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AWS DeepRacer Application - Modes of Operation


The AWS DeepRacer core application on the DeepRacer device operates in three modes - autonomous mode, calibration mode and manual mode. The details about how the DeepRacer core application works in autonomous and manual modes is explained in detail below. You can follow the instructions explained in Getting Started with DeepRacer OpenSource to set up your car to the latest version of the DeepRacer device software to use the autonomous, calibration and manual modes of the DeepRacer core application.

The autonomous and manual modes are accessible in the Control vehicle page in the DeepRacer device console. In the autonomous mode, you can load the reinforcement learning model trained on the AWS DeepRacer service and run inference on the physical car. In the manual mode, you can manually control the car to steer and move it using a simple joystick in the device console. You can also change the speed using the device console to control the speed at which the car is driving in both the modes.

Both the autonomous and manual modes leverage the servo node as their navigation component. You can read about how the various ROS nodes that are part of the AWS DeepRacer device software and the device console interact in the autonomous and manual mode below.

Autonomous mode

While running the inference on the reinforcement learning model loaded in Autonomous mode, the DeepRacer device takes in the state information required at the rate of camera sensor and takes an action to either increase/decrease the speed and steering angle. Each perception-inference-action step involves a pipeline of a series of ROS messages published/subscribed at various nodes, from the point the camera and LiDAR data is published, and then a model takes image/ image+LiDAR data as an input to the point where the servo/motors attached to the wheel change angle/speed.


As part of the perception step, the camera images are read from the camera and published in the camera_node. If you have a single camera connected, then the camera messages will contain only one image per message, whereas if there are two cameras connected (as in the DeepRacer Evo), the camera messages will contain one image from each camera per message. In the DeepRacer Evo, we also publish the LiDAR data read from the connected LiDAR. These camera and LiDAR data are combined together as sensor message and published at the rate of camera sensor in the sensor_fusion_node.

Inference (Decision)

The reinforcement learning model used in the DeepRacer device is trained in the AWS DeepRacer service and uploaded to the device. Before running the inference, the reinforcement learning model is optimized on the device using the Intel OpenVino Model Optimizer in the model_optimizer_node to create the intermediate representation artifacts of the network, which can be read, loaded and inferred with the Intel OpenVino Inference Engine. As part of the inference step, the AWS DeepRacer application takes in the state information sent from the sensor_fusion_node and runs inference using the Inference Engine APIs in the inference_node to publish the reinforcement learning inference results.

Action (Navigation)

The action step differs slightly based on the action space type that the model was trained on. The AWS DeepRacer service support two types of action space types for the models that are trained: discrete and continuous. For the discrete action space, a set of discrete values are returned from the neural network, that is interpreted as a probability distribution and are mapped to a set of actions. For continuous action space, the policy only outputs two discrete values. These values are interpreted to be the mean and standard deviation of a continuous normal distribution. You can learn more about these in the “The ins and outs of action spaces” section of this blog (

As part of the action step, the results of the inference published by the inference_node is read, mapped and scaled to steering and speed values in the deepracer_navigation_node. These scaled values which is then published as servo messages, are converted to raw PWM duty cycle values that are centered around the mid, max and min values set during calibration setup in the servo_node.

Difference between discrete action space and continuous action space

The difference between the discrete and continuous action space is primarily in the way the neural network is architected to output the values.

In the discrete action values, we get a probability distribution for a predefined set of actions each containing a fixed {steering_angle, speed} combination. Of which, we choose the maximum probable {steering_angle, speed} combination values for scaling.

In the continuous action values, we get a numerical mean value clipped between [-1.0, 1.0] which is rescaled linearly to the [minimum_value, maximum_value] for speed and steering_angle.

At this point, the steering value is scaled based on its maximum value and the speed value is non linearly scaled to the range of [0.0, 1.0]. More details about this non linear scaling is explained in the "Non linear speed mapping equations” section below.

Manual mode

In the manual mode, the car can be driven manually using a joystick on a rectangle track pad in the device side console. Dragging a joystick up towards the top of screen is considered increase in the speed, down to decrease the speed, right to turn right and left to turn left.

The actual values are calculated as a difference between the top left coordinate of the rectangle track pad and the coordinate of joystick itself. The x and y values of these coordinates are calculated from the top left corner of the displayed screen on the browser. These raw joystick coordinates are then shifted to have the origin at the center of joystick at rest position and the (x, y) values are scaled to percentages. These raw values between [-1.0, 1.0] are then passed to the backend web server where we categorize and map the speed non linearly and categorize the angle.

  • Categorize the throttle and angle values - This allows us to convert the joystick track pad into concentric rectangles of stepped values, allowing a better feedback and control for the user to move the joystick.

  • Use the maximum speed percentage and throttle as an input to calculate the non linear mapping - This would allow to flatten the curve if the maximum speed percentage is lower, thereby reducing the impact of the raw joystick value on the final value. More details about this non linear mapping is explained in the section below.

These rescaled values are then finally mapped to the PWM values of the servo and motor.

