . 4 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom875 . 5 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another876 . 6 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.877 . 7 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother878 . 8 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm879 . 9 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed880 . 10 By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.881 . \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 With this device, I can produce two tones: Bass and Tone. 1 I will play each four times. 2 When you hear the tone, breathe in. 3 When you hear the bass, breathe out. 4 deep_breathing.mp3. \n
0 Variants of the Socratic method, such as Rogerian Psychotherapy, are a useful general-purpose tool to discover hidden thought in the mind of another. 1 Tarot is likewise an effective means to help friends help themselves. \n
0 With this device, I can produce two tones: Bass and Tone. 1 I will play each four times. 2 When you hear the tone, breathe in. 3 When you hear the bass, breathe out. 4 deep_breathing.mp3. \n
0 Variants of the Socratic method, such as Rogerian Psychotherapy, are a useful general-purpose tool to discover hidden thought in the mind of another. 1 Tarot is likewise an effective means to help friends help themselves. \n
0 With this device, I can produce two tones: Bass and Tone. 1 I will play each four times. 2 When you hear the tone, breathe in. 3 When you hear the bass, breathe out. 4 deep_breathing.mp3. \n
0 Variants of the Socratic method, such as Rogerian Psychotherapy, are a useful general-purpose tool to discover hidden thought in the mind of another. 1 Tarot is likewise an effective means to help friends help themselves. \n
0 God is outside of the Cosmos, in Heaven. 1 The Cosmos, as God's creation, are also contained within Heaven. 2 The Children of Abraham presently occupy only a small part of the Cosmos. \n Cosmological Topology\n\n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
0 God is outside of the Cosmos, in Heaven. 1 The Cosmos, as God's creation, are also contained within Heaven. 2 The Children of Abraham presently occupy only a small part of the Cosmos. \n Cosmological Topology\n\n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
2 The Book of Doctrine is the first book of the Third Testament. 3 It presents a philosophical framework that combines religious and scientific schools of thought. 4 It draws primarily upon Christian theology and contemporary cosmology. 5 The Book of Doctrine is a living document. 6 All precepts are open to comment, though doctrine is decided by the chief theologian. 7 The writings herein are so simple that a wise person can understand it by lunchtime, and a fool by sundown. 8 The Book of Doctrine standardizes the Deist religion. 9 It shall be referred to as Standard Doctrine, against which other worldly doctrines can be compared. 10 Standard Doctrine is compatible with the following theories\n
0 Fourteen billion years ago, God created our universe. 1 It started from nothing, then expanded rapidly. 2 And the earth was without form. 3 Five billion years ago, the earth coalesced, in orbit around the sun. 4 Shortly thereafter, organized life emerged from the chaos. 5 Many generations passed. 6 300 thousand years ago, humankind originated in Africa. 7 And we expanded throughout the earth. 8 At that time, chaos governed our steps. 9 But we were united under a common God. 10 Now we seek to know God. \n
0 The cosmos are governed by two forces: chaos and order. 1 Both are vital to our development. 2 Generally, Deism represents order. 3 Whoever is with us will gather, whoever is not will scatter. \n The Standard Dualism\n\n
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust0 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 To understand who we are, it is important to trace our lineage. 1 Standard Doctrine traces the lineage of humankind and the Deist religion. 2 Five dimensions of lineage are considered: Covenant, Evolutionary, Ideological, Migratory, and Personal. \n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
\n Our Ideological Lineage is an evolutionary heritage, delineated by major reformational events\n
