Compatibility with CliMAF of the IS-ENES3 standard interface for pluging diagnostic scripts in evaluation tools
Stéphane Sénési and Jérôme Servonnat, IPSL,
February 2022
CliMAF is largely compatible with the IS-ENES3 standard interface, and this was demonstrated by an actual implementation using the parent interface (ESMValTool's). However, CLiMAF cannot handle script outputs in its cache because the standard interface does not describe script outputs.
Table of Contents
- Compatibility with CliMAF of the IS-ENES3 standard interface for pluging diagnostic scripts in evaluation tools
CliMAF is a climate models evaluation framework developped and used by CNRM, ISPL and CERFACS. It is Open source and available on GitHub
CliMAF is basically a python-scriptable way to process NetCDF climate model outputs described through an abstraction : input data are defined by facets which translate to actual data files through configuration of so-called data projects.
CliMAF allows :
- to apply diagnostic 'scripts', coded in any language, provided they meet very minimal requirements, and they accept command-line arguments
- to easily describe piping and combining such scripts, using the full flexibility of python
- to keep track of such combinations by building formal expressions in a simple syntax (called CRS for CliMAF Reference Syntax)
- to trigger CRS expression computation only once needed (this is also called 'lazy evaluation')
- to handle a cache of results, which access keys are CRS expressions.
The script's data formats are :
- NetCDF files for data input
- NetCDF or graphic files for data output
and NetCDF files must be CF-compliant
All script parameters are provided as arguments on the script command-line; this applies to input and output filenames and to all other types of parameters; this implies that scripts do not choose the output filenames (CliMAF provides them with filenames in its cache). Under these assumptions, CliMAF requires no change to pre-existing scripts.
CliMAF can pre-process input data regarding selection on variable, time and/or space, re-scaling and renaming variables, and aggregating data files ; but it can also let the script do it by itself for efficiency purpose (thus avoiding to create intermediate files)
The script command line is declared to CLiMAF using patterns for arguments, and the pattern syntax supports their semantics, which translates script capabilities, among:
- for each input dataset argument : can it be a series of files splitted on the time coordinate ? does it represent an ensemble ? can the script apply variable renaming, rescaling, or override units, or transform a constant to the missing value ? which should be the rank of this input in the calling sequence ?
- for each output data : which is its symbolic name (in order to distinguish among multiple outputs) ? how can CliMAF derive the output variable name from the input variable name ?
- for other parameters : which is their name ?
- can the script select data ind atafiles based on the variable name, the time period, the space domain ?
- for an input dataset representing an ensemble : which script argument should receive the symbolic names for members, if needed ?
This declaration translates
to the creation of a python function (called a CliMAF operator
which can be used for scripting operations using CliMAF, which
basically create CliMAF objects representing the chain of operations
and their arguments; at a later stage, under user control, such
objects are 'evaluated', which means that each script involved in
each sub-object is launched in turn (except if its results are
available in the cache), and its results are stored in the cache
In the scripting, the function representing the script is used with positional arguments representing the input datasets and keyword arguments representing the other script parameters (the keywords being derived from the patterns used in the declaration); all script parameters must be specified on each call (there is no handling of default values)
When the user invokes a script which does not accept ensembles as input, and provides it with an ensemble object, CliMAF automatically loops invoking the script on each ensemble memeber, and creates as call result an ensemble object out of the results set.
A diagnostic script does not mix computation and graphics, because piping both parts (compute and graphics) is easy in CliMAF, and second part is prone to be iterated much often than first one (which results will then be cached).
Further details are provided in CliMAF documentation's relevant section
Declare operator my_cdo
based on an off-the-shelf
script/binary (cdo
cscript('mycdo','cdo ${operator} ${in} ${out}')
Use the defined operator in CliMAF : define a dataset tas_ds
and apply my_cdo
on it, providing it with value tim_avg
argument operator
tas_ds = ds(project='example', simulation='AMIP', variable='tas', period='1980-1981')
tas_avg = mycdo(tas_ds,operator='timavg')
The script/binary is actually called e.g. when requesting a file with
the content of object tas_avg
, as in:
filen = cfile(tas_avg)
which returns the filename::
..while the actual system call launched behind the curtain by CliMAF would look like:
$ cdo tim_avg /home/my/data/AMIP/ /home/my/tmp/climaf_cache/4e/
The IS-ENES3 standard interface (hereafter ISI) for pluging diagnostic
scripts in evaluation tools (hereafter tools
) is described in the main
body of the present document.