Distinctions between autonomous mode action flow and manual mode action flow:

  • Both steering angle and speed values are already in the range of [-1.0, 1.0] and there is no minimum and maximum speed associated with this. Autonomous mode has an additional mapping required to use the values passed in model_metatdata. json.

  • The maximum speed value is used to non linearly scale the speed unlike in autonomous mode, where maximum throttle value is used to get a fraction of the total value calculated.

Non linear speed mapping equations

In the AWS DeepRacer device, we do not have a mechanism to know the actual speed of the car and need to depend only on the raw PWM values to control the speed. These PWM values have non linear mapping to the rpm of the wheel which makes the car go faster/slower. In order to connect the magnitude of speed to the actual rpm on the car, we use a non linear mapping of the input speed values as a proxy of the PWM values responsible for increasing speed. And one of the important functions in the DeepRacer device side software is a method that maps the action space value for speed into this transformed car speed value.

The way it is implemented is by mapping the [maximum speed, half of the maximum speed] from the action space to the values of [1.0, 0.8] using the quadratic equation:

y = ax**2 + bx

The equation corresponds to a parabola. In our use case, we have to find a parabola that will contain both the values [maximum_speed, 1.0] and [maximum_speed/2, 0.8] on it.

Why do we need to fit [maximum_speed, 1.0] and [maximum_speed/2, 0.8] on the ax**2 + bx curve?

The value 1.0 and 0.8 correspond to the % of speed that needs to be non-linearly mapped to maximum speed and the half of maximum speed values that are passed as part of the model_metadata.json file(in autonomous mode). It implies that for a value of half of maximum speed in the model_metadata.json, we will consider 80% of PWM value. The mapping values selected have been empirically tested to provide a close and consistent mapping under various vehicle battery levels, devices and testing scenarios.

To begin understanding this in detail, let us consider the the curves below:

These show the mapping of different [maximum_speed, maximum_speed/2] values in model_metadata to the [1.0, 0.8] value on the y axis. It is important to note that the these values also pass through [0, 0] indicating that there is no constant value ‘c’ in our parabola expression ax**2 + bx + c.

Building some intuition around the mapping curves:

Whenever we consider the effects of coefficients a, b and c on the parabolic graph, we can observe that:

  1. Changing the value of “a” changes the width of the opening of the parabola and that the sign of “a” determines whether the parabola opens upwards or downwards.
  2. Changing the value of “b” will move the axis of symmetry of the parabola from side to side; increasing b will move the axis in the opposite direction.
  3. Changing the value of “c” will move the vertex of the parabola up or down and “c” is always the value of the y-intercept.

We have already seen that the value of “c” in our expression is set to 0.

Finding the values of coefficients “a” and “b”:

Let us consider the equation of the parabola:

y = ax**2 + bx

In our code, we notify the anchor values used for mapping as DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES = [1.0, 0.8]. With this notation we can find the value of coefficients “a” and “b” by solving the above equation for two points: ([maximum_speed, DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[0]) and ([maximum_speed/2, DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1])

Replace the value of x and y in the parabola equation:

DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[0] = a * maximum_speed**2 + b * maximum_speed

DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] = (a * maximum_speed**2 ) / 4 + (b * maximum_speed) / 2

Solving for “a” and “b”:

4 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] = (a * maximum_speed**2 ) + 2 * (b * maximum_speed)

b = (1 / maximum_speed) * ( 4 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] - DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[0])

b = (1 / maximum_speed) * 2.2

Replacing b in eq 3:

DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] = (a * maximum_speed**2 ) / 4 + ( 4 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] - DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[0] ) * maximum_speed/ (2 * maximum_speed)

4 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] = (a * maximum_speed**2 ) + 2 * ( 4 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] - DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[0])

a = (4 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] - 8 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] + 2 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[0] ) / maximum_speed**2

a = (1 / maximum_speed**2) * ( 2 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[0] - 4 * DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALES[1] )

a = - (1 / maximum_speed**2) * 1.2

The coefficients “a” and “b” are inversely related to the maximum speed. And we can confirm that increasing the maximum speed increases the width of the opening of parabola and moves the axis of the parabola side to side.

Additional re-scaling in continuous action space to map network output to original range

In the continuous action space, we train the neural network to output mean values for steering_angle and speed in the range of [-1.0, 1.0]. These values are to be re-scaled back to the corresponding user provided minimum and maximum values. This is done by linearly scaling the mean value obtained for steering angle to the range of [minimum_steering_angle, maximum_steering_angle] and the mean value of speed to the range of [minimum_speed_value, maximum_speed_value].

This scaled speed value is mapped non linearly to a range of [0.0, 1.0] using the formula y = ax^2 + bx. We can see some of the examples of mapping the value [-1.0, 1.0] → [minimum_speed_value, maximum_speed_value] → [0.0, 1.0].

Autonomous mode: Impact of the Maximum Speed % value set by user in Device Console on the speed value

The DeepRacer console allows the user to set the maximum speed % values between [0, 100]% with a default value set to 50%. In the autonomous mode, this value that is set from the front end is passed back to the navigation node via control_node where the non linearly scaled values are multiplied to this percentage.