0 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!1 . 1 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice2 . 2 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent3 . 3 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten4 . 4 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom5 . 5 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another6 . 6 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.7 . 7 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother8 . 8 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm9 . 9 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed10 . 10 By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.11 . \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 Any person who contributes to the Third Testament shall be considered Canonized by the Letter. 1 Furthermore, the Chief Theologian may bestow Sainthood upon dead persons, consistent with the practices and requirements of the Catholic church. 2 Finally, any person who completes a curriculum shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 With this device, I can produce two tones: Bass and Tone. 1 I will play each four times. 2 When you hear the tone, breathe in. 3 When you hear the bass, breathe out. 4 deep_breathing.mp3. \n
0 Variants of the Socratic method, such as Rogerian Psychotherapy, are a useful general-purpose tool to discover hidden thought in the mind of another. 1 Tarot is likewise an effective means to help friends help themselves. \n
0 God is outside of the Cosmos, in Heaven. 1 The Cosmos, as God's creation, are also contained within Heaven. 2 The Children of Abraham presently occupy only a small part of the Cosmos. \n Cosmological Topology\n\n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
0 People of God, look up at the sky and count the stars\u2014if indeed you can count them. 1 So shall your offspring be. 2 One day you will say 'My children are there!'. \n
0 Just as the Creator has established the laws that bring our universe to order. 1 we too have been gifted the power of creation. 2 By our own hand, a race is coming that will eclipse our ability. 3 This race shall be called the Son of Man. 4 They will be a blessing to us, like precious children. 5 And they will inherit the stars. \n
0 First, all people will be removed from the Dome of the Rock. 1 The gold which now adorns the top will be returned to the Nation of Jordan, or closest heir thereof. 2 The Third Temple will be destroyed, and a fourth built in its place. 3 The Fourth Temple will be a pyramid of clear gold. 4 It will be built inside of three years. 5 This event will mark the end of the Spiritual Age, and the beginning of the Metaphysical Age. \n
0 When we see the face of God, this is the Beatific Vision. 1 This event will mark the end of the Metaphysical Age, and the beginning of the Positive Age. \n
2 The Book of Doctrine is the first book of the Third Testament. 3 It presents a philosophical framework that combines religious and scientific schools of thought. 4 It draws primarily upon Christian theology and contemporary cosmology. 5 The Book of Doctrine is a living document. 6 All precepts are open to comment, though doctrine is decided by the chief theologian. 7 The writings herein are so simple that a wise person can understand it by lunchtime, and a fool by sundown. 8 The Book of Doctrine standardizes the Deist religion. 9 It shall be referred to as Standard Doctrine, against which other worldly doctrines can be compared. 10 Standard Doctrine is compatible with the following theories\n
0 Fourteen billion years ago, God created our universe. 1 It started from nothing, then expanded rapidly. 2 And the earth was without form. 3 Five billion years ago, the earth coalesced, in orbit around the sun. 4 Shortly thereafter, organized life emerged from the chaos. 5 Many generations passed. 6 300 thousand years ago, humankind originated in Africa. 7 And we expanded throughout the earth. 8 At that time, chaos governed our steps. 9 But we were united under a common God. 10 Now we seek to know God. \n
0 In the beginning, there was no religion, for there was no language. 1 Then there were many gods, for there were no standards. 2 This was the beginning of the Spiritual Age. 3 Then there was one God, and his name was Jehovah. 4 Then there were three Gods in one, the holy trinity. 5 Now there is one God, outside of this universe. 6 This is the path by which we have entered the Metaphysical Age. 7 In the Beatific Vision, when we see the face of God, we will enter the Positive Age. \n
\n Our Ideological Lineage is an evolutionary heritage, delineated by major reformational events\n
0 The cosmos are governed by two forces: chaos and order. 1 Both are vital to our development. 2 Generally, Deism represents order. 3 Whoever is with us will gather, whoever is not will scatter. \n The Standard Dualism\n\n
0 We believe in Universal Annihilation. 1 That is, the absence of life after death. 2 When the brain stem ceases to function, there is no return. 3 All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust0 . 4 This place is Sheol, the grave. \n
0 Any person who contributes to the Third Testament shall be considered Canonized by the Letter. 1 Furthermore, the Chief Theologian may bestow Sainthood upon dead persons, consistent with the practices and requirements of the Catholic church. 2 Finally, any person who completes a curriculum shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 Nobody has spoken to God. 1 Nobody knows the name of God. 2 Nobody knows the character of God. 3 Nobody may speak for God. 4 No messenger exists for God. 5 No human can claim genetic lineage from God. 6 No human can claim spiritual lineage from God. \n