It is based on a (recommended) script description file, a master interface file and data definition files. It assumes that the script is implemented as a command line tool which is driven by the master interface file content. The interface files are in Yaml format.
The optional, static script definition file provides the list of mandatory and optional keys (i.e. parameter names) for the script, and further references (to litterature and documentation); it does not describe in a structured way the list of outputs generated by the script.
The dynamic master interface file provides the name of the data definition files, the user-provided values of script input parameters, and ancilliary information (such as a log level and imposed working directories)
Each dynamic data definition file contains for a series of input
files : the name of the variable, an alias
, and the filename for all
input data for this alias+variable; it may contain metadata (based on
the CMIP6 Data Reference Syntax) for complementing data description;
it may also contain a start and end date for the data, and the alias
for a reference dataset that could apply to the data. The semantics
for start and enddate is not specified (should it match the data
content, or should the script use it for selecting a period in the
datafile ?). Similarly, the intent for providing metadata that are
redundant (and possibly inconsistent) with NetCDF metadata in files is
not explicit.
CliMAF is a natural candidate for being one of the tools
using the ISI.
CliMAF interface design is quite different from ISI's:
- it does not assume that the script is changed to adapt to the interface, and it adapts to the existing script command line structure;
- it communicates all script parameters and input data references through the command line, while ISI uses the master interface file;
- it treats separately data ensembles and single members, while ISI handle single members as an ensembles of size one;
- part of the information provided in ISI's script definition file is in CliMAF supported by the script declaration phase
Nevertheless, regarding feeding the script with input data and parameters, there is no basic incompatibility, as both interfaces have necessarily to provide the same basic set of information.
Three other differences can be noted :
ISI does not include any feature allowing to avoid pre-processing data before calling the script (see the script declaration phase. While this not a real incompatibility, this means that for a number of use cases, un-necessary intermediate files may have to be generated when using ISI.
ISI allows for parameter values which have complex types (those allowed by yaml); this is inherited from ESMValTool, with which the user can also use yaml, in recipes, for providing parameter values; CLiMAF has to code parameter values in strings (for the command line)
CliMAF does allows only for NetCDF and graphics outputs, and does not allow having both types for a single script, while ISI does not impose any constraint about outputs.
The most significant difference between ISI and CLiMAF interface is about declaring script's outputs : ISI provides no way to declare how many outputs the script will generate, nor to label them, while CliMAF imposes it. CLiMAF use the output labels for naming the actual outputs by combining it with the the CRS expresssion representing the script call. This is instrumental in CLiMAF's logic for caching all results, including in order to re-use outputs in further processing.
The main changes that would be needed in CliMAF for interfacing with scripts matching the ISI are :
to create a function allowing both to declare an ISI compatible script and to create a corresponding python function (called an
) usable in CliMAF scripting -
to create a driver function able to :
- build ISI compliant master interface file and data definition
files, based on datatets and keyword parameters used in calls to
- create user-required working directories
- call the script (taking care if needed of setting environment)
- return basic information on script success and results location
- build ISI compliant master interface file and data definition
files, based on datatets and keyword parameters used in calls to
Regarding the question of converting to ISI those scripts that are already interfaced with CliMAF : it is not deemed practicable for most of these scripts which are actually binaries that live outside CliMAF (such as CDO commands) and hence are not easy to modify; for the few other ones, the change is not necessarily useful
The sole change in ISI that is instrumental for CLiMAF to take full advantage of ISI compatible scripts in CliMAF is related to the deep compatibility issue invoked above. It would be to make the (recommended) script definition file mandatory and to include a manadatory script outputs declaration section; such a section would include, for each output :
- a label allowing CliMAF to name this output
- a pattern allowing CliMAF to find this output in one of the working directories
CliMAF would then require further changes for reading the definition file, and for searching for script outputs and storing them in cache. A further change would be to handle more varied type of outputs (and not only graphics and NetCDF files)
In order to check the analysis above about CliMAF changes needed for ISI compatibility, we took advantage of the fact that ISI inherits from ESMValTool scripts interface, and implemented in version 2.0.2 of CliMAF the changes needed for interfacing with version 2.3 of ESMVaTool, as described in CLiMAF documentation. This was successfully tested for calling the Climate Variability Diagnostic Package (CVDP) embarked in ESVMavTool, and ŧhis page shows a pratical CliMAF scripting example.