For example, if the user has set the maximum speed value to be 40%, and the model selected has a maximum speed of 0.8 m/s, then the throttle value set in servo message in the navigation node for a neural network output speed of 0.4 m/s is:

non_linear_scaled_speed = 0.8 (0.4m/s corresponds to 0.8 of non linear scaled speed for a maximum speed of 0.8m/s )

servo_msg.throttle = maximum_speed_threshold * non_linear_scaled_speed = 0.4 * 0.8 = 0.32

If we consider for the same maximum speed threshold of 40% and maximum speed of 0.8m/s, if the neural network outputs a speed of 0.2 m/s, then the value of the non_linear_scaled_speed decreases according to the equation derived before:

coefficients = a, b = -1.875, 2.75 (for max speed 0.8 m/s) speed= 0.2 m/s

non_linear_scaled_speed = a * s**2 + b * s = -1.875 * 0.2**2 + 2.75 * 0.2 = 0.475 (0.2m/s corresponds to 0.475 for a maximum speed of 0.8 m/s)

servo_msg.throttle = maximum_speed_threshold * non_linear_scaled_speed* = 0.4 * 0.475 = 0.19

Manual mode: Math behind the non linear speed mapping equations

As seen in the continuous action space in autonomous mode, we now need to non linearly map the raw value obtained from the joystick movement to the PWM values of the servo and motor for the car to move.

As we do not have a maximum speed value defined to calculate the coefficients of the equation y = ax**2 + bx we use the maximum speed % from the device console to map to a range of [1.0, 5.0] speed scale values. This allows us to recalculate the curve for each maximum speed % value and use that to map it to throttle value in servo message.

The idea behind this is that a lower percentage of maximum speed % should map to a higher speed scale value while calculating the coefficients so that the curve is more flatter and the impact of actual speed values is less for lower max speed % as shown below:

Why do we need to map maximum speed percent values [0.0, 1.0] to another speed scale value in range [5.0, 1.0] to calculate coefficients a and b?

The maximum_speed_percentage values that we get as an user input is in the range of [0. 0, 1.0], and higher values mean the user wants more out of the joystick movement. In other words, higher the values for these maximum_speed_percentage means that we need to have a steep curve while mapping the possible speed values to their transformed counterpart(throttle value in servo message). So we need to inversely map the maximum speed percentage values to the speed scale value used to calculate the non_linear_scaled_speed.

We map the 100% maximum speed to 1.0 because the possible speed values from the joystick range from [0.0, 1.0] and 1.0 is the minimum value where the curve peaks before reversing in the figure seen above. This indicates that we will be guaranteed to have a non linearly increasing mapping for all joystick values [0.0, 1.0].

We map the 0% to 5.0, to add a safe buffer to accommodate different vehicle battery charge levels. For example, for a lower battery charge, the user might use a maximum speed percentage of 70% to control the car, but when fully charged, he can reduce the maximum_speed_percentage to 10% to have a similar effect.

Example 1

throttle (from the joystick) = 0.567; 
max_speed_pct (from +/- adjust maximum speed buttons) = 0.5

calculated values:
categorized_throttle = 0.5
a =  -0.13333333333333336, b =  0.7333333333333334

mapped_speed = a * categorized_throttle**2 + b * categorized_throttle
             = -0.13333333333333336 * 0.5**2 + 0.7333333333333334 * 0.5 
             = -0.13333333333333336 * 0.25 +  0.7333333333333334 * 0.5
             = -0.033333333 + 0.366666667
             = 0.333333334

Example 2

throttle (from the joystick) = 0.567; 
max_speed_pct (from +/- adjust maximum speed buttons) = 0.6

calculated values:
categorized_throttle = 0.5
a =  -0.17751479289940836, b =  0.8461538461538464

mapped_speed = -0.17751479289940836 * 0.25 + 0.8461538461538464 * 0.5 = 0.378698225

Example 3

throttle (from the joystick) = 0.467; 
max_speed_pct (from +/- adjust maximum speed buttons) = 0.6

calculated values:
categorized_throttle = 0.3
a =  -0.17751479289940836, b =  0.8461538461538464

mapped_speed = -0.17751479289940836 * 0.09 + 0.8461538461538464 * 0.3 = 0.237869822

After we have the final categorizing and mapping completed for the speed and steering_angle, we have the output in the range of [-1.0, 1.0]. These values are passed to the servo node similar to the autonomous mode to move the car.

Setting the servo and motor PWM duty values

The servo node expects the speed and steering_angle values sent as part of servo message in the range of [-1.0, 1.0]. Although for the autonomous mode, the speed will be in the range of [0.0, 1.0] as we do not support reverse driving for our car (yet).

The DeepRacer device is open loop system and do not have a feedback to recognize the speed of the car. We use linearly map the value of speed and steering_angle obtained at the servo node to the duty cycle values which regulates the RPM of the servo and motor. The exact value written as the PWM duty on to the motor/servo file further depends on the bounding calibration values set during the calibration flow.


This component is one of the core features of the AWS DeepRacer application. The Follow the Leader(FTL) sample project developed, leverages most of the concepts used in the manual mode to build the ftl_navigation node. You can learn more about the Follow the Leader(FTL) sample project here.