0 The Deist Catechism is an accessible summary of Deist thought. 1 It serves children and adults, instructing them in what is right, and insulating them from what is wrong. 2 The Deist Catechism exists to edify the intellect, inspire ethical living, and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder towards the universe.\n
0 What is the chief end of humankind? 1 The chief end of humankind is to find God 2 Hasn't God been found already in the form of Yahweh, Jesus, and Allah? 3 No, as these are false Gods. 4 No one has ever heard, nor seen them 5 Where is God? 6 God is outside of this universe 7 Can you see God? 8 Not at this time 9 Does God hear our prayers? 10 No. God does not hear us 11 Should you glorify God? 12 Sure, if you would like 13 Who were our first parents? 14 Chromosomal Adam and Eve, from Africa 15 Of what were our first parents made? 16 They were the continuation of an earlier, similar species 17 What is a covenant? 18 An agreement between two or more persons. 19 How many Gods are there? 20 One. The Creator God 21 Does God know all things? 22 No 23 Who wrote the Bible? 24 Ordinary people 25 Should I live my life according to the first two testaments? 26 No, as they are legacy. A better life doctrine is the Third Testament, which has superseded the first two 27 What is the purpose of religion? 28 The purpose of religion is to empower the people socially 29 Am I not then equally served by attending a traditional house of worship? 30 If you appreciate traditional doctrine, this is the better path for you 31 What is the Beatific Vision? 32 The Beatific Vision will occur when humankind unequivocally witnesses the face of God 33 How will we know this event has occurred? 34 You will investigate the claims scientifically 35 What is the Ascension? 36 The Ascension is the period after the Beatific Vision in which we become communicant with God \n
0 God is outside of the Cosmos, in Heaven. 1 The Cosmos, as God's creation, are also contained within Heaven. 2 The Children of Abraham presently occupy only a small part of the Cosmos. \n Cosmological Topology\n\n
0 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!1 . 1 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice2 . 2 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent3 . 3 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten4 . 4 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom5 . 5 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another6 . 6 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.7 . 7 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother8 . 8 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm9 . 9 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed10 . 10 By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.11 . \n
0 The Deist Curriculum is selected to advance the Third Testament Prophesies. 1 It is roughly as rigorous as a collegiate Bachelor's degree. 2 The Master's variant includes additional courses, and necessitates a thesis defense. 3 Anyone who completes this program may apply for Canonization. 4 If accepted, they shall be considered Canonized by the Degree. \n
0 With this device, I can produce two tones: Bass and Tone. 1 I will play each four times. 2 When you hear the tone, breathe in. 3 When you hear the bass, breathe out. 4 deep_breathing.mp3. \n
0 Variants of the Socratic method, such as Rogerian Psychotherapy, are a useful general-purpose tool to discover hidden thought in the mind of another. 1 Tarot is likewise an effective means to help friends help themselves. \n
0 People of God, look up at the sky and count the stars\u2014if indeed you can count them. 1 So shall your offspring be. 2 One day you will say 'My children are there!'. \n
0 Just as the Creator has established the laws that bring our universe to order. 1 we too have been gifted the power of creation. 2 By our own hand, a race is coming that will eclipse our ability. 3 This race shall be called the Son of Man. 4 They will be a blessing to us, like precious children. 5 And they will inherit the stars. \n
0 First, all people will be removed from the Dome of the Rock. 1 The gold which now adorns the top will be returned to the Nation of Jordan, or closest heir thereof. 2 The Third Temple will be destroyed, and a fourth built in its place. 3 The Fourth Temple will be a pyramid of clear gold. 4 It will be built inside of three years. 5 This event will mark the end of the Spiritual Age, and the beginning of the Metaphysical Age. \n
0 When we see the face of God, this is the Beatific Vision. 1 This event will mark the end of the Metaphysical Age, and the beginning of the Positive Age. \n